ENH: optimize the sequent-print behavior

1. don't sort automatically
2. enable the dragging on the object list to adjust the arrange order
3. adjust the object list order after auto-arrange
4. turn off label by default
5. add the snapshot key for label
6. check the the validation of the order

Change-Id: I91461c475cda5335b01a9a608143aa1df31741ab
This commit is contained in:
lane.wei 2022-11-30 21:43:41 +08:00 committed by Lane.Wei
parent 819e1192b7
commit c3a6b207b5
8 changed files with 115 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -400,10 +400,18 @@ StringObjectException Print::sequential_print_clearance_valid(const Print &print
const PrintInstance *print_instance;
BoundingBox bounding_box;
Polygon hull_polygon;
int index;
int object_index;
double arrange_score;
double height;
auto find_object_index = [](const Model& model, const ModelObject* obj) {
for (int index = 0; index < model.objects.size(); index++)
if (model.objects[index] == obj)
return index;
return -1;
std::vector<struct print_instance_info> print_instance_with_bounding_box;
// sequential_print_horizontal_clearance_valid
@ -481,6 +489,7 @@ StringObjectException Print::sequential_print_clearance_valid(const Print &print
struct print_instance_info print_info {&instance, convex_hull.bounding_box(), convex_hull};
print_info.height = instance.print_object->height();
print_info.object_index = find_object_index(print.model(), print_object->model_object());
@ -500,6 +509,7 @@ StringObjectException Print::sequential_print_clearance_valid(const Print &print
double hc2 = scale_(print.config().extruder_clearance_height_to_rod); // height to rod
double printable_height = scale_(print.config().printable_height);
#if 0 //do not sort anymore, use the order in object list
auto bed_points = get_bed_shape(print_config);
float bed_width = bed_points[1].x() - bed_points[0].x();
// 如果扩大以后的多边形的距离小于这个值,就需要严格保证从左到右的打印顺序,否则会撞工具头右侧
@ -591,7 +601,16 @@ StringObjectException Print::sequential_print_clearance_valid(const Print &print
for (auto &inst : print_instance_with_bounding_box)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "after sorting print_instance " << inst.print_instance->model_instance->get_object()->name << ", score: " << inst.arrange_score
<< ", height:"<< inst.height;
// sort the print instance
std::sort(print_instance_with_bounding_box.begin(), print_instance_with_bounding_box.end(),
[](print_instance_info& l, print_instance_info& r) {return l.object_index < r.object_index;});
for (auto &inst : print_instance_with_bounding_box)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "after sorting print_instance " << inst.print_instance->model_instance->get_object()->name << ", object_index: " << inst.object_index
<< ", height:"<< inst.height;
// sequential_print_vertical_clearance_valid
// Ignore the last instance printed.
@ -621,7 +640,6 @@ StringObjectException Print::sequential_print_clearance_valid(const Print &print
// if objects are not overlapped on y-axis, they will not collide even if they are taller than extruder_clearance_height_to_rod
int print_instance_count = print_instance_with_bounding_box.size();
std::map<const PrintInstance*, std::pair<Polygon, float>> too_tall_instances;

View file

@ -810,13 +810,8 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Labels::render(const std::vector<const ModelInstance*>& sorted_
// force re-render while the windows gets to its final size (it takes several frames)
if (ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() + 2.0f * ImGui::GetStyle().WindowPadding.x != ImGui::CalcWindowNextAutoFitSize(ImGui::GetCurrentWindow()).x)
if (ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() + 2.0f * ImGui::GetStyle().WindowPadding.x != ImGui::CalcWindowNextAutoFitSize(ImGui::GetCurrentWindow()).x)
@ -3027,8 +3022,8 @@ void GLCanvas3D::on_char(wxKeyEvent& evt)
case 'C':
case 'c': { m_gcode_viewer.toggle_gcode_window_visibility(); m_dirty = true; request_extra_frame(); break; }
//case 'E':
//case 'e': { m_labels.show(!m_labels.is_shown()); m_dirty = true; break; }
case 'E':
case 'e': { m_labels.show(!m_labels.is_shown()); m_dirty = true; break; }
//case 'G':
//case 'g': {
// if ((evt.GetModifiers() & shiftMask) != 0) {

