ENH:add humidity display/surplus material
Change-Id: I1a04df257c9b09fef7ff06cfa192644478a30716
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 218 additions and 31 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ MachineObject::MachineObject(NetworkAgent* agent, std::string name, std::string
ams_insert_flag = false;
ams_power_on_flag = false;
ams_support_use_ams = false;
ams_humidity = -1;
ams_humidity = 5;
/* signals */
wifi_signal = "";
@ -2531,6 +2531,18 @@ int MachineObject::parse_json(std::string payload)
if (!curr_ams) continue;
if (it->contains("humidity")) {
std::string humidity = (*it)["humidity"].get<std::string>();
try {
curr_ams->humidity = atoi(humidity.c_str());
catch (...) {
if (it->contains("tray")) {
std::set<std::string> tray_id_set;
for (auto it = curr_ams->trayList.begin(); it != curr_ams->trayList.end(); it++) {
@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ public:
id = ams_id;
std::string id;
int humidity = 5;
bool startup_read_opt{true};
bool tray_read_opt{false};
bool is_exists{false};
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ bool AMSinfo::parse_ams_info(Ams *ams)
if (!ams) return false;
this->ams_id = ams->id;
this->ams_humidity = ams->humidity;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
auto it = ams->trayList.find(std::to_string(i));
@ -79,6 +80,9 @@ bool AMSinfo::parse_ams_info(Ams *ams)
} else {
info.material_state = AMSCanType::AMS_CAN_TYPE_THIRDBRAND;
info.material_remain = it->second->remain < 0 ? 100 :it->second->remain;
} else {
info.can_id = it->second->id;
info.material_name = "";
@ -521,6 +525,10 @@ void AMSLib::render(wxDC &dc)
temp_text_colour = AMS_CONTROL_GRAY800;
if (m_info.material_remain < 50) {
temp_text_colour = AMS_CONTROL_GRAY800;
//if (!wxWindow::IsEnabled()) {
@ -568,11 +576,16 @@ void AMSLib::render(wxDC &dc)
void AMSLib::doRender(wxDC &dc)
wxSize size = GetSize();
auto tmp_lib_colour = m_info.material_colour;
wxSize size = GetSize();
auto tmp_lib_colour = m_info.material_colour;
auto temp_bitmap_third = m_bitmap_editable_light;
auto temp_bitmap_brand = m_bitmap_readonly_light;
//draw def background
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4), size.x - FromDIP(8), size.y - FromDIP(8), m_radius);
if (tmp_lib_colour.GetLuminance() < 0.5) {
temp_bitmap_third = m_bitmap_editable_light;
temp_bitmap_brand = m_bitmap_readonly_light;
@ -581,6 +594,11 @@ void AMSLib::doRender(wxDC &dc)
temp_bitmap_brand = m_bitmap_readonly;
if (m_info.material_remain < 50) {
temp_bitmap_third = m_bitmap_editable;
temp_bitmap_brand = m_bitmap_readonly;
//if (!wxWindow::IsEnabled()) {
//tmp_lib_colour = AMS_CONTROL_DISABLE_COLOUR;
@ -598,11 +616,11 @@ void AMSLib::doRender(wxDC &dc)
if (m_radius == 0) {
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
} else {
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4), size.x - FromDIP(8), size.y - FromDIP(8), m_radius);
/* if (m_radius == 0) {
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
} else {
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4), size.x - FromDIP(8), size.y - FromDIP(8), m_radius);
if (!m_selected && m_hover) {
@ -610,26 +628,54 @@ void AMSLib::doRender(wxDC &dc)
if (m_radius == 0) {
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
} else {
else {
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(1), FromDIP(1), size.x - FromDIP(1), size.y - FromDIP(1), m_radius);
if (m_radius == 0) {
/* if (m_radius == 0) {
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
} else {
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4), size.x - FromDIP(8), size.y - FromDIP(8), m_radius);
} else {
dc.SetPen(wxPen(tmp_lib_colour, 1, wxSOLID));
if (m_radius == 0) {
/*if (m_radius == 0) {
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
} else {
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4), size.x - FromDIP(8), size.y - FromDIP(8), m_radius);
//draw remain
int height = size.y - FromDIP(8);
int curr_height = height * float(m_info.material_remain * 1.0 / 100.0);
if (curr_height < FromDIP(6)) {
curr_height = FromDIP(6);
int top = height - curr_height;
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4) + top, size.x - FromDIP(8), curr_height, m_radius);
if (top > 2) {
dc.DrawRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4) + top, size.x - FromDIP(8), FromDIP(2));
if (tmp_lib_colour.Red() > 238 && tmp_lib_colour.Green() > 238 && tmp_lib_colour.Blue() > 238) {
dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(130, 129, 128), 1, wxSOLID));
dc.DrawLine(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4) + top, size.x - FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4) + top);
dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(130, 130, 128), 1, wxSOLID));
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(FromDIP(4), FromDIP(4), size.x - FromDIP(8), size.y - FromDIP(8), m_radius);
// edit icon
if (m_info.material_state != AMSCanType::AMS_CAN_TYPE_EMPTY && m_info.material_state != AMSCanType::AMS_CAN_TYPE_NONE)
@ -696,6 +742,12 @@ AMSRoad::AMSRoad(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, Caninfo info, int canindex, in
m_rode_mode = AMSRoadMode::AMS_ROAD_MODE_LEFT;
ams_humidity_0 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_0", 18);
ams_humidity_1 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_1", 18);
ams_humidity_2 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_2", 18);
ams_humidity_3 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_3", 18);
ams_humidity_4 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_4", 18);
create(parent, id, pos, size);
Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &AMSRoad::paintEvent, this);
@ -703,8 +755,9 @@ AMSRoad::AMSRoad(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, Caninfo info, int canindex, in
void AMSRoad::create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size) { wxWindow::Create(parent, id, pos, size); }
void AMSRoad::Update(Caninfo info, int canindex, int maxcan)
void AMSRoad::Update(AMSinfo amsinfo, Caninfo info, int canindex, int maxcan)
m_amsinfo = amsinfo;
m_info = info;
m_canindex = canindex;
if (m_canindex == 0 && maxcan == 1) {
@ -822,6 +875,27 @@ void AMSRoad::doRender(wxDC &dc)
dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(size.x * 0.37 / 2, size.y * 0.6 - size.y / 6, size.x * 0.63, size.y / 3, m_radius);
if (m_canindex == 3) {
if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 5) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_0.bmp(), wxPoint(size.x - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().x - FromDIP(4), size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y - FromDIP(8)));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 4) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_1.bmp(), wxPoint(size.x - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().x - FromDIP(4), size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y - FromDIP(8)));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 3) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_2.bmp(), wxPoint(size.x - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().x - FromDIP(4), size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y - FromDIP(8)));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 2) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_3.bmp(), wxPoint(size.x - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().x - FromDIP(4), size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y - FromDIP(8)));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 1) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_4.bmp(), wxPoint(size.x - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().x - FromDIP(4), size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y - FromDIP(8)));
else {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_0.bmp(), wxPoint(size.x - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().x - FromDIP(4), size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y - FromDIP(8)));
void AMSRoad::UpdatePassRoad(int tag_index, AMSPassRoadType type, AMSPassRoadSTEP step) {}
@ -886,13 +960,19 @@ AMSItem::AMSItem() {}
AMSItem::AMSItem(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, AMSinfo amsinfo, const wxSize cube_size, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size) : AMSItem()
ams_humidity_0 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_0", 18);
ams_humidity_1 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_1", 18);
ams_humidity_2 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_2", 18);
ams_humidity_3 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_3", 18);
ams_humidity_4 = ScalableBitmap(this, "ams_humidity_4", 18);
m_amsinfo = amsinfo;
m_cube_size = cube_size;
create(parent, id, pos, size);
Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &AMSItem::paintEvent, this);
Bind(wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &AMSItem::OnEnterWindow, this);
Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &AMSItem::OnLeaveWindow, this);
// Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &AMSItem::OnSelected, this);
void AMSItem::Open()
@ -1025,12 +1105,30 @@ void AMSItem::doRender(wxDC &dc)
