Refactor model facing support generation.
Fix for touching junction when adding aux pillars. Fix issue with overly long support bridges.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 164 additions and 193 deletions
@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
namespace Slic3r {
namespace sla {
static const Vec3d DOWN = {0.0, 0.0, -1.0};
using libnest2d::opt::initvals;
using libnest2d::opt::bound;
using libnest2d::opt::StopCriteria;
using libnest2d::opt::GeneticOptimizer;
using libnest2d::opt::SubplexOptimizer;
SupportTreeBuildsteps::SupportTreeBuildsteps(SupportTreeBuilder & builder,
const SupportableMesh &sm)
: m_cfg(sm.cfg)
@ -560,8 +568,6 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
double radius,
long head_id)
// People were killed for this number (seriously)
static const Vec3d DOWN = {0.0, 0.0, -1.0};
const double SLOPE = 1. / std::cos(m_cfg.bridge_slope);
double gndlvl = m_builder.ground_level;
@ -587,7 +593,8 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
normal_mode = false;
// The min distance needed to move away from the model in XY plane.
double mind = min_dist - dist;
double current_d = min_dist - dist;
double current_bride_d = SLOPE * current_d;
// get a suitable direction for the corrector bridge. It is the
// original sourcedir's azimuth but the polar angle is saturated to the
@ -596,7 +603,6 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
polar = PI - m_cfg.bridge_slope;
auto dir = spheric_to_dir(polar, azimuth).normalized();
using namespace libnest2d::opt;
StopCriteria scr;
scr.stop_score = min_dist;
SubplexOptimizer solver(scr);
@ -610,10 +616,10 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
endpt(Z) = gndlvl;
return std::sqrt(m_mesh.squared_distance(endpt));
initvals(SLOPE * mind), bound(0.0, 2 * SLOPE * min_dist));
bound(0.0, m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm - current_bride_d));
mind = std::get<0>(result.optimum);
endp = jp + SLOPE * mind * dir;
endp = jp + std::get<0>(result.optimum) * dir;
Vec3d pgnd = {endp(X), endp(Y), gndlvl};
can_add_base = result.score > min_dist;
@ -694,11 +700,6 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::filter()
// not be enough space for the pinhead. Filtering is applied for
// these reasons.
using libnest2d::opt::bound;
using libnest2d::opt::initvals;
using libnest2d::opt::GeneticOptimizer;
using libnest2d::opt::StopCriteria;
ccr::SpinningMutex mutex;
auto addfn = [&mutex](PtIndices &container, unsigned val) {
std::lock_guard<ccr::SpinningMutex> lk(mutex);
@ -836,16 +837,17 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::classify()
auto& head = m_builder.head(i);
Vec3d n(0, 0, -1);
double r = head.r_back_mm;
Vec3d headjp = head.junction_point();
// collision check
auto hit = bridge_mesh_intersect(headjp, n, r);
auto hit = bridge_mesh_intersect(headjp, DOWN, r);
if(std::isinf(hit.distance())) ground_head_indices.emplace_back(i);
else if(m_cfg.ground_facing_only) head.invalidate();
else m_iheads_onmodel.emplace_back(std::make_pair(i, hit));
else m_iheads_onmodel.emplace_back(i);
m_head_to_ground_scans[i] = hit;
// We want to search for clusters of points that are far enough
@ -892,13 +894,14 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_ground()
// get the current cluster centroid
auto & thr = m_thr;
const auto &points = m_points;
long lcid = cluster_centroid(
long lcid = cluster_centroid(
cl, [&points](size_t idx) { return points.row(long(idx)); },
[thr](const Vec3d &p1, const Vec3d &p2) {
return distance(Vec2d(p1(X), p1(Y)), Vec2d(p2(X), p2(Y)));
assert(lcid >= 0);
unsigned hid = cl[size_t(lcid)]; // Head ID
@ -943,192 +946,138 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_ground()
bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_ground(Head &head, const Vec3d &dir)
auto hjp = head.junction_point();
double r = head.r_back_mm;
double t = bridge_mesh_intersect(hjp, dir, head.r_back_mm);
double d = 0, tdown = 0;
t = std::min(t, m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm);
while (d < t && !std::isinf(tdown = bridge_mesh_intersect(hjp + d * dir, DOWN, r)))
d += r;
if(!std::isinf(tdown)) return false;
Vec3d endp = hjp + d * dir;
m_builder.add_bridge(, endp);
m_builder.add_junction(endp, head.r_back_mm);
this->create_ground_pillar(endp, dir, head.r_back_mm);
return true;
bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_ground(Head &head)
if (connect_to_ground(head, head.dir)) return true;
// Optimize bridge direction:
// Straight path failed so we will try to search for a suitable
// direction out of the cavity.
