work done to indenture... not yet functional

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Davidson 2012-08-16 17:41:05 -07:00
parent 1cc3879196
commit 7d2a370104

View file

@ -3,3 +3,219 @@
# Fire up virtualenv
activate_this = "venv/bin/"
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))
import os
import time
import uuid
from subprocess import call
import sqlite3
# Job Class
class Job:
def __init__(self, due = time.time() + 3600, command = 'true', originator = 'indenture',
completed = False, arguments = ''):
self.arguments = arguments
self.due = due
self.command = command
self.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
self.originator = originator
self.completed = completed
def _connect(self, db="jobs.db"):
""" _connect()
connects to the sqlite database, uses a try/except to return False if it fails
self._conn = sqlite3.connect('jobs.db')
self._c = self._conn.cursor()
return True
return False
def _full_exec(self):
""" _full_exec()
returns the full command to be executed with the arguments
return self.command+' '+self.arguments
def _query(self,query,returns="list",timeout=10,db="jobs.db"):
""" _query()
run a query against the sqlite database. will attempt to reconnect if necessary.
will timeout after $timeout seconds.
t = time.time() + timeout
while True:
if db != "jobs.db":
if time.time() > t:
print 'ERROR: Query timed out.'
if returns == "list":
return self._c.fetchall()
elif returns == "one":
return self._c.fetchone()
def _disconnect(self):
""" _disconnect()
flushes writes to sqlite and closes the connection
def describe(self):
""" describe():
a public function that describes the job to be completed.
description = []
description.append('UUID: ' + self.uuid)
description.append('Commmand: ' + self._full_exec)
description.append('Due Date: ' + self.what_time())
if self.completed:
description.append('Completion: Completed')
description.append('Completion: Incomplete')
print '\n'.join(description)
return '\n'.join(description)
def do_work(self):
""" do_work()
actually performs the work to be completed.
return call(self.full_exec().split())
def list_jobs(self, include_completed=False):
""" list_jobs(include_completed = False)
list all the jobs that need to be done, does not include completed
jobs by default.
query = 'SELECT * FROM jobs'
if include_completed == False:
query += ' WHERE `completed` = 0'
query += ';'
for row in self._query(query):
print row
def open(self, uuid):
""" open()
runs a query to populate with the information of an existing job
in the database
print uuid
print "Opening"
data = self._query('SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE uuid = "' + uuid + '" LIMIT 1;', returns="one")
print data
def save(self):
""" save()
saves the current job to the database. will determine if it's
necessary insert a new job or update an old job.
print 'Does this ID exist?'
test = 'SELECT uuid FROM jobs WHERE uuid = "' + str(self.uuid) + '";'
print test
if self._query(test):
print 'Yes.'
query = 'UPDATE jobs SET '
query += 'uuid = "' + str(self.uuid) + '", '
query += 'command = "' + self.command + '", '
query += 'arguments = "' + self.arguments + '", '
query += 'due = "' + str(self.due) + '", '
query += 'originator = "' + self.originator + '", '
if self.completed:
query += 'completed = 1'
query += 'completed = 0'
query += ';'
print self._query(query)
print 'No.'
query = 'INSERT INTO jobs (uuid, command, arguments, due, originator, completed) '
query += 'VALUES ('
query += '"' + str(self.uuid) + '",'
query += '"' + self.command + '",'
query += '"' + self.arguments + '",'
query += '"' + str(self.due) + '",'
query += '"' + self.originator + '",'
if self.completed:
query += str(1)
query += str(0)
query += ');'
print 'Executing: '
print query
def what_time(self):
""" what_time()
returns a prettified version of the due date.
return pretty(self.due)
def what_work(self):
""" what_work()
public function to see what work is going to be done.
return self._full_exec()
def pretty(time):
'''Returns a pretty formatted date.
time is a datetime object or an int timestamp
asdays is True if you only want to measure days, not seconds
short is True if you want "1d ago", "2d ago", etc. False if you want
import datetime
now =
if type(time) is float: time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time)
elif not time: time = now
if time > now: past, diff = False, time - now
else: past, diff = True, now - time
seconds = diff.seconds
days = diff.days
if days == 0 and not asdays:
if seconds < 10: return 'now'
elif seconds < 60: return _df(seconds, 1, ' seconds', past)
elif seconds < 120: return past and 'a minute ago' or 'in a minute'
elif seconds < 3600: return _df(seconds, 60, ' minutes', past)
elif seconds < 7200: return past and 'an hour ago' or'in an hour'
else: return _df(seconds, 3600, ' hours', past)
if days == 0: return 'today'
elif days == 1: return past and 'yesterday' or'tomorrow'
elif days == 2: return past and 'day before' or 'day after'
elif days < 7: return _df(days, 1, ' days', past)
elif days < 14: return past and 'last week' or 'next week'
elif days < 31: return _df(days, 7, ' weeks', past)
elif days < 61: return past and 'last month' or 'next month'
elif days < 365: return _df(days, 30, ' months', past)
elif days < 730: return past and 'last year' or 'next year'
else: return _df(days, 365, ' years', past)