Optimization of GCodeProcessor for speed.

This commit is contained in:
Vojtech Bubnik 2021-09-07 11:18:07 +02:00
parent c1c8a60271
commit 771a892776
3 changed files with 232 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -360,7 +360,8 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nCannot open file for writing.\n"));
auto time_in_minutes = [](float time_in_seconds) {
return int(::roundf(time_in_seconds / 60.0f));
assert(time_in_seconds >= 0.f);
return int((time_in_seconds + 0.5f) / 60.0f);
auto time_in_last_minute = [](float time_in_seconds) {
@ -392,7 +393,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
return std::string(line_M73);
GCodeReader parser;
std::string gcode_line;
size_t g1_lines_counter = 0;
// keeps track of last exported pair <percent, remaining time>
@ -411,11 +411,12 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
std::string export_line;
// replace placeholder lines with the proper final value
auto process_placeholders = [&](const std::string& gcode_line) {
// gcode_line is in/out parameter, to reduce expensive memory allocation
auto process_placeholders = [&](std::string& gcode_line) {
unsigned int extra_lines_count = 0;
// remove trailing '\n'
std::string line = gcode_line.substr(0, gcode_line.length() - 1);
auto line = std::string_view(gcode_line).substr(0, gcode_line.length() - 1);
std::string ret;
if (line.length() > 1) {
@ -456,7 +457,10 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
return std::tuple(!ret.empty(), ret.empty() ? gcode_line : ret, (extra_lines_count == 0) ? extra_lines_count : extra_lines_count - 1);
if (! ret.empty())
// Not moving the move operator on purpose, so that the gcode_line allocation will grow and it will not be reallocated after handful of lines are processed.
gcode_line = ret;
return std::tuple(!ret.empty(), (extra_lines_count == 0) ? extra_lines_count : extra_lines_count - 1);
// check for temporary lines
@ -569,39 +573,56 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
unsigned int line_id = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> offsets;
while (std::getline(in, gcode_line)) {
if (!in.good()) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nError while reading from file.\n"));
// Read the input stream 64kB at a time, extract lines and process them.
std::vector<char> buffer(65536 * 10, 0);
// Line buffer.
while (! in.eof()) {
in.read(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
if (! in.eof() && ! in.good()) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nError while reading from file.\n"));
auto it = buffer.begin();
auto it_bufend = buffer.begin() + in.gcount();
while (it != it_bufend) {
// Find end of line.
bool eol = false;
auto it_end = it;
for (; it_end != it_bufend && ! (eol = *it_end == '\r' || *it_end == '\n'); ++ it_end) ;
// End of line is indicated also if end of file was reached.
eol |= in.eof() && it_end == it_bufend;
gcode_line.insert(gcode_line.end(), it, it_end);
if (eol) {
gcode_line += "\n";
// replace placeholder lines
auto [processed, result, lines_added_count] = process_placeholders(gcode_line);
if (processed && lines_added_count > 0)
offsets.push_back({ line_id, lines_added_count });
gcode_line = result;
if (!processed) {
// remove temporary lines
if (is_temporary_decoration(gcode_line))
// add lines M73 where needed
[&](GCodeReader& reader, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
if (line.cmd_is("G1")) {
gcode_line += "\n";
// replace placeholder lines
auto [processed, lines_added_count] = process_placeholders(gcode_line);
if (processed && lines_added_count > 0)
offsets.push_back({ line_id, lines_added_count });
if (! processed && ! is_temporary_decoration(gcode_line) && GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G1")) {
// remove temporary lines, add lines M73 where needed
unsigned int extra_lines_count = process_line_G1(g1_lines_counter ++);
if (extra_lines_count > 0)
offsets.push_back({ line_id, extra_lines_count });
export_line += gcode_line;
if (export_line.length() > 65535)
export_line += gcode_line;
if (export_line.length() > 65535)
// Skip EOL.
it = it_end;
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\r')
++ it;
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\n')
++ it;
if (!export_line.empty())
@ -1171,8 +1192,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::reset()
void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, bool apply_postprocess, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
auto last_cancel_callback_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
@ -1184,7 +1203,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, bool apply_postpr
if (m_producers_enabled) {
m_parser.parse_file(filename, [this](GCodeReader& reader, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
const std::string_view cmd = line.cmd();
if (cmd.length() == 0) {
if (cmd.empty()) {
const std::string_view comment = line.comment();
if (comment.length() > 1 && detect_producer(comment))
@ -1211,17 +1230,15 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, bool apply_postpr
m_result.id = ++s_result_id;
// 1st move must be a dummy move
m_parser.parse_file(filename, [this, cancel_callback, &last_cancel_callback_time](GCodeReader& reader, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
if (cancel_callback != nullptr) {
// call the cancel callback every 100 ms
auto curr_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(curr_time - last_cancel_callback_time).count() > 100) {
last_cancel_callback_time = curr_time;
size_t parse_line_callback_cntr = 10000;
m_parser.parse_file(filename, [this, cancel_callback, &parse_line_callback_cntr](GCodeReader& reader, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
if (-- parse_line_callback_cntr == 0) {
// Don't call the cancel_callback() too often, do it every at every 10000'th line.
parse_line_callback_cntr = 10000;
