Reverting to old rotation optimizer object-function.

Keep the performance optimizations though
This commit is contained in:
tamasmeszaros 2021-03-04 14:50:59 +01:00
parent fe7e32872b
commit 4293a68aaa
2 changed files with 31 additions and 206 deletions

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@ -13,33 +13,11 @@
#include <thread> #include <thread>
#include <libnest2d/tools/benchmark.h>
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla { namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
inline bool is_on_floor(const SLAPrintObject &mo) namespace {
auto opt_elevation = mo.config().support_object_elevation.getFloat();
auto opt_padaround = mo.config().pad_around_object.getBool();
return opt_elevation < EPSILON || opt_padaround;
// Find transformed mesh ground level without copy and with parallel reduce.
double find_ground_level(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
const Transform3d & tr,
size_t threads)
size_t vsize = mesh.its.vertices.size();
auto minfn = [](double a, double b) { return std::min(a, b); };
auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr] (size_t vi) {
return (tr * mesh.its.vertices[vi].template cast<double>()).z();
double zmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t granularity = vsize / threads;
return ccr_par::reduce(size_t(0), vsize, zmin, minfn, accessfn, granularity);
// Get the vertices of a triangle directly in an array of 3 points // Get the vertices of a triangle directly in an array of 3 points
std::array<Vec3d, 3> get_triangle_vertices(const TriangleMesh &mesh, std::array<Vec3d, 3> get_triangle_vertices(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
@ -74,33 +52,13 @@ struct Facestats {
} }
}; };
inline const Vec3d DOWN = {0., 0., -1.};
constexpr double POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA = 1.;
// The score function for a particular face
inline double get_score(const Facestats &fc)
// Simply get the angle (acos of dot product) between the face normal and
// the DOWN vector.
double phi = 1. - std::acos( / PI;
// Only consider faces that have have slopes below 90 deg:
phi = phi * (phi > 0.5);
// Make the huge slopes more significant than the smaller slopes
phi = phi * phi * phi;
// Multiply with the area of the current face
return fc.area * POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA * phi;
template<class AccessFn> template<class AccessFn>
double sum_score(AccessFn &&accessfn, size_t facecount, size_t Nthreads) double sum_score(AccessFn &&accessfn, size_t facecount, size_t Nthreads)
{ {
double initv = 0.; double initv = 0.;
auto mergefn = std::plus<double>{}; auto mergefn = [](double a, double b) { return a + b; };
size_t grainsize = facecount / Nthreads; size_t grainsize = facecount / Nthreads;
size_t from = 0, to = facecount; size_t from = 0, to = facecount;
return ccr_par::reduce(from, to, initv, mergefn, accessfn, grainsize); return ccr_par::reduce(from, to, initv, mergefn, accessfn, grainsize);
} }
@ -112,36 +70,18 @@ double get_model_supportedness(const TriangleMesh &mesh, const Transform3d &tr)
auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr](size_t fi) { auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr](size_t fi) {
Facestats fc{get_transformed_triangle(mesh, tr, fi)}; Facestats fc{get_transformed_triangle(mesh, tr, fi)};
return get_score(fc);
// We should score against the alignment with the reference planes
return std::abs( +
std::abs( +
}; };
size_t facecount = mesh.its.indices.size(); size_t facecount = mesh.its.indices.size();
size_t Nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); size_t Nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
return sum_score(accessfn, facecount, Nthreads) / facecount; double S = sum_score(accessfn, facecount, Nthreads);
double get_model_supportedness_onfloor(const TriangleMesh &mesh, return S / facecount;
const Transform3d & tr)
if (mesh.its.vertices.empty()) return std::nan("");
size_t Nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
double zmin = find_ground_level(mesh, tr, Nthreads);
double zlvl = zmin + 0.1; // Set up a slight tolerance from z level
auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr, zlvl](size_t fi) {
std::array<Vec3d, 3> tri = get_transformed_triangle(mesh, tr, fi);
Facestats fc{tri};
if (tri[0].z() <= zlvl && tri[1].z() <= zlvl && tri[2].z() <= zlvl)
return -fc.area * POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA;
return get_score(fc);
size_t facecount = mesh.its.indices.size();
return sum_score(accessfn, facecount, Nthreads) / facecount;
} }
using XYRotation = std::array<double, 2>; using XYRotation = std::array<double, 2>;
@ -155,88 +95,7 @@ Transform3d to_transform3d(const XYRotation &rot)
return rt; return rt;
} }
XYRotation from_transform3d(const Transform3d &tr) } // namespace
Vec3d rot3d = Geometry::Transformation {tr}.get_rotation();
return {rot3d.x(), rot3d.y()};
// Find the best score from a set of function inputs. Evaluate for every point.
template<size_t N, class Fn, class It, class StopCond>
std::array<double, N> find_min_score(Fn &&fn, It from, It to, StopCond &&stopfn)
std::array<double, N> ret = {};
double score = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t Nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
size_t dist = std::distance(from, to);
std::vector<double> scores(dist, score);
