Claire 3160e050a9 Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream
- `app/helpers/accounts_helper.rb`:
  Conflict due to upstream changing how followers count is displayed while we
  have an option to hide followers count.
  Ported upstream change.
- `app/views/accounts/_header.html.haml`:
  Conflict due to upstream changing how followers count is displayed while we
  have an option to hide followers count.
  Ported upstream change.
- `app/views/directories/index.html.haml`:
  Conflict due to upstream changing how followers count is displayed while we
  have an option to hide followers count.
  Ported upstream change.
2021-07-08 16:17:19 +02:00

55 lines
2.2 KiB

- content_for :page_title do
= t('directories.explore_mastodon', title: site_title)
- content_for :header_tags do
%meta{ name: 'description', content: t('directories.explanation') }
= opengraph 'og:site_name', t('about.hosted_on', domain: site_hostname)
= opengraph 'og:type', 'website'
= opengraph 'og:title', t('directories.explore_mastodon', title: site_title)
= opengraph 'og:description', t('directories.explanation')
= opengraph 'og:image', File.join(root_url, 'android-chrome-192x192.png')
%h1= t('directories.explore_mastodon', title: site_title)
%p= t('directories.explanation')
- if @accounts.empty?
= nothing_here
- else
- @accounts.each do |account|
= image_tag account.header.url, alt: ''
= link_to TagManager.instance.url_for(account), class: 'directory__card__bar__name' do
= image_tag account.avatar.url, alt: '', class: 'u-photo'
%strong.emojify.p-name= display_name(account, custom_emojify: true)
%span= acct(account)
= minimal_account_action_button(account)
.account__header__content.emojify= Formatter.instance.simplified_format(account, custom_emojify: true)
= friendly_number_to_human account.statuses_count
%small= t('accounts.posts', count: account.statuses_count).downcase
= hide_followers_count?(account) ? '-' : (friendly_number_to_human account.followers_count)
%small= t('accounts.followers', count: account.followers_count).downcase
- if account.last_status_at.present?
%time.time-ago{ datetime: account.last_status_at.to_date.iso8601, title: l(account.last_status_at.to_date) }= l account.last_status_at.to_date
- else
= t('accounts.never_active')
%small= t('accounts.last_active')
= paginate @accounts