View file

@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ ObjectList::ObjectList(wxWindow* parent) :
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU, &ObjectList::OnContextMenu, this);
// BBS
//Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_BEGIN_DRAG, &ObjectList::OnBeginDrag, this);
//Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP_POSSIBLE, &ObjectList::OnDropPossible, this);
//Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP, &ObjectList::OnDrop, this);
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_BEGIN_DRAG, &ObjectList::OnBeginDrag, this);
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP_POSSIBLE, &ObjectList::OnDropPossible, this);
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP, &ObjectList::OnDrop, this);
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_STARTED, &ObjectList::OnEditingStarted, this);
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_DONE, &ObjectList::OnEditingDone, this);
@ -1388,17 +1388,28 @@ void ObjectList::key_event(wxKeyEvent& event)
void ObjectList::OnBeginDrag(wxDataViewEvent &event)
bool sequential_print = (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config.opt_enum<PrintSequence>("print_sequence") == PrintSequence::ByObject);
if (!sequential_print) {
//drag forbidden under bylayer mode
const wxDataViewItem item(event.GetItem());
const bool mult_sel = multiple_selection();
const ItemType& type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item);
if (mult_sel || (type != itObject)) {
//drag only allowed for single object
#if 0
if ((mult_sel && !selected_instances_of_same_object()) ||
(!mult_sel && (GetSelection() != item)) ) {
const ItemType& type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item);
if (!(type & (itVolume | itObject | itInstance))) {
@ -1420,7 +1431,9 @@ void ObjectList::OnBeginDrag(wxDataViewEvent &event)
type&itVolume ? m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) :
m_dragged_data.init(m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item), type);
/* Under MSW or OSX, DnD moves an item to the place of another selected item
* But under GTK, DnD moves an item between another two items.
* And as a result - call EVT_CHANGE_SELECTION to unselect all items.
@ -1438,8 +1451,28 @@ void ObjectList::OnBeginDrag(wxDataViewEvent &event)
event.SetDragFlags(wxDrag_DefaultMove); // allows both copy and move;
bool ObjectList::can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
bool ObjectList::can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item, int& src_obj_id, int& src_plate, int& dest_obj_id, int& dest_plate) const
#if 1
if (!item.IsOk() || (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) != m_dragged_data.type()))
return false;
int from_obj_id = m_dragged_data.obj_idx();
int to_obj_id = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item);
PartPlateList& partplate_list = wxGetApp().plater()->get_partplate_list();
int from_plate = partplate_list.find_instance(from_obj_id, 0);
if (from_plate == -1)
return false;
int to_plate = partplate_list.find_instance(to_obj_id, 0);
if ((to_plate == -1) || (from_plate != to_plate))
return false;
src_obj_id = from_obj_id;
dest_obj_id = to_obj_id;
src_plate = from_plate;
dest_plate = to_plate;
// move instance(s) or object on "empty place" of ObjectList
if ( (m_dragged_data.type() & (itInstance | itObject)) && !item.IsOk() )
return true;
@ -1488,7 +1521,7 @@ bool ObjectList::can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
return false;
return true;
@ -1496,7 +1529,8 @@ void ObjectList::OnDropPossible(wxDataViewEvent &event)
const wxDataViewItem& item = event.GetItem();
if (!can_drop(item)) {
int src_obj_id, src_plate, dest_obj_id, dest_plate;
if (!can_drop(item, src_obj_id, src_plate, dest_obj_id, dest_plate)) {
m_prevent_list_events = false;
@ -1506,13 +1540,45 @@ void ObjectList::OnDrop(wxDataViewEvent &event)
const wxDataViewItem& item = event.GetItem();
if (!can_drop(item))
int src_obj_id, src_plate, dest_obj_id, dest_plate;
if (!can_drop(item, src_obj_id, src_plate, dest_obj_id, dest_plate))
#if 1
take_snapshot("Object order changed");
int delta = dest_obj_id < src_obj_id ? -1 : 1;
PartPlateList& partplate_list = wxGetApp().plater()->get_partplate_list();
/*int cnt = 0, cur_id = src_obj_id, next_id, total = abs(src_obj_id - dest_obj_id);
//for (cur_id = src_obj_id; cnt < total; id += delta, cnt++)
next_id = src_obj_id + delta;
while (cnt < total)
int cur_plate = partplate_list.find_instance(next_id, 0);
if (cur_plate != src_plate) {
cnt ++;
next_id += delta;
std::swap((*m_objects)[cur_id], (*m_objects)[next_id]);
cur_id = next_id;
cnt ++;
next_id += delta;
int cnt = 0;
for (int id = src_obj_id; cnt < abs(src_obj_id - dest_obj_id); id += delta, cnt++)
std::swap((*m_objects)[id], (*m_objects)[id + delta]);
select_item(m_objects_model->ReorganizeObjects(src_obj_id, dest_obj_id));
partplate_list.reload_all_objects(false, src_plate);
if (m_dragged_data.type() == itInstance)
// BBS: remove snapshot name "Instances to Separated Objects"
@ -1553,6 +1619,7 @@ void ObjectList::OnDrop(wxDataViewEvent &event)

