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Therefore, **the performance of JSON lib is a key issue for the promotion of machine utilization**. - -## Research -We conducted a series of surveys and benchmarks on open-sourced JSON libraries for Golang, but the result is disappointing: **no silver bullet**. First of all, no one can perform at least the top three across various business scenarios. Even the most widely used [json-iterator](https://github.com/json-iterator/go) will severely degrade in generic (no-schema) or big-volume JSON serialization and deserialization. Secondly, compared with other JSON libraries writing in other languages, their speed is generally much slower. For example, [Simdjson-go](https://github.com/minio/simdjson-go) has a 50% reduction in decoding performance compared to [simdjson](https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson). What's more, we barely found JSON libraries which provide API to modify the underlying values. - -Therefore, we decided to **develop a brand-new JSON library with high performance as well as wide applicability**. - -## Thinking -Before starting our design, we need to figure out some questions: - -### Why is Json-iterator faster than Standard Library? -First of all, the **schema-based processing mechanism** used by the standard library is commendable, in which the parser can obtain meta information in advance when scanning, thereby shortening the time of branch selection. However, its original implementation did not make good use of this mechanism, instead, **it spent a lot of time reflecting to obtain meta info of schema**. Meanwhile, The approach of json-iterator is: Interprete structure as field-by-field encoding and decoding functions, and then assembled and cached them, minimizing the performance loss cost by reflection. But does it work once and for all? No. In practical tests, we found that **the deeper and larger the input JSON got, the smaller the gap between json-iterator and other libraries gradually became** - eventually event got surpassed: -![Scalability](introduction-1.png) - -The reason is that **this implementation transforms into a large number of interface encapsulations and function calls**, followed by function-call losses: -1. **Calling interface involves dynamic addressing of itab** -2. **Assembly functions cannot be inlined**, while Golang's function-call performance is poor (no parameter-passing-by-register) - -#### Is there a way to avoid the function-call overhead of dynamic assembly? -The first thing we thought about was code generation like [easyjson](https://github.com/mailru/easyjson). But it comes with **schema dependency and convenience losses**. To achieve a real drop-in replacement of the standard library, we turned to another technology - **[JIT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jit) (just-in-time compiling)**. Because the compiled codec function is an integrated function, which can greatly reduce function calls while ensuring flexibility. - -### Why is Simdjson-go not fast enough? -[SIMD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMD) (Single-Instruction-Multi-Data) is a special set of CPU instructions for the parallel processing of vectorized data. At present, it is supported by most CPUs and widely used in image processing and big data computing. Undoubtedly, SIMD is useful in JSON processing (itoa, char-search, and so on are all suitable scenarios). We can see that simdjson-go is very competitive in large JSON scenarios (>100KB). However, for some extremely small or irregular character strings, **the extra load operation required by SIMD will lead to performance degradation**. Therefore, we need to dedicate ourselves to branch predicting and decide which scenarios should use SIMD and which should not (for example, the string length is less than 16 bytes). - -The second problem comes from the Go compiler itself. In order to ensure the compilation speed, **Golang does very little optimization work during the compilation phase** and cannot directly use compiler backends such as [LLVM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LLVM) (Low-Level Virtual Machine) for optimization. - -So, **can some crucial calculation functions be written in another language with higher execution efficiency**? -C/Clang is an ideal compilation tool (internal integration LLVM). But the key is how to embed the optimized assembly into Golang. - -### How to use Gjson well? -We also found that [gjson](https://github.com/tidwall/gjson) has a huge advantage in single-key lookup scenarios. This is because its lookup is implemented by a **lazy-load mechanism**, which subtlely skips passing-by values and effectively reduces a lot of unnecessary parsing. Practical application has proved that making good use of this feature in product can indeed bring benefits. But when it comes to multi-key lookup, Gjson does worse event than std, which is a side effect of its skipping mechanism - **searching for the same path leads to repeated parsing** (skip is also a lightweight parsing). Therefore, the accurate adaptation of practical scenarios is the key. - -## Design -Based on the above questions, our design is easy to implement: - -1. Aiming at the function-call overhead cost by the codec dynamic-assembly, **`JIT` tech is used to assemble opcodes (asm) corresponding to the schema at runtime**, which is finally cached into the off-heap memory in the form of Golang functions. -2. For practical scenarios where big data and small data coexist, we **use pre-conditional judgment** (string size, floating precision, etc.) **to combine `SIMD` with scalar instructions** to achieve the best adaptation. -3. As for insufficiency in compiling optimization of go language, we decided to **use `C/Clang` to write and compile core computational functions**, and **developed a set of [asm2asm](https://github.com/chenzhuoyu/asm2asm) tools to translate the fully