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#version 110
const vec3 ZERO = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//BBS: add grey and orange
//const vec3 GREY = vec3(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
const vec3 ORANGE = vec3(0.8, 0.4, 0.0);
const vec3 LightRed = vec3(0.78, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec3 LightBlue = vec3(0.73, 1.0, 1.0);
const float EPSILON = 0.0001;
struct PrintVolumeDetection
// 0 = rectangle, 1 = circle, 2 = custom, 3 = invalid
int type;
// type = 0 (rectangle):
// x = min.x, y = min.y, z = max.x, w = max.y
// type = 1 (circle):
// x = center.x, y = center.y, z = radius
vec4 xy_data;
// x = min z, y = max z
vec2 z_data;
struct SlopeDetection
bool actived;
float normal_z;
mat3 volume_world_normal_matrix;
uniform vec4 uniform_color;
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uniform bool use_color_clip_plane;
uniform vec4 uniform_color_clip_plane_1;
uniform vec4 uniform_color_clip_plane_2;
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uniform SlopeDetection slope;
//BBS: add outline_color
uniform bool is_outline;
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uniform sampler2D depth_tex;
uniform vec2 screen_size;
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uniform sampler2D environment_tex;
uniform bool use_environment_tex;
uniform PrintVolumeDetection print_volume;
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uniform float z_far;
uniform float z_near;
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varying vec3 clipping_planes_dots;
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varying float color_clip_plane_dot;
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// x = diffuse, y = specular;
varying vec2 intensity;
varying vec4 world_pos;
varying float world_normal_z;
varying vec3 eye_normal;
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vec3 getBackfaceColor(vec3 fill) {
float brightness = 0.2126 * fill.r + 0.7152 * fill.g + 0.0722 * fill.b;
return (brightness > 0.75) ? vec3(0.11, 0.165, 0.208) : vec3(0.988, 0.988, 0.988);
// Silhouette edge detection & rendering algorithem by leoneruggiero
// https://www.shadertoy.com/view/DslXz2
#define INFLATE 1
float GetTolerance(float d, float k)
// -------------------------------------------
// Find a tolerance for depth that is constant
// in view space (k in view space).
// tol = k*ddx(ZtoDepth(z))
// -------------------------------------------
float A=- (z_far+z_near)/(z_far-z_near);
float B=-2.0*z_far*z_near /(z_far-z_near);
d = d*2.0-1.0;
return -k*(d+A)*(d+A)/B;
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float DetectSilho(vec2 fragCoord, vec2 dir)
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// -------------------------------------------
// x0 ___ x1----o
// :\ :
// r0 : \ : r1
// : \ :
// o---x2 ___ x3
// r0 and r1 are the differences between actual
// and expected (as if x0..3 where on the same
// plane) depth values.
// -------------------------------------------
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float x0 = abs(texture2D(depth_tex, (fragCoord + dir*-2.0) / screen_size).r);
float x1 = abs(texture2D(depth_tex, (fragCoord + dir*-1.0) / screen_size).r);
float x2 = abs(texture2D(depth_tex, (fragCoord + dir* 0.0) / screen_size).r);
float x3 = abs(texture2D(depth_tex, (fragCoord + dir* 1.0) / screen_size).r);
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float d0 = (x1-x0);
float d1 = (x2-x3);
float r0 = x1 + d0 - x2;
float r1 = x2 + d1 - x1;
float tol = GetTolerance(x2, 0.04);
return smoothstep(0.0, tol*tol, max( - r0*r1, 0.0));
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float DetectSilho(vec2 fragCoord)
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return max(
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DetectSilho(fragCoord, vec2(1,0)), // Horizontal
DetectSilho(fragCoord, vec2(0,1)) // Vertical
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void main()
if (any(lessThan(clipping_planes_dots, ZERO)))
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vec4 color;
if (use_color_clip_plane) {
color.rgb = (color_clip_plane_dot < 0.0) ? uniform_color_clip_plane_1.rgb : uniform_color_clip_plane_2.rgb;
color.a = uniform_color.a;
color = uniform_color;
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if (slope.actived) {
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color.rgb = LightBlue;
color.a = 0.8;
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else if( world_normal_z < slope.normal_z - EPSILON)
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color.rgb = color.rgb * 0.5 + LightRed * 0.5;
color.a = 0.8;
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// if the fragment is outside the print volume -> use darker color
vec3 pv_check_min = ZERO;
vec3 pv_check_max = ZERO;
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if (print_volume.type == 0) {
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// rectangle
pv_check_min = world_pos.xyz - vec3(print_volume.xy_data.x, print_volume.xy_data.y, print_volume.z_data.x);
pv_check_max = world_pos.xyz - vec3(print_volume.xy_data.z, print_volume.xy_data.w, print_volume.z_data.y);
else if (print_volume.type == 1) {
// circle
float delta_radius = print_volume.xy_data.z - distance(world_pos.xy, print_volume.xy_data.xy);
pv_check_min = vec3(delta_radius, 0.0, world_pos.z - print_volume.z_data.x);
pv_check_max = vec3(0.0, 0.0, world_pos.z - print_volume.z_data.y);
color.rgb = (any(lessThan(pv_check_min, ZERO)) || any(greaterThan(pv_check_max, ZERO))) ? mix(color.rgb, ZERO, 0.3333) : color.rgb;
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//BBS: add outline_color
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if (is_outline) {
color = vec4(vec3(intensity.y) + color.rgb * intensity.x, color.a);
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vec2 fragCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
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float s = DetectSilho(fragCoord);
// Makes silhouettes thicker.
for(int i=1;i<=INFLATE; i++)
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s = max(s, DetectSilho(fragCoord.xy + vec2(i, 0)));
s = max(s, DetectSilho(fragCoord.xy + vec2(0, i)));
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gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(color.rgb, getBackfaceColor(color.rgb), s), color.a);
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else if (use_environment_tex)
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gl_FragColor = vec4(0.45 * texture(environment_tex, normalize(eye_normal).xy * 0.5 + 0.5).xyz + 0.8 * color.rgb * intensity.x, color.a);
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gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(intensity.y) + color.rgb * intensity.x, color.a);
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