Debugging visualization of the gap fills into a SVG format, if SLIC3R_DEBUG is set.

This commit is contained in:
bubnikv 2016-03-27 10:53:59 +02:00
parent 9576973b57
commit 4156b51c18
4 changed files with 573 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -11,12 +11,186 @@
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <set> #include <set>
#include <utility> #include <utility>
#include <stack>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "SVG.hpp" #include "SVG.hpp"
#endif #endif
namespace boost { namespace polygon {
// The following code for the visualization of the boost Voronoi diagram is based on:
// Boost.Polygon library voronoi_graphic_utils.hpp header file
// Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
template <typename CT>
class voronoi_visual_utils {
// Discretize parabolic Voronoi edge.
// Parabolic Voronoi edges are always formed by one point and one segment
// from the initial input set.
// Args:
// point: input point.
// segment: input segment.
// max_dist: maximum discretization distance.
// discretization: point discretization of the given Voronoi edge.
// Template arguments:
// InCT: coordinate type of the input geometries (usually integer).
// Point: point type, should model point concept.
// Segment: segment type, should model segment concept.
// Important:
// discretization should contain both edge endpoints initially.
template <class InCT1, class InCT2,
template<class> class Point,
template<class> class Segment>
typename enable_if<
typename gtl_and<
typename gtl_if<
typename is_point_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Point<InCT1> >::type
typename gtl_if<
typename is_segment_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Segment<InCT2> >::type
>::type discretize(
const Point<InCT1>& point,
const Segment<InCT2>& segment,
const CT max_dist,
std::vector< Point<CT> >* discretization) {
// Apply the linear transformation to move start point of the segment to
// the point with coordinates (0, 0) and the direction of the segment to
// coincide the positive direction of the x-axis.
CT segm_vec_x = cast(x(high(segment))) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT segm_vec_y = cast(y(high(segment))) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT sqr_segment_length = segm_vec_x * segm_vec_x + segm_vec_y * segm_vec_y;
// Compute x-coordinates of the endpoints of the edge
// in the transformed space.
CT projection_start = sqr_segment_length *
get_point_projection((*discretization)[0], segment);
CT projection_end = sqr_segment_length *
get_point_projection((*discretization)[1], segment);
// Compute parabola parameters in the transformed space.
// Parabola has next representation:
// f(x) = ((x-rot_x)^2 + rot_y^2) / (2.0*rot_y).
CT point_vec_x = cast(x(point)) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT point_vec_y = cast(y(point)) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT rot_x = segm_vec_x * point_vec_x + segm_vec_y * point_vec_y;
CT rot_y = segm_vec_x * point_vec_y - segm_vec_y * point_vec_x;
// Save the last point.
Point<CT> last_point = (*discretization)[1];
// Use stack to avoid recursion.
std::stack<CT> point_stack;
CT cur_x = projection_start;
CT cur_y = parabola_y(cur_x, rot_x, rot_y);
// Adjust max_dist parameter in the transformed space.
const CT max_dist_transformed = max_dist * max_dist * sqr_segment_length;
while (!point_stack.empty()) {
CT new_x =;
CT new_y = parabola_y(new_x, rot_x, rot_y);
// Compute coordinates of the point of the parabola that is
// furthest from the current line segment.
CT mid_x = (new_y - cur_y) / (new_x - cur_x) * rot_y + rot_x;
CT mid_y = parabola_y(mid_x, rot_x, rot_y);
// Compute maximum distance between the given parabolic arc
// and line segment that discretize it.
CT dist = (new_y - cur_y) * (mid_x - cur_x) -
(new_x - cur_x) * (mid_y - cur_y);
dist = dist * dist / ((new_y - cur_y) * (new_y - cur_y) +
(new_x - cur_x) * (new_x - cur_x));
if (dist <= max_dist_transformed) {
// Distance between parabola and line segment is less than max_dist.
