ENH: [STUDIO-2549] remember my choice on unsaved project/presets

Change-Id: Ib9fc9074075bfce19f9a02be3aff7b3d04e3802a
This commit is contained in:
chunmao.guo 2023-03-23 14:14:36 +08:00 committed by Lane.Wei
parent 778761908a
commit 8c39fbaf22
10 changed files with 103 additions and 18 deletions

View file

@ -1394,6 +1394,8 @@ std::string GUI_App::get_plugin_url(std::string name, std::string country_code)
std::string curr_version = SLIC3R_VERSION;
std::string using_version = curr_version.substr(0, 9) + "00";
if (name == "cameratools")
using_version = curr_version.substr(0, 6) + "00.00";
url += (boost::format("?slicer/%1%/cloud=%2%") % name % using_version).str();
//url += (boost::format("?slicer/plugins/cloud=%1%") % "").str();
return url;
@ -5246,6 +5248,8 @@ bool GUI_App::check_and_save_current_preset_changes(const wxString& caption, con
int act_buttons = UnsavedChangesDialog::ActionButtons::SAVE;
if (dont_save_insted_of_discard)
act_buttons |= UnsavedChangesDialog::ActionButtons::DONT_SAVE;
if (remember_choice)
act_buttons |= UnsavedChangesDialog::ActionButtons::REMEMBER_CHOISE;
UnsavedChangesDialog dlg(caption, header, "", act_buttons);
if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL)
return false;

View file

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ MsgDialog::MsgDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &title, const wxString &he
for (auto mb : m_buttons) { delete mb.second->buttondata ; delete mb.second; }
void MsgDialog::show_dsa_button()
void MsgDialog::show_dsa_button(wxString const &title)
m_checkbox_dsa = new CheckBox(this);
m_dsa_sizer->Add(m_checkbox_dsa, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, FromDIP(2));
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void MsgDialog::show_dsa_button()
auto m_text_dsa = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Don't show again"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0);
auto m_text_dsa = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, title.IsEmpty() ? _L("Don't show again") : title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0);
m_dsa_sizer->Add(m_text_dsa, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, FromDIP(2));

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ struct MsgDialog : DPIDialog
MsgDialog &operator=(const MsgDialog &) = delete;
virtual ~MsgDialog();
void show_dsa_button();
void show_dsa_button(wxString const & title = {});
bool get_checkbox_state();
virtual void on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect);
void SetButtonLabel(wxWindowID btn_id, const wxString& label, bool set_focus = false);

View file

@ -7555,7 +7555,7 @@ int Plater::new_project(bool skip_confirm, bool silent)
(yes_or_no ? _L("You can keep the modified presets to the new project or discard them") :
_L("You can keep the modifield presets to the new project, discard or save changes as new presets."));
using ab = UnsavedChangesDialog::ActionButtons;
int act_buttons = ab::KEEP;
int act_buttons = ab::KEEP | ab::REMEMBER_CHOISE;
if (!yes_or_no)
act_buttons |= ab::SAVE;
return wxGetApp().check_and_keep_current_preset_changes(_L("Creating a new project"), header, act_buttons, &transfer_preset_changes);
@ -8870,14 +8870,21 @@ int GUI::Plater::close_with_confirm(std::function<bool(bool)> second_check)
return wxID_NO;
auto result = MessageDialog(static_cast<wxWindow*>(this), _L("The current project has unsaved changes, save it before continue?"),
wxString(SLIC3R_APP_FULL_NAME) + " - " + _L("Save"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxYES_DEFAULT | wxCENTRE).ShowModal();
MessageDialog dlg(static_cast<wxWindow*>(this), _L("The current project has unsaved changes, save it before continue?"),
wxString(SLIC3R_APP_FULL_NAME) + " - " + _L("Save"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxYES_DEFAULT | wxCENTRE);
dlg.show_dsa_button(_L("Remember my choice."));
auto choise = wxGetApp().app_config->get("save_project_choise");
auto result = choise.empty() ? dlg.ShowModal() : choise == "yes" ? wxID_YES : wxID_NO;
if (result == wxID_CANCEL)
return result;
else if (result == wxID_YES) {
result = save_project();
if (result == wxID_CANCEL)
return result;
else {
if (dlg.get_checkbox_state())
wxGetApp().app_config->set("save_project_choise", result == wxID_YES ? "yes" : "no");
if (result == wxID_YES) {
result = save_project();
if (result == wxID_CANCEL)
return result;
if (second_check && !second_check(result == wxID_YES)) return wxID_CANCEL;

