preheat work - part 1
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 866 additions and 76 deletions
@ -1527,6 +1527,7 @@ void GCode::do_export(Print* print, const char* path, GCodeProcessorResult* resu
path_tmp += ".tmp";
GCodeOutputStream file(boost::nowide::fopen(path_tmp.c_str(), "wb"), m_processor);
if (! file.is_open()) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << std::string("G-code export to ") + path + " failed.\nCannot open the file for writing.\n" << std::endl;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "ExtrusionEntity.hpp"
#include "GCodeWriter.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <regex>
#include <charconv>
#include <string>
#include <system_error>
#if __has_include(<charconv>)
@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeMachine::calculate_time(size_t keep_last_n_blocks, floa
if (block.flags.prepare_stage)
prepare_time += block_time;
g1_times_cache.push_back({ block.g1_line_id, time });
g1_times_cache.push_back({ block.g1_line_id, block.remaining_internal_g1_lines, time });
// update times for remaining time to printer stop placeholders
auto it_stop_time = std::lower_bound(stop_times.begin(), stop_times.end(), block.g1_line_id,
[](const StopTime& t, unsigned int value) { return t.g1_line_id < value; });
@ -941,6 +943,7 @@ void GCodeProcessorResult::reset() {
printable_height = 0.0f;
extruders_count = 0;
backtrace_enabled = false;
extruder_colors = std::vector<std::string>();
filament_diameters = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER);
required_nozzle_HRC = std::vector<int>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_HRC);
@ -1048,10 +1051,15 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config(const PrintConfig& config)
m_flavor = config.gcode_flavor;
// BBS
m_single_extruder_multi_material = config.single_extruder_multi_material;
size_t extruders_count = config.filament_diameter.values.size();
m_result.extruders_count = extruders_count;
// Orca:
m_is_XL_printer = is_XL_printer(config);
m_result.backtrace_enabled = m_is_XL_printer || ( !m_single_extruder_multi_material && extruders_count > 1);
@ -1061,11 +1069,19 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config(const PrintConfig& config)
m_result.nozzle_hrc = static_cast<int>(config.nozzle_hrc.getInt());
m_result.nozzle_type = config.nozzle_type;
for (size_t i = 0; i < extruders_count; ++ i) {
m_extruder_offsets[i] = to_3d(config.extruder_offset.get_at(i).cast<float>().eval(), 0.f);
m_extruder_colors[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
m_extruder_temps_first_layer_config[i] = static_cast<int>(config.nozzle_temperature_initial_layer.get_at(i));
m_extruder_temps_config[i] = static_cast<int>(config.nozzle_temperature.get_at(i));
if (m_extruder_temps_config[i] == 0) {
// This means the value should be ignored and first layer temp should be used.
m_extruder_temps_config[i] = m_extruder_temps_first_layer_config[i];
m_result.filament_diameters[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_diameter.get_at(i));
m_result.required_nozzle_HRC[i] = static_cast<int>(config.required_nozzle_HRC.get_at(i));
m_result.filament_densities[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_density.get_at(i));
@ -1716,6 +1732,9 @@ void GCodeProcessor::finalize(bool post_process)
//BBS: update slice warning
if (post_process)
float GCodeProcessor::get_time(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const
@ -2927,7 +2946,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_G0(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeProcessor::process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeProcessor::process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line, const std::optional<unsigned int>& remaining_internal_g1_lines)
float filament_diameter = (static_cast<size_t>(m_extruder_id) < m_result.filament_diameters.size()) ? m_result.filament_diameters[m_extruder_id] : m_result.filament_diameters.back();
float filament_flowratio = (static_cast<size_t>(m_extruder_id) < m_result.filament_flow_ratios.size()) ? m_result.filament_flow_ratios[m_extruder_id] : m_result.filament_flow_ratios.back();
@ -2959,7 +2978,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
type = (delta_pos[Z] == 0.0f) ? EMoveType::Unretract : EMoveType::Travel;
else if (delta_pos[X] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f)
type = EMoveType::Extrude;
else if (delta_pos[X] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Z] != 0.0f)
type = EMoveType::Travel;
@ -3109,6 +3128,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
block.role = (type != EMoveType::Travel || m_extrusion_role == erCustom) ? m_extrusion_role : erNone;
block.distance = distance;
block.g1_line_id = m_g1_line_id;
block.remaining_internal_g1_lines = remaining_internal_g1_lines.has_value() ? *remaining_internal_g1_lines : 0;
block.layer_id = std::max<unsigned int>(1, m_layer_id);
block.flags.prepare_stage = m_processing_start_custom_gcode;
@ -3163,7 +3183,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// calculates block acceleration
float acceleration =
float acceleration =
(type == EMoveType::Travel) ? get_travel_acceleration(static_cast<PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode>(i)) :
(is_extrusion_only_move(delta_pos) ?
