ENH: reduce share mesh from 3mf
Change-Id: I7c504c98fdf05c8dbd67e852e100c2cc38190c3b (cherry picked from commit bab4fc7310e15354e98e650540fb91eefb2f4248)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 94 additions and 105 deletions
@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ static constexpr const char* RELATIONSHIP_TAG = "Relationship";
static constexpr const char* PID_ATTR = "pid";
static constexpr const char* PUUID_ATTR = "p:uuid";
static constexpr const char* PPATH_ATTR = "p:path";
static constexpr const char* OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX = "-41cb-4c03-9d28-80fed5dfa1dc";
static constexpr const char *OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX = "-41cb-4c03-9d28-80fed5dfa1dc";
static constexpr const char *OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX2 = "-51cb-4c03-9d28-80fed5dfa1dc";
static constexpr const char* BUILD_UUID = "d8eb061-b1ec-4553-aec9-835e5b724bb4";
static constexpr const char* BUILD_UUID_SUFFIX = "-b1ec-4553-aec9-835e5b724bb4";
static constexpr const char* TARGET_ATTR = "Target";
@ -4238,7 +4239,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
Transform3d volume_matrix_to_object = Transform3d::Identity();
bool has_transform = false;
int shared_mesh_id = -1;
int shared_mesh_id = object_id.second;
if (volume_data)
int found_count = 0;
@ -5117,13 +5118,14 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
ModelObject const * object;
int backup_id;
int object_id;
std::string path;
int object_id = 0;
std::string sub_path;
bool share_mesh = false;
VolumeToObjectIDMap volumes_objectID;
typedef std::vector<BuildItem> BuildItemsList;
typedef std::map<int, ObjectData> IdToObjectDataMap;
typedef std::map<ModelObject const *, ObjectData> ObjectToObjectDataMap;
bool m_fullpath_sources{ true };
bool m_zip64 { true };
@ -5135,7 +5137,9 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
bool m_skip_model { false }; // skip model when exporting .gcode.3mf
bool m_skip_auxiliary { false }; // skip normal axuiliary files
bool m_use_loaded_id { false }; // whether to use loaded id for identify_id
bool m_share_mesh { false }; // whether to share mesh between objects
std::map<void const *, std::pair<ObjectData*, ModelVolume const *>> m_shared_meshes;
std::map<ModelVolume const *, std::pair<std::string, int>> m_volume_paths;
//BBS: add plate data related logic
@ -5174,7 +5178,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
std::vector<std::string> const &types = {},
PackingTemporaryData data = PackingTemporaryData(),
int export_plate_idx = -1) const;
bool _add_model_file_to_archive(const std::string& filename, mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, IdToObjectDataMap& objects_data, Export3mfProgressFn proFn = nullptr, BBLProject* project = nullptr) const;
bool _add_model_file_to_archive(const std::string& filename, mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, ObjectToObjectDataMap& objects_data, Export3mfProgressFn proFn = nullptr, BBLProject* project = nullptr) const;
bool _add_object_to_model_stream(mz_zip_writer_staged_context &context, ObjectData const &object_data) const;
void _add_object_components_to_stream(std::stringstream &stream, ObjectData const &object_data) const;
//BBS: change volume to seperate objects
@ -5189,7 +5193,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
bool _add_project_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const DynamicPrintConfig &config, Model& model);
//BBS: add project embedded preset files
bool _add_project_embedded_presets_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, Model& model, std::vector<Preset*> project_presets);
bool _add_model_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, PlateDataPtrs& plate_data_list, const IdToObjectDataMap &objects_data, int export_plate_idx = -1, bool save_gcode = true, bool use_loaded_id = false);
bool _add_model_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, PlateDataPtrs& plate_data_list, const ObjectToObjectDataMap &objects_data, int export_plate_idx = -1, bool save_gcode = true, bool use_loaded_id = false);