CT inter_x = (segm_vec_x * new_x - segm_vec_y * new_y) /
sqr_segment_length + cast(x(low(segment)));
CT inter_y = (segm_vec_x * new_y + segm_vec_y * new_x) /
sqr_segment_length + cast(y(low(segment)));
discretization->push_back(Point<CT>(inter_x, inter_y));
cur_x = new_x;
cur_y = new_y;
} else {
// Update last point.
discretization->back() = last_point;
// Compute y(x) = ((x - a) * (x - a) + b * b) / (2 * b).
static CT parabola_y(CT x, CT a, CT b) {
return ((x - a) * (x - a) + b * b) / (b + b);
// Get normalized length of the distance between:
// 1) point projection onto the segment
// 2) start point of the segment
// Return this length divided by the segment length. This is made to avoid
// sqrt computation during transformation from the initial space to the
// transformed one and vice versa. The assumption is made that projection of
// the point lies between the start-point and endpoint of the segment.
template <class InCT,
template<class> class Point,
template<class> class Segment>
typename enable_if<
typename gtl_and<
typename gtl_if<
typename is_point_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Point<int> >::type
typename gtl_if<
typename is_segment_concept<
typename geometry_concept< Segment<long> >::type
>::type get_point_projection(
const Point<CT>& point, const Segment<InCT>& segment) {
CT segment_vec_x = cast(x(high(segment))) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT segment_vec_y = cast(y(high(segment))) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT point_vec_x = x(point) - cast(x(low(segment)));
CT point_vec_y = y(point) - cast(y(low(segment)));
CT sqr_segment_length =
segment_vec_x * segment_vec_x + segment_vec_y * segment_vec_y;
CT vec_dot = segment_vec_x * point_vec_x + segment_vec_y * point_vec_y;
return vec_dot / sqr_segment_length;
template <typename InCT>
static CT cast(const InCT& value) {
return static_cast<CT>(value);
} } // namespace boost::polygon
using namespace boost::polygon; // provides also high() and low() using namespace boost::polygon; // provides also high() and low()
namespace Slic3r { namespace Geometry { namespace Slic3r { namespace Geometry {
@ -290,6 +464,294 @@ arrange(size_t total_parts, Pointf part, coordf_t dist, const BoundingBoxf* bb)
return positions; return positions;
} }
// The following code for the visualization of the boost Voronoi diagram is based on:
// Boost.Polygon library voronoi_visualizer.cpp file
// Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
namespace Voronoi { namespace Internal {
typedef double coordinate_type;
typedef boost::polygon::point_data<coordinate_type> point_type;
typedef boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type> segment_type;
typedef boost::polygon::rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect_type;
// typedef voronoi_builder<int> VB;
typedef boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type> VD;
typedef VD::cell_type cell_type;
typedef VD::cell_type::source_index_type source_index_type;
typedef VD::cell_type::source_category_type source_category_type;
typedef VD::edge_type edge_type;
typedef VD::cell_container_type cell_container_type;
typedef VD::cell_container_type vertex_container_type;
typedef VD::edge_container_type edge_container_type;
typedef VD::const_cell_iterator const_cell_iterator;
typedef VD::const_vertex_iterator const_vertex_iterator;
typedef VD::const_edge_iterator const_edge_iterator;
static const std::size_t EXTERNAL_COLOR = 1;
inline void color_exterior(const VD::edge_type* edge)
if (edge->color() == EXTERNAL_COLOR)
const VD::vertex_type* v = edge->vertex1();
if (v == NULL || !edge->is_primary())
const VD::edge_type* e = v->incident_edge();
do {
e = e->rot_next();
} while (e != v->incident_edge());
inline point_type retrieve_point(const std::vector<segment_type> &segments, const cell_type& cell)
assert(cell.source_category() == SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT || cell.source_category() == SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT);
return (cell.source_category() == SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT) ? low(segments[cell.source_index()]) : high(segments[cell.source_index()]);
inline void clip_infinite_edge(const std::vector<segment_type> &segments, const edge_type& edge, coordinate_type bbox_max_size, std::vector<point_type>* clipped_edge)
const cell_type& cell1 = *edge.cell();
const cell_type& cell2 = *edge.twin()->cell();
point_type origin, direction;
// Infinite edges could not be created by two segment sites.