optimized x86 assembly into plan9** and finally load it into Golang runtime. -4. Giving the big speed gap between parsing and skipping, the **`lazy-load` mechanism** is certainly used in our AST parser, but in **a more adaptive and efficient way to reduce the overhead of multiple-key queries**. -![design](introduction-2.png) - -In detail, we conducted some further optimization: -1. Since the native-asm functions cannot be inlined in Golang, we found that its cost even exceeded the improvement brought by the optimization of the C compiler. So we reimplemented a set of lightweight function-calls in JIT: - - `Global-function-table + static offset` for calling instruction - - **Pass parameters using registers** -2. `Sync.Map` was used to cache the codecs at first, but for our **quasi-static** (read far more than write), **fewer elements** (usually no more than a few dozen) scenarios, its performance is not optimal, so we reimplement a high-performance and concurrent-safe cache with `open-addressing-hash + RCU` tech. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README.md b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README.md index 9cc42c462..cdb32a57d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # Sonic +English | [中文](README_ZH_CN.md) + A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library, accelerated by JIT (just-in-time compiling) and SIMD (single-instruction-multiple-data). ## Requirement @@ -76,14 +78,14 @@ BenchmarkSetOne_Parallel_Sjson-16 18194 ns/op 715.7 BenchmarkSetOne_Parallel_Jsoniter-16 33560 ns/op 388.05 MB/s 45892 B/op 964 allocs/op ``` - [Small](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/testdata/small.go) (400B, 11 keys, 3 layers) -![small benchmarks](bench-small.png) +![small benchmarks](./docs/imgs/bench-small.png) - [Large](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/testdata/twitter.json) (635KB, 10000+ key, 6 layers) -![large benchmarks](bench-large.png) +![large benchmarks](./docs/imgs/bench-large.png) See [bench.sh](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/bench.sh) for benchmark codes. ## How it works -See [INTRODUCTION.md](INTRODUCTION.md). +See [INTRODUCTION.md](./docs/INTRODUCTION.md). ## Usage @@ -104,28 +106,29 @@ err := sonic.Unmarshal(output, &data) Sonic supports decoding json from `io.Reader` or encoding objects into `io.`Writer`, aims at handling multiple values as well as reducing memory consumption. - encoder ```go -import "github.com/bytedance/sonic/encoder" - var o1 = map[string]interface{}{ "a": "b", } var o2 = 1 var w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) -var enc = encoder.NewStreamEncoder(w) +var enc = sonic.ConfigDefault.NewEncoder(w) enc.Encode(o1) enc.Encode(o2) -println(w.String()) // "{"a":"b"}\n1" +fmt.Println(w.String()) +// Output: +// {"a":"b"} +// 1 ``` - decoder ```go -import "github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder" - var o = map[string]interface{}{} var r = strings.NewReader(`{"a":"b"}{"1":"2"}`) -var dec = decoder.NewStreamDecoder(r) +var dec = sonic.ConfigDefault.NewDecoder(r) dec.Decode(&o) dec.Decode(&o) -fmt.Printf("%+v", o) // map[1:2 a:b] +fmt.Printf("%+v", o) +// Output: +// map[1:2 a:b] ``` ### Use Number/Use Int64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README_ZH_CN.md b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README_ZH_CN.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43fd1d677 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/README_ZH_CN.md @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +# Sonic + +[English](README.md) | 中文 + +一个速度奇快的 JSON 序列化/反序列化库,由 JIT (即时编译)和 SIMD (单指令流多数据流)加速。 + +## 依赖 + +- Go 1.15~1.20 +- Linux/MacOS/Windows +- Amd64 架构 + +## 特色 + +- 运行时对象绑定,无需代码生成 +- 完备的 JSON 操作 API +- 快,更快,还要更快! + +## 基准测试 + +对于**所有大小**的 json 和**所有使用场景**, **Sonic 表现均为最佳**。 +- [中型](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/decoder/testdata_test.go#L19) (13kB, 300+ 键, 6 层) +```powershell +goversion: 1.17.1 +goos: darwin +goarch: amd64 +cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz +BenchmarkEncoder_Generic_Sonic-16 32393 ns/op 402.40 MB/s 11965 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Generic_Sonic_Fast-16 21668 ns/op 601.57 MB/s 10940 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Generic_JsonIter-16 42168 ns/op 309.12 MB/s 14345 B/op 115 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Generic_GoJson-16 65189 ns/op 199.96 MB/s 23261 B/op 16 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Generic_StdLib-16 106322 ns/op 122.60 MB/s 49136 B/op 789 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Binding_Sonic-16 6269 ns/op 2079.26 MB/s 14173 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Binding_Sonic_Fast-16 5281 ns/op 2468.16 MB/s 12322 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Binding_JsonIter-16 20056 ns/op 649.93 MB/s 9488 B/op 2 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Binding_GoJson-16 8311 ns/op 1568.32 MB/s 9481 B/op 1 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Binding_StdLib-16 16448 ns/op 792.52 MB/s 9479 B/op 1 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Generic_Sonic-16 6681 ns/op 1950.93 MB/s 12738 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Generic_Sonic_Fast-16 4179 ns/op 3118.99 MB/s 10757 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Generic_JsonIter-16 9861 ns/op 1321.84 MB/s 14362 B/op 115 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Generic_GoJson-16 18850 ns/op 691.52 MB/s 23278 B/op 16 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Generic_StdLib-16 45902 ns/op 283.97 MB/s 49174 B/op 789 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Binding_Sonic-16 1480 ns/op 8810.09 MB/s 13049 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Binding_Sonic_Fast-16 1209 ns/op 10785.23 MB/s 11546 B/op 4 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Binding_JsonIter-16 6170 ns/op 2112.58 MB/s 9504 B/op 2 