Fix renamed_from feature and others
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 83 additions and 79 deletions
@ -2523,6 +2523,17 @@ Preset* PresetCollection::find_preset(const std::string &name, bool first_visibl
first_visible_if_not_found ? &this->first_visible() : nullptr;
const Preset* PresetCollection::find_preset2(const std::string& name) const
auto preset = const_cast<PresetCollection*>(this)->find_preset(name, false, true);
if (preset == nullptr) {
auto _name = get_preset_name_renamed(name);
if(_name != nullptr)
preset = const_cast<PresetCollection*>(this)->find_preset(*_name, false, true);
return preset;
// Return index of the first visible preset. Certainly at least the '- default -' preset shall be visible.
size_t PresetCollection::first_visible_idx() const
@ -596,6 +596,8 @@ public:
Preset* find_preset(const std::string &name, bool first_visible_if_not_found = false, bool real = false);
const Preset* find_preset(const std::string &name, bool first_visible_if_not_found = false) const
{ return const_cast<PresetCollection*>(this)->find_preset(name, first_visible_if_not_found); }
// Orca: find preset, if not found, keep searching in the renamed history
const Preset* find_preset2(const std::string &name) const;
size_t first_visible_idx() const;
// Return index of the first compatible preset. Certainly at least the '- default -' preset shall be compatible.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <cassert>
#include "PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "Model.hpp"
@ -1281,7 +1282,7 @@ std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, std::string> PresetBundle::load_system_pre
// Load the other vendor configs, merge them with this PresetBundle.
// Report duplicate profiles.
PresetBundle other;
append(substitutions, other.load_vendor_configs_from_json(dir.string(), vendor_name, PresetBundle::LoadSystem, compatibility_rule).first);
append(substitutions, other.load_vendor_configs_from_json(dir.string(), vendor_name, PresetBundle::LoadSystem, compatibility_rule, this).first);
std::vector<std::string> duplicates = this->merge_presets(std::move(other));
if (! duplicates.empty()) {
errors_cummulative += "Found duplicated settings in vendor " + vendor_name + "'s json file lists: ";
@ -3300,7 +3301,7 @@ void PresetBundle::load_config_file_config(const std::string &name_or_path, bool
//BBS: Load a config bundle file from json
std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, size_t> PresetBundle::load_vendor_configs_from_json(
const std::string &path, const std::string &vendor_name, LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule compatibility_rule)
const std::string &path, const std::string &vendor_name, LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule compatibility_rule, const PresetBundle* base_bundle)
// Enable substitutions for user config bundle, throw an exception when loading a system profile.
ConfigSubstitutionContext substitution_context { compatibility_rule };
@ -3509,7 +3510,7 @@ std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, size_t> PresetBundle::load_vendor_configs_
PresetCollection *presets = nullptr;
size_t presets_loaded = 0;
auto parse_subfile = [this, path, vendor_name, presets_loaded, current_vendor_profile](
auto parse_subfile = [this, path, vendor_name, presets_loaded, current_vendor_profile, base_bundle](
ConfigSubstitutionContext& substitution_context,
PresetsConfigSubstitutions& substitutions,
LoadConfigBundleAttributes& flags,
@ -3554,19 +3555,32 @@ std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, size_t> PresetBundle::load_vendor_configs_
if (it1 != key_values.end()) {
inherits = it1->second;
auto it2 = config_maps.find(inherits);
if (it2 != config_maps.end()) {
default_config = nullptr;
if (it2 != config_maps.end())
default_config = &(it2->second);
if(default_config == nullptr && base_bundle != nullptr) {
auto base_it2 = base_bundle->m_config_maps.find(inherits);
if (base_it2 != base_bundle->m_config_maps.end())
default_config = &(base_it2->second);
if (default_config != nullptr) {
if (filament_id.empty() && (presets_collection->type() == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT)) {
auto filament_id_map_iter = filament_id_maps.find(inherits);
if (filament_id_map_iter != filament_id_maps.end()) {
filament_id = filament_id_map_iter->second;
if (filament_id.empty() && base_bundle != nullptr) {
auto filament_id_map_iter = base_bundle->m_filament_id_maps.find(inherits);
if (filament_id_map_iter != base_bundle->m_filament_id_maps.end()) {
filament_id = filament_id_map_iter->second;
else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << __FUNCTION__<< ": can not find inherits "<<inherits<<" for " << preset_name;
//throw ConfigurationError(format("can not find inherits %1% for %2%", inherits, preset_name));
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << __FUNCTION__ << ": can not find inherits " << inherits << " for " << preset_name;
// throw ConfigurationError(format("can not find inherits %1% for %2%", inherits, preset_name));
reason = "Can not find inherits: " + inherits;
return reason;
@ -3748,6 +3762,10 @@ std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, size_t> PresetBundle::load_vendor_configs_
throw ConfigurationError((boost::format("Failed loading configuration file %1%\nSuggest cleaning the directory %2% firstly") % subfile_path % path).str());
if (vendor_name == ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY) {
m_config_maps = configs;
m_filament_id_maps = filament_id_maps;
//3.3) paste the printers
presets = &this->printers;
@ -160,7 +160,12 @@ public:
// and the system profiles will point to the VendorProfile instances owned by PresetBundle::vendors.