if (cell1.contains_point() && cell2.contains_point()) {
point_type p1 = retrieve_point(segments, cell1);
point_type p2 = retrieve_point(segments, cell2);
origin.x((p1.x() + p2.x()) * 0.5);
origin.y((p1.y() + p2.y()) * 0.5);
direction.x(p1.y() - p2.y());
direction.y(p2.x() - p1.x());
} else {
origin = cell1.contains_segment() ? retrieve_point(segments, cell2) : retrieve_point(segments, cell1);
segment_type segment = cell1.contains_segment() ? segments[cell1.source_index()] : segments[cell2.source_index()];
coordinate_type dx = high(segment).x() - low(segment).x();
coordinate_type dy = high(segment).y() - low(segment).y();
if ((low(segment) == origin) ^ cell1.contains_point()) {
} else {
coordinate_type koef = bbox_max_size / (std::max)(fabs(direction.x()), fabs(direction.y()));
if (edge.vertex0() == NULL) {
origin.x() - direction.x() * koef,
origin.y() - direction.y() * koef));
} else {
point_type(edge.vertex0()->x(), edge.vertex0()->y()));
if (edge.vertex1() == NULL) {
origin.x() + direction.x() * koef,
origin.y() + direction.y() * koef));
} else {
point_type(edge.vertex1()->x(), edge.vertex1()->y()));
inline void sample_curved_edge(const std::vector<segment_type> &segments, const edge_type& edge, std::vector<point_type> &sampled_edge, coordinate_type max_dist)
point_type point = edge.cell()->contains_point() ?
retrieve_point(segments, *edge.cell()) :
retrieve_point(segments, *edge.twin()->cell());
segment_type segment = edge.cell()->contains_point() ?
segments[edge.twin()->cell()->source_index()] :
::boost::polygon::voronoi_visual_utils<coordinate_type>::discretize(point, segment, max_dist, &sampled_edge);
} /* namespace Internal */ } // namespace Voronoi
static inline void dump_voronoi_to_svg(const Lines &lines, /* const */ voronoi_diagram<double> &vd, const ThickPolylines *polylines, const char *path)
const double scale = 0.2;
const std::string inputSegmentPointColor = "lightseagreen";
const coord_t inputSegmentPointRadius = coord_t(0.09 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const std::string inputSegmentColor = "lightseagreen";
const coord_t inputSegmentLineWidth = coord_t(0.03 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const std::string voronoiPointColor = "black";
const coord_t voronoiPointRadius = coord_t(0.06 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const std::string voronoiLineColorPrimary = "black";
const std::string voronoiLineColorSecondary = "green";
const std::string voronoiArcColor = "red";
const coord_t voronoiLineWidth = coord_t(0.02 * scale / SCALING_FACTOR);
const bool internalEdgesOnly = false;
const bool primaryEdgesOnly = false;
BoundingBox bbox = BoundingBox(lines);
bbox.min.x -= coord_t(1. / SCALING_FACTOR);
bbox.min.y -= coord_t(1. / SCALING_FACTOR);
bbox.max.x += coord_t(1. / SCALING_FACTOR);
bbox.max.y += coord_t(1. / SCALING_FACTOR);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(path, bbox);
if (polylines != NULL)
svg.draw(*polylines, "lime", "lime", voronoiLineWidth);
// bbox.scale(1.2);
// For clipping of half-lines to some reasonable value.
// The line will then be clipped by the SVG viewer anyway.
const double bbox_dim_max = double(bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x) + double(bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y);
// For the discretization of the Voronoi parabolic segments.
const double discretization_step = 0.0005 * bbox_dim_max;
// Make a copy of the input segments with the double type.
std::vector<Voronoi::Internal::segment_type> segments;
for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++ it)
Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(it->a.x), double(it->a.y)),
Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(it->b.x), double(it->b.y))));
// Color exterior edges.
for (voronoi_diagram<double>::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it)
if (!it->is_finite())
// Draw the end points of the input polygon.
for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) {
svg.draw(it->a, inputSegmentPointColor, inputSegmentPointRadius);
svg.draw(it->b, inputSegmentPointColor, inputSegmentPointRadius);
// Draw the input polygon.
for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it)
svg.draw(Line(Point(coord_t(it->a.x), coord_t(it->a.y)), Point(coord_t(it->b.x), coord_t(it->b.y))), inputSegmentColor, inputSegmentLineWidth);
#if 1
// Draw voronoi vertices.