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Binding_GoJson-16 3321 ns/op 3925.52 MB/s 9496 B/op 1 allocs/op +BenchmarkEncoder_Parallel_Binding_StdLib-16 3739 ns/op 3486.49 MB/s 9480 B/op 1 allocs/op + +BenchmarkDecoder_Generic_Sonic-16 66812 ns/op 195.10 MB/s 57602 B/op 723 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Generic_Sonic_Fast-16 54523 ns/op 239.07 MB/s 49786 B/op 313 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Generic_StdLib-16 124260 ns/op 104.90 MB/s 50869 B/op 772 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Generic_JsonIter-16 91274 ns/op 142.81 MB/s 55782 B/op 1068 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Generic_GoJson-16 88569 ns/op 147.17 MB/s 66367 B/op 973 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Binding_Sonic-16 32557 ns/op 400.38 MB/s 28302 B/op 137 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Binding_Sonic_Fast-16 28649 ns/op 455.00 MB/s 24999 B/op 34 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Binding_StdLib-16 111437 ns/op 116.97 MB/s 10576 B/op 208 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Binding_JsonIter-16 35090 ns/op 371.48 MB/s 14673 B/op 385 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Binding_GoJson-16 28738 ns/op 453.59 MB/s 22039 B/op 49 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Generic_Sonic-16 12321 ns/op 1057.91 MB/s 57233 B/op 723 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Generic_Sonic_Fast-16 10644 ns/op 1224.64 MB/s 49362 B/op 313 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Generic_StdLib-16 57587 ns/op 226.35 MB/s 50874 B/op 772 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Generic_JsonIter-16 38666 ns/op 337.12 MB/s 55789 B/op 1068 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Generic_GoJson-16 30259 ns/op 430.79 MB/s 66370 B/op 974 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Binding_Sonic-16 5965 ns/op 2185.28 MB/s 27747 B/op 137 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Binding_Sonic_Fast-16 5170 ns/op 2521.31 MB/s 24715 B/op 34 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Binding_StdLib-16 27582 ns/op 472.58 MB/s 10576 B/op 208 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Binding_JsonIter-16 13571 ns/op 960.51 MB/s 14685 B/op 385 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_Parallel_Binding_GoJson-16 10031 ns/op 1299.51 MB/s 22111 B/op 49 allocs/op + +BenchmarkGetOne_Sonic-16 3276 ns/op 3975.78 MB/s 24 B/op 1 allocs/op +BenchmarkGetOne_Gjson-16 9431 ns/op 1380.81 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkGetOne_Jsoniter-16 51178 ns/op 254.46 MB/s 27936 B/op 647 allocs/op +BenchmarkGetOne_Parallel_Sonic-16 216.7 ns/op 60098.95 MB/s 24 B/op 1 allocs/op +BenchmarkGetOne_Parallel_Gjson-16 1076 ns/op 12098.62 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkGetOne_Parallel_Jsoniter-16 17741 ns/op 734.06 MB/s 27945 B/op 647 allocs/op +BenchmarkSetOne_Sonic-16 9571 ns/op 1360.61 MB/s 1584 B/op 17 allocs/op +BenchmarkSetOne_Sjson-16 36456 ns/op 357.22 MB/s 52180 B/op 9 allocs/op +BenchmarkSetOne_Jsoniter-16 79475 ns/op 163.86 MB/s 45862 B/op 964 allocs/op +BenchmarkSetOne_Parallel_Sonic-16 850.9 ns/op 15305.31 MB/s 1584 B/op 17 allocs/op +BenchmarkSetOne_Parallel_Sjson-16 18194 ns/op 715.77 MB/s 52247 B/op 9 allocs/op +BenchmarkSetOne_Parallel_Jsoniter-16 33560 ns/op 388.05 MB/s 45892 B/op 964 allocs/op +``` +- [小型](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/testdata/small.go) (400B, 11 个键, 3 层) +![small benchmarks](./docs/imgs/bench-small.png) +- [大型](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/testdata/twitter.json) (635kB, 10000+ 个键, 6 层) +![large benchmarks](./docs/imgs/bench-large.png) + +要查看基准测试代码,请参阅 [bench.sh](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/bench.sh) 。 + +## 工作原理 + +请参阅 [INTRODUCTION_ZH_CN.md](./docs/INTRODUCTION_ZH_CN.md). + +## 使用方式 + +### 序列化/反序列化 + +默认的行为基本上与 `encoding/json` 相一致,除了 HTML 转义形式(参见 [Escape HTML](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/README.md#escape-html)) 和 `SortKeys` 功能(参见 [Sort Keys](https://github.com/bytedance/sonic/blob/main/README.md#sort-keys))**没有**遵循 [RFC8259](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8259) 。 + ```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + +var data YourSchema +// Marshal +output, err := sonic.Marshal(&data) +// Unmarshal +err := sonic.Unmarshal(output, &data) + ``` + +### 流式输入输出 + +Sonic 支持解码 `io.Reader` 中输入的 json,或将对象编码为 json 后输出至 `io.Writer`,以处理多个值并减少内存消耗。 +- 编码器 +```go +var o1 = map[string]interface{}{ + "a": "b", +} +var o2 = 1 +var w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) +var enc = sonic.ConfigDefault.NewEncoder(w) +enc.Encode(o1) +enc.Encode(o2) +fmt.Println(w.String()) +// Output: +// {"a":"b"} +// 1 +``` +- 解码器 +```go +var o = map[string]interface{}{} +var r = strings.NewReader(`{"a":"b"}{"1":"2"}`) +var dec = sonic.ConfigDefault.NewDecoder(r) +dec.Decode(&o) +dec.Decode(&o) +fmt.Printf("%+v", o) +// Output: +// map[1:2 a:b] +``` + +### 使用 `Number` / `int64` + +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder" + +var input = `1` +var data interface{} + +// default float64 +dc := decoder.NewDecoder(input) +dc.Decode(&data) // data == float64(1) +// use json.Number +dc = decoder.NewDecoder(input) +dc.UseNumber() +dc.Decode(&data) // data == json.Number("1") +// use int64 +dc = decoder.NewDecoder(input) +dc.UseInt64() +dc.Decode(&data) // data == int64(1) + +root, err := sonic.GetFromString(input) +// Get json.Number +jn := root.Number() +jm := root.InterfaceUseNumber().(json.Number) // jn == jm +// Get float64 +fn := root.Float64() +fm := root.Interface().(float64) // jn == jm + ``` + +### 对键排序 + +考虑到排序带来的性能损失(约 10% ), sonic 默认不会启用这个功能。如果你的组件依赖这个行为(如 [zstd](https://github.com/facebook/zstd)) ,可以仿照下面的例子: +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic/encoder" + +// Binding map only +m := map[string]interface{}{} +v, err := encoder.Encode(m, encoder.SortMapKeys) + +// Or ast.Node.SortKeys() before marshal +var root := sonic.Get(JSON) +err := root.SortKeys() +``` + +### HTML 转义 + +考虑到性能损失(约15%), sonic 默认不会启用这个功能。