Wipe tower extrusions are now accounted for in the filament consumption statistics
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 91 additions and 25 deletions
@ -1648,13 +1648,26 @@ sub print_info_box_show {
$print_info_sizer->Add($grid_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND);
my @info = (
L("Used Filament (m)")
=> sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_used_filament / 1000),
=> $self->{print}->total_wipe_tower_filament > 0 ?
sprintf("%.2f (%.2f %s + %.2f %s)" , $self->{print}->total_used_filament / 1000,
($self->{print}->total_used_filament - $self->{print}->total_wipe_tower_filament) / 1000,
$self->{print}->total_wipe_tower_filament / 1000,
L("wipe_tower")) :
sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_used_filament / 1000),
L("Used Filament (mm³)")
=> sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_extruded_volume),
L("Used Filament (g)"),
=> sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_weight),
=> sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_cost),
=> $self->{print}->total_wipe_tower_cost > 0 ?
sprintf("%.2f (%.2f %s + %.2f %s)" , $self->{print}->total_cost,
($self->{print}->total_cost - $self->{print}->total_wipe_tower_cost),
L("wipe_tower")) :
sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_cost),
L("Estimated printing time (normal mode)")
=> $self->{print}->estimated_normal_print_time,
L("Estimated printing time (silent mode)")
@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ std::string WipeTowerIntegration::rotate_wipe_tower_moves(const std::string& gco
std::string WipeTowerIntegration::prime(GCode &gcodegen)
assert(m_layer_idx == 0);
@ -960,17 +959,20 @@ void GCode::_do_export(Print &print, FILE *file, GCodePreviewData *preview_data)
// Get filament stats.
print.total_used_filament = 0.;
print.total_extruded_volume = 0.;
print.total_weight = 0.;
print.total_cost = 0.;
print.total_used_filament = 0.;
print.total_extruded_volume = 0.;
print.total_weight = 0.;
print.total_cost = 0.;
print.total_wipe_tower_cost = 0.;
print.total_wipe_tower_filament = 0.;
print.estimated_normal_print_time = m_normal_time_estimator.get_time_dhms();
print.estimated_silent_print_time = m_silent_time_estimator_enabled ? m_silent_time_estimator.get_time_dhms() : "N/A";
for (const Extruder &extruder : m_writer.extruders()) {
double used_filament = extruder.used_filament();
double extruded_volume = extruder.extruded_volume();
double used_filament = extruder.used_filament() + (has_wipe_tower ? print.m_wipe_tower_used_filament[extruder.id()] : 0.f);
double extruded_volume = extruder.extruded_volume() + (has_wipe_tower ? print.m_wipe_tower_used_filament[extruder.id()] * 2.4052f : 0.f); // assumes 1.75mm filament diameter
double filament_weight = extruded_volume * extruder.filament_density() * 0.001;
double filament_cost = filament_weight * extruder.filament_cost() * 0.001;
print.filament_stats.insert(std::pair<size_t, float>(extruder.id(), (float)used_filament));
_write_format(file, "; filament used = %.1lfmm (%.1lfcm3)\n", used_filament, extruded_volume * 0.001);
if (filament_weight > 0.) {
@ -981,8 +983,10 @@ void GCode::_do_export(Print &print, FILE *file, GCodePreviewData *preview_data)
_write_format(file, "; filament cost = %.1lf\n", filament_cost);
print.total_used_filament = print.total_used_filament + used_filament;
print.total_extruded_volume = print.total_extruded_volume + extruded_volume;
print.total_used_filament += used_filament;
print.total_extruded_volume += extruded_volume;
print.total_wipe_tower_filament += has_wipe_tower ? used_filament - extruder.used_filament() : 0.;
print.total_wipe_tower_cost += has_wipe_tower ? (extruded_volume - extruder.extruded_volume())* extruder.filament_density() * 0.001 * extruder.filament_cost() * 0.001 : 0.;
_write_format(file, "; total filament cost = %.1lf\n", print.total_cost);
_write_format(file, "; estimated printing time (normal mode) = %s\n", m_normal_time_estimator.get_time_dhms().c_str());
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ public:
void next_layer() { ++ m_layer_idx; m_tool_change_idx = 0; }
std::string tool_change(GCode &gcodegen, int extruder_id, bool finish_layer);
std::string finalize(GCode &gcodegen);
std::vector<float> used_filament_length() const;
WipeTowerIntegration& operator=(const WipeTowerIntegration&);
@ -155,6 +155,9 @@ public:
// the wipe tower has been completely covered by the tool change extrusions,
// or the rest of the tower has been filled by a sparse infill with the finish_layer() method.