VendorMap vendors;
struct ObsoletePresets {
// Orca: for OrcaFilamentLibrary
std::map<std::string, DynamicPrintConfig> m_config_maps;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_filament_id_maps;
struct ObsoletePresets
std::vector<std::string> prints;
std::vector<std::string> sla_prints;
std::vector<std::string> filaments;
@ -212,9 +217,9 @@ public:
// Don't do any config substitutions when loading a system profile, perform and report substitutions otherwise.
/*std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, size_t> load_configbundle(
const std::string &path, LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule compatibility_rule);*/
//BBS: add json related logic
//Orca: load config bundle from json, pass the base bundle to support cross vendor inheritance
std::pair<PresetsConfigSubstitutions, size_t> load_vendor_configs_from_json(
const std::string &path, const std::string &vendor_name, LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule compatibility_rule);
const std::string &path, const std::string &vendor_name, LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule compatibility_rule, const PresetBundle* base_bundle = nullptr);
// Export a config bundle file containing all the presets and the names of the active presets.
//void export_configbundle(const std::string &path, bool export_system_settings = false, bool export_physical_printers = false);
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
#include "WebGuideDialog.hpp"
#include "ConfigWizard.hpp"
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/detail/select.hpp>
#include <string.h>
#include "I18N.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/AppConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/wxExtensions.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
#include "libslic3r_version.h"
@ -1066,31 +1070,7 @@ int GuideFrame::GetFilamentInfo( std::string VendorDirectory, json & pFilaList,
int GuideFrame::LoadProfile()
try {
//wxString ExePath = boost::dll::program_location().parent_path().string();
//wxString TargetFolder = ExePath + "\\resources\\profiles\\";
//wxString TargetFolderSearch = ExePath + "\\resources\\profiles\\*.json";
//intptr_t handle;
//_finddata_t findData;
//handle = _findfirst(TargetFolderSearch.mb_str(), &findData); // ???????????
//if (handle == -1) { return -1; }
//do {
// if (findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR && strcmp(, ".") == 0 && strcmp(, "..") == 0) // ??????????"."?".."
// {
// // cout << << "\t<dir>\n";
// } else {
// wxString strVendor = wxString('.');
// LoadProfileFamily(strVendor, TargetFolder +;
// }
//} while (_findnext(handle, &findData) == 0); // ???????????
// BBS: change directories by design
//BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << __FUNCTION__ << boost::format(", will load config from %1%.") % bbl_bundle_path;
m_ProfileJson = json::parse("{}");
//m_ProfileJson["configpath"] = Slic3r::data_dir();
m_ProfileJson["model"] = json::array();
m_ProfileJson["machine"] = json::object();
m_ProfileJson["filament"] = json::object();
@ -1101,74 +1081,58 @@ int GuideFrame::LoadProfile()
// Orca: add custom as default
// Orca: add json logic for vendor bundle
auto orca_custom_bundle_path = vendor_dir;
orca_bundle_rsrc = false;
if (!boost::filesystem::exists((vendor_dir / PresetBundle::ORCA_DEFAULT_BUNDLE).replace_extension(".json"))) {
orca_custom_bundle_path = rsrc_vendor_dir;
orca_bundle_rsrc = true;
orca_bundle_rsrc = true;
// search if there exists a .json file in vendor_dir folder, if exists, set orca_bundle_rsrc to false
for (const auto& entry : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(vendor_dir)) {
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(entry) && boost::iequals(entry.path().extension().string(), ".json") && !boost::iequals(entry.path().stem().string(), PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY)) {
orca_bundle_rsrc = false;
// intptr_t handle;
//_finddata_t findData;
//handle = _findfirst((bbl_bundle_path / "*.json").make_preferred().string().c_str(), &findData); // ???????????