bool _add_cut_information_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive &archive, Model &model);
bool _add_slice_info_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, PlateDataPtrs& plate_data_list);
bool _add_gcode_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, PlateDataPtrs& plate_data_list, Export3mfProgressFn proFn = nullptr);
@ -5223,6 +5227,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
m_save_gcode = store_params.strategy & SaveStrategy::WithGcode;
m_skip_model = store_params.strategy & SaveStrategy::SkipModel;
m_skip_auxiliary = store_params.strategy & SaveStrategy::SkipAuxiliary;
m_share_mesh = store_params.strategy & SaveStrategy::ShareMesh;
m_from_backup_save = store_params.strategy & SaveStrategy::Backup;
m_use_loaded_id = store_params.strategy & SaveStrategy::UseLoadedId;
@ -5284,8 +5289,8 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
} lock{archive, &filepath_tmp};
IdToObjectDataMap objects_data;
auto & volumes_objectID = objects_data.insert({obj_id, {&object, obj_id}}).first->second.volumes_objectID;
ObjectToObjectDataMap objects_data;
auto & volumes_objectID = objects_data.insert({&object, {&object, obj_id}}).first->second.volumes_objectID;
unsigned int volume_count = 0;
for (ModelVolume *volume : object.volumes) {
if (volume == nullptr) continue;
@ -5524,7 +5529,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
// Adds model file ("3D/3dmodel.model").
// This is the one and only file that contains all the geometry (vertices and triangles) of all ModelVolumes.
IdToObjectDataMap objects_data;
ObjectToObjectDataMap objects_data;
//if (!m_skip_model)
if (!_add_model_file_to_archive(filename, archive, model, objects_data, proFn, project)) { return false; }
@ -5910,7 +5915,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
* save sub model if objects_data is not empty
* not collect build items in sub model
bool _BBS_3MF_Exporter::_add_model_file_to_archive(const std::string& filename, mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, IdToObjectDataMap& objects_data, Export3mfProgressFn proFn, BBLProject* project) const
bool _BBS_3MF_Exporter::_add_model_file_to_archive(const std::string& filename, mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, ObjectToObjectDataMap& objects_data, Export3mfProgressFn proFn, BBLProject* project) const
bool sub_model = !objects_data.empty();
bool write_object = sub_model || !m_split_model;
@ -6041,7 +6046,6 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
unsigned int object_id = 1;
bool cb_cancel = false;
std::vector<unsigned int> object_ids;
std::vector<std::string> object_paths;
if (!m_skip_model) {
for (ModelObject* obj : model.objects) {
@ -6057,36 +6061,48 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
// Index of an object in the 3MF file corresponding to the 1st instance of a ModelObject.
IdToObjectDataMap::iterator object_it = objects_data.begin();
ObjectToObjectDataMap::iterator object_it = objects_data.begin();
if (!sub_model) {
// For backup, use backup id as object id
int backup_id = const_cast<Model&>(model).get_object_backup_id(*obj);
if (m_from_backup_save) object_id = backup_id;
object_it = objects_data.insert({ (int) object_id, {obj, backup_id} }).first;
object_it = objects_data.insert({obj, {obj, backup_id} }).first;
auto & object_data = object_it->second;
if (m_split_model) {
auto filename = boost::format("3D/Objects/%s_%d.model") % obj->name % backup_id;
object_data.sub_path = "/" + filename.str();
auto &volumes_objectID = object_data.volumes_objectID;
unsigned int volume_id = object_id, volume_count = 0;
for (ModelVolume *volume : obj->volumes) {
if (volume == nullptr)
if (m_share_mesh) {
auto iter = m_shared_meshes.find(volume->mesh_ptr());
if (iter != m_shared_meshes.end() && volume->supported_facets.empty()
&& volume->seam_facets.empty()
&& volume->mmu_segmentation_facets.empty()) {
auto data = iter->second.first;
const_cast<_BBS_3MF_Exporter *>(this)->m_volume_paths.insert({volume, {data->sub_path, data->volumes_objectID.find(iter->second.second)->second}});
volumes_objectID.insert({volume, 0});
object_data.share_mesh = true;