get_retract_acceleration(static_cast<PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode>(i)) :
@ -3303,10 +3323,10 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
if (!m_seams_detector.has_first_vertex()) {
} else if (m_detect_layer_based_on_tag) {
// We may have sloped loop, drop any previous start pos if we have z increment
const std::optional<Vec3f> first_vertex = m_seams_detector.get_first_vertex();
if (new_pos.z() > first_vertex->z()) {
// We may have sloped loop, drop any previous start pos if we have z increment
const std::optional<Vec3f> first_vertex = m_seams_detector.get_first_vertex();
if (new_pos.z() > first_vertex->z()) {
@ -4348,6 +4368,725 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_T(const std::string_view command)
static void update_lines_ends_and_out_file_pos(const std::string& out_string, std::vector<size_t>& lines_ends, size_t* out_file_pos)
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_string.size(); ++i) {
if (out_string[i] == '\n')
lines_ends.emplace_back((out_file_pos != nullptr) ? *out_file_pos + i + 1 : i + 1);
if (out_file_pos != nullptr)
*out_file_pos += out_string.size();
void GCodeProcessor::run_post_process()
FilePtr in{ boost::nowide::fopen(m_result.filename.c_str(), "rb") };
if (in.f == nullptr)
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("GCode processor post process export failed.\nCannot open file for reading.\n"));
// temporary file to contain modified gcode
std::string out_path = m_result.filename + ".postprocess";
FilePtr out{ boost::nowide::fopen(out_path.c_str(), "wb") };
if (out.f == nullptr)
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("GCode processor post process export failed.\nCannot open file for writing.\n"));
std::vector<double> filament_mm(m_result.extruders_count, 0.0);
std::vector<double> filament_cm3(m_result.extruders_count, 0.0);
std::vector<double> filament_g(m_result.extruders_count, 0.0);
std::vector<double> filament_cost(m_result.extruders_count, 0.0);
double filament_total_g = 0.0;
double filament_total_cost = 0.0;
for (const auto& [id, volume] : m_result.print_statistics.total_volumes_per_extruder) {
filament_mm[id] = volume / (static_cast<double>(M_PI) * sqr(0.5 * m_result.filament_diameters[id]));
filament_cm3[id] = volume * 0.001;
filament_g[id] = filament_cm3[id] * double(m_result.filament_densities[id]);
filament_cost[id] = filament_g[id] * double(m_result.filament_costs[id]) * 0.001;
filament_total_g += filament_g[id];
filament_total_cost += filament_cost[id];
double total_g_wipe_tower = m_print->print_statistics().total_wipe_tower_filament;
auto time_in_minutes = [](float time_in_seconds) {
assert(time_in_seconds >= 0.f);
return int((time_in_seconds + 0.5f) / 60.0f);
auto time_in_last_minute = [](float time_in_seconds) {
assert(time_in_seconds <= 60.0f);
return time_in_seconds / 60.0f;
auto format_line_M73_main = [](const std::string& mask, int percent, int time) {
char line_M73[64];
sprintf(line_M73, mask.c_str(),
return std::string(line_M73);
auto format_line_M73_stop_int = [](const std::string& mask, int time) {
char line_M73[64];
sprintf(line_M73, mask.c_str(), std::to_string(time).c_str());
return std::string(line_M73);
auto format_time_float = [](float time) {
return Slic3r::float_to_string_decimal_point(time, 2);
auto format_line_M73_stop_float = [format_time_float](const std::string& mask, float time) {
char line_M73[64];
sprintf(line_M73, mask.c_str(), format_time_float(time).c_str());
return std::string(line_M73);
std::string gcode_line;
size_t g1_lines_counter = 0;
// keeps track of last exported pair <percent, remaining time>
std::array<std::pair<int, int>, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)> last_exported_main;
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
last_exported_main[i] = { 0, time_in_minutes(m_time_processor.machines[i].time) };
// keeps track of last exported remaining time to next printer stop
std::array<int, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)> last_exported_stop;
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
last_exported_stop[i] = time_in_minutes(m_time_processor.machines[i].time);
// Helper class to modify and export gcode to file
class ExportLines
struct Backtrace
float time{ 60.0f };
unsigned int steps{ 10 };
float time_step() const { return time / float(steps); }
enum class EWriteType
struct LineData
std::string line;
std::array<float, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)> times{ 0.0f, 0.0f };
enum ETimeMode
Normal = static_cast<int>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal),
Stealth = static_cast<int>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Stealth)
#ifndef NDEBUG
class Statistics
ExportLines& m_parent;
size_t m_max_size{ 0 };
size_t m_lines_count{ 0 };
size_t m_max_lines_count{ 0 };
explicit Statistics(ExportLines& parent)
: m_parent(parent)
void add_line(size_t line_size) {
m_max_size = std::max(m_max_size, m_parent.get_size() + line_size);
m_max_lines_count = std::max(m_max_lines_count, m_lines_count);
void remove_line() { --m_lines_count; }
void remove_all_lines() { m_lines_count = 0; }
Statistics m_statistics;
#endif // NDEBUG
EWriteType m_write_type{ EWriteType::BySize };
// Time machines containing g1 times cache
const std::array<TimeMachine, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)>& m_machines;
// Current time
std::array<float, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)> m_times{ 0.0f, 0.0f };
// Current size in bytes
size_t m_size{ 0 };
// gcode lines cache
std::deque<LineData> m_lines;
size_t m_added_lines_counter{ 0 };
// map of gcode line ids from original to final
// used to update m_result.moves[].gcode_id
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> m_gcode_lines_map;
size_t m_times_cache_id{ 0 };
size_t m_out_file_pos{ 0 };
ExportLines(EWriteType type,
