import React from 'react'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import emojify from '../../../emoji'; import escapeTextContentForBrowser from 'escape-html'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import IconButton from '../../../components/icon_button'; import Motion from 'react-motion/lib/Motion'; import spring from 'react-motion/lib/spring'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component'; const messages = defineMessages({ unfollow: { id: 'account.unfollow', defaultMessage: 'Unfollow' }, follow: { id: 'account.follow', defaultMessage: 'Follow' }, requested: { id: 'account.requested', defaultMessage: 'Awaiting approval' }, }); /* THIS IS A MESS BECAUSE EFFING MASTODON AND ITS EFFING HTML BIOS INSTEAD OF JUST STORING EVERYTHING IN PLAIN EFFING TEXT ! ! ! ! BLANK LINES ALSO WON'T WORK BECAUSE RIGHT NOW MASTODON CONVERTS THOSE INTO `<P>` ELEMENTS INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT AS `<BR><BR>` ! TL:DR; THIS IS LARGELY A HACK. WITH BETTER BACKEND STUFF WE CAN IMPROVE THIS BY BETTER PREDICTING HOW THE METADATA WILL BE SENT WHILE MAINTAINING BASIC PLAIN-TEXT PROCESSING. THE OTHER OPTION IS TO TURN ALL BIOS INTO PLAIN-TEXT VIA A TREE-WALKER, AND THEN PROCESS THE YAML AND LINKS AND EVERYTHING OURSELVES. THIS WOULD BE INCREDIBLY COMPLICATED, AND IT WOULD BE A MILLION TIMES LESS DIFFICULT IF MASTODON JUST GAVE US PLAIN-TEXT BIOS (WHICH QUITE FRANKLY MAKES THE MOST SENSE SINCE THAT'S WHAT USERS PROVIDE IN SETTINGS) TO BEGIN WITH AND LEFT ALL PROCESSING TO THE FRONTEND TO HANDLE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ANYWAY I KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE REGARDING BACKEND STUFF BUT I'M NOT SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO ACTUALLY IMPLEMENT IT SO FEEL FREE TO @ ME IF YOU NEED MY IDEAS REGARDING THAT. UNTIL THEN WE'LL JUST HAVE TO MAKE DO WITH THIS MESSY AND UNFORTUNATE HACKING ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! with love, <3 */ const NEW_LINE = /(?:^|\r?\n|<br\s*\/?>)/g const YAML_OPENER = /---/; const YAML_CLOSER = /(?:---|\.\.\.)/; const YAML_STRING = /(?:"(?:[^"\n]){1,32}"|'(?:[^'\n]){1,32}'|(?:[^'":\n]){1,32})/g; const YAML_LINE = new RegExp("\\s*" + YAML_STRING.source + "\\s*:\\s*" + YAML_STRING.source + "\\s*", "g"); const BIO_REGEX = new RegExp(NEW_LINE.source + "*" + YAML_OPENER.source + NEW_LINE.source + "+(?:" + YAML_LINE.source + NEW_LINE.source + "+){0,4}" + YAML_CLOSER.source + NEW_LINE.source + "*"); const processBio = (data) => { let props = {text: data, metadata: []}; let yaml = data.match(BIO_REGEX); if (!yaml) return props; else yaml = yaml[0]; let start = props.text.indexOf(yaml); let end = start + yaml.length; props.text = props.text.substr(0, start) + props.text.substr(end); yaml = yaml.replace(NEW_LINE, "\n"); let metadata = (yaml ? yaml.match(YAML_LINE) : []) || []; for (let i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) { let result = metadata[i].match(YAML_STRING); if (result[0][0] === '"' || result[0][0] === "'") result[0] = result[0].substr(1, result[0].length - 2); if (result[1][0] === '"' || result[1][0] === "'") result[0] = result[1].substr(1, result[1].length - 2); props.metadata.push(result); } return props; }; const makeMapStateToProps = () => { const mapStateToProps = state => ({ autoPlayGif: state.getIn(['meta', 'auto_play_gif']), }); return mapStateToProps; }; class Avatar extends ImmutablePureComponent { static propTypes = { account:, autoPlayGif: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; state = { isHovered: false, }; handleMouseOver = () => { if (this.state.isHovered) return; this.setState({ isHovered: true }); } handleMouseOut = () => { if (!this.state.isHovered) return; this.setState({ isHovered: false }); } render () { const { account, autoPlayGif } = this.props; const { isHovered } = this.state; return ( <Motion defaultStyle={{ radius: 90 }} style={{ radius: spring(isHovered ? 30 : 90, { stiffness: 180, damping: 12 }) }}> {({ radius }) => <a // eslint-disable-line jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content href={account.get('url')} className='account__header__avatar' target='_blank' rel='noopener' style={{ borderRadius: `${radius}px`, backgroundImage: `url(${autoPlayGif || isHovered ? account.get('avatar') : account.get('avatar_static')})` }} onMouseOver={this.handleMouseOver} onMouseOut={this.handleMouseOut} onFocus={this.handleMouseOver} onBlur={this.handleMouseOut} /> } </Motion> ); } } @connect(makeMapStateToProps) @injectIntl export default class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent { static propTypes = { account:, me: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onFollow: PropTypes.func.isRequired, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, autoPlayGif: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; render () { const { account, me, intl } = this.props; if (!account) { return null; } let displayName = account.get('display_name'); let info = ''; let actionBtn = ''; let lockedIcon = ''; if (displayName.length === 0) { displayName = account.get('username'); } if (me !== account.get('id') && account.getIn(['relationship', 'followed_by'])) { info = <span className='account--follows-info'><FormattedMessage id='account.follows_you' defaultMessage='Follows you' /></span>; } if (me !== account.get('id')) { if (account.getIn(['relationship', 'requested'])) { actionBtn = ( <div className='account--action-button'> <IconButton size={26} disabled icon='hourglass' title={intl.formatMessage(messages.requested)} /> </div> ); } else if (!account.getIn(['relationship', 'blocking'])) { actionBtn = ( <div className='account--action-button'> <IconButton size={26} icon={account.getIn(['relationship', 'following']) ? 'user-times' : 'user-plus'} active={account.getIn(['relationship', 'following'])} title={intl.formatMessage(account.getIn(['relationship', 'following']) ? messages.unfollow : messages.follow)} onClick={this.props.onFollow} /> </div> ); } } if (account.get('locked')) { lockedIcon = <i className='fa fa-lock' />; } const displayNameHTML = { __html: emojify(escapeTextContentForBrowser(displayName)) }; const { text, metadata } = processBio(account.get('note')); return ( <div className='account__header__wrapper'> <div className='account__header' style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${account.get('header')})` }}> <div> <Avatar account={account} autoPlayGif={this.props.autoPlayGif} /> <span className='account__header__display-name' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={displayNameHTML} /> <span className='account__header__username'>@{account.get('acct')} {lockedIcon}</span> <div className='account__header__content' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: emojify(text)}} /> {info} {actionBtn} </div> </div> {metadata.length && ( <div className='account__metadata'> {(() => { let data = []; for (let i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) { data.push( <div className='account__metadata-item' title={metadata[i][0] + ":" + metadata[i][1]} key={i} > <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: emojify(metadata[i][0])}} /> <strong dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: emojify(metadata[i][1])}} /> </div> ); } return data; })()} </div> ) || null} </div> ); } }