你可以使用 `encoder.EscapeHTML` 选项来开启(与 `encoding/json.HTMLEscape` 行为一致)。 +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + +v := map[string]string{"&&":"<>"} +ret, err := Encode(v, EscapeHTML) // ret == `{"\u0026\u0026":{"X":"\u003c\u003e"}}` +``` + +### 紧凑格式 +Sonic 默认将基本类型( `struct` , `map` 等)编码为紧凑格式的 JSON ,除非使用 `json.RawMessage` or `json.Marshaler` 进行编码: sonic 确保输出的 JSON 合法,但出于性能考虑,**不会**加工成紧凑格式。我们提供选项 `encoder.CompactMarshaler` 来添加此过程, + +### 打印错误 + +如果输入的 JSON 存在无效的语法,sonic 将返回 `decoder.SyntaxError`,该错误支持错误位置的美化输出。 +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder" + +var data interface{} +err := sonic.UnmarshalString("[[[}]]", &data) +if err != nil { + /* One line by default */ + println(e.Error()) // "Syntax error at index 3: invalid char\n\n\t[[[}]]\n\t...^..\n" + /* Pretty print */ + if e, ok := err.(decoder.SyntaxError); ok { + /*Syntax error at index 3: invalid char + + [[[}]] + ...^.. + */ + print(e.Description()) + } else if me, ok := err.(*decoder.MismatchTypeError); ok { + // decoder.MismatchTypeError is new to Sonic v1.6.0 + print(me.Description()) + } +} +``` + +#### 类型不匹配 [Sonic v1.6.0] + +如果给定键中存在**类型不匹配**的值, sonic 会抛出 `decoder.MismatchTypeError` (如果有多个,只会报告最后一个),但仍会跳过错误的值并解码下一个 JSON 。 +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder" + +var data = struct{ + A int + B int +}{} +err := UnmarshalString(`{"A":"1","B":1}`, &data) +println(err.Error()) // Mismatch type int with value string "at index 5: mismatched type with value\n\n\t{\"A\":\"1\",\"B\":1}\n\t.....^.........\n" +fmt.Printf("%+v", data) // {A:0 B:1} +``` +### `Ast.Node` + +Sonic/ast.Node 是完全独立的 JSON 抽象语法树库。它实现了序列化和反序列化,并提供了获取和修改通用数据的鲁棒的 API。 + +#### 查找/索引 + +通过给定的路径搜索 JSON 片段,路径必须为非负整数,字符串或 `nil` 。 +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + +input := []byte(`{"key1":[{},{"key2":{"key3":[1,2,3]}}]}`) + +// no path, returns entire json +root, err := sonic.Get(input) +raw := root.Raw() // == string(input) + +// multiple paths +root, err := sonic.Get(input, "key1", 1, "key2") +sub := root.Get("key3").Index(2).Int64() // == 3 +``` +**注意**:由于 `Index()` 使用偏移量来定位数据,比使用扫描的 `Get()` 要快的多,建议尽可能的使用 `Index` 。 Sonic 也提供了另一个 API, `IndexOrGet()` ,以偏移量为基础并且也确保键的匹配。 + +#### 修改 + +使用 ` Set()` / `Unset()` 修改 json 的内容 +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + +// Set +exist, err := root.Set("key4", NewBool(true)) // exist == false +alias1 := root.Get("key4") +println(alias1.Valid()) // true +alias2 := root.Index(1) +println(alias1 == alias2) // true + +// Unset +exist, err := root.UnsetByIndex(1) // exist == true +println(root.Get("key4").Check()) // "value not exist" +``` + +#### 序列化 +要将 `ast.Node` 编码为 json ,使用 `MarshalJson()` 或者 `json.Marshal()` (必须传递指向节点的指针) +```go +import ( + "encoding/json" + "github.com/bytedance/sonic" +) + +buf, err := root.MarshalJson() +println(string(buf)) // {"key1":[{},{"key2":{"key3":[1,2,3]}}]} +exp, err := json.Marshal(&root) // WARN: use pointer +println(string(buf) == string(exp)) // true +``` + +#### APIs +- 合法性检查: `Check()`, `Error()`, `Valid()`, `Exist()` +- 索引: `Index()`, `Get()`, `IndexPair()`, `IndexOrGet()`, `GetByPath()` +- 转换至 go 内置类型: `Int64()`, `Float64()`, `String()`, `Number()`, `Bool()`, `Map[UseNumber|UseNode]()`, `Array[UseNumber|UseNode]()`, `Interface[UseNumber|UseNode]()` +- go 类型打包: `NewRaw()`, `NewNumber()`, `NewNull()`, `NewBool()`, `NewString()`, `NewObject()`, `NewArray()` +- 迭代: `Values()`, `Properties()`, `ForEach()`, `SortKeys()` +- 修改: `Set()`, `SetByIndex()`, `Add()` + +## 兼容性 +由于开发高性能代码的困难性, Sonic **不**保证对所有环境的支持。对于在不同环境中使用 Sonic 构建应用程序的开发者,我们有以下建议: + +- 在 **Mac M1** 上开发:确保在您的计算机上安装了 Rosetta 2,并在构建时设置 `GOARCH=amd64` 。 Rosetta 2 可以自动将 x86 二进制文件转换为 arm64 二进制文件,并在 Mac M1 上运行 x86 应用程序。 +- 在 **Linux arm64** 上开发:您可以安装 qemu 并使用 `qemu-x86_64 -cpu max` 命令来将 x86 二进制文件转换为 arm64 二进制文件。qemu可以实现与Mac M1上的Rosetta 2类似的转换效果。 + +对于希望在不使用 qemu 下使用 sonic 的开发者,或者希望处理 JSON 时与 `encoding/JSON` 严格保持一致的开发者,我们在 `sonic.API` 中提供了一些兼容性 API +- `ConfigDefault`: 在支持 sonic 的环境下 sonic 的默认配置(`EscapeHTML=false`,`SortKeys=false`等)。行为与具有相应配置的 `encoding/json` 一致,一些选项,如 `SortKeys=false` 将无效。 +- `ConfigStd`: 在支持 sonic 的环境下与标准库兼容的配置(`EscapeHTML=true`,`SortKeys=true`等)。行为与 `encoding/json` 一致。 +- `ConfigFastest`: 在支持 sonic 的环境下运行最快的配置(`NoQuoteTextMarshaler=true`)。行为与具有相应配置的 `encoding/json` 一致,某些选项将无效。 + +## 注意事项 + +### 预热 +由于 Sonic 使用 [golang-asm](https://github.com/twitchyliquid64/golang-asm) 作为 JIT 汇编器,这个库并不适用于运行时编译,第一次运行一个大型模式可能会导致请求超时甚至进程内存溢出。为了更好地稳定性,我们建议在运行大型模式或在内存有限的应用中,在使用 `Marshal()/Unmarshal()` 前运行 `Pretouch()`。 +```go +import ( + "reflect" + "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + "github.com/bytedance/sonic/option" +) + +func init() { + var v HugeStruct + + // For most large types (nesting depth <= option.DefaultMaxInlineDepth) + err := sonic.Pretouch(reflect.TypeOf(v)) + + // with more CompileOption... + err := sonic.Pretouch(reflect.TypeOf(v), + // If the type is too deep nesting (nesting depth > option.DefaultMaxInlineDepth), + // you can set compile recursive loops in Pretouch for better stability in JIT. + option.WithCompileRecursiveDepth(loop), + // For a large nested struct, try to set a smaller depth to reduce compiling time. + option.WithCompileMaxInlineDepth(depth), + ) +} +``` + +### 拷贝字符串 + +当解码 **没有转义字符的字符串**时, sonic 会从原始的 JSON 缓冲区内引用而不是复制到新的一个缓冲区中。这对 CPU 的性能方面很有帮助,但是可能因此在解码后对象仍在使用的时候将整个 JSON 缓冲区保留在内存中。实践中我们发现,通过引用 JSON 缓冲区引入的额外内存通常是解码后对象的 20% 至 80% ,一旦应用长期保留这些对象(如缓存以备重用),服务器所使用的内存可能会增加。我们提供了选项 `decoder.CopyString()` 供用户选择,不引用 JSON 缓冲区。这可能在一定程度上降低 CPU 性能。 + +### 传递字符串还是字节数组? +为了和 `encoding/json` 保持一致,我们提供了传递 `[]byte` 作为参数的 API ,但考虑到安全性,字符串到字节的复制是同时进行的,这在原始 JSON 非常大时可能会导致性能损失。因此,你可以使用 `UnmarshalString()` 和 `GetFromString()` 来传递字符串,只要你的原始数据是字符串,或**零拷贝类型转换**对于你的字节数组是安全的。