const std::array<TimeMachine, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)>& machines)
#ifndef NDEBUG
: m_statistics(*this), m_write_type(type), m_machines(machines) {}
: m_write_type(type), m_machines(machines) {}
#endif // NDEBUG
// return: number of internal G1 lines (from G2/G3 splitting) processed
unsigned int update(const std::string& line, size_t lines_counter, size_t g1_lines_counter) {
unsigned int ret = 0;
m_gcode_lines_map.push_back({ lines_counter, 0 });
if (GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G0") ||
GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G1") ||
GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G2") ||
GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G3") ||
GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G28"))
return ret;
auto init_it = m_machines[Normal].g1_times_cache.begin() + m_times_cache_id;
auto it = init_it;
while (it != m_machines[Normal].g1_times_cache.end() && it->id < g1_lines_counter) {
if (it == m_machines[Normal].g1_times_cache.end() || it->id > g1_lines_counter)
return ret;
// search for internal G1 lines
if (GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G2") || GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "G3")) {
while (it != m_machines[Normal].g1_times_cache.end() && it->remaining_internal_g1_lines > 0) {
if (it != m_machines[Normal].g1_times_cache.end() && it->id == g1_lines_counter) {
m_times[Normal] = it->elapsed_time;
if (!m_machines[Stealth].g1_times_cache.empty())
m_times[Stealth] = (m_machines[Stealth].g1_times_cache.begin() + std::distance(m_machines[Normal].g1_times_cache.begin(), it))->elapsed_time;
return ret;
// add the given gcode line to the cache
void append_line(const std::string& line) {
m_lines.push_back({ line, m_times });
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
m_size += line.length();
m_gcode_lines_map.back().second = m_added_lines_counter;
// Insert the gcode lines required by the command cmd by backtracing into the cache
void insert_lines(const Backtrace& backtrace, const std::string& cmd,
std::function<std::string(unsigned int, const std::vector<float>&)> line_inserter,
std::function<std::string(const std::string&)> line_replacer) {
const float time_step = backtrace.time_step();
size_t rev_it_dist = 0; // distance from the end of the cache of the starting point of the backtrace
float last_time_insertion = 0.0f; // used to avoid inserting two lines at the same time
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < backtrace.steps; ++i) {
const float backtrace_time_i = (i + 1) * time_step;
const float time_threshold_i = m_times[Normal] - backtrace_time_i;
auto rev_it = m_lines.rbegin() + rev_it_dist;
auto start_rev_it = rev_it;
std::string curr_cmd = GCodeReader::GCodeLine::extract_cmd(rev_it->line);
// backtrace into the cache to find the place where to insert the line
while (rev_it != m_lines.rend() && rev_it->times[Normal] > time_threshold_i && curr_cmd != cmd && curr_cmd != "G28" && curr_cmd != "G29") {
rev_it->line = line_replacer(rev_it->line);
if (rev_it != m_lines.rend())
curr_cmd = GCodeReader::GCodeLine::extract_cmd(rev_it->line);
// we met the previous evenience of cmd, or a G28/G29 command. stop inserting lines
// Orca: 1. Use boost::iequals to handle g28/g29 cases
// 2. Handle PRINT_START and START_PRINT to the stop condition
if (rev_it != m_lines.rend() && (curr_cmd == cmd || boost::iequals(curr_cmd, "G28") || boost::iequals(curr_cmd, "G29") ||
boost::iequals(curr_cmd, "PRINT_START") || boost::iequals(curr_cmd, "START_PRINT")))
// insert the line for the current step
if (rev_it != m_lines.rend() && rev_it != start_rev_it && rev_it->times[Normal] != last_time_insertion) {
last_time_insertion = rev_it->times[Normal];
std::vector<float> time_diffs;
time_diffs.push_back(m_times[Normal] - last_time_insertion);
if (!m_machines[Stealth].g1_times_cache.empty())
time_diffs.push_back(m_times[Stealth] - rev_it->times[Stealth]);
const std::string out_line = line_inserter(i + 1, time_diffs);
rev_it_dist = std::distance(m_lines.rbegin(), rev_it) + 1;
m_lines.insert(rev_it.base(), { out_line, rev_it->times });
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
m_size += out_line.length();
// synchronize gcode lines map
for (auto map_it = m_gcode_lines_map.rbegin(); map_it != m_gcode_lines_map.rbegin() + rev_it_dist - 1; ++map_it) {
// write to file:
// m_write_type == EWriteType::ByTime - all lines older than m_time - backtrace_time
// m_write_type == EWriteType::BySize - all lines if current size is greater than 65535 bytes
void write(FilePtr& out, float backtrace_time, GCodeProcessorResult& result, const std::string& out_path) {
if (m_lines.empty())
// collect lines to write into a single string
std::string out_string;
if (!m_lines.empty()) {
if (m_write_type == EWriteType::ByTime) {
while (m_lines.front().times[Normal] < m_times[Normal] - backtrace_time) {
const LineData& data = m_lines.front();
out_string += data.line;
m_size -= data.line.length();
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
else {
if (m_size > 65535) {
while (!m_lines.empty()) {
out_string += m_lines.front().line;
m_size = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
write_to_file(out, out_string, result, out_path);
update_lines_ends_and_out_file_pos(out_string, result.lines_ends, &m_out_file_pos);
// flush the current content of the cache to file
void flush(FilePtr& out, GCodeProcessorResult& result, const std::string& out_path) {
// collect lines to flush into a single string
std::string out_string;
while (!m_lines.empty()) {
out_string += m_lines.front().line;
m_size = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#endif // NDEBUG
write_to_file(out, out_string, result, out_path);
update_lines_ends_and_out_file_pos(out_string, result.lines_ends, &m_out_file_pos);
void synchronize_moves(GCodeProcessorResult& result) const {
