Fixed an issue that skirt may overlap with stable cone of wipe tower

This commit is contained in:
SoftFever 2024-07-30 22:27:56 +08:00
parent 1532a74f87
commit c992c7066e

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@ -2404,14 +2404,24 @@ std::vector<Point> Print::first_layer_wipe_tower_corners(bool check_wipe_tower_e
double width = m_config.prime_tower_width + 2*m_wipe_tower_data.brim_width;
double depth = m_wipe_tower_data.depth + 2*m_wipe_tower_data.brim_width;
Vec2d pt0(-m_wipe_tower_data.brim_width, -m_wipe_tower_data.brim_width);
for (Vec2d pt : {
Vec2d(pt0.x()+width, pt0.y() ),
Vec2d(pt0.x()+width, pt0.y()+depth),
Vec2d(pt0.x(), pt0.y()+depth)
}) {
// First the corners.
std::vector<Vec2d> pts = { pt0,
Vec2d(pt0.x()+width, pt0.y()),
Vec2d(pt0.x()+width, pt0.y()+depth),
// Now the stabilization cone.
Vec2d center = (pts[0] + pts[2])/2.;
const auto [cone_R, cone_x_scale] = WipeTower2::get_wipe_tower_cone_base(m_config.prime_tower_width, m_wipe_tower_data.height, m_wipe_tower_data.depth, m_config.wipe_tower_cone_angle);
double r = cone_R + m_wipe_tower_data.brim_width;
for (double alpha = 0.; alpha<2*M_PI; alpha += M_PI/20.)
pts.emplace_back(center + r*Vec2d(std::cos(alpha)/cone_x_scale, std::sin(alpha)));
for (Vec2d& pt : pts) {
pt = Eigen::Rotation2Dd(Geometry::deg2rad(m_config.wipe_tower_rotation_angle.value)) * pt;
// BBS: add partplate logic
//Orca: offset the wipe tower to the plate origin
pt += Vec2d(m_config.wipe_tower_x.get_at(m_plate_index) + m_origin(0), m_config.wipe_tower_y.get_at(m_plate_index) + m_origin(1));
corners.emplace_back(Point(scale_(pt.x()), scale_(pt.y())));