auto [polar, azimuth] = dir_to_spheric(head.dir);
StopCriteria stc;
stc.max_iterations = m_cfg.optimizer_max_iterations;
stc.relative_score_difference = m_cfg.optimizer_rel_score_diff;
stc.stop_score = 1e6;
GeneticOptimizer solver(stc);
solver.seed(0); // we want deterministic behavior
double r_back = head.r_back_mm;
Vec3d hjp = head.junction_point();
auto oresult = solver.optimize_max(
[this, hjp, r_back](double plr, double azm) {
Vec3d n = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm).normalized();
return bridge_mesh_intersect(hjp, n, r_back);
initvals(polar, azimuth), // let's start with what we have
bound(3*PI/4, PI), // Must not exceed the slope limit
bound(-PI, PI) // azimuth can be a full range search
Vec3d bridgedir = spheric_to_dir(oresult.optimum).normalized();
return connect_to_ground(head, bridgedir);
bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_model_body(Head &head)
if ( <= ID_UNSET) return false;
auto it = m_head_to_ground_scans.find(unsigned(;
if (it == m_head_to_ground_scans.end()) return false;
auto &hit = it->second;
Vec3d hjp = head.junction_point();
double zangle = std::asin(hit.direction()(Z));
zangle = std::max(zangle, PI/4);
double h = std::sin(zangle) * head.fullwidth();
// The width of the tail head that we would like to have...
h = std::min(hit.distance() - head.r_back_mm, h);
if(h <= 0.) return false;
Vec3d endp{hjp(X), hjp(Y), hjp(Z) - hit.distance() + h};
auto center_hit = m_mesh.query_ray_hit(hjp, DOWN);
double hitdiff = center_hit.distance() - hit.distance();
Vec3d hitp = std::abs(hitdiff) < 2*head.r_back_mm?
center_hit.position() : hit.position();
long pillar_id = m_builder.add_pillar(, endp, head.r_back_mm);
Pillar &pill = m_builder.pillar(pillar_id);
Vec3d taildir = endp - hitp;
double dist = distance(endp, hitp) + m_cfg.head_penetration_mm;
double w = dist - 2 * head.r_pin_mm - head.r_back_mm;
if (w < 0.) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Pinhead width is negative!";
w = 0.;
Head tailhead(head.r_back_mm, head.r_pin_mm, w,
m_cfg.head_penetration_mm, taildir, hitp);
pill.base = tailhead.mesh;
return true;
void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_model()
// We need to check if there is an easy way out to the bed surface.
// If it can be routed there with a bridge shorter than
// min_bridge_distance.
// First we want to index the available pillars. The best is to connect
// these points to the available pillars
auto routedown = [this](Head& head, const Vec3d& dir, double dist)
Vec3d endp = head.junction_point() + dist * dir;
m_builder.add_bridge(, endp);
m_builder.add_junction(endp, head.r_back_mm);
this->create_ground_pillar(endp, dir, head.r_back_mm);
std::vector<unsigned> modelpillars;
ccr::SpinningMutex mutex;
auto onmodelfn =
[this, routedown, &modelpillars, &mutex]
(const std::pair<unsigned, EigenMesh3D::hit_result> &el, size_t)
ccr::enumerate(m_iheads_onmodel.begin(), m_iheads_onmodel.end(),
[this] (const unsigned idx, size_t) {
unsigned idx = el.first;
EigenMesh3D::hit_result hit = el.second;
auto& head = m_builder.head(idx);
Vec3d hjp = head.junction_point();
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Search nearby pillar
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(search_pillar_and_connect(head)) { head.transform(); return; }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Try straight path
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Cannot connect to nearby pillar. We will try to search for
// a route to the ground.