virtual bool layer_finished() const = 0;
// Returns used filament length per extruder:
virtual std::vector<float> get_used_filament() const = 0;
}; // namespace Slic3r
@ -111,9 +111,10 @@ public:
const WipeTower::xy start_pos_rotated() const { return m_start_pos; }
const WipeTower::xy pos_rotated() const { return WipeTower::xy(m_current_pos, 0.f, m_y_shift).rotate(m_wipe_tower_width, m_wipe_tower_depth, m_internal_angle); }
float elapsed_time() const { return m_elapsed_time; }
float get_and_reset_used_filament_length() { float temp = m_used_filament_length; m_used_filament_length = 0.f; return temp; }
// Extrude with an explicitely provided amount of extrusion.
Writer& extrude_explicit(float x, float y, float e, float f = 0.f)
Writer& extrude_explicit(float x, float y, float e, float f = 0.f, bool record_length = false)
if (x == m_current_pos.x && y == m_current_pos.y && e == 0.f && (f == 0.f || f == m_current_feedrate))
// Neither extrusion nor a travel move.
@ -122,6 +123,8 @@ public:
float dx = x - m_current_pos.x;
float dy = y - m_current_pos.y;
double len = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if (record_length)
m_used_filament_length += e;
// Now do the "internal rotation" with respect to the wipe tower center
@ -162,8 +165,8 @@ public:
return *this;
Writer& extrude_explicit(const WipeTower::xy &dest, float e, float f = 0.f)
{ return extrude_explicit(dest.x, dest.y, e, f); }
Writer& extrude_explicit(const WipeTower::xy &dest, float e, float f = 0.f, bool record_length = false)
{ return extrude_explicit(dest.x, dest.y, e, f, record_length); }
// Travel to a new XY position. f=0 means use the current value.
Writer& travel(float x, float y, float f = 0.f)
@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ public:
float dx = x - m_current_pos.x;
float dy = y - m_current_pos.y;
return extrude_explicit(x, y, sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) * m_extrusion_flow, f);
return extrude_explicit(x, y, sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) * m_extrusion_flow, f, true);
Writer& extrude(const WipeTower::xy &dest, const float f = 0.f)
@ -259,8 +262,8 @@ public:
// extrude quickly amount e to x2 with feed f.
Writer& ram(float x1, float x2, float dy, float e0, float e, float f)
extrude_explicit(x1, m_current_pos.y + dy, e0, f);
extrude_explicit(x2, m_current_pos.y, e);
extrude_explicit(x1, m_current_pos.y + dy, e0, f, true);
extrude_explicit(x2, m_current_pos.y, e, 0.f, true);
return *this;
@ -404,6 +407,7 @@ private:
float m_last_fan_speed = 0.f;
int current_temp = -1;
const float m_default_analyzer_line_width;
float m_used_filament_length = 0.f;
std::string set_format_X(float x)
@ -537,6 +541,9 @@ WipeTower::ToolChangeResult WipeTowerPrusaMM::prime(
// so that tool_change() will know to extrude the wipe tower brim:
m_print_brim = true;
// Ask our writer about how much material was consumed:
m_used_filament_length[m_current_tool] += writer.get_and_reset_used_filament_length();
ToolChangeResult result;
result.priming = true;
result.print_z = this->m_z_pos;
@ -632,6 +639,9 @@ WipeTower::ToolChangeResult WipeTowerPrusaMM::tool_change(unsigned int tool, boo
// Ask our writer about how much material was consumed:
m_used_filament_length[m_current_tool] += writer.get_and_reset_used_filament_length();
ToolChangeResult result;
result.priming = false;
result.print_z = this->m_z_pos;
@ -683,6 +693,9 @@ WipeTower::ToolChangeResult WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Brim(bool sideOnly, flo
m_print_brim = false; // Mark the brim as extruded
// Ask our writer about how much material was consumed:
m_used_filament_length[m_current_tool] += writer.get_and_reset_used_filament_length();
ToolChangeResult result;
result.priming = false;
result.print_z = this->m_z_pos;
@ -849,6 +862,9 @@ void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Change(
const unsigned int new_tool,
material_type new_material)
// Ask the writer about how much of the old filament we consumed:
m_used_filament_length[m_current_tool] += writer.get_and_reset_used_filament_length();
// Speed override for the material. Go slow for flex and soluble materials.
int speed_override;
switch (new_material) {
@ -911,7 +927,6 @@ void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Wipe(
const float& xl = cleaning_box.ld.x;
const float& xr = cleaning_box.rd.x;
// Variables x_to_wipe and traversed_x are here to be able to make sure it always wipes at least
// the ordered volume, even if it means violating the box. This can later be removed and simply
// wipe until the end of the assigned area.