// update width/height of wipe moves
for (MoveVertex& move : m_result.moves) {
@ -1401,61 +1418,170 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_gcode_line(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
const std::string_view cmd = line.cmd();
if (cmd.length() > 1) {
// process command lines
switch (::toupper(cmd[0]))
switch (cmd[0])
case 'g':
case 'G':
switch (::atoi(&cmd[1]))
case 0: { process_G0(line); break; } // Move
case 1: { process_G1(line); break; } // Move
case 10: { process_G10(line); break; } // Retract
case 11: { process_G11(line); break; } // Unretract
case 20: { process_G20(line); break; } // Set Units to Inches
case 21: { process_G21(line); break; } // Set Units to Millimeters
case 22: { process_G22(line); break; } // Firmware controlled retract
case 23: { process_G23(line); break; } // Firmware controlled unretract
case 28: { process_G28(line); break; } // Move to origin
case 90: { process_G90(line); break; } // Set to Absolute Positioning
case 91: { process_G91(line); break; } // Set to Relative Positioning
case 92: { process_G92(line); break; } // Set Position
default: { break; }
switch (cmd.size()) {
case 2:
switch (cmd[1]) {
case '0': { process_G0(line); break; } // Move
case '1': { process_G1(line); break; } // Move
default: break;
case 3:
switch (cmd[1]) {
case '1':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0': { process_G10(line); break; } // Retract
case '1': { process_G11(line); break; } // Unretract
default: break;
case '2':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0': { process_G20(line); break; } // Set Units to Inches
case '1': { process_G21(line); break; } // Set Units to Millimeters
case '2': { process_G22(line); break; } // Firmware controlled retract
case '3': { process_G23(line); break; } // Firmware controlled unretract
case '8': { process_G28(line); break; } // Move to origin
default: break;
case '9':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0': { process_G90(line); break; } // Set to Absolute Positioning
case '1': { process_G91(line); break; } // Set to Relative Positioning
case '2': { process_G92(line); break; } // Set Position
default: break;
case 'm':
case 'M':
switch (::atoi(&cmd[1]))
case 1: { process_M1(line); break; } // Sleep or Conditional stop
case 82: { process_M82(line); break; } // Set extruder to absolute mode
case 83: { process_M83(line); break; } // Set extruder to relative mode
case 104: { process_M104(line); break; } // Set extruder temperature
case 106: { process_M106(line); break; } // Set fan speed
case 107: { process_M107(line); break; } // Disable fan
case 108: { process_M108(line); break; } // Set tool (Sailfish)
case 109: { process_M109(line); break; } // Set extruder temperature and wait
case 132: { process_M132(line); break; } // Recall stored home offsets
case 135: { process_M135(line); break; } // Set tool (MakerWare)
case 201: { process_M201(line); break; } // Set max printing acceleration
case 203: { process_M203(line); break; } // Set maximum feedrate
case 204: { process_M204(line); break; } // Set default acceleration
case 205: { process_M205(line); break; } // Advanced settings
case 221: { process_M221(line); break; } // Set extrude factor override percentage
case 401: { process_M401(line); break; } // Repetier: Store x, y and z position
case 402: { process_M402(line); break; } // Repetier: Go to stored position
case 566: { process_M566(line); break; } // Set allowable instantaneous speed change
case 702: { process_M702(line); break; } // Unload the current filament into the MK3 MMU2 unit at the end of print.
default: { break; }
switch (cmd.size()) {
case 2:
switch (cmd[1]) {
case '1': { process_M1(line); break; } // Sleep or Conditional stop
default: break;
case 'T':
process_T(line); // Select Tool
case 3:
switch (cmd[1]) {
case '8':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '2': { process_M82(line); break; } // Set extruder to absolute mode
case '3': { process_M83(line); break; } // Set extruder to relative mode
default: break;
case 4:
switch (cmd[1]) {
case '1':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '4': { process_M104(line); break; } // Set extruder temperature
case '6': { process_M106(line); break; } // Set fan speed
case '7': { process_M107(line); break; } // Disable fan
case '8': { process_M108(line); break; } // Set tool (Sailfish)
case '9': { process_M109(line); break; } // Set extruder temperature and wait
default: break;
case '3':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '2': { process_M132(line); break; } // Recall stored home offsets
case '5': { process_M135(line); break; } // Set tool (MakerWare)
default: break;
case '2':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '1': { process_M201(line); break; } // Set max printing acceleration
case '3': { process_M203(line); break; } // Set maximum feedrate
case '4': { process_M204(line); break; } // Set default acceleration
case '5': { process_M205(line); break; } // Advanced settings
default: break;
case '2':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '1': { process_M221(line); break; } // Set extrude factor override percentage
default: break;
case '4':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '1': { process_M401(line); break; } // Repetier: Store x, y and z position
case '2': { process_M402(line); break; } // Repetier: Go to stored position
default: break;
case '5':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '6':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '6': { process_M566(line); break; } // Set allowable instantaneous speed change
default: break;
case '7':
switch (cmd[2]) {
case '0':
switch (cmd[3]) {
case '2': { process_M702(line); break; } // Unload the current filament into the MK3 MMU2 unit at the end of print.
default: break;
default: { break; }
case 't':
case 'T':
process_T(line); // Select Tool
else {