我们也提供了 `MarshalString()` 的 API ,以便对编码的 JSON 字节数组进行**零拷贝类型转换**,因为 sonic 输出的字节始终是重复并且唯一的,所以这样是安全的。 + +### 加速 `encoding.TextMarshaler` + +为了保证数据安全性, `sonic.Encoder` 默认会对来自 `encoding.TextMarshaler` 接口的字符串进行引用和转义,如果大部分数据都是这种形式那可能会导致很大的性能损失。我们提供了 `encoder.NoQuoteTextMarshaler` 选项来跳过这些操作,但你**必须**保证他们的输出字符串依照 [RFC8259](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8259) 进行了转义和引用。 + + +### 泛型的性能优化 + +在 **完全解析**的场景下, `Unmarshal()` 表现得比 `Get()`+`Node.Interface()` 更好。但是如果你只有特定 JSON 的部分模式,你可以将 `Get()` 和 `Unmarshal()` 结合使用: +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + +node, err := sonic.GetFromString(_TwitterJson, "statuses", 3, "user") +var user User // your partial schema... +err = sonic.UnmarshalString(node.Raw(), &user) +``` +甚至如果你没有任何模式,可以用 `ast.Node` 代替 `map` 或 `interface` 作为泛型的容器: +```go +import "github.com/bytedance/sonic" + +root, err := sonic.GetFromString(_TwitterJson) +user := root.GetByPath("statuses", 3, "user") // === root.Get("status").Index(3).Get("user") +err = user.Check() + +// err = user.LoadAll() // only call this when you want to use 'user' concurrently... +go someFunc(user) +``` +为什么?因为 `ast.Node` 使用 `array` 来存储其子节点: +- 在插入(反序列化)和扫描(序列化)数据时,`Array` 的性能比 `Map` **好得多**; +- **哈希**(`map[x]`)的效率不如**索引**(`array[x]`)高效,而 `ast.Node` 可以在数组和对象上使用索引; +- 使用 `Interface()` / `Map()` 意味着 sonic 必须解析所有的底层值,而 `ast.Node` 可以**按需解析**它们。 + +**注意**:由于 `ast.Node` 的惰性加载设计,其**不能**直接保证并发安全性,但你可以调用 `Node.Load()` / `Node.LoadAll()` 来实现并发安全。尽管可能会带来性能损失,但仍比转换成 `map` 或 `interface{}` 更为高效。 + +## 社区 + +Sonic 是 [CloudWeGo](https://www.cloudwego.io/) 下的一个子项目。我们致力于构建云原生生态系统。 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/api.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/api.go index a2bc67eaa..a042476f1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/api.go @@ -169,9 +169,10 @@ func UnmarshalString(buf string, val interface{}) error { // and returns its representing ast.Node. // // Each path arg must be integer or string: -// - Integer means searching current node as array -// - String means searching current node as object +// - Integer is target index(>=0), means searching current node as array. +// - String is target key, means searching current node as object. // +// // Note, the api expects the json is well-formed at least, // otherwise it may return unexpected result. func Get(src []byte, path ...interface{}) (ast.Node, error) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_amd64.go index 6b3458aee..3047f59c3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_amd64.go @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ // +build amd64,go1.15,!go1.21 +/* + * Copyright 2022 ByteDance Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ package ast @@ -17,10 +32,12 @@ var typeByte = rt.UnpackEface(byte(0)).Type +//go:nocheckptr func quote(buf *[]byte, val string) { *buf = append(*buf, '"') if len(val) == 0 { *buf = append(*buf, '"') + return } sp := rt.IndexChar(val, 0) @@ -99,7 +116,9 @@ func (self *Parser) skipFast() (int, types.ParsingError) { } func (self *Parser) getByPath(path ...interface{}) (int, types.ParsingError) { - start := native.GetByPath(&self.s, &self.p, &path) + fsm := types.NewStateMachine() + start := native.GetByPath(&self.s, &self.p, &path, fsm) + types.FreeStateMachine(fsm) runtime.KeepAlive(path) if start < 0 { return self.p, types.ParsingError(-start) @@ -107,7 +126,6 @@ func (self *Parser) getByPath(path ...interface{}) (int, types.ParsingError) { return start, 0 } - func (self *Searcher) GetByPath(path ...interface{}) (Node, error) { var err types.ParsingError var start int @@ -115,6 +133,13 @@ func (self *Searcher) GetByPath(path ...interface{}) (Node, error) { self.parser.p = 0 start, err = self.parser.getByPath(path...) if err != 0 { + // for compatibility with old version + if err == types.ERR_NOT_FOUND { + return Node{}, ErrNotExist + } + if err == types.ERR_UNSUPPORT_TYPE { + panic("path must be either int(>=0) or string") + } return Node{}, self.parser.syntaxError(err) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_compat.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_compat.go index 642330c51..b18b5ae8c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_compat.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/api_compat.go @@ -1,5 +1,21 @@ // +build !amd64 go1.21 +/* + * Copyright 2022 ByteDance Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + package ast import ( @@ -24,8 +40,6 @@ func unquote(src string) (string, types.ParsingError) { return rt.Mem2Str(out), 0 } - - func decodeBase64(src string) ([]byte, error) { return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(src) } @@ -53,7 +67,12 @@ func (self *Parser) skip() (int, types.ParsingError) { } func (self *Parser) skipFast() (int, types.ParsingError) { - return self.skip() + e, s := skipValueFast(self.s, self.p) + if e < 0 { + return self.p, types.ParsingError(-e) + } + self.p = e + return s, 0 } func (self *Node) encodeInterface(buf *[]byte) error { @@ -70,17 +89,16 @@ func (self *Searcher) GetByPath(path ...interface{}) (Node, error) { var err types.ParsingError for _, p := range path { - switch p := p.(type) { - case int: - if err = self.parser.searchIndex(p); err != 0 { + if idx, ok := p.(int); ok && idx >= 0 { + if err = self.parser.searchIndex(idx); err != 0 { return Node{}, self.parser.ExportError(err) } - case string: - if err = self.parser.searchKey(p); err != 0 { + } else if key, ok := p.(string); ok { + if err = self.parser.searchKey(key); err != 0 { return Node{}, self.parser.ExportError(err) } - default: - panic("path must be either int or string") + } else { + panic("path must be either int(>=0) or string") } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/decode.go index d54e98318..6a5f6fea3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/decode.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/decode.