auto it = m_gcode_lines_map.begin();
for (GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex& move : result.moves) {
while (it != m_gcode_lines_map.end() && it->first < move.gcode_id) {
if (it != m_gcode_lines_map.end() && it->first == move.gcode_id)
move.gcode_id = it->second;
size_t get_size() const { return m_size; }
void write_to_file(FilePtr& out, const std::string& out_string, GCodeProcessorResult& result, const std::string& out_path) {
if (!out_string.empty()) {
if (true) {
fwrite((const void*)out_string.c_str(), 1, out_string.length(), out.f);
if (ferror(out.f)) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError("GCode processor post process export failed.\nIs the disk full?");
ExportLines export_lines(m_result.backtrace_enabled ? ExportLines::EWriteType::ByTime : ExportLines::EWriteType::BySize,
// replace placeholder lines with the proper final value
// gcode_line is in/out parameter, to reduce expensive memory allocation
auto process_placeholders = [&](std::string& gcode_line) {
bool processed = false;
// remove trailing '\n'
auto line = std::string_view(gcode_line).substr(0, gcode_line.length() - 1);
if (line.length() > 1) {
line = line.substr(1);
if (true &&
(line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder) || line == reserved_tag(ETags::Last_Line_M73_Placeholder))) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = m_time_processor.machines[i];
if (machine.enabled) {
// export pair <percent, remaining time>
(line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder)) ? 0 : 100,
(line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder)) ? time_in_minutes(machine.time) : 0));
processed = true;
// export remaining time to next printer stop
if (line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder) && !machine.stop_times.empty()) {
const int to_export_stop = time_in_minutes(machine.stop_times.front().elapsed_time);
export_lines.append_line(format_line_M73_stop_int(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), to_export_stop));
last_exported_stop[i] = to_export_stop;
else if (line == reserved_tag(ETags::Estimated_Printing_Time_Placeholder)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = m_time_processor.machines[i];
PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode = static_cast<PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode>(i);
if (mode == PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal || machine.enabled) {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "; estimated printing time (%s mode) = %s\n",
(mode == PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal) ? "normal" : "silent",
processed = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = m_time_processor.machines[i];
PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode = static_cast<PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode>(i);
if (mode == PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal || machine.enabled) {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "; estimated first layer printing time (%s mode) = %s\n",
(mode == PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal) ? "normal" : "silent",
processed = true;
return processed;
auto process_used_filament = [&](std::string& gcode_line) {
// Prefilter for parsing speed.
if (gcode_line.size() < 8 || gcode_line[0] != ';' || gcode_line[1] != ' ')
return false;
if (const char c = gcode_line[2]; c != 'f' && c != 't')
return false;
auto process_tag = [](std::string& gcode_line, const std::string_view tag, const std::vector<double>& values) {
if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(gcode_line, tag)) {
gcode_line = tag;
char buf[1024];
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
sprintf(buf, i == values.size() - 1 ? " %.2lf\n" : " %.2lf,", values[i]);
gcode_line += buf;
return true;
return false;
bool ret = false;
ret |= process_tag(gcode_line, PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedMmMask, filament_mm);
ret |= process_tag(gcode_line, PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedGMask, filament_g);
ret |= process_tag(gcode_line, PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentUsedGMask, { filament_total_g });
ret |= process_tag(gcode_line, PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedCm3Mask, filament_cm3);
ret |= process_tag(gcode_line, PrintStatistics::FilamentCostMask, filament_cost);
ret |= process_tag(gcode_line, PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentCostMask, { filament_total_cost });
return ret;
// check for temporary lines
auto is_temporary_decoration = [](const std::string_view gcode_line) {
// remove trailing '\n'
assert(gcode_line.back() == '\n');
// return true for decorations which are used in processing the gcode but that should not be exported into the final gcode
// i.e.:
// bool ret = gcode_line.substr(0, gcode_line.length() - 1) == ";" + Layer_Change_Tag;
// ...
// return ret;
return false;
// Iterators for the normal and silent cached time estimate entry recently processed, used by process_line_G1.
auto g1_times_cache_it = Slic3r::reserve_vector<std::vector<TimeMachine::G1LinesCacheItem>::const_iterator>(m_time_processor.machines.size());
for (const auto& machine : m_time_processor.machines)
// add lines M73 to exported gcode
auto process_line_G1 = [this,
// Lambdas, mostly for string formatting, all with an empty capture block.
time_in_minutes, format_time_float, format_line_M73_main, format_line_M73_stop_int, format_line_M73_stop_float, time_in_last_minute,
// Caches, to be modified
&g1_times_cache_it, &last_exported_main, &last_exported_stop,
(const size_t g1_lines_counter) {
if (true) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = m_time_processor.machines[i];
if (machine.enabled) {
// export pair <percent, remaining time>
// Skip all machine.g1_times_cache below g1_lines_counter.