for (voronoi_diagram<double>::const_vertex_iterator it = vd.vertices().begin(); it != vd.vertices().end(); ++it)
if (! internalEdgesOnly || it->color() != Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR)
svg.draw(Point(coord_t(it->x()), coord_t(it->y())), voronoiPointColor, voronoiPointRadius);
for (voronoi_diagram<double>::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) {
if (primaryEdgesOnly && !it->is_primary())
if (internalEdgesOnly && (it->color() == Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR))
std::vector<Voronoi::Internal::point_type> samples;
std::string color = voronoiLineColorPrimary;
if (!it->is_finite()) {
Voronoi::Internal::clip_infinite_edge(segments, *it, bbox_dim_max, &samples);
if (! it->is_primary())
color = voronoiLineColorSecondary;
} else {
// Store both points of the segment into samples. sample_curved_edge will split the initial line
// until the discretization_step is reached.
samples.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::point_type(it->vertex0()->x(), it->vertex0()->y()));
samples.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::point_type(it->vertex1()->x(), it->vertex1()->y()));
if (it->is_curved()) {
Voronoi::Internal::sample_curved_edge(segments, *it, samples, discretization_step);
color = voronoiArcColor;
} else if (! it->is_primary())
color = voronoiLineColorSecondary;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i + 1 < samples.size(); ++i)
svg.draw(Line(Point(coord_t(samples[i].x()), coord_t(samples[i].y())), Point(coord_t(samples[i+1].x()), coord_t(samples[i+1].y()))), color, voronoiLineWidth);
if (polylines != NULL)
svg.draw(*polylines, "blue", voronoiLineWidth);
#endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */
// Euclidian distance of two boost::polygon points.
template<typename T>
T dist(const boost::polygon::point_data<T> &p1,const boost::polygon::point_data<T> &p2)
T dx = p2.x() - p1.x();
T dy = p2.y() - p1.y();
return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
// Find a foot point of "px" on a segment "seg".
template<typename segment_type, typename point_type>
inline point_type project_point_to_segment(segment_type &seg, point_type &px)
typedef typename point_type::coordinate_type T;
const point_type &p0 = low(seg);
const point_type &p1 = high(seg);
const point_type dir(p1.x()-p0.x(), p1.y()-p0.y());
const point_type dproj(px.x()-p0.x(), px.y()-p0.y());
const T t = (dir.x()*dproj.x() + dir.y()*dproj.y()) / (dir.x()*dir.x() + dir.y()*dir.y());
assert(t >= T(-1e-6) && t <= T(1. + 1e-6));
return point_type(p0.x() + t*dir.x(), p0.y() + t*dir.y());
template<typename VD, typename SEGMENTS>
inline const typename VD::point_type retrieve_cell_point(const typename VD::cell_type& cell, const SEGMENTS &segments)
assert(cell.source_category() == SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT || cell.source_category() == SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT);
return (cell.source_category() == SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT) ? low(segments[cell.source_index()]) : high(segments[cell.source_index()]);
template<typename VD, typename SEGMENTS>
inline std::pair<typename VD::coord_type, typename VD::coord_type>
measure_edge_thickness(const VD &vd, const typename VD::edge_type& edge, const SEGMENTS &segments)
typedef typename VD::coord_type T;
const typename VD::point_type pa(edge.vertex0()->x(), edge.vertex0()->y());
const typename VD::point_type pb(edge.vertex1()->x(), edge.vertex1()->y());
const typename VD::cell_type &cell1 = *edge.cell();
const typename VD::cell_type &cell2 = *edge.twin()->cell();
if (cell1.contains_segment()) {
if (cell2.contains_segment()) {
// Both cells contain a linear segment, the left / right cells are symmetric.
// Project pa, pb to the left segment.
const typename VD::segment_type segment1 = segments[cell1.source_index()];
const typename VD::point_type p1a = project_point_to_segment(segment1, pa);
const typename VD::point_type p1b = project_point_to_segment(segment1, pb);
return std::pair<T, T>(T(2.)*dist(pa, p1a), T(2.)*dist(pb, p1b));
} else {
// 1st cell contains a linear segment, 2nd cell contains a point.