@ -926,7 +941,6 @@ void WipeTowerPrusaMM::toolchange_Wipe(
m_left_to_right = !m_left_to_right;
// now the wiping itself:
for (int i = 0; true; ++i) {
if (i!=0) {
@ -1050,6 +1064,9 @@ WipeTower::ToolChangeResult WipeTowerPrusaMM::finish_layer()
m_depth_traversed = m_wipe_tower_depth-m_perimeter_width;
// Ask our writer about how much material was consumed:
m_used_filament_length[m_current_tool] += writer.get_and_reset_used_filament_length();
ToolChangeResult result;
result.priming = false;
result.print_z = this->m_z_pos;
@ -1167,6 +1184,8 @@ void WipeTowerPrusaMM::generate(std::vector<std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeRes
m_layer_info = m_plan.begin();
m_current_tool = (unsigned int)(-2); // we don't know which extruder to start with - we'll set it according to the first toolchange
for (auto& used : m_used_filament_length) // reset used filament stats
used = 0.f;
std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult> layer_result;
for (auto layer : m_plan)
@ -1208,9 +1227,6 @@ void WipeTowerPrusaMM::generate(std::vector<std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeRes
void WipeTowerPrusaMM::make_wipe_tower_square()
const float width = m_wipe_tower_width - 3 * m_perimeter_width;
@ -1234,7 +1250,6 @@ void WipeTowerPrusaMM::make_wipe_tower_square()
plan_tower(); // propagates depth downwards again (width has changed)
for (auto& lay : m_plan) // depths set, now the spacing
lay.extra_spacing = lay.depth / lay.toolchanges_depth();
@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ public:
m_filpar[idx].ramming_step_multiplicator /= 100;
while (stream >> speed)
m_used_filament_length.resize(std::max(m_used_filament_length.size(), idx + 1)); // makes sure that the vector is big enough so we don't have to check later
@ -172,6 +174,8 @@ public:
return ( (m_is_first_layer ? m_wipe_tower_depth - m_perimeter_width : m_layer_info->depth) - WT_EPSILON < m_depth_traversed);
virtual std::vector<float> get_used_filament() const { return m_used_filament_length; }
@ -331,6 +335,9 @@ private:
std::vector<WipeTowerInfo> m_plan; // Stores information about all layers and toolchanges for the future wipe tower (filled by plan_toolchange(...))
std::vector<WipeTowerInfo>::iterator m_layer_info = m_plan.end();
// Stores information about used filament length per extruder:
std::vector<float> m_used_filament_length;
// Returns gcode for wipe tower brim
// sideOnly -- set to false -- experimental, draw brim on sides of wipe tower
@ -1193,6 +1193,8 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
m_wipe_tower_final_purge = Slic3r::make_unique<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult>(
wipe_tower.tool_change((unsigned int)-1, false));
m_wipe_tower_used_filament = wipe_tower.get_used_filament();
std::string Print::output_filename()
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ public:
// TODO: status_cb
std::string estimated_normal_print_time;
std::string estimated_silent_print_time;
double total_used_filament, total_extruded_volume, total_cost, total_weight;
double total_used_filament, total_extruded_volume, total_cost, total_weight, total_wipe_tower_cost, total_wipe_tower_filament;
std::map<size_t, float> filament_stats;
PrintState<PrintStep, psCount> state;
@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult> m_wipe_tower_priming;
std::vector<std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult>> m_wipe_tower_tool_changes;
std::unique_ptr<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult> m_wipe_tower_final_purge;
std::vector<float> m_wipe_tower_used_filament;
std::string output_filename();
std::string output_filepath(const std::string &path);
@ -278,5 +278,25 @@ Print::total_cost(...)
RETVAL = THIS->total_cost;
if (items > 1) {
THIS->total_wipe_tower_cost = (double)SvNV(ST(1));
RETVAL = THIS->total_wipe_tower_cost;
if (items > 1) {
THIS->total_wipe_tower_filament = (double)SvNV(ST(1));
RETVAL = THIS->total_wipe_tower_filament;
Reference in a new issue