View file

@ -666,6 +666,40 @@ wxBoxSizer *PreferencesDialog::create_item_checkbox(wxString title, wxWindow *pa
return m_sizer_checkbox;
wxBoxSizer *PreferencesDialog::create_item_button(wxString title, wxString title2, wxWindow *parent, wxString tooltip, std::function<void()> onclick)
wxBoxSizer *m_sizer_checkbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_sizer_checkbox->Add(0, 0, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, 23);
auto m_staticTextPath = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxST_ELLIPSIZE_END);
// m_staticTextPath->SetMaxSize(wxSize(FromDIP(440), -1));
auto m_button_download = new Button(parent, title2);
StateColor abort_bg(std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(255, 255, 255), StateColor::Disabled), std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(206, 206, 206), StateColor::Pressed),
std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(238, 238, 238), StateColor::Hovered), std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(255, 255, 255), StateColor::Enabled),
std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(255, 255, 255), StateColor::Normal));
StateColor abort_bd(std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(144, 144, 144), StateColor::Disabled), std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(38, 46, 48), StateColor::Enabled));
StateColor abort_text(std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(144, 144, 144), StateColor::Disabled), std::pair<wxColour, int>(wxColour(38, 46, 48), StateColor::Enabled));
m_button_download->SetMinSize(wxSize(FromDIP(58), FromDIP(22)));
m_button_download->SetSize(wxSize(FromDIP(58), FromDIP(22)));
m_button_download->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this, onclick](auto &e) { onclick(); });
m_sizer_checkbox->Add(m_staticTextPath, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, FromDIP(5));
m_sizer_checkbox->Add(m_button_download, 0, wxALL, FromDIP(5));
return m_sizer_checkbox;
wxWindow* PreferencesDialog::create_item_downloads(wxWindow* parent, int padding_left, std::string param)
wxString download_path = wxString::FromUTF8(app_config->get("download_path"));
@ -881,8 +915,11 @@ wxWindow* PreferencesDialog::create_general_page()
auto item_hints = create_item_checkbox(_L("Show \"Tip of the day\" notification after start"), page, _L("If enabled, useful hints are displayed at startup."), 50, "show_hints");
auto title_sync_settings = create_item_title(_L("User sync"), page, _L("User sync"));
auto title_presets = create_item_title(_L("Presets"), page, _L("Presets"));
auto item_user_sync = create_item_checkbox(_L("Auto sync user presets(Printer/Filament/Process)"), page, _L("User Sync"), 50, "sync_user_preset");
auto item_save_presets = create_item_button(_L("Clear my choice on the unsaved presets."), _L("Clear"), page, _L("Clear my choice on the unsaved presets."), []() {
wxGetApp().app_config->set("save_preset_choise", "");
#ifdef _WIN32
auto title_associate_file = create_item_title(_L("Associate files to BambuStudio"), page, _L("Associate files to BambuStudio"));
@ -907,6 +944,9 @@ wxWindow* PreferencesDialog::create_general_page()
if (value.ToLong(&max))
auto item_save_choise = create_item_button(_L("Clear my choice on the unsaved projects."), _L("Clear"), page, _L("Clear my choice on the unsaved projects."), []() {
wxGetApp().app_config->set("save_project_choise", "");
// auto item_backup = create_item_switch(_L("Backup switch"), page, _L("Backup switch"), "units");
auto item_backup = create_item_checkbox(_L("Auto-Backup"), page,_L("Backup your project periodically for restoring from the occasional crash."), 50, "backup_switch");
auto item_backup_interval = create_item_backup_input(_L("every"), page, _L("The peroid of backup in seconds."), "backup_interval");
@ -927,8 +967,9 @@ wxWindow* PreferencesDialog::create_general_page()
sizer_page->Add(item_region, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
sizer_page->Add(item_currency, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
sizer_page->Add(item_hints, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
sizer_page->Add(title_sync_settings, 0, wxTOP | wxEXPAND, FromDIP(20));
sizer_page->Add(title_presets, 0, wxTOP | wxEXPAND, FromDIP(20));
sizer_page->Add(item_user_sync, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
sizer_page->Add(item_save_presets, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
#ifdef _WIN32
sizer_page->Add(title_associate_file, 0, wxTOP| wxEXPAND, FromDIP(20));
sizer_page->Add(item_associate_3mf, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
@ -940,6 +981,7 @@ wxWindow* PreferencesDialog::create_general_page()
sizer_page->Add(title_project, 0, wxTOP| wxEXPAND, FromDIP(20));
sizer_page->Add(item_max_recent_count, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
sizer_page->Add(item_save_choise, 0, wxTOP, FromDIP(3));
sizer_page->Add(item_backup, 0, wxTOP,FromDIP(3));
item_backup->Add(item_backup_interval, 0, wxLEFT, 0);