// if (handle == -1) { return -1; }
// do {
// if (findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR && strcmp(, ".") == 0 && strcmp(, "..") == 0) // ??????????"."?".."
// {
// // cout << << "\t<dir>\n";
// } else {
// wxString strVendor = wxString('.');
// LoadProfileFamily(w2s(strVendor), vendor_dir.make_preferred().string() + "\\"+;
// }
//} while (_findnext(handle, &findData) == 0); // ???????????
// load the default filament library first
std::set<std::string> loaded_vendors;
auto filament_library_name = boost::filesystem::path(PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY).replace_extension(".json");
if (boost::filesystem::exists(vendor_dir / filament_library_name)) {
LoadProfileFamily(PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY, (vendor_dir / filament_library_name).string());
} else {
LoadProfileFamily(PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY, (rsrc_vendor_dir / filament_library_name).string());
//load custom bundle from user data path
string targetPath = orca_custom_bundle_path.make_preferred().string();
boost::filesystem::path myPath(targetPath);
boost::filesystem::directory_iterator endIter;
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator iter(myPath); iter != endIter; iter++) {
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(*iter)) {
//cout << "is dir" << endl;
//cout << iter->path().string() << endl;
} else {
//cout << "is a file" << endl;
//cout << iter->path().string() << endl;
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator iter(vendor_dir); iter != endIter; iter++) {
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(*iter)) {
wxString strVendor = from_u8(iter->path().string()).BeforeLast('.');
strVendor = strVendor.AfterLast('\\');
strVendor = strVendor.AfterLast('/');
wxString strExtension = from_u8(iter->path().string()).AfterLast('.').Lower();
if ((w2s(strVendor) == PresetBundle::ORCA_DEFAULT_BUNDLE || w2s(strVendor) == PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY) && strExtension.CmpNoCase("json") == 0)
LoadProfileFamily(w2s(strVendor), iter->path().string());
wxString strExtension = from_u8(iter->path().string()).AfterLast('.').Lower();
if(strExtension.CmpNoCase("json") != 0 || loaded_vendors.find(w2s(strVendor)) != loaded_vendors.end())
LoadProfileFamily(w2s(strVendor), iter->path().string());
//string others_targetPath = rsrc_vendor_dir.string();
boost::filesystem::directory_iterator others_endIter;
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator iter(rsrc_vendor_dir); iter != others_endIter; iter++) {
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(*iter)) {
//cout << "is dir" << endl;
//cout << iter->path().string() << endl;
} else {
//cout << "is a file" << endl;
//cout << iter->path().string() << endl;
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(*iter)) {
wxString strVendor = from_u8(iter->path().string()).BeforeLast('.');
strVendor = strVendor.AfterLast('\\');
strVendor = strVendor.AfterLast('/');
wxString strExtension = from_u8(iter->path().string()).AfterLast('.').Lower();
if (strExtension.CmpNoCase("json") != 0 || loaded_vendors.find(w2s(strVendor)) != loaded_vendors.end())
if (w2s(strVendor) != PresetBundle::ORCA_DEFAULT_BUNDLE && w2s(strVendor) != PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY && strExtension.CmpNoCase("json")==0)
LoadProfileFamily(w2s(strVendor), iter->path().string());
LoadProfileFamily(w2s(strVendor), iter->path().string());
//LoadProfileFamily(PresetBundle::ORCA_DEFAULT_BUNDLE, bbl_bundle_path.string());
const auto enabled_filaments = wxGetApp().app_config->has_section(AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS) ? wxGetApp().app_config->get_section(AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS) : std::map<std::string, std::string>();
@ -1531,7 +1495,7 @@ int GuideFrame::LoadProfileFamily(std::string strVendor, std::string strFilePath
// BBS:Filament
json pFilament = jLocal["filament_list"];
json tFilaList = json::object();
json tFilaList = m_OrcaFilaList;
nsize = pFilament.size();
for (int n = 0; n < nsize; n++) {
@ -1604,6 +1568,8 @@ int GuideFrame::LoadProfileFamily(std::string strVendor, std::string strFilePath
if(strVendor == PresetBundle::ORCA_FILAMENT_LIBRARY)
m_OrcaFilaList = tFilaList;
// process
json pProcess = jLocal["process_list"];
@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ private:
bool InstallNetplugin;
bool network_plugin_ready {false};
json m_OrcaFilaList;
wxMenuItem *m_script_object_el;
wxMenuItem *m_script_date_el;
Reference in a new issue