const_cast<_BBS_3MF_Exporter *>(this)->m_shared_meshes.insert({volume->mesh_ptr(), {&object_data, volume}});
if (m_from_backup_save)
volume_id = (volume_count << 16 | backup_id);
volumes_objectID.insert({volume, volume_id});
if (!m_from_backup_save) object_id = volume_id;
object_it->second.object_id = object_id;
if (m_split_model) {
auto filename = boost::format("3D/Objects/%s_%d.model") % obj->name % backup_id;
object_data.path = filename.str();
object_data.object_id = object_id;
if (write_object) {
@ -6119,9 +6135,9 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
std::stringstream stream;
if (!m_skip_model) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < object_ids.size(); ++i) {
auto &data = objects_data[object_ids[i]];
if (!m_skip_model && !sub_model) {
for (auto object : model.objects) {
auto &data = objects_data[object];
_add_object_components_to_stream(stream, data);
@ -6152,12 +6168,12 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
// write model rels
_add_relationships_file_to_archive(archive, MODEL_RELS_FILE, object_paths, {"http://schemas.microsoft.com/3dmanufacturing/2013/01/3dmodel"});
if (!m_skip_static) {
if (!m_from_backup_save) {
boost::mutex mutex;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, objects_data.size(), 1), [this, &mutex, &model, &object_ids, &objects_data, &object_paths, main = &archive, project](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, objects_data.size(), 1), [this, &mutex, &model, objects = model.objects, &objects_data, &object_paths, main = &archive, project](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++i) {
auto iter = objects_data.find(object_ids[i]);
IdToObjectDataMap objects_data2;
auto iter = objects_data.find(objects[i]);
ObjectToObjectDataMap objects_data2;
auto & object = *iter->second.object;
mz_zip_archive archive;
@ -6185,23 +6201,6 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
bool _BBS_3MF_Exporter::_add_object_to_model_stream(mz_zip_writer_staged_context &context, ObjectData const &object_data) const
std::stringstream stream;
unsigned int id = 0;
auto & object = *object_data.object;
for (const ModelInstance* instance : object.instances) {
assert(instance != nullptr);
if (instance == nullptr)
//stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " id=\"" << instance_id;
//if (m_production_ext)
// stream << "\" " << PUUID_ATTR << "=\"" << hex_wrap<boost::uint32_t>{(boost::uint32_t)backup_id} << OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX;
//stream << "\" type=\"model\">\n";
if (id == 0) {
std::string buf = stream.str();
// backup: make _add_mesh_to_object_stream() reusable
auto flush = [this, &context](std::string & buf, bool force = false) {
if ((force && !buf.empty()) || buf.size() >= 65536 * 16) {
@ -6214,20 +6213,16 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
return true;
if ((! buf.empty() && ! mz_zip_writer_add_staged_data(&context, buf.data(), buf.size())) ||
!_add_mesh_to_object_stream(flush, object_data)) {
if (!_add_mesh_to_object_stream(flush, object_data)) {
add_error("Unable to add mesh to archive");
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << boost::format(", Unable to add mesh to archive\n");
return false;
// Move all components to main model
//_add_object_components_to_stream(stream, object_data);
std::string buf = stream.str();
return buf.empty() || mz_zip_writer_add_staged_data(&context, buf.data(), buf.size());
return true;
void _BBS_3MF_Exporter::_add_object_components_to_stream(std::stringstream &stream, ObjectData const &object_data) const
@ -6236,7 +6231,8 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " id=\"" << object_data.object_id;
if (m_production_ext)
stream << "\" " << PUUID_ATTR << "=\"" << hex_wrap<boost::uint32_t>{(boost::uint32_t)object_data.backup_id} << OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX;
stream << "\" " << PUUID_ATTR << "=\"" << hex_wrap<boost::uint32_t>{(boost::uint32_t)object_data.backup_id}
<< (object_data.share_mesh ? OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX2 : OBJECT_UUID_SUFFIX);
stream << "\" type=\"model\">\n";
