Remove unused legacy brim method

This commit is contained in:
vovodroid 2024-08-22 09:29:31 +03:00
parent 83522c67ee
commit 52e9e03a0b
2 changed files with 0 additions and 210 deletions

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@ -1714,213 +1714,4 @@ void make_brim(const Print& print, PrintTryCancel try_cancel, Polygons& islands_
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "brim_width_max, num_loops: " << brim_width_max << ", " << num_loops;
// Produce brim lines around those objects, that have the brim enabled.
// Collect islands_area to be merged into the final 1st layer convex hull.
ExtrusionEntityCollection make_brim(const Print &print, PrintTryCancel try_cancel, Polygons &islands_area)
double brim_width_max = 0;
std::map<ObjectID, double> brim_width_map;
const auto scaled_resolution = scaled<double>(print.config().resolution.value);
Flow flow = print.brim_flow();
std::vector<ExPolygons> bottom_layers_expolygons = get_print_bottom_layers_expolygons(print);
ConstPrintObjectPtrs top_level_objects_with_brim = get_top_level_objects_with_brim(print, bottom_layers_expolygons);
Polygons islands = top_level_outer_brim_islands(top_level_objects_with_brim, scaled_resolution);
ExPolygons islands_area_ex = top_level_outer_brim_area(print, top_level_objects_with_brim, bottom_layers_expolygons, float(flow.scaled_spacing()), brim_width_max, brim_width_map);
islands_area = to_polygons(islands_area_ex);
Polygons loops = tryExPolygonOffset(islands_area_ex, print);
size_t num_loops = size_t(floor(brim_width_max / flow.spacing()));
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "brim_width_max, num_loops: " << brim_width_max << ", " << num_loops;
loops = union_pt_chained_outside_in(loops);
std::vector<Polylines> loops_pl_by_levels;
Polylines loops_pl = to_polylines(loops);
loops_pl_by_levels.assign(loops_pl.size(), Polylines());
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, loops_pl.size()),
[&loops_pl_by_levels, &loops_pl, &islands_area](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++i) {
loops_pl_by_levels[i] = chain_polylines(intersection_pl({ std::move(loops_pl[i]) }, islands_area));
// output
ExtrusionEntityCollection brim;
// Reduce down to the ordered list of polylines.
Polylines all_loops;
for (Polylines &polylines : loops_pl_by_levels)
append(all_loops, std::move(polylines));
// Flip orientation of open polylines to minimize travel distance.
static int irun = 0;
++ irun;
SVG svg(debug_out_path("brim-%d.svg", irun).c_str(), get_extents(all_loops));
svg.draw(union_ex(islands), "blue");
svg.draw(islands_area_ex, "green");
svg.draw(all_loops, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.1)));
all_loops = connect_brim_lines(std::move(all_loops), offset(islands_area_ex, float(SCALED_EPSILON)), float(flow.scaled_spacing()) * 2.f);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("brim-connected-%d.svg", irun).c_str(), get_extents(all_loops));
svg.draw(union_ex(islands), "blue");
svg.draw(islands_area_ex, "green");
svg.draw(all_loops, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.1)));
const bool could_brim_intersects_skirt = std::any_of(print.objects().begin(), print.objects().end(), [&print, &brim_width_map, brim_width_max](PrintObject *object) {
const BrimType &bt = object->config().brim_type;
return (bt == btOuterOnly || bt == btOuterAndInner || bt == btAutoBrim) && print.config().skirt_distance.value < brim_width_map[object->id()];
const bool draft_shield = print.config().draft_shield != dsDisabled;
// If there is a possibility that brim intersects skirt, go through loops and split those extrusions
// The result is either the original Polygon or a list of Polylines
if (draft_shield && ! print.skirt().empty() && could_brim_intersects_skirt)
// Find the bounding polygons of the skirt
const Polygons skirt_inners = offset(dynamic_cast<ExtrusionLoop*>(print.skirt().entities.back())->polygon(),
const Polygons skirt_outers = offset(dynamic_cast<ExtrusionLoop*>(print.skirt().entities.front())->polygon(),
// First calculate the trimming region.
ClipperLib_Z::Paths trimming;
ClipperLib_Z::Paths input_subject;
ClipperLib_Z::Paths input_clip;
for (const Polygon &poly : skirt_outers) {
ClipperLib_Z::Path &out = input_subject.back();
for (const Point &pt : poly.points)
out.emplace_back(pt.x(), pt.y(), 0);
for (const Polygon &poly : skirt_inners) {
ClipperLib_Z::Path &out = input_clip.back();
for (const Point &pt : poly.points)
out.emplace_back(pt.x(), pt.y(), 0);
// init Clipper
ClipperLib_Z::Clipper clipper;
// add polygons
clipper.AddPaths(input_subject, ClipperLib_Z::ptSubject, true);
clipper.AddPaths(input_clip, ClipperLib_Z::ptClip, true);
// perform operation
clipper.Execute(ClipperLib_Z::ctDifference, trimming, ClipperLib_Z::pftNonZero, ClipperLib_Z::pftNonZero);