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 ByteDance Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + package ast import ( @@ -24,6 +40,7 @@ func isSpace(c byte) bool { return (int(1<= '0' && c <= '9' } +//go:nocheckptr func decodeInt64(src string, pos int) (ret int, v int64, err error) { sp := uintptr(rt.IndexChar(src, pos)) ss := uintptr(sp) @@ -161,6 +180,7 @@ func isNumberChars(c byte) bool { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' || c == '.' } +//go:nocheckptr func decodeFloat64(src string, pos int) (ret int, v float64, err error) { sp := uintptr(rt.IndexChar(src, pos)) ss := uintptr(sp) @@ -255,6 +275,7 @@ func decodeValue(src string, pos int) (ret int, v types.JsonState) { } } +//go:nocheckptr func skipNumber(src string, pos int) (ret int) { sp := uintptr(rt.IndexChar(src, pos)) se := uintptr(rt.IndexChar(src, len(src))) @@ -281,7 +302,7 @@ func skipNumber(src string, pos int) (ret int) { } else if nextNeedDigit { return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR) } else if c == '.' { - if !lastIsDigit || pointer || sp == ss { + if !lastIsDigit || pointer || exponent || sp == ss { return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR) } pointer = true @@ -319,6 +340,7 @@ func skipNumber(src string, pos int) (ret int) { return int(uintptr(sp) - uintptr((*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&src)).Ptr)) } +//go:nocheckptr func skipString(src string, pos int) (ret int, ep int) { if pos+1 >= len(src) { return -int(types.ERR_EOF), -1 @@ -327,6 +349,7 @@ func skipString(src string, pos int) (ret int, ep int) { sp := uintptr(rt.IndexChar(src, pos)) se := uintptr(rt.IndexChar(src, len(src))) + // not start with quote if *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) != '"' { return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR), -1 } @@ -344,18 +367,16 @@ func skipString(src string, pos int) (ret int, ep int) { } sp += 1 if c == '"' { - break + return int(uintptr(sp) - uintptr((*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&src)).Ptr)), ep } } - if sp > se { - return -int(types.ERR_EOF), -1 - } - runtime.KeepAlive(src) - return int(uintptr(sp) - uintptr((*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&src)).Ptr)), ep + // not found the closed quote until EOF + return -int(types.ERR_EOF), -1 } +//go:nocheckptr func skipPair(src string, pos int, lchar byte, rchar byte) (ret int) { if pos+1 >= len(src) { return -int(types.ERR_EOF) @@ -403,7 +424,7 @@ func skipPair(src string, pos int, lchar byte, rchar byte) (ret int) { return int(uintptr(sp) - uintptr((*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&src)).Ptr)) } -func skipValue(src string, pos int) (ret int, start int) { +func skipValueFast(src string, pos int) (ret int, start int) { pos = skipBlank(src, pos) if pos < 0 { return pos, -1 @@ -428,3 +449,127 @@ func skipValue(src string, pos int) (ret int, start int) { } return ret, pos } + +func skipValue(src string, pos int) (ret int, start int) { + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + switch c := src[pos]; c { + case 'n': + ret = decodeNull(src, pos) + case '"': + ret, _ = skipString(src, pos) + case '{': + ret, _ = skipObject(src, pos) + case '[': + ret, _ = skipArray(src, pos) + case 't': + ret = decodeTrue(src, pos) + case 'f': + ret = decodeFalse(src, pos) + case '-', '+', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': + ret = skipNumber(src, pos) + default: + ret = -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR) + } + return ret, pos +} + +func skipObject(src string, pos int) (ret int, start int) { + start = skipBlank(src, pos) + if start < 0 { + return start, -1 + } + + if src[start] != '{' { + return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR), -1 + } + + pos = start + 1 + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + if src[pos] == '}' { + return pos + 1, start + } + + for { + pos, _ = skipString(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + if src[pos] != ':' { + return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR), -1 + } + + pos++ + pos, _ = skipValue(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + if src[pos] == '}' { + return pos + 1, start + } + if src[pos] != ',' { + return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR), -1 + } + + pos++ + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + + } +} + +func skipArray(src string, pos int) (ret int, start int) { + start = skipBlank(src, pos) + if start < 0 { + return start, -1 + } + + if src[start] != '[' { + return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR), -1 + } + + pos = start + 1 + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + if src[pos] == ']' { + return pos + 1, start + } + + for { + pos, _ = skipValue(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + + pos = skipBlank(src, pos) + if pos < 0 { + return pos, -1 + } + if src[pos] == ']' { + return pos + 1, start + } + if src[pos] != ',' { + return -int(types.ERR_INVALID_CHAR), -1 + } + pos++ + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/node.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/node.go index 0d37baf12..6b5ad8a3e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/node.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/node.go @@ -1541,13 +1541,19 @@ func (self *Node) toGenericObjectUseNode() (map[string]Node, error) { emptyObjectNode = Node{t: types.V_OBJECT} ) -// NewRaw creates a node of raw json, and decides its type by first char. +// NewRaw creates a node of raw json. +// If the input json is invalid, NewRaw returns a error Node. func NewRaw(json string) Node { - if json == "" { - panic("empty json string") + parser := NewParser(json) + start, err := parser.skip() + if err != 0 { + return *newError(err, err.Message()) } - it := switchRawType(json[0]) - return newRawNode(json, it) + it := switchRawType(parser.s[start]) + if it == _V_NONE { + return Node{} + } + return newRawNode(parser.s[start:parser.p], it) } // NewAny creates a node of type V_ANY if any's type isn't Node or *Node, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/parser.go index ebb7bb097..0a8e7b068 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/parser.