auto& it = g1_times_cache_it[i];
while (it != machine.g1_times_cache.end() && it->id < g1_lines_counter)
if (it != machine.g1_times_cache.end() && it->id == g1_lines_counter) {
std::pair<int, int> to_export_main = { int(100.0f * it->elapsed_time / machine.time),
time_in_minutes(machine.time - it->elapsed_time) };
if (last_exported_main[i] != to_export_main) {
to_export_main.first, to_export_main.second));
last_exported_main[i] = to_export_main;
// export remaining time to next printer stop
auto it_stop = std::upper_bound(machine.stop_times.begin(), machine.stop_times.end(), it->elapsed_time,
[](float value, const TimeMachine::StopTime& t) { return value < t.elapsed_time; });
if (it_stop != machine.stop_times.end()) {
int to_export_stop = time_in_minutes(it_stop->elapsed_time - it->elapsed_time);
if (last_exported_stop[i] != to_export_stop) {
if (to_export_stop > 0) {
if (last_exported_stop[i] != to_export_stop) {
export_lines.append_line(format_line_M73_stop_int(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), to_export_stop));
last_exported_stop[i] = to_export_stop;
else {
bool is_last = false;
auto next_it = it + 1;
is_last |= (next_it == machine.g1_times_cache.end());
if (next_it != machine.g1_times_cache.end()) {
auto next_it_stop = std::upper_bound(machine.stop_times.begin(), machine.stop_times.end(), next_it->elapsed_time,
[](float value, const TimeMachine::StopTime& t) { return value < t.elapsed_time; });
is_last |= (next_it_stop != it_stop);
std::string time_float_str = format_time_float(time_in_last_minute(it_stop->elapsed_time - it->elapsed_time));
std::string next_time_float_str = format_time_float(time_in_last_minute(it_stop->elapsed_time - next_it->elapsed_time));
is_last |= (string_to_double_decimal_point(time_float_str) > 0. && string_to_double_decimal_point(next_time_float_str) == 0.);
if (is_last) {
if (std::distance(machine.stop_times.begin(), it_stop) == static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(machine.stop_times.size() - 1))
export_lines.append_line(format_line_M73_stop_int(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), to_export_stop));
export_lines.append_line(format_line_M73_stop_float(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), time_in_last_minute(it_stop->elapsed_time - it->elapsed_time)));
last_exported_stop[i] = to_export_stop;
// add lines M104 to exported gcode
auto process_line_T = [this, &export_lines](const std::string& gcode_line, const size_t g1_lines_counter, const ExportLines::Backtrace& backtrace) {
const std::string cmd = GCodeReader::GCodeLine::extract_cmd(gcode_line);
if (cmd.size() >= 2) {
std::stringstream ss(cmd.substr(1));
int tool_number = -1;
ss >> tool_number;
if (tool_number != -1) {
if (tool_number < 0 || (int)m_extruder_temps_config.size() <= tool_number) {
// found an invalid value, clamp it to a valid one
tool_number = std::clamp<int>(0, m_extruder_temps_config.size() - 1, tool_number);
// emit warning
std::string warning = _u8L("GCode Post-Processor encountered an invalid toolchange, maybe from a custom gcode:");
warning += "\n> ";
warning += gcode_line;
warning += _u8L("Generated M104 lines may be incorrect.");
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << warning;
// Orca todo
// if (m_print != nullptr)
// m_print->active_step_add_warning(PrintStateBase::WarningLevel::CRITICAL, warning);
backtrace, cmd,
// line inserter
[tool_number, this](unsigned int id, const std::vector<float>& time_diffs) {
const int temperature = int(m_layer_id != 1 ? m_extruder_temps_config[tool_number] :
// Orca: M104.1 for XL printers, I can't find the documentation for this so I copied the C++ comments from
// Prusa-Firmware-Buddy here
* M104.1: Early Set Hotend Temperature (preheat, and with stealth mode support)
* This GCode is used to tell the XL printer the time estimate when a tool will be used next,
* so that the printer can start preheating the tool in advance.
* ## Parameters
* - `P` - <number> - time in seconds till the temperature S is required (in standard mode)
* - `Q` - <number> - time in seconds till the temperature S is required (in stealth mode)
* The rest is same as M104
if (this->m_is_XL_printer) {
std::string out = "M104.1 T" + std::to_string(tool_number);
if (time_diffs.size() > 0)
out += " P" + std::to_string(int(std::round(time_diffs[0])));
if (time_diffs.size() > 1)
out += " Q" + std::to_string(int(std::round(time_diffs[1])));
out += " S" + std::to_string(temperature) + "\n";
return out;
} else {
std::string comment = "preheat tool " + std::to_string(tool_number) +
"time: " + std::to_string(std::round(time_diffs[0])) + "s";
return GCodeWriter::set_temperature(temperature, this->m_flavor, false, tool_number, comment);
// line replacer
[this, tool_number](const std::string& line) {
if (GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(line, "M104")) {
GCodeReader::GCodeLine gline;
GCodeReader reader;
reader.parse_line(line, [&gline](GCodeReader& reader, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& l) { gline = l; });
float val;
if (gline.has_value('T', val) && gline.raw().find("cooldown") != std::string::npos && m_is_XL_printer) {
if (static_cast<int>(val) == tool_number)
return std::string("; removed M104\n");
return line;
// m_result.lines_ends.emplace_back(std::vector<size_t>());
unsigned int line_id = 0;
// Backtrace data for Tx gcode lines
static const ExportLines::Backtrace backtrace_T = { 120.0f, 10 };
// In case there are multiple sources of backtracing, keeps track of the longest backtrack time needed
// to flush the backtrace cache accordingly
float max_backtrace_time = 120.0f;
// Read the input stream 64kB at a time, extract lines and process them.
