Tweak dailytip: remove images/added a few new tips
@ -62,12 +62,34 @@
# Weight must be larger or equal to 1. Default weight is 1.
# Weight defines probability as weight : sum_of_all_weights.
[hint:Precise wall]
text = Precise wall\nDid you know that turning on precise wall can improve precision and layer consistency?
documentation_link =
[hint:Sandwich mode]
text = Sandwich mode\nDid you know that you can use sandwich mode (inner-outer-inner) to improve precision and layer consistency if your model doesn't have very steep overhangs?
[hint:Chamber temperature]
text = Chamber temperature\nDid you know that OrcaSlicer supports chamber temperature?
documentation_link =
text = Calibration\nDid you know that calibrating your printer can do wonders? Check out our beloved calibration solution in OrcaSlicer.
documentation_link =
[hint:Auxiliary fan]
text = Auxiliary fan\nDid you know that OrcaSlicer supports Auxiliary part cooling fan?
documentation_link =
[hint:Air filtration]
text = Air filtration/Exhuast Fan\nDid you know that OrcaSlicer can support Air filtration/Exhuast Fan?
documentation_link =
[hint:How to use keyboard shortcuts]
text = How to use keyboard shortcuts\nDid you know that Orca Slicer offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts and 3D scene operations.
[hint:Cut Tool]
text = Cut Tool\nDid you know that you can cut a model at any angle and position with the cutting tool?
image = images/dailytips_CutTool.PNG
[hint:Fix Model]
text = Fix Model\nDid you know that you can fix a corrupted 3D model to avoid a lot of slicing problems on the Windows system?
@ -77,50 +99,42 @@ text = Timelapse\nDid you know that you can generate a timelapse video during ea
text = Auto-Arrange\nDid you know that you can auto-arrange all objects in your project?
image = images/dailytips_AutoArrange.PNG
text = Auto-Orient\nDid you know that you can rotate objects to an optimal orientation for printing by a simple click?
[hint:Lay on Face]
text = Lay on Face\nDid you know that you can quickly orient a model so that one of its faces sits on the print bed? Select the \"Place on face\" function or press the <b>F</b> key.
image = images/dailytips_LayOnFace.PNG
[hint:Object List]
text = Object List\nDid you know that you can view all objects/parts in a list and change settings for each object/part?
image = images/dailytips_ObjectList.PNG
[hint:Search Functionality]
text = Search Functionality\nDid you know that you use the Search tool to quickly find a specific Orca Slicer setting?
[hint:Simplify Model]
text = Simplify Model\nDid you know that you can reduce the number of triangles in a mesh using the Simplify mesh feature? Right-click the model and select Simplify model. Read more in the documentation.
image = images/dailytips_SimplifyModel.PNG
text = Simplify Model\nDid you know that you can reduce the number of triangles in a mesh using the Simplify mesh feature? Right-click the model and select Simplify model.
[hint:Slicing Parameter Table]
text = Slicing Parameter Table\nDid you know that you can view all objects/parts on a table and change settings for each object/part?
image = images/dailytips_SlicingParamTable.PNG
[hint:Split to Objects/Parts]
text = Split to Objects/Parts\nDid you know that you can split a big object into small ones for easy colorizing or printing?
[hint:Subtract a Part]
text = Subtract a Part\nDid you know that you can subtract one mesh from another using the Negative part modifier? That way you can, for example, create easily resizable holes directly in Orca Slicer. Read more in the documentation.
image = images/dailytips_SubtractPart.png
text = Subtract a Part\nDid you know that you can subtract one mesh from another using the Negative part modifier? That way you can, for example, create easily resizable holes directly in Orca Slicer.
text = STEP\nDid you know that you can improve your print quality by slicing a STEP file instead of an STL?\nOrca Slicer supports slicing STEP files, providing smoother results than a lower resolution STL. Give it a try!
[hint:Z seam location]
text = Z seam location\nDid you know that you can customize the location of the Z seam, and even paint it on your print, to have it in a less visible location? This improves the overall look of your model. Check it out!
image = images/dailytips_ZSeamLocation.png
[hint:Fine-tuning for flow rate]
text = Fine-tuning for flow rate\nDid you know that flow rate can be fine-tuned for even better-looking prints? Depending on the material, you can improve the overall finish of the printed model by doing some fine-tuning.
[hint:Split your prints into plates]
text = Split your prints into plates\nDid you know that you can split a model that has a lot of parts into individual plates ready to print? This will simplify the process of keeping track of all the parts.
image = images/dailytips_SplitIntoPlates.png
[hint:Speed up your print with Adaptive Layer Height]
text = Speed up your print with Adaptive Layer Height\nDid you know that you can print a model even faster, by using the Adaptive Layer Height option? Check it out!