// The medial axis between the cells is a parabolic arc.
// Project pa, pb to the left segment.
const typename VD::point_type p2 = retrieve_cell_point<VD>(cell2, segments);
return std::pair<T, T>(T(2.)*dist(pa, p2), T(2.)*dist(pb, p2));
} else if (cell2.contains_segment()) {
// 1st cell contains a point, 2nd cell contains a linear segment.
// The medial axis between the cells is a parabolic arc.
const typename VD::point_type p1 = retrieve_cell_point<VD>(cell1, segments);
return std::pair<T, T>(T(2.)*dist(pa, p1), T(2.)*dist(pb, p1));
} else {
// Both cells contain a point. The left / right regions are triangular and symmetric.
const typename VD::point_type p1 = retrieve_cell_point<VD>(cell1, segments);
return std::pair<T, T>(T(2.)*dist(pa, p1), T(2.)*dist(pb, p1));
// Converts the Line instances of Lines vector to VD::segment_type.
template<typename VD>
class Lines2VDSegments
Lines2VDSegments(const Lines &alines) : lines(alines) {}
typename VD::segment_type operator[](size_t idx) const {
return typename VD::segment_type(
typename VD::point_type(typename VD::coord_type(lines[idx].a.x), typename VD::coord_type(lines[idx].a.y)),
typename VD::point_type(typename VD::coord_type(lines[idx].b.x), typename VD::coord_type(lines[idx].b.y)));
const Lines &lines;
void void
MedialAxis::build(ThickPolylines* polylines) MedialAxis::build(ThickPolylines* polylines)
{ {
@ -373,6 +835,25 @@ MedialAxis::build(ThickPolylines* polylines)
// append polyline to result // append polyline to result
polylines->push_back(polyline); polylines->push_back(polyline);
} }
char path[2048];
static int iRun = 0;
sprintf(path, "out/MedialAxis-%d.svg", iRun ++);
dump_voronoi_to_svg(this->lines, this->vd, polylines, path);
printf("Thick lines: ");
for (ThickPolylines::const_iterator it = polylines->begin(); it != polylines->end(); ++ it) {
ThickLines lines = it->thicklines();
for (ThickLines::const_iterator it2 = lines.begin(); it2 != lines.end(); ++ it2) {
printf("%f,%f ", it2->a_width, it2->b_width);
#endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */
} }
void void

View file

@ -52,7 +52,13 @@ class MedialAxis {
void build(Polylines* polylines); void build(Polylines* polylines);
private: private:
typedef voronoi_diagram<double> VD; class VD : public voronoi_diagram<double> {
typedef double coord_type;
typedef boost::polygon::point_data<coordinate_type> point_type;
typedef boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type> segment_type;
typedef boost::polygon::rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect_type;
VD vd; VD vd;
std::set<const VD::edge_type*> edges, valid_edges; std::set<const VD::edge_type*> edges, valid_edges;
std::map<const VD::edge_type*, std::pair<coordf_t,coordf_t> > thickness; std::map<const VD::edge_type*, std::pair<coordf_t,coordf_t> > thickness;

View file

@ -19,18 +19,54 @@ SVG::SVG(const char* filename)
); );
} }
SVG::SVG(const char* filename, const BoundingBox &bbox)
: arrows(false), fill("grey"), stroke("black"), filename(filename), origin(bbox.min)
this->f = fopen(filename, "w");
float w = COORD(bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x);
float h = COORD(bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y);
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"
"<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n"
"<svg height=\"%f\" width=\"%f\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\n"
" <marker id=\"endArrow\" markerHeight=\"8\" markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\" markerWidth=\"10\" orient=\"auto\" refX=\"1\" refY=\"5\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\">\n"
" <polyline fill=\"darkblue\" points=\"0,0 10,5 0,10 1,5\" />\n"
" </marker>\n",
h, w);
void void
SVG::draw(const Line &line, std::string stroke) SVG::draw(const Line &line, std::string stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
{ {
fprintf(this->f, fprintf(this->f,
" <line x1=\"%f\" y1=\"%f\" x2=\"%f\" y2=\"%f\" style=\"stroke: %s; stroke-width: 1\"", " <line x1=\"%f\" y1=\"%f\" x2=\"%f\" y2=\"%f\" style=\"stroke: %s; stroke-width: %f\"",