std::vector<char> buffer(65536 * 10, 0);
// Line buffer.
for (;;) {
size_t cnt_read = ::fread(, 1, buffer.size(), in.f);
if (::ferror(in.f))
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("GCode processor post process export failed.\nError while reading from file.\n"));
bool eof = cnt_read == 0;
auto it = buffer.begin();
auto it_bufend = buffer.begin() + cnt_read;
while (it != it_bufend || (eof && !gcode_line.empty())) {
// Find end of line.
bool eol = false;
auto it_end = it;
for (; it_end != it_bufend && !(eol = *it_end == '\r' || *it_end == '\n'); ++it_end);
// End of line is indicated also if end of file was reached.
eol |= eof && it_end == it_bufend;
gcode_line.insert(gcode_line.end(), it, it_end);
if (eol) {
gcode_line += "\n";
const unsigned int internal_g1_lines_counter = export_lines.update(gcode_line, line_id, g1_lines_counter);
// replace placeholder lines
bool processed = process_placeholders(gcode_line);
if (processed)
if (!processed)
processed = process_used_filament(gcode_line);
if (!processed && !is_temporary_decoration(gcode_line)) {
if (GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G0") || GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G1")) {
// add lines M73 where needed
else if (GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G2") || GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G3")) {
// add lines M73 where needed
process_line_G1(g1_lines_counter + internal_g1_lines_counter);
g1_lines_counter += (1 + internal_g1_lines_counter);
else if (GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G28")) {
else if (m_result.backtrace_enabled && GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_starts_with(gcode_line, "T")) {
// add lines M104 where needed
process_line_T(gcode_line, g1_lines_counter, backtrace_T);
max_backtrace_time = std::max(max_backtrace_time, backtrace_T.time);
if (!gcode_line.empty())
export_lines.write(out, 1.1f * max_backtrace_time, m_result, out_path);
// Skip EOL.
it = it_end;
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\r')
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\n')
if (eof)
export_lines.flush(out, m_result, out_path);
const std::string result_filename = m_result.filename;
if (rename_file(out_path, result_filename))
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Failed to rename the output G-code file from ") + out_path + " to " + result_filename + '\n' +
"Is " + out_path + " locked?" + '\n');
void GCodeProcessor::store_move_vertex(EMoveType type, EMovePathType path_type)
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
namespace Slic3r {
class Print;
// slice warnings enum strings
#define NOZZLE_HRC_CHECKER "the_actual_nozzle_hrc_smaller_than_the_required_nozzle_hrc"
#define BED_TEMP_TOO_HIGH_THAN_FILAMENT "bed_temperature_too_high_than_filament"
@ -207,6 +209,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
float printable_height;
SettingsIds settings_ids;
size_t extruders_count;
bool backtrace_enabled;
std::vector<std::string> extruder_colors;
std::vector<float> filament_diameters;
std::vector<int> required_nozzle_HRC;
@ -377,6 +380,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
EMoveType move_type{ EMoveType::Noop };
ExtrusionRole role{ erNone };
unsigned int g1_line_id{ 0 };
unsigned int remaining_internal_g1_lines;
unsigned int layer_id{ 0 };
float distance{ 0.0f }; // mm
float acceleration{ 0.0f }; // mm/s^2
@ -425,6 +429,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
struct G1LinesCacheItem
unsigned int id;
unsigned int remaining_internal_g1_lines;
float elapsed_time;
@ -709,6 +714,9 @@ namespace Slic3r {
unsigned char m_last_extruder_id;
ExtruderColors m_extruder_colors;
ExtruderTemps m_extruder_temps;
ExtruderTemps m_extruder_temps_config;
ExtruderTemps m_extruder_temps_first_layer_config;
bool m_is_XL_printer = false;
int m_highest_bed_temp;
float m_extruded_last_z;
float m_first_layer_height; // mm
@ -722,6 +730,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
size_t m_last_default_color_id;
bool m_detect_layer_based_on_tag {false};
int m_seams_count;
bool m_single_extruder_multi_material;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> m_start_time;
@ -746,6 +755,8 @@ namespace Slic3r {
TimeProcessor m_time_processor;
UsedFilaments m_used_filaments;
Print* m_print{ nullptr };
GCodeProcessorResult m_result;
static unsigned int s_result_id;
@ -759,6 +770,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
void apply_config(const PrintConfig& config);
void set_print(Print* print) { m_print = print; }
void enable_stealth_time_estimator(bool enabled);
bool is_stealth_time_estimator_enabled() const {
return m_time_processor.machines[static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Stealth)].enabled;
@ -815,7 +827,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
// Move
void process_G0(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line);
void process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line);
void process_G1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line, const std::optional<unsigned int>& remaining_internal_g1_lines = std::nullopt);
void process_G2_G3(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line);
// BBS: handle delay command
@ -930,6 +942,11 @@ namespace Slic3r {
void process_T(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line);