// Second, trim the extrusion loops with the trimming regions.
ClipperLib_Z::Paths loops_trimmed;
// Produce ClipperLib_Z::Paths from polylines (not necessarily closed).
ClipperLib_Z::Paths input_clip;
for (const Polyline &loop_pl : all_loops) {
ClipperLib_Z::Path& out = input_clip.back();
int64_t loop_idx = &loop_pl - &all_loops.front();
for (const Point& pt : loop_pl.points)
// The Z coordinate carries index of the source loop.
out.emplace_back(pt.x(), pt.y(), loop_idx + 1);
// init Clipper
ClipperLib_Z::Clipper clipper;
clipper.ZFillFunction([](const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint& e1bot, const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint& e1top, const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint& e2bot, const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint& e2top, ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint& pt) {
// Assign a valid input loop identifier. Such an identifier is strictly positive, the next line is safe even in case one side of a segment
// hat the Z coordinate not set to the contour coordinate.
pt.z() = std::max(std::max(e1bot.z(), e1top.z()), std::max(e2bot.z(), e2top.z()));
// add polygons
clipper.AddPaths(input_clip, ClipperLib_Z::ptSubject, false);
clipper.AddPaths(trimming, ClipperLib_Z::ptClip, true);
// perform operation
ClipperLib_Z::PolyTree loops_trimmed_tree;
clipper.Execute(ClipperLib_Z::ctDifference, loops_trimmed_tree, ClipperLib_Z::pftNonZero, ClipperLib_Z::pftNonZero);
ClipperLib_Z::PolyTreeToPaths(std::move(loops_trimmed_tree), loops_trimmed);
// Third, produce the extrusions, sorted by the source loop indices.
std::vector<std::pair<const ClipperLib_Z::Path*, size_t>> loops_trimmed_order;
for (const ClipperLib_Z::Path &path : loops_trimmed) {
size_t input_idx = 0;
for (const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &pt : path)
if (pt.z() > 0) {
input_idx = (size_t)pt.z();
assert(input_idx != 0);
loops_trimmed_order.emplace_back(&path, input_idx);
std::stable_sort(loops_trimmed_order.begin(), loops_trimmed_order.end(),
[](const std::pair<const ClipperLib_Z::Path*, size_t> &l, const std::pair<const ClipperLib_Z::Path*, size_t> &r) {
return l.second < r.second;
Point last_pt(0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < loops_trimmed_order.size();) {
// Find all pieces that the initial loop was split into.
size_t j = i + 1;
for (; j < loops_trimmed_order.size() && loops_trimmed_order[i].second == loops_trimmed_order[j].second; ++ j) ;
const ClipperLib_Z::Path &first_path = *loops_trimmed_order[i].first;
if (i + 1 == j && first_path.size() > 3 && first_path.front().x() == first_path.back().x() && first_path.front().y() == first_path.back().y()) {
auto *loop = new ExtrusionLoop();
loop->paths.emplace_back(erBrim, float(flow.mm3_per_mm()), float(flow.width()), float(print.skirt_first_layer_height()));
Points &points = loop->paths.front().polyline.points;
for (const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &pt : first_path)
points.emplace_back(coord_t(pt.x()), coord_t(pt.y()));
i = j;
} else {
//FIXME The path chaining here may not be optimal.
ExtrusionEntityCollection this_loop_trimmed;
this_loop_trimmed.entities.reserve(j - i);
for (; i < j; ++ i) {
this_loop_trimmed.entities.emplace_back(new ExtrusionPath(erBrim, float(flow.mm3_per_mm()), float(flow.width()), float(print.skirt_first_layer_height())));
const ClipperLib_Z::Path &path = *loops_trimmed_order[i].first;
Points &points = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionPath*>(this_loop_trimmed.entities.back())->polyline.points;
for (const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &pt : path)
points.emplace_back(coord_t(pt.x()), coord_t(pt.y()));
chain_and_reorder_extrusion_entities(this_loop_trimmed.entities, &last_pt);
brim.entities.reserve(brim.entities.size() + this_loop_trimmed.entities.size());
append(brim.entities, std::move(this_loop_trimmed.entities));
last_pt = brim.last_point();
} else {
extrusion_entities_append_loops_and_paths(brim.entities, std::move(all_loops), erBrim, float(flow.mm3_per_mm()), float(flow.width()), float(print.skirt_first_layer_height()));
make_inner_brim(print, top_level_objects_with_brim, bottom_layers_expolygons, brim);
return brim;
} // namespace Slic3r

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ class ObjectID;
// Produce brim lines around those objects, that have the brim enabled.
// Collect islands_area to be merged into the final 1st layer convex hull.
ExtrusionEntityCollection make_brim(const Print& print, PrintTryCancel try_cancel, Polygons& islands_area);
void make_brim(const Print& print, PrintTryCancel try_cancel,
Polygons& islands_area, std::map<ObjectID, ExtrusionEntityCollection>& brimMap,
std::map<ObjectID, ExtrusionEntityCollection>& supportBrimMap,