COORD(line.a.x), COORD(line.a.y), COORD(line.b.x), COORD(line.b.y), stroke.c_str() COORD(line.a.x - origin.x), COORD(line.a.y - origin.y), COORD(line.b.x - origin.x), COORD(line.b.y - origin.y), stroke.c_str(), (stroke_width == 0) ? 1.f : COORD(stroke_width));
if (this->arrows) if (this->arrows)
fprintf(this->f, " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\""); fprintf(this->f, " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\"");
fprintf(this->f, "/>\n"); fprintf(this->f, "/>\n");
} }
void SVG::draw(const ThickLine &line, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
Pointf dir(line.b.x-line.a.x, line.b.y-line.a.y);
Pointf perp(-dir.y, dir.x);
coordf_t len = sqrt(perp.x*perp.x + perp.y*perp.y);
coordf_t da = coordf_t(0.5)*line.a_width/len;
coordf_t db = coordf_t(0.5)*line.b_width/len;
" <polygon points=\"%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke: %s; stroke-width: %f\"/>\n",
fill.c_str(), stroke.c_str(),
(stroke_width == 0) ? 1.f : COORD(stroke_width));
void void
SVG::draw(const Lines &lines, std::string stroke) SVG::draw(const Lines &lines, std::string stroke)
{ {
@ -80,31 +116,45 @@ SVG::draw(const Polygons &polygons, std::string fill)
} }
void void
SVG::draw(const Polyline &polyline, std::string stroke) SVG::draw(const Polyline &polyline, std::string stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
{ {
this->stroke = stroke; this->stroke = stroke;
this->path(this->get_path_d(polyline, false), false); this->path(this->get_path_d(polyline, false), false, stroke_width);
} }
void void
SVG::draw(const Polylines &polylines, std::string stroke) SVG::draw(const Polylines &polylines, std::string stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
{ {
for (Polylines::const_iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++it) for (Polylines::const_iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++it)
this->draw(*it, stroke); this->draw(*it, fill, stroke_width);
void SVG::draw(const ThickLines &thicklines, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
for (ThickLines::const_iterator it = thicklines.begin(); it != thicklines.end(); ++it)
this->draw(*it, fill, stroke, stroke_width);
} }
void void
SVG::draw(const ThickPolylines &polylines, std::string stroke) SVG::draw(const ThickPolylines &polylines, const std::string &stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
{ {
for (ThickPolylines::const_iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++it) for (ThickPolylines::const_iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++it)
this->draw((Polyline)*it, stroke); this->draw((Polyline)*it, stroke, stroke_width);
SVG::draw(const ThickPolylines &thickpolylines, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coord_t stroke_width)
for (ThickPolylines::const_iterator it = thickpolylines.begin(); it != thickpolylines.end(); ++ it)
draw(it->thicklines(), fill, stroke, stroke_width);
} }
void void
SVG::draw(const Point &point, std::string fill, unsigned int radius) SVG::draw(const Point &point, std::string fill, coord_t iradius)
{ {
float radius = (iradius == 0) ? 3.f : COORD(iradius);
std::ostringstream svg; std::ostringstream svg;
svg << " <circle cx=\"" << COORD(point.x) << "\" cy=\"" << COORD(point.y) svg << " <circle cx=\"" << COORD(point.x - origin.x) << "\" cy=\"" << COORD(point.y - origin.y)
<< "\" r=\"" << radius << "\" " << "\" r=\"" << radius << "\" "
<< "style=\"stroke: none; fill: " << fill << "\" />"; << "style=\"stroke: none; fill: " << fill << "\" />";
@ -112,22 +162,26 @@ SVG::draw(const Point &point, std::string fill, unsigned int radius)
} }
void void
SVG::draw(const Points &points, std::string fill, unsigned int radius) SVG::draw(const Points &points, std::string fill, coord_t radius)
{ {
for (Points::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) for (Points::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it)
this->draw(*it, fill, radius); this->draw(*it, fill, radius);
} }
void void