@ -130,21 +144,18 @@ text = Support painting\nDid you know that you can paint the location of your su
[hint:Different types of supports]
text = Different types of supports\nDid you know that you can choose from multiple types of supports? Tree supports work great for organic models, while saving filament and improving print speed. Check them out!
image = images/dailytips_TypesOfSupports.png
[hint:Printing Silk Filament]
text = Printing Silk Filament\nDid you know that Silk filament needs special consideration to print it successfully? Higher temperature and lower speed are always recommended for the best results.
[hint:Brim for better adhesion]
text = Brim for better adhesion\nDid you know that when printing models have a small contact interface with the printing surface, it's recommended to use a brim?
image = images/dailytips_Brim.png
[hint:Set parameters for multiple objects]
text = Set parameters for multiple objects\nDid you know that you can set slicing parameters for all selected objects at one time?
[hint:Stack objects]
text = Stack objects\nDid you know that you can stack objects as a whole one?
image = images/dailytips_StackObject.png
[hint:Flush into support/objects/infill]
text = Flush into support/objects/infill\nDid you know that you can save the wasted filament by flushing them into support/objects/infill during filament change?
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@ -98,16 +98,24 @@ void DailyTipsDataRenderer::render(const ImVec2& pos, const ImVec2& size) const
if (ImGui::BeginChild(name.c_str(), size, false, window_flags)) {
if (m_layout == DailyTipsLayout::Vertical) {
ImVec2 img_size = ImVec2(size.x, 9.0f / 16.0f * size.x);
render_img({ 0, 0 }, img_size);
float img_text_gap = ImGui::CalcTextSize("A").y;
ImVec2 img_size(0, 0);
float img_text_gap = 0.0f;
if (has_image()) {
img_size = ImVec2(size.x, 9.0f / 16.0f * size.x);
render_img({0, 0}, img_size);
img_text_gap = ImGui::CalcTextSize("A").y;
render_text({ 0, img_size.y + img_text_gap }, size);
if (m_layout == DailyTipsLayout::Horizontal) {
ImVec2 img_size = ImVec2(16.0f / 9.0f * size.y, size.y);
render_img({ 0, 0 }, img_size);
float img_text_gap = ImGui::CalcTextSize("A").y;
render_text({ img_size.x + img_text_gap, 0 }, { size.x - img_size.x - img_text_gap, size.y });
ImVec2 img_size(0, 0);
float img_text_gap = 0.0f;
if (has_image()) {
img_size = ImVec2(16.0f / 9.0f * size.y, size.y);
render_img({0, 0}, img_size);
img_text_gap = ImGui::CalcTextSize("A").y;
render_text({img_size.x + img_text_gap, 0}, {size.x - img_size.x - img_text_gap, size.y});
@ -132,9 +140,9 @@ void DailyTipsDataRenderer::render_img(const ImVec2& start_pos, const ImVec2& si
if (has_image())
ImGui::Image((ImTextureID)(intptr_t)m_texture->get_id(), size, ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), m_is_dark ? ImVec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, m_fade_opacity) : ImVec4(1, 1, 1, m_fade_opacity));
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ImGui::Image((ImTextureID)(intptr_t)m_placeholder_texture->get_id(), size, ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), m_is_dark ? ImVec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, m_fade_opacity) : ImVec4(1, 1, 1, m_fade_opacity));
// else {
// ImGui::Image((ImTextureID)(intptr_t)m_placeholder_texture->get_id(), size, ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), m_is_dark ? ImVec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, m_fade_opacity) : ImVec4(1, 1, 1, m_fade_opacity));
// }
void DailyTipsDataRenderer::render_text(const ImVec2& start_pos, const ImVec2& size) const
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@ DailyTipsPanel::DailyTipsPanel(bool can_expand, DailyTipsLayout layout)
ImGuiWrapper& imgui = *wxGetApp().imgui();
float scale = imgui.get_font_size() / 15.0f;
m_footer_height = 58.0f * scale;
m_footer_height = 30.0f * scale;
m_is_expanded = wxGetApp().app_config->get("show_hints") == "true";
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void NotificationManager::SlicingProgressNotification::render(GLCanvas3D& canvas
const float dailytips_panel_width = (m_window_width - 2 * dailytips_child_window_padding.x);
const float gcodeviewer_height = wxGetApp().plater()->get_preview_canvas3D()->get_gcode_viewer().get_legend_height();
//const float dailytips_panel_height = std::min(380.0f * scale, std::max(90.0f, (cnv_size.get_height() - gcodeviewer_height - progress_panel_height - dailytips_child_window_padding.y - initial_y - m_line_height * 4)));
const float dailytips_panel_height = 380.0f * scale;
const float dailytips_panel_height = 125.0f * scale;
float right_gap = right_margin + (move_from_overlay ? overlay_width + m_line_height * 5 : 0);
m_window_pos = ImVec2((float)cnv_size.get_width() - right_gap - m_window_width, (float)cnv_size.get_height() - m_top_y);