215 lines
7.9 KiB
215 lines
7.9 KiB
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SVG.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r;
SCENARIO("Constant offset", "[ClipperUtils]") {
coord_t s = 1000000;
GIVEN("20mm box") {
ExPolygon box20mm;
box20mm.contour.points = { Vec2crd{ 0, 0 }, Vec2crd{ 20 * s, 0 }, Vec2crd{ 20 * s, 20 * s}, Vec2crd{ 0, 20 * s} };
std::vector<float> deltas_plus(box20mm.contour.points.size(), 1. * s);
std::vector<float> deltas_minus(box20mm.contour.points.size(), - 1. * s);
Polygons output;
WHEN("Slic3r::offset()") {
for (double miter : { 2.0, 1.5, 1.2 }) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("plus 1mm, miter " << miter << "x") {
output = Slic3r::offset(box20mm, 1. * s, ClipperLib::jtMiter, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("constant_offset_box20mm_plus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(output, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 22^2mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx(22. * 22. * s * s));
DYNAMIC_SECTION("minus 1mm, miter " << miter << "x") {
output = Slic3r::offset(box20mm, - 1. * s, ClipperLib::jtMiter, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("constant_offset_box20mm_minus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(output, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 18^2mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx(18. * 18. * s * s));
WHEN("Slic3r::variable_offset_outer/inner") {
for (double miter : { 2.0, 1.5, 1.2 }) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("plus 1mm, miter " << miter << "x") {
output = Slic3r::variable_offset_outer(box20mm, { deltas_plus }, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("variable_offset_box20mm_plus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(output, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 22^2mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx(22. * 22. * s * s));
DYNAMIC_SECTION("minus 1mm, miter " << miter << "x") {
output = Slic3r::variable_offset_inner(box20mm, { deltas_minus }, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("variable_offset_box20mm_minus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(output, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 18^2mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx(18. * 18. * s * s));
GIVEN("20mm box with 10mm hole") {
ExPolygon box20mm;
box20mm.contour.points = { Vec2crd{ 0, 0 }, Vec2crd{ 20 * s, 0 }, Vec2crd{ 20 * s, 20 * s}, Vec2crd{ 0, 20 * s} };
box20mm.holes.emplace_back(Slic3r::Polygon({ Vec2crd{ 5 * s, 5 * s }, Vec2crd{ 5 * s, 15 * s}, Vec2crd{ 15 * s, 15 * s}, Vec2crd{ 15 * s, 5 * s } }));
std::vector<float> deltas_plus(box20mm.contour.points.size(), 1. * s);
std::vector<float> deltas_minus(box20mm.contour.points.size(), -1. * s);
ExPolygons output;
SECTION("Slic3r::offset()") {
for (double miter : { 2.0, 1.5, 1.2 }) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("miter " << miter << "x") {
WHEN("plus 1mm") {
output = Slic3r::offset_ex(box20mm, 1. * s, ClipperLib::jtMiter, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("constant_offset_box20mm_10mm_hole_plus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(to_polygons(output), "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 22^2-8^2 mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx((22. * 22. - 8. * 8.) * s * s));
WHEN("minus 1mm") {
output = Slic3r::offset_ex(box20mm, - 1. * s, ClipperLib::jtMiter, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("constant_offset_box20mm_10mm_hole_minus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(to_polygons(output), "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 18^2-12^2 mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx((18. * 18. - 12. * 12.) * s * s));
SECTION("Slic3r::variable_offset_outer()") {
for (double miter : { 2.0, 1.5, 1.2 }) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("miter " << miter << "x") {
WHEN("plus 1mm") {
output = Slic3r::variable_offset_outer_ex(box20mm, { deltas_plus, deltas_plus }, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("variable_offset_box20mm_10mm_hole_plus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(to_polygons(output), "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 22^2-8^2 mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx((22. * 22. - 8. * 8.) * s * s));
WHEN("minus 1mm") {
output = Slic3r::variable_offset_inner_ex(box20mm, { deltas_minus, deltas_minus }, miter);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("variable_offset_box20mm_10mm_hole_minus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(box20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(to_polygons(output), "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area is 18^2-12^2 mm2") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx((18. * 18. - 12. * 12.) * s * s));
GIVEN("20mm right angle triangle") {
ExPolygon triangle20mm;
triangle20mm.contour.points = { Vec2crd{ 0, 0 }, Vec2crd{ 20 * s, 0 }, Vec2crd{ 0, 20 * s } };
Polygons output;
double offset = 1.;
// Angle of the sharp corner bisector.
double angle_bisector = M_PI / 8.;
// Area tapered by mitering one sharp corner.
double area_tapered = pow(offset * (1. / sin(angle_bisector) - 1.), 2.) * tan(angle_bisector);
double l_triangle_side_offsetted = 20. + offset * (1. + 1. / tan(angle_bisector));
double area_offsetted = (0.5 * l_triangle_side_offsetted * l_triangle_side_offsetted - 2. * area_tapered) * s * s;
SECTION("Slic3r::offset()") {
for (double miter : { 2.0, 1.5, 1.2 }) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("Outer offset 1mm, miter " << miter << "x") {
output = Slic3r::offset(triangle20mm, offset * s, ClipperLib::jtMiter, 2.0);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("constant_offset_triangle20mm_plus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(triangle20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(output, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area matches") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx(area_offsetted));
SECTION("Slic3r::variable_offset_outer()") {
std::vector<float> deltas(triangle20mm.contour.points.size(), 1. * s);
for (double miter : { 2.0, 1.5, 1.2 }) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("Outer offset 1mm, miter " << miter << "x") {
output = Slic3r::variable_offset_outer(triangle20mm, { deltas }, 2.0);
SVG svg(debug_out_path("variable_offset_triangle20mm_plus1mm_miter%lf.svg", miter).c_str(), get_extents(output));
svg.draw(triangle20mm, "blue");
svg.draw_outline(output, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.01)));
THEN("Area matches") {
REQUIRE(output.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(output.front().area() == Approx(area_offsetted));