SVG::path(const std::string &d, bool fill) SVG::path(const std::string &d, bool fill, coord_t stroke_width)
{ {
float lineWidth = 0.f;
if (! fill)
lineWidth = (stroke_width == 0) ? 2.f : COORD(stroke_width);
fprintf( fprintf(
this->f, this->f,
" <path d=\"%s\" style=\"fill: %s; stroke: %s; stroke-width: %s; fill-type: evenodd\" %s />\n", " <path d=\"%s\" style=\"fill: %s; stroke: %s; stroke-width: %f; fill-type: evenodd\" %s />\n",
d.c_str(), d.c_str(),
fill ? this->fill.c_str() : "none", fill ? this->fill.c_str() : "none",
this->stroke.c_str(), this->stroke.c_str(),
fill ? "0" : "2", lineWidth,
(this->arrows && !fill) ? " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\"" : "" (this->arrows && !fill) ? " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\"" : ""
); );
} }
@ -138,8 +192,8 @@ SVG::get_path_d(const MultiPoint &mp, bool closed) const
std::ostringstream d; std::ostringstream d;
d << "M "; d << "M ";
for (Points::const_iterator p = mp.points.begin(); p != mp.points.end(); ++p) { for (Points::const_iterator p = mp.points.begin(); p != mp.points.end(); ++p) {
d << COORD(p->x) << " "; d << COORD(p->x - origin.x) << " ";
d << COORD(p->y) << " "; d << COORD(p->y - origin.y) << " ";
} }
if (closed) d << "z"; if (closed) d << "z";
return d.str(); return d.str();

View file

@ -13,27 +13,32 @@ class SVG
public: public:
bool arrows; bool arrows;
std::string fill, stroke; std::string fill, stroke;
Point origin;
SVG(const char* filename); SVG(const char* filename);
void draw(const Line &line, std::string stroke = "black"); SVG(const char* filename, const BoundingBox &bbox);
void draw(const Line &line, std::string stroke = "black", coord_t stroke_width = 0);
void draw(const ThickLine &line, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coord_t stroke_width = 0);
void draw(const Lines &lines, std::string stroke = "black"); void draw(const Lines &lines, std::string stroke = "black");
void draw(const IntersectionLines &lines, std::string stroke = "black"); void draw(const IntersectionLines &lines, std::string stroke = "black");
void draw(const ExPolygon &expolygon, std::string fill = "grey"); void draw(const ExPolygon &expolygon, std::string fill = "grey");
void draw(const ExPolygons &expolygons, std::string fill = "grey"); void draw(const ExPolygons &expolygons, std::string fill = "grey");
void draw(const Polygon &polygon, std::string fill = "grey"); void draw(const Polygon &polygon, std::string fill = "grey");
void draw(const Polygons &polygons, std::string fill = "grey"); void draw(const Polygons &polygons, std::string fill = "grey");
void draw(const Polyline &polyline, std::string stroke = "black"); void draw(const Polyline &polyline, std::string stroke = "black", coord_t stroke_width = 0);
void draw(const Polylines &polylines, std::string stroke = "black"); void draw(const Polylines &polylines, std::string stroke = "black", coord_t stroke_width = 0);
void draw(const ThickPolylines &polylines, std::string stroke = "black"); void draw(const ThickLines &thicklines, const std::string &fill = "lime", const std::string &stroke = "black", coord_t stroke_width = 0);
void draw(const Point &point, std::string fill = "black", unsigned int radius = 3); void draw(const ThickPolylines &polylines, const std::string &stroke = "black", coord_t stroke_width = 0);
void draw(const Points &points, std::string fill = "black", unsigned int radius = 3); void draw(const ThickPolylines &thickpolylines, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coord_t stroke_width);
void draw(const Point &point, std::string fill = "black", coord_t radius = 0);
void draw(const Points &points, std::string fill = "black", coord_t radius = 0);
void Close(); void Close();
private: private:
std::string filename; std::string filename;
FILE* f; FILE* f;
void path(const std::string &d, bool fill); void path(const std::string &d, bool fill, coord_t stroke_width = 0);
std::string get_path_d(const MultiPoint &mp, bool closed = false) const; std::string get_path_d(const MultiPoint &mp, bool closed = false) const;
}; };