stream << " <" << COMPONENTS_TAG << ">\n";
@ -6244,11 +6240,17 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.volumes.size(); index ++) {
ModelVolume *volume = object.volumes[index];
unsigned int volume_id = object_data.volumes_objectID.find(volume)->second;
auto * ppath = &object_data.sub_path;
auto iter = m_volume_paths.find(volume);
if (iter != m_volume_paths.end()) {
ppath = &iter->second.first;
volume_id = iter->second.second;
//add the transform of the volume
if (object_data.path.empty())
if (ppath->empty())
stream << " <" << COMPONENT_TAG << " objectid=\"" << volume_id; // << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << COMPONENT_TAG << " p:path=\"" << object_data.path << "\" objectid=\"" << volume_id; // << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << COMPONENT_TAG << " p:path=\"" << *ppath << "\" objectid=\"" << volume_id; // << "\"/>\n";
const Transform3d &transf = volume->get_matrix();
stream << "\" " << TRANSFORM_ATTR << "=\"";
for (unsigned c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
@ -6348,6 +6350,10 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
//unsigned int triangles_count = 0;
for (ModelVolume* volume : object.volumes) {
if (volume == nullptr)
int volume_id = object_data.volumes_objectID.find(volume)->second;
if (m_share_mesh && volume_id == 0)
//if (!volume->mesh().stats().repaired())
@ -6365,7 +6371,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
output_buffer += " <";
output_buffer += OBJECT_TAG;
output_buffer += " id=\"";
output_buffer += std::to_string(object_data.volumes_objectID.find(volume)->second);
output_buffer += std::to_string(volume_id);
/*if (m_production_ext) {
std::stringstream stream;
@ -6827,25 +6833,22 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
stream << "/>\n";
bool _BBS_3MF_Exporter::_add_model_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, PlateDataPtrs& plate_data_list, const IdToObjectDataMap &objects_data, int export_plate_idx, bool save_gcode, bool use_loaded_id)
bool _BBS_3MF_Exporter::_add_model_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model, PlateDataPtrs& plate_data_list, const ObjectToObjectDataMap &objects_data, int export_plate_idx, bool save_gcode, bool use_loaded_id)
std::stringstream stream;
std::map<const TriangleMesh*, int> shared_meshes;
// Store mesh transformation in full precision, as the volumes are stored transformed and they need to be transformed back
// when loaded as accurately as possible.
stream << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10);
stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
stream << "<" << CONFIG_TAG << ">\n";
for (const IdToObjectDataMap::value_type& obj_metadata : objects_data) {
const ModelObject* obj = obj_metadata.second.object;
for (const ObjectToObjectDataMap::value_type& obj_metadata : objects_data) {
auto object_data = obj_metadata.second;
const ModelObject *obj = object_data.object;
if (obj != nullptr) {
// Output of instances count added because of github #3435, currently not used by PrusaSlicer
//stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " " << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_metadata.first << "\" " << INSTANCESCOUNT_ATTR << "=\"" << obj->instances.size() << "\">\n";
if (m_skip_static)
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " " << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_metadata.first << "\">\n";
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " " << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_metadata.first + obj->volumes.size() << "\">\n";
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " " << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << object_data.object_id << "\">\n";
// stores object's name
if (!obj->name.empty())
@ -6869,7 +6872,10 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
stream << " <" << PART_TAG << " ";
//stream << FIRST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << it->second.first_triangle_id << "\" ";
//stream << LAST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << it->second.last_triangle_id << "\" ";