View file

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void GCodeReader::update_coordinates(GCodeLine &gline, std::pair<const char*, co
void GCodeReader::parse_file(const std::string &file, callback_t callback)
bool GCodeReader::parse_file(const std::string &file, callback_t callback)
boost::nowide::ifstream f(file);
@ -141,17 +141,18 @@ void GCodeReader::parse_file(const std::string &file, callback_t callback)
std::string line;
m_parsing = true;
GCodeLine gline;
bool eof = false;
while (m_parsing && ! eof) {
while (m_parsing && ! f.eof()) {
f.read(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
if (! f.eof() && ! f.good())
// Reading the input file failed.
return false;
auto it = buffer.begin();
auto it_bufend = buffer.begin() + f.gcount();
eof = ! f.good();
while (it != it_bufend) {
bool eol = false;
auto it_end = it;
for (; it_end != it_bufend && ! (eol = *it_end == '\r' || *it_end == '\n'); ++ it_end) ;
eol |= eof && it_end == it_bufend;
eol |= f.eof() && it_end == it_bufend;
if (eol) {
if (line.empty())
@ -167,6 +168,7 @@ void GCodeReader::parse_file(const std::string &file, callback_t callback)
for (it = it_end; it != it_bufend && (*it == '\r' || *it == '\n'); ++ it) ;
return true;
bool GCodeReader::GCodeLine::has(char axis) const

View file

@ -44,11 +44,7 @@ public:
float y = this->has(Y) ? (this->y() - reader.y()) : 0;
return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
bool cmd_is(const char *cmd_test) const {
const char *cmd = GCodeReader::skip_whitespaces(m_raw.c_str());
size_t len = strlen(cmd_test);
return strncmp(cmd, cmd_test, len) == 0 && GCodeReader::is_end_of_word(cmd[len]);
bool cmd_is(const char *cmd_test) const { return cmd_is(m_raw, cmd_test); }
bool extruding(const GCodeReader &reader) const { return this->cmd_is("G1") && this->dist_E(reader) > 0; }
bool retracting(const GCodeReader &reader) const { return this->cmd_is("G1") && this->dist_E(reader) < 0; }
bool travel() const { return this->cmd_is("G1") && ! this->has(E); }
@ -66,6 +62,12 @@ public:
float e() const { return m_axis[E]; }
float f() const { return m_axis[F]; }
static bool cmd_is(const std::string &gcode_line, const char *cmd_test) {
const char *cmd = GCodeReader::skip_whitespaces(gcode_line.c_str());
size_t len = strlen(cmd_test);
return strncmp(cmd, cmd_test, len) == 0 && GCodeReader::is_end_of_word(cmd[len]);
std::string m_raw;
float m_axis[NUM_AXES];
@ -109,7 +111,8 @@ public:
void parse_line(const std::string &line, Callback callback)
{ GCodeLine gline; this->parse_line(line.c_str(), line.c_str() + line.size(), gline, callback); }
void parse_file(const std::string &file, callback_t callback);
// Returns false if reading the file failed.
bool parse_file(const std::string &file, callback_t callback);
void quit_parsing() { m_parsing = false; }
float& x() { return m_position[X]; }