
175 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "BitmapCache.hpp"
#if ! defined(WIN32) && ! defined(__APPLE__)
#include <wx/mstream.h>
#include <wx/rawbmp.h>
#endif /* BROKEN_ALPHA */
namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI {
void BitmapCache::clear()
for (std::pair<const std::string, wxBitmap*> &bitmap : m_map)
delete bitmap.second;
static wxBitmap wxImage_to_wxBitmap_with_alpha(wxImage &&image)
wxMemoryOutputStream stream;
image.SaveFile(stream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
wxStreamBuffer *buf = stream.GetOutputStreamBuffer();
return wxBitmap::NewFromPNGData(buf->GetBufferStart(), buf->GetBufferSize());
return wxBitmap(std::move(image));
wxBitmap* BitmapCache::insert(const std::string &bitmap_key, size_t width, size_t height)
wxBitmap *bitmap = nullptr;
auto it = m_map.find(bitmap_key);
if (it == m_map.end()) {
bitmap = new wxBitmap(width, height);
m_map[bitmap_key] = bitmap;
} else {
bitmap = it->second;
if (bitmap->GetWidth() != width || bitmap->GetHeight() != height)
bitmap->Create(width, height);
return bitmap;
wxBitmap* BitmapCache::insert(const std::string &bitmap_key, const wxBitmap &bmp)
wxBitmap *bitmap = nullptr;
auto it = m_map.find(bitmap_key);
if (it == m_map.end()) {
bitmap = new wxBitmap(bmp);
m_map[bitmap_key] = bitmap;
} else {
bitmap = it->second;
*bitmap = bmp;
return bitmap;
wxBitmap* BitmapCache::insert(const std::string &bitmap_key, const wxBitmap &bmp, const wxBitmap &bmp2)
// Copying the wxBitmaps is cheap as the bitmap's content is reference counted.
const wxBitmap bmps[2] = { bmp, bmp2 };
return this->insert(bitmap_key, bmps, bmps + 2);
wxBitmap* BitmapCache::insert(const std::string &bitmap_key, const wxBitmap &bmp, const wxBitmap &bmp2, const wxBitmap &bmp3)
// Copying the wxBitmaps is cheap as the bitmap's content is reference counted.
const wxBitmap bmps[3] = { bmp, bmp2, bmp3 };
return this->insert(bitmap_key, bmps, bmps + 3);
wxBitmap* BitmapCache::insert(const std::string &bitmap_key, const wxBitmap *begin, const wxBitmap *end)
size_t width = 0;
size_t height = 0;
for (const wxBitmap *bmp = begin; bmp != end; ++ bmp) {
width += bmp->GetWidth();
height = std::max<size_t>(height, bmp->GetHeight());
wxImage image(width, height);
// Fill in with a white color.
memset(image.GetData(), 0x0ff, width * height * 3);
// Fill in with full transparency.
memset(image.GetAlpha(), 0, width * height);
size_t x = 0;
for (const wxBitmap *bmp = begin; bmp != end; ++ bmp) {
if (bmp->GetWidth() > 0) {
if (bmp->GetDepth() == 32) {
wxAlphaPixelData data(*const_cast<wxBitmap*>(bmp));
//FIXME The following method is missing from wxWidgets 3.1.1.
// It looks like the wxWidgets 3.0.3 called the wrapped bitmap's UseAlpha().
if (data) {
for (int r = 0; r < bmp->GetHeight(); ++ r) {
wxAlphaPixelData::Iterator src(data);
src.Offset(data, 0, r);
unsigned char *dst_pixels = image.GetData() + (x + r * width) * 3;
unsigned char *dst_alpha = image.GetAlpha() + x + r * width;
for (int c = 0; c < bmp->GetWidth(); ++ c, ++ src) {
*dst_pixels ++ = src.Red();
*dst_pixels ++ = src.Green();
*dst_pixels ++ = src.Blue();
*dst_alpha ++ = src.Alpha();
} else if (bmp->GetDepth() == 24) {
wxNativePixelData data(*const_cast<wxBitmap*>(bmp));
if (data) {
for (int r = 0; r < bmp->GetHeight(); ++ r) {
wxNativePixelData::Iterator src(data);
src.Offset(data, 0, r);
unsigned char *dst_pixels = image.GetData() + (x + r * width) * 3;
unsigned char *dst_alpha = image.GetAlpha() + x + r * width;
for (int c = 0; c < bmp->GetWidth(); ++ c, ++ src) {
*dst_pixels ++ = src.Red();
*dst_pixels ++ = src.Green();
*dst_pixels ++ = src.Blue();
*dst_alpha ++ = wxALPHA_OPAQUE;
x += bmp->GetWidth();
return this->insert(bitmap_key, wxImage_to_wxBitmap_with_alpha(std::move(image)));
wxBitmap *bitmap = this->insert(bitmap_key, width, height);
wxMemoryDC memDC;
size_t x = 0;
for (const wxBitmap *bmp = begin; bmp != end; ++ bmp) {
if (bmp->GetWidth() > 0)
memDC.DrawBitmap(*bmp, x, 0, true);
x += bmp->GetWidth();
return bitmap;
wxBitmap BitmapCache::mksolid(size_t width, size_t height, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char transparency)
wxImage image(width, height);
unsigned char* imgdata = image.GetData();
unsigned char* imgalpha = image.GetAlpha();
for (size_t i = 0; i < width * height; ++ i) {
*imgdata ++ = r;
*imgdata ++ = g;
*imgdata ++ = b;
*imgalpha ++ = transparency;
return wxImage_to_wxBitmap_with_alpha(std::move(image));
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r