FIX: text position is incorrect

1. modify text alignment.
2. modify the text attachment position error caused by the precision.

Change-Id: Ie85da70341719932f7aa165243a95427bac19c3f
This commit is contained in:
zhimin.zeng 2023-02-20 17:09:39 +08:00 committed by Lane.Wei
parent f144cd31b8
commit 6365c95db3

View file

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ bool GLGizmoText::on_init()
m_desc["rotate_text_caption"] = _L("Shift + Mouse movement");
m_desc["rotate_text"] = _L("Rotate preview text");
m_desc["rotate_text"] = _L("Rotate text");
return true;
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ bool GLGizmoText::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d &mouse_posit
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::Moving) {
if (shift_down) {
if (shift_down && !alt_down && !control_down) {
float angle = m_rotate_angle + 0.5 * (m_mouse_position - mouse_position).y();
if (angle == 0)
return false;
@ -968,14 +968,6 @@ bool GLGizmoText::update_text_positions(const std::vector<std::string>& texts)
m_mouse_position_world = trafo_matrices[m_rr.mesh_id] * Vec3d(m_rr.hit(0), m_rr.hit(1), m_rr.hit(2));
m_mouse_normal_world = rotate_trafo_matrices[m_rr.mesh_id] * Vec3d(m_rr.normal(0), m_rr.normal(1), m_rr.normal(2));
auto is_point_on_line = [](const Line &line, const Point &point) {
double value = abs((point.x() - line.a.x()) * (line.b.y() - line.a.y()) - (line.b.x() - line.a.x()) * (point.y() - line.a.y()));
bool cross_value = value < 1e9;
bool in_rectange = (std::min(line.a.x(), line.b.x()) - 1000) <= point.x() && point.x() <= (std::max(line.a.x(), line.b.x()) + 1000) &&
(std::min(line.a.y(), line.b.y()) - 1000) <= point.y() && point.y() <= (std::max(line.a.y(), line.b.y()) + 1000);
return cross_value && in_rectange;
TriangleMesh slice_meshs;
int mesh_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mo->volumes.size(); ++i) {
@ -1095,7 +1087,15 @@ bool GLGizmoText::update_text_positions(const std::vector<std::string>& texts)
Polygons polys = temp_polys;
auto point_in_line_rectange = [](const Line &line, const Point &point, double& distance) {
distance = abs((point.x() - line.a.x()) * (line.b.y() - line.a.y()) - (line.b.x() - line.a.x()) * (point.y() - line.a.y()));
bool in_rectange = (std::min(line.a.x(), line.b.x()) - 1000) <= point.x() && point.x() <= (std::max(line.a.x(), line.b.x()) + 1000) &&
(std::min(line.a.y(), line.b.y()) - 1000) <= point.y() && point.y() <= (std::max(line.a.y(), line.b.y()) + 1000);
return in_rectange;
int index = 0;
double min_distance = 1e12;
Polygon hit_ploy;
for (const Polygon poly : polys) {
if (poly.points.size() == 0)
@ -1104,12 +1104,16 @@ bool GLGizmoText::update_text_positions(const std::vector<std::string>& texts)
Lines lines = poly.lines();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
Line line = lines[i];
if (is_point_on_line(line, Point(m_mouse_position_world.x(), m_mouse_position_world.y()))) {
double distance = min_distance;
if (point_in_line_rectange(line, Point(m_mouse_position_world.x(), m_mouse_position_world.y()), distance)) {
if (distance < min_distance) {
min_distance = distance;
index = i;
hit_ploy = poly;
if (hit_ploy.points.size() == 0) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Text: the hit polygon is null");
@ -1348,7 +1352,7 @@ TriangleMesh GLGizmoText::get_text_mesh(const char* text_str, const Vec3d &posit
auto center = mesh.bounding_box().center();
double mesh_offset = center.z();
mesh.translate(-center.x(), -center.y(), -center.z());
mesh.translate(-center.x(), -m_font_size / 4, -center.z());
double phi;
Vec3d rotation_axis;