New feature: Propose to enable "detect bridging perimeters"

when the supports are first enabled. Don't check keep asking,
if the user does not want the bridging perimeters to be enabled.
This commit is contained in:
bubnikv 2016-11-11 15:05:39 +01:00
parent f4ee87ba24
commit 1070f0c0af

View file

@ -821,6 +821,35 @@ sub _update {
if ($config->support_material) {
# Ask only once.
if (! $self->{support_material_overhangs_queried}) {
$self->{support_material_overhangs_queried} = 1;
if ($config->overhangs != 1) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"Supports work better, if the following feature is enabled:\n"
. "- Detect bridging perimeters\n"
. "\nShall I adjust those settings for supports?",
'Support Generator', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO | wxCANCEL);
my $answer = $dialog->ShowModal();
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($answer == wxID_YES) {
# Enable "detect bridging perimeters".
$new_conf->set("overhangs", 1);
} elsif ($answer == wxID_NO) {
# Do nothing, leave supports on and "detect bridging perimeters" off.
} elsif ($answer == wxID_CANCEL) {
# Disable supports.
$new_conf->set("support_material", 0);
$self->{support_material_overhangs_queried} = 0;
} else {
$self->{support_material_overhangs_queried} = 0;
if ($config->fill_density == 100
&& !first { $_ eq $config->fill_pattern } @{$Slic3r::Config::Options->{external_fill_pattern}{values}}) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,