View file

@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ private:
void OnBeginDrag(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void OnDropPossible(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void OnDrop(wxDataViewEvent &event);
bool can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item) const ;
bool can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item, int& src_obj_id, int& src_plate, int& dest_obj_id, int& dest_plate) const ;
void ItemValueChanged(wxDataViewEvent &event);
// Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected.

View file

@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@ void MainFrame::init_menubar_as_editor()
viewMenu->Check(wxID_CAMERA_ORTHOGONAL + camera_id_base, true);
append_menu_check_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &Labels"), _L("Show object labels in 3D scene"),
append_menu_check_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &Labels") + "\tE", _L("Show object labels in 3D scene"),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->show_view3D_labels(!m_plater->are_view3D_labels_shown()); m_plater->get_current_canvas3D()->post_event(SimpleEvent(wxEVT_PAINT)); }, this,
[this]() { return m_plater->is_view3D_shown(); }, [this]() { return m_plater->are_view3D_labels_shown(); }, this);

View file

@ -1721,15 +1721,16 @@ wxDataViewItem ObjectDataViewModel::ReorganizeObjects( const int current_id, co
ObjectDataViewModelNode* deleted_node = m_objects[current_id];
m_objects.erase(m_objects.begin() + current_id);
ItemDeleted(wxDataViewItem(nullptr), wxDataViewItem(deleted_node));
ItemDeleted(wxDataViewItem(deleted_node->m_parent), wxDataViewItem(deleted_node));
m_objects.emplace(m_objects.begin() + new_id, deleted_node);
ItemAdded(wxDataViewItem(nullptr), wxDataViewItem(deleted_node));
ItemAdded(wxDataViewItem(deleted_node->m_parent), wxDataViewItem(deleted_node));
// If some item has a children, just to add a deleted item is not enough on Linux
// We should to add all its children separately
return wxDataViewItem(deleted_node);
@ -1832,14 +1833,12 @@ unsigned int ObjectDataViewModel::GetChildren(const wxDataViewItem &parent, wxDa
return 0;
unsigned int count = node->GetChildren().GetCount();
for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < count; pos++)
ObjectDataViewModelNode *child = node->GetChildren().Item(pos);
for (auto object : m_objects)
return count;
return array.size();
void ObjectDataViewModel::GetAllChildren(const wxDataViewItem &parent, wxDataViewItemArray &array) const

View file

@ -4132,7 +4132,7 @@ int PartPlateList::rebuild_plates_after_arrangement(bool recycle_plates, bool ex
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << __FUNCTION__ << boost::format(":before rebuild, plates count %1%, recycle_plates %2%") % m_plate_list.size() % recycle_plates;
// sort by arrange_order
//std::sort(m_model->objects.begin(), m_model->objects.end(), [](auto a, auto b) {return a->instances[0]->arrange_order < b->instances[0]->arrange_order; });
std::sort(m_model->objects.begin(), m_model->objects.end(), [](auto a, auto b) {return a->instances[0]->arrange_order < b->instances[0]->arrange_order; });
//for (auto object : m_model->objects)
// std::sort(object->instances.begin(), object->instances.end(), [](auto a, auto b) {return a->arrange_order < b->arrange_order; });

View file

@ -9823,7 +9823,7 @@ void Plater::on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config)
bool update_scheduled = false;
bool bed_shape_changed = false;
bool print_sequence_changed = false;
//bool print_sequence_changed = false;
t_config_option_keys diff_keys = p->config->diff(config);
for (auto opt_key : diff_keys) {
if (opt_key == "filament_colour") {
@ -9878,7 +9878,7 @@ void Plater::on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config)
else if (opt_key == "print_sequence") {
update_scheduled = true;
print_sequence_changed = true;
//print_sequence_changed = true;
else if (opt_key == "printer_model") {
@ -9904,8 +9904,8 @@ void Plater::on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config)
std::string info_text = _u8L("Print By Object: \nSuggest to use auto-arrange to avoid collisions when printing.");
//always show label when switch to sequence print
if (print_sequence_changed)
//if (print_sequence_changed)
// this->show_view3D_labels(true);