dc.DrawLine(left, (size.y - AMS_ITEM_CUBE_SIZE.y) / 2, left, ((size.y - AMS_ITEM_CUBE_SIZE.y) / 2) + AMS_ITEM_CUBE_SIZE.y);
left += m_space;
auto tsize = dc.GetTextExtent("00% RH");
auto text = wxString::Format("%d%% RH", m_humidity);
dc.DrawText(text, wxPoint(left, (size.y - tsize.y) / 2));
left += m_space + m_space / 2;
/* dc.SetFont(::Label::Body_13);
auto tsize = dc.GetTextExtent("00% RH");
auto text = wxString::Format("%d%% RH", m_humidity);*/
if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 5) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_0.bmp(), wxPoint(left, (size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y) / 2));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 4) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_1.bmp(), wxPoint(left, (size.y - ams_humidity_1.GetBmpSize().y) / 2));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 3) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_2.bmp(), wxPoint(left, (size.y - ams_humidity_2.GetBmpSize().y) / 2));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 2) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_3.bmp(), wxPoint(left, (size.y - ams_humidity_3.GetBmpSize().y) / 2));
else if (m_amsinfo.ams_humidity == 1) {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_4.bmp(), wxPoint(left, (size.y - ams_humidity_4.GetBmpSize().y) / 2));
else {
dc.DrawBitmap(ams_humidity_0.bmp(), wxPoint(left, (size.y - ams_humidity_0.GetBmpSize().y) / 2));
auto border_colour = AMS_CONTROL_BRAND_COLOUR;
@ -1107,7 +1205,7 @@ void AmsCans::Update(AMSinfo info)
for (auto i = 0; i < m_can_road_list.GetCount(); i++) {
CanRoads *road = m_can_road_list[i];
if (i < m_can_count) {
road->canRoad->Update(info.cans[i], i, m_can_count);
road->canRoad->Update(m_info, info.cans[i], i, m_can_count);
} else {
@ -1902,7 +2000,7 @@ void AMSControl::SwitchAms(std::string ams_id)
// m_panel_top->Fit();
for (auto i = 0; i < m_ams_cans_list.GetCount(); i++) {
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#define AMS_CONTROL_WHITE_COLOUR wxColour(255, 255, 255)
#define AMS_CONTROL_BLACK_COLOUR wxColour(0, 0, 0)
#define AMS_CONTROL_DEF_BLOCK_BK_COLOUR wxColour(238, 238, 238)
#define AMS_CONTROL_DEF_LIB_BK_COLOUR wxColour(248, 248, 248)
#define AMS_EXTRUDER_DEF_COLOUR wxColour(234, 234, 234)
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ enum FilamentStep {
#define AMS_ITEM_CUBE_SIZE wxSize(FromDIP(14), FromDIP(14))
#define AMS_ITEM_SIZE wxSize(FromDIP(82), FromDIP(27))
#define AMS_ITEM_HUMIDITY_SIZE wxSize(FromDIP(150), FromDIP(27))
#define AMS_ITEM_HUMIDITY_SIZE wxSize(FromDIP(120), FromDIP(27))
#define AMS_CAN_LIB_SIZE wxSize(FromDIP(58), FromDIP(80))
#define AMS_CAN_ROAD_SIZE wxSize(FromDIP(66), FromDIP(60))
@ -111,18 +112,19 @@ struct Caninfo
wxString material_name;
wxColour material_colour = {*wxWHITE};
AMSCanType material_state;
int material_remain = 100;
struct AMSinfo
std::string ams_id;
std::vector<Caninfo> cans;
std::string current_can_id;
AMSPassRoadSTEP current_step;
AMSAction current_action;
int curreent_filamentstep;
std::string ams_id;
std::vector<Caninfo> cans;
std::string current_can_id;
AMSPassRoadSTEP current_step;
AMSAction current_action;
int curreent_filamentstep;
int ams_humidity = 0;
bool parse_ams_info(Ams *ams);
@ -268,6 +270,7 @@ public:
void create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize);
AMSinfo m_amsinfo;
Caninfo m_info;
int m_canindex = {0};
AMSRoadMode m_rode_mode = {AMSRoadMode::AMS_ROAD_MODE_LEFT_RIGHT};
@ -277,7 +280,15 @@ public:
double m_radius = {4};
wxColour m_road_def_color;
wxColour m_road_color;
void Update(Caninfo info, int canindex, int maxcan);
void Update(AMSinfo amsinfo, Caninfo info, int canindex, int maxcan);
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_0;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_1;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_2;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_3;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_4;
bool m_show_humidity = { false };
int m_humidity = { 0 };
void SetPassRoadColour(wxColour col);
void SetMode(AMSRoadMode mode);
@ -313,7 +324,13 @@ public:
void HideHumidity();
void SetHumidity(int humidity);
virtual bool Enable(bool enable = true);
AMSinfo m_amsinfo;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_0;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_1;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_2;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_3;
ScalableBitmap ams_humidity_4;
wxSize m_cube_size;
Reference in a new issue