stream << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << it->second << "\" ";
int volume_id = it->second;
if (m_share_mesh && volume_id == 0)
volume_id = m_volume_paths.find(volume)->second.second;
stream << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << volume_id << "\" ";
stream << SUBTYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << ModelVolume::type_to_string(volume->type()) << "\">\n";
//stream << " <" << PART_TAG << " " << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << it->second << "\" " << SUBTYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << ModelVolume::type_to_string(volume->type()) << "\">\n";
@ -6927,17 +6933,6 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
if (!text_info.m_text.empty())
_add_text_info_to_archive(stream, text_info);
//add the shared mesh logic
const TriangleMesh* current_mesh = volume->mesh_ptr();
std::map<const TriangleMesh*,int>::iterator mesh_iter;
mesh_iter = shared_meshes.find(current_mesh);
if (mesh_iter != shared_meshes.end()) {
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " "<< KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << MESH_SHARED_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << mesh_iter->second << "\"/>\n";
else {
shared_meshes[current_mesh] = it->second;
// stores mesh's statistics
const RepairedMeshErrors& stats = volume->mesh().stats().repaired_errors;
stream << " <" << MESH_STAT_TAG << " ";
@ -7037,12 +7032,7 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
identify_id = inst->id().id;
if (m_skip_static && obj) {
obj_id = obj->get_backup_id();
} else {
//inst_id = convert_instance_id_to_resource_id(model, obj_id, inst_id);
obj_id = convert_instance_id_to_resource_id(model, obj_id, 0);
obj_id = objects_data.find(obj)->second.object_id;
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << OBJECT_ID_ATTR << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_id << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << INSTANCEID_ATTR << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << inst_id << "\"/>\n";
@ -7060,15 +7050,13 @@ void PlateData::parse_filament_info(GCodeProcessorResult *result)
//BBS: store assemble related info
stream << " <" << ASSEMBLE_TAG << ">\n";
for (const IdToObjectDataMap::value_type& obj_metadata : objects_data) {
const ModelObject* obj = obj_metadata.second.object;
for (const ObjectToObjectDataMap::value_type& obj_metadata : objects_data) {
auto object_data = obj_metadata.second;
const ModelObject* obj = object_data.object;
if (obj != nullptr) {
for (int instance_idx = 0; instance_idx < obj->instances.size(); ++instance_idx) {
if (obj->instances[instance_idx]->is_assemble_initialized()) {
if (m_skip_static)
stream << " <" << ASSEMBLE_ITEM_TAG << " " << OBJECT_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_metadata.first << "\" ";
stream << " <" << ASSEMBLE_ITEM_TAG << " " << OBJECT_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_metadata.first + obj->volumes.size() << "\" ";
stream << " <" << ASSEMBLE_ITEM_TAG << " " << OBJECT_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << object_data.object_id << "\" ";
stream << INSTANCEID_ATTR << "=\"" << instance_idx << "\" " << TRANSFORM_ATTR << "=\"";
for (unsigned c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
for (unsigned r = 0; r < 3; ++r) {
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ enum class SaveStrategy
WithSliceInfo = 1 << 8,
SkipAuxiliary = 1 << 9,
UseLoadedId = 1 << 10,
ShareMesh = 1 << 11,
SplitModel = 0x1000 | ProductionExt,
Encrypted = SecureContentExt | SplitModel,
@ -7753,7 +7753,7 @@ int Plater::save_project(bool saveAs)
return wxID_CANCEL;
//BBS export 3mf without gcode
if (export_3mf(into_path(filename), SaveStrategy::SplitModel) < 0) {
if (export_3mf(into_path(filename), SaveStrategy::SplitModel | SaveStrategy::ShareMesh) < 0) {
MessageDialog(this, _L("Failed to save the project.\nPlease check whether the folder exists online or if other programs open the project file."),
_L("Save project"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING).ShowModal();
return wxID_CANCEL;
Reference in a new issue