import { render, fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'; import Button from '../button'; describe('<Button />', () => { it('renders a button element', () => { const component = renderer.create(<Button />); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders the given text', () => { const text = 'foo'; const component = renderer.create(<Button text={text} />); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('handles click events using the given handler', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); render(<Button onClick={handler}>button</Button>);'button')); expect(handler.mock.calls.length).toEqual(1); }); it('does not handle click events if props.disabled given', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); render(<Button onClick={handler} disabled>button</Button>);'button')); expect(handler.mock.calls.length).toEqual(0); }); it('renders a disabled attribute if props.disabled given', () => { const component = renderer.create(<Button disabled />); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders the children', () => { const children = <p>children</p>; const component = renderer.create(<Button>{children}</Button>); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders the props.text instead of children', () => { const text = 'foo'; const children = <p>children</p>; const component = renderer.create(<Button text={text}>{children}</Button>); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders class="button--block" if props.block given', () => { const component = renderer.create(<Button block />); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('adds class "button-secondary" if props.secondary given', () => { const component = renderer.create(<Button secondary />); const tree = component.toJSON(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });