<pclass="content">I'm no expert in design, nor am I even very well versed in it. This is my attempt at a very simple, typography based design. The sole font used on the page is Helvetica and it'smyfirsttimeevertryingtopaycarefulattentiontothetypographyofmydesigns,ratherthanjustthefontface.</p>
<pclass="content">I'm sure things will change here as I fumble my way through creating a cohesive design. As things do change though, I'llbeupdatingthispage,withnewversions.</p>
<pclass="content">I'm chosing to license it as <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GPL3</a>, so feel free to use it, and change it around and do whatever you'dlike,aslongasyoulicenseyourthemesimilarly.</p>
<pclass="content">2009-06-03// <a href="http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c72422/helvetica_simplicity-1.1.1.tar.gz">v1.1.1</a> // Changes to verbiage in source text. Basic support for favorite tweets. Increased number of allowed characters in a Twitter hashtag. Cleaned up pagination blocks, and duplicated on bottom of page. Margin changes. Basic support for videos I "like" on Vimeo.</p>
<pclass="content">2009-05-24// <a href="http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c72422/helvetica_simplicity-1.1.tar.gz">v1.1</a> // Updated for more words in my blog summaries and delicious links. Better support for Vimeo videos. Typographic changes. Hackish code added to prevent favorited tweets from being displayed.</p>
<pclass="content">2009-05-15// <a href="http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c72422/helvetica_simplicity-1.0.2.tar.gz">v1.0.2</a> // Cleaning up some total oversights and support for youtube favorites.</p>
<pclass="content">2009-05-15// <a href="http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c72422/helvetica_simplicity-1.0.tar.gz">v1.0</a> // This is the initial release of this theme.</p>