void process_T(const std::string_view command);
// post process the file with the given filename to:
// 1) add remaining time lines M73 and update moves' gcode ids accordingly
// 2) update used filament data
void run_post_process();
//BBS: different path_type is only used for arc move
void store_move_vertex(EMoveType type, EMovePathType path_type = EMovePathType::Noop_move);
@ -943,7 +960,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
Vec3f get_xyz_max_jerk(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
float get_retract_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
void set_retract_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode, float value);
float get_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
float get_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
void set_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode, float value);
float get_travel_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
void set_travel_acceleration(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode, float value);
@ -781,49 +781,7 @@ std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult> WipeTower2::prime(
return results;
#define FLAVOR_IS(val) this->m_gcode_flavor == val
#define FLAVOR_IS_NOT(val) this->m_gcode_flavor != val
std::string WipeTower2::set_preheat_temperature(unsigned int temperature, bool wait, int tool)
if (wait && (FLAVOR_IS(gcfMakerWare) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfSailfish)))
return "";
std::string code, comment;
if (wait && FLAVOR_IS_NOT(gcfTeacup) && FLAVOR_IS_NOT(gcfRepRapFirmware)) {
code = "M109";
comment = "set nozzle temperature and wait for it to be reached";
} else {
if (FLAVOR_IS(gcfRepRapFirmware)) { // M104 is deprecated on RepRapFirmware
code = "G10";
} else {
code = "M104";
comment = "preheat next nozzle";
std::ostringstream gcode;
gcode << code << " ";
if (FLAVOR_IS(gcfMach3) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfMachinekit)) {
gcode << "P";
} else {
gcode << "S";
gcode << temperature;
if (tool != -1) {
if (FLAVOR_IS(gcfRepRapFirmware)) {
gcode << " P" << tool;
} else {
gcode << " T" << tool;
gcode << " ; " << comment << "\n";
if ((FLAVOR_IS(gcfTeacup) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfRepRapFirmware)) && wait)
gcode << "M116 ; wait for temperature to be reached\n";
return gcode.str();
WipeTower::ToolChangeResult WipeTower2::tool_change(size_t tool)
size_t old_tool = m_current_tool;
@ -879,8 +837,6 @@ WipeTower::ToolChangeResult WipeTower2::tool_change(size_t tool)
// Ram the hot material out of the melt zone, retract the filament into the cooling tubes and let it cool.
if (tool != (unsigned int)-1){ // This is not the last change.
auto new_tool_temp = is_first_layer() ? m_filpar[tool].first_layer_temperature : m_filpar[tool].temperature;
// Orca: pre-heat next tool, it's a temperary solution before impelment the proper preheat.
writer.append(set_preheat_temperature(new_tool_temp, false, tool));
toolchange_Unload(writer, cleaning_box, m_filpar[m_current_tool].material,
(is_first_layer() ? m_filpar[m_current_tool].first_layer_temperature : m_filpar[m_current_tool].temperature),
@ -255,9 +255,6 @@ private:
// Goes through m_plan, calculates border and finish_layer extrusions and subtracts them from last wipe
void save_on_last_wipe();
// Orca: temp help function to set temperature
std::string set_preheat_temperature(unsigned int temperature, bool wait, int tool);
// to store information about tool changes for a given layer
struct WipeTowerInfo{
struct ToolChange {
@ -79,6 +79,16 @@ public:
return strncmp(cmd, cmd_test, len) == 0 && GCodeReader::is_end_of_word(cmd[len]);
static bool cmd_starts_with(const std::string& gcode_line, const char* cmd_test) {
return strncmp(GCodeReader::skip_whitespaces(gcode_line.c_str()), cmd_test, strlen(cmd_test)) == 0;
static std::string extract_cmd(const std::string& gcode_line) {
GCodeLine temp;
temp.m_raw = gcode_line;
const std::string_view cmd = temp.cmd();
return { cmd.begin(), cmd.end() };
std::string m_raw;
float m_axis[NUM_AXES];
@ -90,48 +90,56 @@ std::string GCodeWriter::postamble() const
return gcode.str();
std::string GCodeWriter::set_temperature(unsigned int temperature, bool wait, int tool) const
if (wait && (FLAVOR_IS(gcfMakerWare) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfSailfish)))
std::string GCodeWriter::set_temperature(unsigned int temperature, GCodeFlavor flavor, bool wait, int tool, std::string comment){
if (wait && (flavor == gcfMakerWare || flavor == gcfSailfish))
return "";
std::string code, comment;
if (wait && FLAVOR_IS_NOT(gcfTeacup) && FLAVOR_IS_NOT(gcfRepRapFirmware)) {
code = "M109";
comment = "set nozzle temperature and wait for it to be reached";
std::string code;
if (wait && flavor != gcfTeacup && flavor != gcfRepRapFirmware) {
code = "M109";
comment = "set nozzle temperature and wait for it to be reached";
} else {
if (FLAVOR_IS(gcfRepRapFirmware)) { // M104 is deprecated on RepRapFirmware
if (flavor == gcfRepRapFirmware) { // M104 is deprecated on RepRapFirmware
code = "G10";
} else {
code = "M104";
comment = "set nozzle temperature";
comment = "set nozzle temperature";
std::ostringstream gcode;
gcode << code << " ";
if (FLAVOR_IS(gcfMach3) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfMachinekit)) {
