diff --git a/internal/ap/interfaces.go b/internal/ap/interfaces.go
index fa8e8a338..05f6742cc 100644
--- a/internal/ap/interfaces.go
+++ b/internal/ap/interfaces.go
@@ -387,6 +387,12 @@ type WithName interface {
+// WithValue represents an activity with SchemaValueProperty
+type WithValue interface {
+ GetSchemaValue() vocab.SchemaValueProperty
+ SetSchemaValue(vocab.SchemaValueProperty)
// WithImage represents an activity with ActivityStreamsImageProperty
type WithImage interface {
GetActivityStreamsImage() vocab.ActivityStreamsImageProperty
diff --git a/internal/ap/normalize.go b/internal/ap/normalize.go
index 8e0a022c1..bef6d93b0 100644
--- a/internal/ap/normalize.go
+++ b/internal/ap/normalize.go
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ func NormalizeIncomingActivity(activity pub.Activity, rawJSON map[string]interfa
if accountable, ok := ToAccountable(dataType); ok {
// Normalize everything we can on the accountable.
NormalizeIncomingSummary(accountable, rawData)
+ NormalizeIncomingFields(accountable, rawData)
@@ -257,6 +258,64 @@ func NormalizeIncomingSummary(item WithSummary, rawJSON map[string]interface{})
+// NormalizeIncomingFields sanitizes any PropertyValue fields on the
+// given WithAttachment interface, by removing html completely from
+// the "name" field, and sanitizing dodgy HTML out of the "value" field.
+func NormalizeIncomingFields(item WithAttachment, rawJSON map[string]interface{}) {
+ rawAttachments, ok := rawJSON["attachment"]
+ if !ok {
+ // No attachments in rawJSON.
+ return
+ }
+ // Convert to slice if not already,
+ // so we can iterate through it.
+ var attachments []interface{}
+ if attachments, ok = rawAttachments.([]interface{}); !ok {
+ attachments = []interface{}{rawAttachments}
+ }
+ attachmentProperty := item.GetActivityStreamsAttachment()
+ if attachmentProperty == nil {
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ return
+ }
+ if l := attachmentProperty.Len(); l == 0 || l != len(attachments) {
+ // Mismatch between item and
+ // JSON, can't normalize.
+ return
+ }
+ // Keep an index of where we are in the iter;
+ // we need this so we can modify the correct
+ // attachment, in case of multiples.
+ i := -1
+ for iter := attachmentProperty.Begin(); iter != attachmentProperty.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
+ i++
+ if !iter.IsSchemaPropertyValue() {
+ // Not interested.
+ continue
+ }
+ pv := iter.GetSchemaPropertyValue()
+ if pv == nil {
+ // Odd.
+ continue
+ }
+ rawPv, ok := attachments[i].(map[string]interface{})
+ if !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ NormalizeIncomingName(pv, rawPv)
+ NormalizeIncomingValue(pv, rawPv)
+ }
// NormalizeIncomingName replaces the Name of the given item
// with the raw 'name' value from the raw json object map.
@@ -289,6 +348,36 @@ func NormalizeIncomingName(item WithName, rawJSON map[string]interface{}) {
+// NormalizeIncomingValue replaces the Value of the given
+// tem with the raw 'value' from the raw json object map.
+// noop if there was no name in the json object map or the
+// value was not a plain string.
+func NormalizeIncomingValue(item WithValue, rawJSON map[string]interface{}) {
+ rawValue, ok := rawJSON["value"]
+ if !ok {
+ // No value in rawJSON.
+ return
+ }
+ value, ok := rawValue.(string)
+ if !ok {
+ // Not interested in non-string name.
+ return
+ }
+ // Value often contains links or
+ // mentions or other little snippets.
+ // Sanitize to HTML to allow these.
+ value = text.SanitizeToHTML(value)
+ // Set normalized name property from the raw string; this
+ // will replace any existing value property on the item.
+ valueProp := streams.NewSchemaValueProperty()
+ valueProp.Set(value)
+ item.SetSchemaValue(valueProp)
// NormalizeIncomingOneOf normalizes all oneOf (if any) of the given
// item, replacing the 'name' field of each oneOf with the raw 'name'
// value from the raw json object map, and doing sanitization
diff --git a/internal/ap/normalize_test.go b/internal/ap/normalize_test.go
index 33b1f6ea6..3e4dc86f5 100644
--- a/internal/ap/normalize_test.go
+++ b/internal/ap/normalize_test.go
@@ -177,6 +177,23 @@ func (suite *NormalizeTestSuite) getAccountable() (vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson,
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
"id": "https://example.org/users/someone",
"summary": "about: I'm a #Barbie #girl in a #Barbie #world\nLife in plastic, it's fantastic\nYou can brush my hair, undress me everywhere\nImagination, life is your creation\nI'm a blonde bimbo girl\nIn a fantasy world\nDress me up, make it tight\nI'm your dolly\nYou're my doll, rock and roll\nFeel the glamour in pink\nKiss me here, touch me there\nHanky panky",
+ "attachment": [
+ {
+ "name": "cheeky",
+ "type": "PropertyValue",
+ "value": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "buy me coffee?",
+ "type": "PropertyValue",
+ "value": "Right here!"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "hello",
+ "type": "PropertyValue",
+ "value": "world"
+ }
+ ],
"type": "Person"
@@ -405,6 +422,38 @@ func (suite *NormalizeTestSuite) TestNormalizeAccountableSummary() {
Hanky panky`, ap.ExtractSummary(accountable))
+func (suite *NormalizeTestSuite) TestNormalizeAccountableFields() {
+ accountable, rawAccount := suite.getAccountable()
+ fields := ap.ExtractFields(accountable)
+ // Dodgy field.
+ suite.Equal(`cheeky`, fields[0].Name)
+ suite.Equal(``, fields[0].Value)
+ // More or less OK field.
+ suite.Equal(`buy me coffee?`, fields[1].Name)
+ suite.Equal(`Right here!`, fields[1].Value)
+ // Fine field.
+ suite.Equal(`hello`, fields[2].Name)
+ suite.Equal(`world`, fields[2].Value)
+ // Normalize 'em.
+ ap.NormalizeIncomingFields(accountable, rawAccount)
+ // Dodgy field should be removed.
+ fields = ap.ExtractFields(accountable)
+ suite.Len(fields, 2)
+ // More or less OK field is now very OK.
+ suite.Equal(`buy me coffee?`, fields[0].Name)
+ suite.Equal(`Right here!`, fields[0].Value)
+ // Fine field continues to be fine.
+ suite.Equal(`hello`, fields[1].Name)
+ suite.Equal(`world`, fields[1].Value)
func (suite *NormalizeTestSuite) TestNormalizeStatusableSummary() {
statusable, rawAccount := suite.getStatusableWithWeirdSummaryAndName()
suite.Equal(`warning: #WEIRD%20%23SUMMARY%20;;;;a;;a;asv%20%20%20%20khop8273987(*%5E&%5E)`, ap.ExtractSummary(statusable))