Remote media is now dereferenced and attached properly to incoming federated statuses. Mentions are now dereferenced and attached properly to incoming federated statuses. Small fixes to status visibility. Allow URL params for filtering statuses: // ExcludeRepliesKey is for specifying whether to exclude replies in a list of returned statuses by an account. // PinnedKey is for specifying whether to include pinned statuses in a list of returned statuses by an account. // MaxIDKey is for specifying the maximum ID of the status to retrieve. // MediaOnlyKey is for specifying that only statuses with media should be returned in a list of returned statuses by an account. Add endpoint for fetching an account's statuses.
360 lines
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360 lines
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Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package typeutils
import (
func (c *converter) ASRepresentationToAccount(accountable Accountable) (*gtsmodel.Account, error) {
// first check if we actually already know this account
uriProp := accountable.GetJSONLDId()
if uriProp == nil || !uriProp.IsIRI() {
return nil, errors.New("no id property found on person, or id was not an iri")
uri := uriProp.GetIRI()
acct := >smodel.Account{}
err := c.db.GetWhere("uri", uri.String(), acct)
if err == nil {
// we already know this account so we can skip generating it
return acct, nil
if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok {
// we don't know the account and there's been a real error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting account with uri %s from the database: %s", uri.String(), err)
// we don't know the account so we need to generate it from the person -- at least we already have the URI!
acct = >smodel.Account{}
acct.URI = uri.String()
// Username aka preferredUsername
// We need this one so bail if it's not set.
username, err := extractPreferredUsername(accountable)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't extract username: %s", err)
acct.Username = username
// Domain
acct.Domain = uri.Host
// avatar aka icon
// if this one isn't extractable in a format we recognise we'll just skip it
if avatarURL, err := extractIconURL(accountable); err == nil {
acct.AvatarRemoteURL = avatarURL.String()
// header aka image
// if this one isn't extractable in a format we recognise we'll just skip it
if headerURL, err := extractImageURL(accountable); err == nil {
acct.HeaderRemoteURL = headerURL.String()
// display name aka name
// we default to the username, but take the more nuanced name property if it exists
acct.DisplayName = username
if displayName, err := extractName(accountable); err == nil {
acct.DisplayName = displayName
// TODO: fields aka attachment array
// note aka summary
note, err := extractSummary(accountable)
if err == nil && note != "" {
acct.Note = note
// check for bot and actor type
switch gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsActor(accountable.GetTypeName()) {
case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsPerson, gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsGroup, gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsOrganization:
// people, groups, and organizations aren't bots
acct.Bot = false
// apps and services are
case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsApplication, gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsService:
acct.Bot = true
// we don't know what this is!
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type name %s not recognised or not convertible to gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsActor", accountable.GetTypeName())
acct.ActorType = gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsActor(accountable.GetTypeName())
// TODO: locked aka manuallyApprovesFollowers
// discoverable
// default to false -- take custom value if it's set though
acct.Discoverable = false
discoverable, err := extractDiscoverable(accountable)
if err == nil {
acct.Discoverable = discoverable
// url property
url, err := extractURL(accountable)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not extract url for person with id %s: %s", uri.String(), err)
acct.URL = url.String()
// InboxURI
if accountable.GetActivityStreamsInbox() != nil || accountable.GetActivityStreamsInbox().GetIRI() != nil {
acct.InboxURI = accountable.GetActivityStreamsInbox().GetIRI().String()
// OutboxURI
if accountable.GetActivityStreamsOutbox() != nil && accountable.GetActivityStreamsOutbox().GetIRI() != nil {
acct.OutboxURI = accountable.GetActivityStreamsOutbox().GetIRI().String()
// FollowingURI
if accountable.GetActivityStreamsFollowing() != nil && accountable.GetActivityStreamsFollowing().GetIRI() != nil {
acct.FollowingURI = accountable.GetActivityStreamsFollowing().GetIRI().String()
// FollowersURI
if accountable.GetActivityStreamsFollowers() != nil && accountable.GetActivityStreamsFollowers().GetIRI() != nil {
acct.FollowersURI = accountable.GetActivityStreamsFollowers().GetIRI().String()
// FeaturedURI
if accountable.GetTootFeatured() != nil && accountable.GetTootFeatured().GetIRI() != nil {
acct.FeaturedCollectionURI = accountable.GetTootFeatured().GetIRI().String()
// TODO: FeaturedTagsURI
// TODO: alsoKnownAs
// publicKey
pkey, pkeyURL, err := extractPublicKeyForOwner(accountable, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't get public key for person %s: %s", uri.String(), err)
acct.PublicKey = pkey
acct.PublicKeyURI = pkeyURL.String()
return acct, nil
func (c *converter) ASStatusToStatus(statusable Statusable) (*gtsmodel.Status, error) {
status := >smodel.Status{}
// uri at which this status is reachable
uriProp := statusable.GetJSONLDId()
if uriProp == nil || !uriProp.IsIRI() {
return nil, errors.New("no id property found, or id was not an iri")
status.URI = uriProp.GetIRI().String()
// web url for viewing this status
if statusURL, err := extractURL(statusable); err == nil {
status.URL = statusURL.String()
// the html-formatted content of this status
if content, err := extractContent(statusable); err == nil {
status.Content = content
// attachments to dereference and fetch later on (we don't do that here)
if attachments, err := extractAttachments(statusable); err == nil {
status.GTSMediaAttachments = attachments
// hashtags to dereference later on
if hashtags, err := extractHashtags(statusable); err == nil {
status.GTSTags = hashtags
// emojis to dereference and fetch later on
if emojis, err := extractEmojis(statusable); err == nil {
status.GTSEmojis = emojis
// mentions to dereference later on
if mentions, err := extractMentions(statusable); err == nil {
status.GTSMentions = mentions
// cw string for this status
if cw, err := extractSummary(statusable); err == nil {
status.ContentWarning = cw
// when was this status created?