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/ast/parser.go @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ func (self *Parser) searchKey(match string) types.ParsingError { /* skip value */ if key != match { - if _, err = self.skip(); err != 0 { + if _, err = self.skipFast(); err != 0 { return err } } else { @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ func (self *Parser) searchIndex(idx int) types.ParsingError { for i := 0; i < idx; i++ { /* decode the value */ - if _, err = self.skip(); err != 0 { + if _, err = self.skipFast(); err != 0 { return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/bench-large.png b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/bench-large.png deleted file mode 100644 index 8a8785ec9..000000000 Binary files a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/bench-large.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/bench-small.png b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/bench-small.png deleted file mode 100644 index 7bdab77ca..000000000 Binary files a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/bench-small.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder/decoder_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder/decoder_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ef19957c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder/decoder_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +// +build amd64,go1.15,!go1.21 + +/* +* Copyright 2023 ByteDance Inc. +* +* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +* You may obtain a copy of the License at +* +* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +* +* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +* limitations under the License. +*/ + +package decoder + +import ( + `github.com/bytedance/sonic/internal/decoder` +) + +// Decoder is the decoder context object +type Decoder = decoder.Decoder + +type MismatchTypeError = decoder.MismatchTypeError + +// Options for decode. +type Options = decoder.Options + +const ( + OptionUseInt64 Options = decoder.OptionUseInt64 + OptionUseNumber Options = decoder.OptionUseNumber + OptionUseUnicodeErrors Options = decoder.OptionUseUnicodeErrors + OptionDisableUnknown Options = decoder.OptionDisableUnknown + OptionCopyString Options = decoder.OptionCopyString + OptionValidateString Options = decoder.OptionValidateString +) + +// StreamDecoder is the decoder context object for streaming input. +type StreamDecoder = decoder.StreamDecoder + +type SyntaxError = decoder.SyntaxError + +var ( + // NewDecoder creates a new decoder instance. + NewDecoder = decoder.NewDecoder + + // NewStreamDecoder adapts to encoding/json.NewDecoder API. + // + // NewStreamDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r. + NewStreamDecoder = decoder.NewStreamDecoder + + // Pretouch compiles vt ahead-of-time to avoid JIT compilation on-the-fly, in + // order to reduce the first-hit latency. + // + // Opts are the compile options, for example, "option.WithCompileRecursiveDepth" is + // a compile option to set the depth of recursive compile for the nested struct type. + Pretouch = decoder.Pretouch + + // Skip skips only one json value, and returns first non-blank character position and its ending position if it is valid. + // Otherwise, returns negative error code using start and invalid character position using end + Skip = decoder.Skip +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder/decoder_compat.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder/decoder_compat.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6b9463d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/decoder/decoder_compat.go @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +// +build !amd64 go1.21 + +/* +* Copyright 2023 ByteDance Inc. +* +* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +* You may obtain a copy of the License at +* +* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +* +* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +* limitations under the License. +*/ + +package decoder + +import ( + `encoding/json` + `bytes` + `reflect` + `github.com/bytedance/sonic/internal/native/types` + `github.com/bytedance/sonic/option` + `io` +) + +const ( + _F_use_int64 = iota + _F_use_number + _F_disable_urc + _F_disable_unknown + _F_copy_string + _F_validate_string + + _F_allow_control = 31 +) + +type Options uint64 + +const ( + OptionUseInt64 Options = 1 << _F_use_int64 + OptionUseNumber Options = 1 << _F_use_number + OptionUseUnicodeErrors Options = 1 << _F_disable_urc + OptionDisableUnknown Options = 1 << _F_disable_unknown + OptionCopyString Options = 1 << _F_copy_string + OptionValidateString Options = 1 << _F_validate_string +) + +func (self *Decoder) SetOptions(opts Options) { + if (opts & OptionUseNumber != 0) && (opts & OptionUseInt64 != 0) { + panic("can't set OptionUseInt64 and OptionUseNumber both!") + } + self.f = uint64(opts) +} + + +// Decoder is the decoder context object +type Decoder struct { + i int + f uint64 + s string +} + +// NewDecoder creates a new decoder instance. +func NewDecoder(s string) *Decoder { + return &Decoder{s: s} +} + +// Pos returns the current decoding position. +func (self *Decoder) Pos() int { + return self.i +} + +func (self *Decoder) Reset(s string) { + self.s = s + self.i = 0 + // self.f = 0 +} + +// NOTE: api fallback do nothing +func (self *Decoder) CheckTrailings() error { + pos := self.i + buf := self.s + /* skip all the trailing spaces */ + if pos != len(buf) { + for pos < len(buf) && (types.SPACE_MASK & (1 << buf[pos])) != 0 { + pos++ + } + } + + /* then it must be at EOF */ + if pos == len(buf) { + return nil + } + + /* junk after JSON value */ + return nil +} + + +// Decode parses the JSON-encoded data from current position and stores the result +// in the value pointed to by val. +func (self *Decoder) Decode(val interface{}) error { + r := bytes.NewBufferString(self.s) + dec := json.NewDecoder(r) + if (self.f | uint64(OptionUseNumber)) != 0 { + dec.UseNumber() + } + if (self.f | uint64(OptionDisableUnknown)) != 0 { + dec.DisallowUnknownFields() + } + return dec.Decode(val) +} + +// UseInt64 indicates the Decoder to unmarshal an integer into an interface{} as an +// int64 instead of as a float64. +func (self *Decoder) UseInt64() { + self.f |= 1 << _F_use_int64 + self.f &^= 1 << _F_use_number +} + +// UseNumber indicates the Decoder to unmarshal a number into an interface{} as a +// json.Number instead of as a float64. +func (self *Decoder) UseNumber() { + self.f &^= 1 << _F_use_int64 + self.f |= 1 << _F_use_number +} + +// UseUnicodeErrors indicates the Decoder to return an error when encounter invalid +// UTF-8 escape sequences. +func (self *Decoder) UseUnicodeErrors() { + self.f |= 1 << _F_disable_urc +} + +// DisallowUnknownFields indicates the Decoder to return an error when the destination +// is a struct and the input contains object keys which do not match any +// non-ignored, exported fields in the destination. +func (self *Decoder) DisallowUnknownFields() { + self.f |= 1 << _F_disable_unknown +} + +// CopyString indicates the Decoder to decode string values by copying instead of referring. +func (self *Decoder) CopyString() { + self.f |= 1 << _F_copy_string +} + +// ValidateString causes the Decoder to validate string values when decoding string value +// in JSON. Validation is that, returning error when unescaped control chars(0x00-0x1f) or +// invalid UTF-8 chars in the string value of JSON. +func (self *Decoder) ValidateString() { + self.f |= 1 << _F_validate_string +} + +// Pretouch compiles vt ahead-of-time to avoid JIT compilation on-the-fly, in +// order to reduce the first-hit latency. +// +// Opts are the compile options, for example, "option.WithCompileRecursiveDepth" is +// a compile option to set the depth of recursive compile for the nested struct type. +func Pretouch(vt reflect.Type, opts ...option.CompileOption) error { + return nil +} + +type StreamDecoder struct { + r io.Reader + buf []byte + scanp int + scanned int64 + err error + Decoder +} + +// NewStreamDecoder adapts to encoding/json.NewDecoder API. +// +// NewStreamDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r. +func NewStreamDecoder(r io.Reader) *StreamDecoder { + return &StreamDecoder{r : r} +} + +// Decode decodes input stream into val with corresponding data. +// Redundantly bytes may be read and left in its buffer, and can be used at next call. +// Either io error from underlying io.Reader (except io.EOF) +// or syntax error from data will be recorded and stop subsequently decoding. +func (self *StreamDecoder) Decode(val interface{}) (err error) { + dec := json.NewDecoder(self.r) + if (self.f | uint64(OptionUseNumber)) != 0 { + dec.UseNumber() + } + if (self.f | uint64(OptionDisableUnknown)) != 0 { + dec.DisallowUnknownFields() + } + return dec.Decode(val) +} + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/encoder/encoder_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/encoder/encoder_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa107c73f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/bytedance/sonic/encoder/encoder_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +// +build amd64,go1.15,!go1.21 + +/* + * Copyright 2023 ByteDance Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package encoder + +import ( + `github.com/bytedance/sonic/internal/encoder` +) + + +// Encoder represents a specific set of encoder configurations. +type Encoder = encoder.Encoder + +// StreamEncoder uses io.Writer as input. +type StreamEncoder = encoder.StreamEncoder + +// Options is a set of encoding options. +type Options = encoder.Options + +const ( + // SortMapKeys indicates that the keys of a map needs to be sorted + // before serializing into JSON. + // WARNING: This hurts performance A LOT, USE WITH CARE. + SortMapKeys Options = encoder.SortMapKeys + + // EscapeHTML indicates encoder to escape all HTML characters + // after serializing into JSON (see https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/json#HTMLEscape). + // WARNING: This hurts performance A LOT, USE WITH CARE. + EscapeHTML Options = encoder.EscapeHTML + + // CompactMarshaler indicates that the output JSON from json.Marshaler + // is always compact and needs no validation + CompactMarshaler Options = encoder.CompactMarshaler + + // NoQuoteTextMarshaler indicates that the output text from encoding.TextMarshaler + // is always escaped string and needs no quoting + NoQuoteTextMarshaler Options = encoder.NoQuoteTextMarshaler + + // NoNullSliceOrMap indicates all empty Array or Object are encoded as '[]' or '{}', + // instead of 'null' + NoNullSliceOrMap Options = encoder.NoNullSliceOrMap + + // ValidateString indicates that encoder should validate the input string + // before encoding it into JSON. + ValidateString Options = encoder.ValidateString + + // CompatibleWithStd is used to be compatible with std encoder. + CompatibleWithStd Options = encoder.CompatibleWithStd +) + + +var ( + // Encode returns the JSON encoding of val, encoded with opts. + Encode = encoder.Encode + + // EncodeInto is like Encode but uses a user-supplied buffer instead of allocating a new one. + EncodeIndented = encoder.EncodeIndented + + // EncodeIndented is like Encode but applies Indent to format the output. + // Each JSON element in the output will begin on a new line beginning with prefix + // followed by one or more copies of indent according to the indentation nesting. + EncodeInto = encoder.EncodeInto + + // HTMLEscape appends to dst the JSON-encoded src with <, >, &, U+2028 and U+2029 + // characters inside string literals changed to \u003c, \u003e, \u0026, \u2028, \u2029 + // so that the JSON will be safe to embed inside HTML