if (flavor == gcfMach3 || flavor == gcfMachinekit) {
gcode << "P";
} else {
gcode << "S";
gcode << temperature;
bool multiple_tools = this->multiple_extruders && ! m_single_extruder_multi_material;
if (tool != -1 && (multiple_tools || FLAVOR_IS(gcfMakerWare) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfSailfish)) ) {
if (FLAVOR_IS(gcfRepRapFirmware)) {
if (tool != -1) {
if (flavor == gcfRepRapFirmware) {
gcode << " P" << tool;
} else {
gcode << " T" << tool;
gcode << " ; " << comment << "\n";
if ((FLAVOR_IS(gcfTeacup) || FLAVOR_IS(gcfRepRapFirmware)) && wait)
if ((flavor == gcfTeacup || flavor == gcfRepRapFirmware) && wait)
gcode << "M116 ; wait for temperature to be reached\n";
return gcode.str();
std::string GCodeWriter::set_temperature(unsigned int temperature, bool wait, int tool) const
// set tool to -1 to make sure we won't emit T parameter for single extruder or SEMM
if (!this->multiple_extruders || m_single_extruder_multi_material)
tool = -1;
return set_temperature(temperature, this->config.gcode_flavor, wait, tool);
// BBS
std::string GCodeWriter::set_bed_temperature(int temperature, bool wait)
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ public:
std::string preamble();
std::string postamble() const;
static std::string set_temperature(unsigned int temperature, GCodeFlavor flavor, bool wait = false, int tool = -1, std::string comment = std::string());
std::string set_temperature(unsigned int temperature, bool wait = false, int tool = -1) const;
std::string set_bed_temperature(int temperature, bool wait = false);
std::string set_chamber_temperature(int temperature, bool wait = false);
@ -2935,6 +2935,30 @@ std::string PrintStatistics::finalize_output_path(const std::string &path_in) co
return final_path;
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedG = "filament used [g]";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedGMask = "; filament used [g] =";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentUsedG = "total filament used [g]";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentUsedGMask = "; total filament used [g] =";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentUsedGValueMask = "; total filament used [g] = %.2lf\n";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedCm3 = "filament used [cm3]";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedCm3Mask = "; filament used [cm3] =";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedMm = "filament used [mm]";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentUsedMmMask = "; filament used [mm] =";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentCost = "filament cost";
const std::string PrintStatistics::FilamentCostMask = "; filament cost =";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentCost = "total filament cost";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentCostMask = "; total filament cost =";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentCostValueMask = "; total filament cost = %.2lf\n";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentUsedWipeTower = "total filament used for wipe tower [g]";
const std::string PrintStatistics::TotalFilamentUsedWipeTowerValueMask = "; total filament used for wipe tower [g] = %.2lf\n";
/*add json export/import related functions */
#define JSON_POLYGON_CONTOUR "contour"
#define JSON_POLYGON_HOLES "holes"
@ -771,6 +771,23 @@ struct PrintStatistics
initial_tool = 0;
static const std::string FilamentUsedG;
static const std::string FilamentUsedGMask;
static const std::string TotalFilamentUsedG;
static const std::string TotalFilamentUsedGMask;
static const std::string TotalFilamentUsedGValueMask;
static const std::string FilamentUsedCm3;
static const std::string FilamentUsedCm3Mask;
static const std::string FilamentUsedMm;
static const std::string FilamentUsedMmMask;
static const std::string FilamentCost;
static const std::string FilamentCostMask;
static const std::string TotalFilamentCost;
static const std::string TotalFilamentCostMask;
static const std::string TotalFilamentCostValueMask;
static const std::string TotalFilamentUsedWipeTower;
static const std::string TotalFilamentUsedWipeTowerValueMask;
typedef std::vector<PrintObject*> PrintObjectPtrs;
@ -7677,6 +7677,22 @@ bool has_skirt(const DynamicPrintConfig& cfg)
float get_real_skirt_dist(const DynamicPrintConfig& cfg) {
return has_skirt(cfg) ? cfg.opt_float("skirt_distance") : 0;
static bool is_XL_printer(const std::string& printer_notes)
return boost::algorithm::contains(printer_notes, "PRINTER_VENDOR_PRUSA3D")
&& boost::algorithm::contains(printer_notes, "PRINTER_MODEL_XL");
bool is_XL_printer(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg)
auto *printer_notes = cfg.opt<ConfigOptionString>("printer_notes");
return printer_notes && is_XL_printer(printer_notes->value);
bool is_XL_printer(const PrintConfig &cfg)
return is_XL_printer(cfg.printer_notes.value);
} // namespace Slic3r
#include <cereal/types/polymorphic.hpp>
@ -1651,6 +1651,9 @@ private:
static PrintAndCLIConfigDef s_def;
bool is_XL_printer(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg);
bool is_XL_printer(const PrintConfig &cfg);
Points get_bed_shape(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg);
Points get_bed_shape(const PrintConfig &cfg);
Points get_bed_shape(const SLAPrinterConfig &cfg);
Reference in a new issue