if(connect_to_ground(head)) { head.transform(); return; }
double t = bridge_mesh_intersect(hjp, head.dir, head.r_back_mm);
double d = 0, tdown = 0;
Vec3d dirdown(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
t = std::min(t, m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm);
while(d < t && !std::isinf(tdown = bridge_mesh_intersect(
hjp + d*head.dir,
dirdown, head.r_back_mm))) {
d += head.r_back_mm;
if(std::isinf(tdown)) { // we heave found a route to the ground
routedown(head, head.dir, d); return;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Optimize bridge direction
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Straight path failed so we will try to search for a suitable
// direction out of the cavity.
// Get the spherical representation of the normal. its easier to
// work with.
double z = head.dir(Z);
double r = 1.0; // for normalized vector
double polar = std::acos(z / r);
double azimuth = std::atan2(head.dir(Y), head.dir(X));
using libnest2d::opt::bound;
using libnest2d::opt::initvals;
using libnest2d::opt::GeneticOptimizer;
using libnest2d::opt::StopCriteria;
StopCriteria stc;
stc.max_iterations = m_cfg.optimizer_max_iterations;
stc.relative_score_difference = m_cfg.optimizer_rel_score_diff;
stc.stop_score = 1e6;
GeneticOptimizer solver(stc);
solver.seed(0); // we want deterministic behavior
double r_back = head.r_back_mm;
auto oresult = solver.optimize_max(
[this, hjp, r_back](double plr, double azm)
Vec3d n = Vec3d(std::cos(azm) * std::sin(plr),
std::sin(azm) * std::sin(plr),
return bridge_mesh_intersect(hjp, n, r_back);
initvals(polar, azimuth), // let's start with what we have
bound(3*PI/4, PI), // Must not exceed the slope limit
bound(-PI, PI) // azimuth can be a full range search
d = 0; t = oresult.score;
polar = std::get<0>(oresult.optimum);
azimuth = std::get<1>(oresult.optimum);
Vec3d bridgedir = Vec3d(std::cos(azimuth) * std::sin(polar),
std::sin(azimuth) * std::sin(polar),
t = std::min(t, m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm);
while(d < t && !std::isinf(tdown = bridge_mesh_intersect(
hjp + d*bridgedir,
head.r_back_mm))) {
d += head.r_back_mm;
if(std::isinf(tdown)) { // we heave found a route to the ground
routedown(head, bridgedir, d); return;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Route to model body
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
double zangle = std::asin(hit.direction()(Z));
zangle = std::max(zangle, PI/4);
double h = std::sin(zangle) * head.fullwidth();
// The width of the tail head that we would like to have...
h = std::min(hit.distance() - head.r_back_mm, h);
if(h > 0) {
Vec3d endp{hjp(X), hjp(Y), hjp(Z) - hit.distance() + h};
auto center_hit = m_mesh.query_ray_hit(hjp, dirdown);
double hitdiff = center_hit.distance() - hit.distance();
Vec3d hitp = std::abs(hitdiff) < 2*head.r_back_mm?
center_hit.position() : hit.position();
long pillar_id = m_builder.add_pillar(, endp, head.r_back_mm);
Pillar &pill = m_builder.pillar(pillar_id);
Vec3d taildir = endp - hitp;
double dist = distance(endp, hitp) + m_cfg.head_penetration_mm;
double w = dist - 2 * head.r_pin_mm - head.r_back_mm;
if (w < 0.) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Pinhead width is negative!";
w = 0.;
Head tailhead(head.r_back_mm,
pill.base = tailhead.mesh;
// Experimental: add the pillar to the index for cascading
std::lock_guard<ccr::SpinningMutex> lk(mutex);
// No route to the ground, so connect to the model body as a last resort
if (connect_to_model_body(head)) { return; }
// We have failed to route this head.