ccr_par::for_each(size_t(0), dist, [&stopfn, &scores, &fn, &from](size_t i) {
if (stopfn()) return;
scores[i] = fn(*(from + i));
}, dist / Nthreads);
auto it = std::min_element(scores.begin(), scores.end());
if (it != scores.end()) ret = *(from + std::distance(scores.begin(), it));
return ret;
// collect the rotations for each face of the convex hull
std::vector<XYRotation> get_chull_rotations(const TriangleMesh &mesh, size_t max_count)
TriangleMesh chull = mesh.convex_hull_3d();
double chull2d_area = chull.convex_hull().area();
double area_threshold = chull2d_area / (scaled<double>(1e3) * scaled(1.));
size_t facecount = chull.its.indices.size();
struct RotArea { XYRotation rot; double area; };
auto inputs = reserve_vector<RotArea>(facecount);
auto rotcmp = [](const RotArea &r1, const RotArea &r2) {
double xdiff = r1.rot[X] - r2.rot[X], ydiff = r1.rot[Y] - r2.rot[Y];
return std::abs(xdiff) < EPSILON ? ydiff < 0. : xdiff < 0.;
auto eqcmp = [](const XYRotation &r1, const XYRotation &r2) {
double xdiff = r1[X] - r2[X], ydiff = r1[Y] - r2[Y];
return std::abs(xdiff) < EPSILON && std::abs(ydiff) < EPSILON;
for (size_t fi = 0; fi < facecount; ++fi) {
Facestats fc{get_triangle_vertices(chull, fi)};
if (fc.area > area_threshold) {
auto q = Eigen::Quaterniond{}.FromTwoVectors(fc.normal, DOWN);
XYRotation rot = from_transform3d(Transform3d::Identity() * q);
RotArea ra = {rot, fc.area};
auto it = std::lower_bound(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), ra, rotcmp);
if (it == inputs.end() || !eqcmp(it->rot, rot))
inputs.insert(it, ra);
if (!max_count) max_count = inputs.size();
std::sort(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(),
[](const RotArea &ra, const RotArea &rb) {
return ra.area > rb.area;
auto ret = reserve_vector<XYRotation>(std::min(max_count, inputs.size()));
for (const RotArea &ra : inputs) ret.emplace_back(ra.rot);
return ret;
Vec2d find_best_rotation(const SLAPrintObject & po, Vec2d find_best_rotation(const SLAPrintObject & po,
float accuracy, float accuracy,
@ -267,45 +126,26 @@ Vec2d find_best_rotation(const SLAPrintObject & po,
statuscb(unsigned(++status * 100.0/max_tries) ); statuscb(unsigned(++status * 100.0/max_tries) );
}; };
// Different search methods have to be used depending on the model elevation // Preparing the optimizer.
if (is_on_floor(po)) { size_t gridsize = std::sqrt(max_tries);
opt::Optimizer<opt::AlgBruteForce> solver(opt::StopCriteria{}
std::vector<XYRotation> inputs = get_chull_rotations(mesh, max_tries); // We are searching rotations around only two axes x, y. Thus the
max_tries = inputs.size(); // problem becomes a 2 dimensional optimization task.
// We can specify the bounds for a dimension in the following way:
auto bounds = opt::bounds({ {-PI/2, PI/2}, {-PI/2, PI/2} });
// If the model can be placed on the bed directly, we only need to auto result = solver.to_max().optimize(
// check the 3D convex hull face rotations. [&mesh, &statusfn] (const XYRotation &rot)
auto objfn = [&mesh, &statusfn](const XYRotation &rot) {
statusfn(); statusfn();
Transform3d tr = to_transform3d(rot); return get_model_supportedness(mesh, to_transform3d(rot));
return get_model_supportedness_onfloor(mesh, tr); }, opt::initvals({0., 0.}), bounds);
rot = find_min_score<2>(objfn, inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), stopcond); rot = result.optimum;
} else {
// Preparing the optimizer.
size_t gridsize = std::sqrt(max_tries); // 2D grid has gridsize^2 calls
opt::Optimizer<opt::AlgBruteForce> solver(opt::StopCriteria{}
// We are searching rotations around only two axes x, y. Thus the
// problem becomes a 2 dimensional optimization task.
// We can specify the bounds for a dimension in the following way:
auto bounds = opt::bounds({ {-PI, PI}, {-PI, PI} });
auto result = solver.to_min().optimize(
[&mesh, &statusfn] (const XYRotation &rot)
return get_model_supportedness(mesh, to_transform3d(rot));
}, opt::initvals({0., 0.}), bounds);
// Save the result and fck off
rot = result.optimum;
return {rot[0], rot[1]}; return {rot[0], rot[1]};
} }
@ -315,8 +155,7 @@ double get_model_supportedness(const SLAPrintObject &po, const Transform3d &tr)
TriangleMesh mesh = po.model_object()->raw_mesh(); TriangleMesh mesh = po.model_object()->raw_mesh();
mesh.require_shared_vertices(); mesh.require_shared_vertices();
return is_on_floor(po) ? get_model_supportedness_onfloor(mesh, tr) : return get_model_supportedness(mesh, tr);
get_model_supportedness(mesh, tr);
} }
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla }} // namespace Slic3r::sla

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@ -21,20 +21,6 @@ void RotoptimizeJob::process()
if (!o || !po) return; if (!o || !po) return;
TriangleMesh mesh = o->raw_mesh();
// for (auto inst : o->instances) {
// Transform3d tr = Transform3d::Identity();
// tr.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(inst->get_rotation(Z), Vec3d::UnitZ()));
// tr.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(inst->get_rotation(Y), Vec3d::UnitY()));
// tr.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(inst->get_rotation(X), Vec3d::UnitX()));
// double score = sla::get_model_supportedness(*po, tr);
// std::cout << "Model supportedness before: " << score << std::endl;
// }
Vec2d r = sla::find_best_rotation(*po, 0.75f, Vec2d r = sla::find_best_rotation(*po, 0.75f,
[this](unsigned s) { [this](unsigned s) {
if (s < 100) if (s < 100)