View file

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ public:
wxBoxSizer *create_item_checkbox(wxString title, wxWindow *parent, wxString tooltip, int padding_left, std::string param);
wxBoxSizer *create_item_darkmode_checkbox(wxString title, wxWindow *parent, wxString tooltip, int padding_left, std::string param);
void set_dark_mode();
wxBoxSizer *create_item_button(wxString title, wxString title2, wxWindow *parent, wxString tooltip, std::function<void()> onclick);
wxWindow* create_item_downloads(wxWindow* parent, int padding_left, std::string param);
wxBoxSizer *create_item_input(wxString title, wxString title2, wxWindow *parent, wxString tooltip, std::string param, std::function<void(wxString)> onchange = {});
wxBoxSizer *create_item_backup_input(wxString title, wxWindow *parent, wxString tooltip, std::string param);

View file

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "BitmapCache.hpp"
#include "PresetComboBoxes.hpp"
#include "Widgets/RoundedRectangle.hpp"
#include "Widgets/CheckBox.hpp"
using boost::optional;
@ -818,6 +819,22 @@ UnsavedChangesDialog::UnsavedChangesDialog(Preset::Type type, PresetCollection *
inline int UnsavedChangesDialog::ShowModal()
auto choise_key = "save_preset_choise";
auto choise = wxGetApp().app_config->get(choise_key);
long result = 0;
if ((m_buttons & REMEMBER_CHOISE) && !choise.empty() && wxString(choise).ToLong(&result) && (1 << result) & (m_buttons | DONT_SAVE)) {
m_exit_action = Action(result);
return 0;
int r = wxDialog::ShowModal();
if (r != wxID_CANCEL && dynamic_cast<::CheckBox*>(FindWindowById(wxID_APPLY))->GetValue()) {
wxGetApp().app_config->set(choise_key, std::to_string(int(m_exit_action)));
return r;
void UnsavedChangesDialog::build(Preset::Type type, PresetCollection *dependent_presets, const std::string &new_selected_preset, const wxString &header)
@ -935,6 +952,17 @@ void UnsavedChangesDialog::build(Preset::Type type, PresetCollection *dependent_
wxBoxSizer *m_sizer_button = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
auto checkbox_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
auto checkbox = new ::CheckBox(this, wxID_APPLY);
checkbox_sizer->Add(checkbox, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, FromDIP(2));
auto checkbox_text = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Remember my choice."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0);
checkbox_sizer->Add(checkbox_text, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, FromDIP(2));
m_sizer_button->Add(checkbox_sizer, 0, wxLEFT, FromDIP(22));
checkbox_sizer->Show(bool(m_buttons & REMEMBER_CHOISE));
m_sizer_button->Add(0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
// Add Buttons

View file

@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ protected:
enum class Action {
Transfer, // Or KEEP
static constexpr char ActTransfer[] = "transfer";
@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ public:
KEEP = 2,
SAVE = 4,
// show unsaved changes when preset is switching
@ -328,7 +329,9 @@ public:
UnsavedChangesDialog(const wxString& caption, const wxString& header, const std::string& app_config_key, int act_buttons);
void build(Preset::Type type, PresetCollection* dependent_presets, const std::string& new_selected_preset, const wxString& header = "");
int ShowModal();
void build(Preset::Type type, PresetCollection *dependent_presets, const std::string &new_selected_preset, const wxString &header = "");
void update(Preset::Type type, PresetCollection* dependent_presets, const std::string& new_selected_preset, const wxString& header);
void update_list();
std::string subreplace(std::string resource_str, std::string sub_str, std::string new_str);

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include "../wxExtensions.hpp"
CheckBox::CheckBox(wxWindow* parent)
: wxBitmapToggleButton(parent, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE)
CheckBox::CheckBox(wxWindow *parent, int id)
: wxBitmapToggleButton(parent, id, wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE)
, m_on(this, "check_on", 18)
, m_half(this, "check_half", 18)
, m_off(this, "check_off", 18)

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
class CheckBox : public wxBitmapToggleButton
CheckBox(wxWindow * parent = NULL);
CheckBox(wxWindow * parent, int id = wxID_ANY);
void SetValue(bool value) override;