<< "Failed to route model facing support point."
<< " ID: " << idx;
<< "Failed to route model facing support point. ID: " << idx;
ccr::enumerate(m_iheads_onmodel.begin(), m_iheads_onmodel.end(), onmodelfn);
for(auto pillid : modelpillars) {
auto& pillar = m_builder.pillar(pillid);
m_pillar_index.insert(pillar.endpoint(), pillid);
void SupportTreeBuildsteps::interconnect_pillars()
@ -1279,7 +1228,8 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::interconnect_pillars()
spts[n] = s;
// Check the path vertically down
auto hr = bridge_mesh_intersect(s, {0, 0, -1}, pillar().r);
Vec3d check_from = s + Vec3d{0., 0., pillar().r};
auto hr = bridge_mesh_intersect(check_from, DOWN, pillar().r);
Vec3d gndsp{s(X), s(Y), gnd};
// If the path is clear, check for pillar base collisions
@ -1359,12 +1309,11 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_headless()
Vec3d n = m_support_nmls.row(i); // mesh outward normal
Vec3d sp = sph - n * HWIDTH_MM; // stick head start point
Vec3d dir = {0, 0, -1};
Vec3d sj = sp + R * n; // stick start point
// This is only for checking
double idist = bridge_mesh_intersect(sph, dir, R, true);
double realdist = ray_mesh_intersect(sj, dir);
double idist = bridge_mesh_intersect(sph, DOWN, R, true);
double realdist = ray_mesh_intersect(sj, DOWN);
double dist = realdist;
if (std::isinf(dist)) dist = sph(Z) - m_builder.ground_level;
@ -1377,7 +1326,7 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_headless()
bool use_endball = !std::isinf(realdist);
Vec3d ej = sj + (dist + HWIDTH_MM) * dir;
Vec3d ej = sj + (dist + HWIDTH_MM) * DOWN ;
m_builder.add_compact_bridge(sp, ej, n, R, use_endball);
@ -35,6 +35,17 @@ inline Vec3d spheric_to_dir(double polar, double azimuth)
std::sin(azimuth) * std::sin(polar), std::cos(polar)};
inline Vec3d spheric_to_dir(const std::tuple<double, double> &v)
auto [plr, azm] = v;
return spheric_to_dir(plr, azm);
inline Vec3d spheric_to_dir(const std::pair<double, double> &v)
return spheric_to_dir(v.first, v.second);
// This function returns the position of the centroid in the input 'clust'
// vector of point indices.
template<class DistFn>
@ -166,10 +177,10 @@ class SupportTreeBuildsteps {
using PtIndices = std::vector<unsigned>;
PtIndices m_iheads; // support points with pinhead
PtIndices m_iheads_onmodel;
PtIndices m_iheadless; // headless support points
// supp. pts. connecting to model: point index and the ray hit data
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, EigenMesh3D::hit_result>> m_iheads_onmodel;
std::map<unsigned, EigenMesh3D::hit_result> m_head_to_ground_scans;
// normals for support points from model faces.
PointSet m_support_nmls;
@ -238,9 +249,18 @@ class SupportTreeBuildsteps {
// For connecting a head to a nearby pillar.
bool connect_to_nearpillar(const Head& head, long nearpillar_id);
// Find route for a head to the ground. Inserts additional bridge from the
// head to the pillar if cannot create pillar directly.
// The optional dir parameter is the direction of the bridge which is the
// direction of the pinhead if omitted.
bool connect_to_ground(Head& head, const Vec3d &dir);
inline bool connect_to_ground(Head& head);
bool connect_to_model_body(Head &head);
bool search_pillar_and_connect(const Head& head);
// This is a proxy function for pillar creation which will mind the gap
// between the pad and the model bottom in zero elevation mode.
// jp is the starting junction point which needs to be routed down.
@ -250,6 +270,8 @@ class SupportTreeBuildsteps {
const Vec3d &sourcedir,
double radius,
long head_id = ID_UNSET);
SupportTreeBuildsteps(SupportTreeBuilder & builder, const SupportableMesh &sm);
Reference in a new issue