published, err := extractPublished(statusable)
if err == nil {
status.CreatedAt = published
// which account posted this status?
// if we don't know the account yet we can dereference it later
attributedTo, err := extractAttributedTo(statusable)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("attributedTo was empty")
status.APStatusOwnerURI = attributedTo.String()
statusOwner := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetWhere("uri", attributedTo.String(), statusOwner); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't get status owner from db: %s", err)
status.AccountID = statusOwner.ID
status.GTSAccount = statusOwner
// check if there's a post that this is a reply to
inReplyToURI, err := extractInReplyToURI(statusable)
if err == nil {
// something is set so we can at least set this field on the
// status and dereference using this later if we need to
status.APReplyToStatusURI = inReplyToURI.String()
// now we can check if we have the replied-to status in our db already
inReplyToStatus := >smodel.Status{}
if err := c.db.GetWhere("uri", inReplyToURI.String(), inReplyToStatus); err == nil {
// we have the status in our database already
// so we can set these fields here and then...
status.InReplyToID = inReplyToStatus.ID
status.InReplyToAccountID = inReplyToStatus.AccountID
status.GTSReplyToStatus = inReplyToStatus
// ... check if we've seen the account already
inReplyToAccount := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(inReplyToStatus.AccountID, inReplyToAccount); err == nil {
status.GTSReplyToAccount = inReplyToAccount
// visibility entry for this status
var visibility gtsmodel.Visibility
to, err := extractTos(statusable)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error extracting TO values: %s", err)
cc, err := extractCCs(statusable)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error extracting CC values: %s", err)
if len(to) == 0 && len(cc) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("message wasn't TO or CC anyone")
// for visibility derivation, we start by assuming most restrictive, and work our way to least restrictive
// if it's a DM then it's addressed to SPECIFIC ACCOUNTS and not followers or public
if len(to) != 0 && len(cc) == 0 {
visibility = gtsmodel.VisibilityDirect
// if it's just got followers in TO and it's not also CC'ed to public, it's followers only
if isFollowers(to, statusOwner.FollowersURI) {
visibility = gtsmodel.VisibilityFollowersOnly
// if it's CC'ed to public, it's public or unlocked
// mentioned SPECIFIC ACCOUNTS also get added to CC'es if it's not a direct message
if isPublic(cc) || isPublic(to) {
visibility = gtsmodel.VisibilityPublic
// we should have a visibility by now
if visibility == "" {
return nil, errors.New("couldn't derive visibility")
status.Visibility = visibility
// advanced visibility for this status
// TODO: a lot of work to be done here -- a new type needs to be created for this in go-fed/activity using ASTOOL
// sensitive
// TODO: this is a bool
// language
// we might be able to extract this from the contentMap field
// ActivityStreamsType
status.ActivityStreamsType = gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsObject(statusable.GetTypeName())
return status, nil
func (c *converter) ASFollowToFollowRequest(followable Followable) (*gtsmodel.FollowRequest, error) {
idProp := followable.GetJSONLDId()
if idProp == nil || !idProp.IsIRI() {
return nil, errors.New("no id property set on follow, or was not an iri")
uri := idProp.GetIRI().String()
origin, err := extractActor(followable)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("error extracting actor property from follow")
originAccount := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetWhere("uri", origin.String(), originAccount); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error extracting account with uri %s from the database: %s", origin.String(), err)
target, err := extractObject(followable)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("error extracting object property from follow")
targetAccount := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetWhere("uri", target.String(), targetAccount); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error extracting account with uri %s from the database: %s", origin.String(), err)
followRequest := >smodel.FollowRequest{
URI: uri,
AccountID: originAccount.ID,
TargetAccountID: targetAccount.ID,
return followRequest, nil
func isPublic(tos []*url.URL) bool {
for _, entry := range tos {
if strings.EqualFold(entry.String(), "") {
return true
return false
func isFollowers(ccs []*url.URL, followersURI string) bool {
for _, entry := range ccs {
if strings.EqualFold(entry.String(), followersURI) {
return true
return false