Mention fixup (#167)
* rework mention creation a bit * rework mention creation a bit * tidy up status dereferencing * start adding tests for dereferencing * fixups * fix * review changes
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 680 additions and 192 deletions
@ -242,8 +242,9 @@ func ExtractImageURL(i WithImage) (*url.URL, error) {
// ExtractSummary extracts the summary/content warning of an interface.
func ExtractSummary(i WithSummary) (string, error) {
summaryProp := i.GetActivityStreamsSummary()
if summaryProp == nil {
return "", errors.New("summary property was nil")
if summaryProp == nil || summaryProp.Len() == 0 {
// no summary to speak of
return "", nil
for iter := summaryProp.Begin(); iter != summaryProp.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
@ -544,12 +545,12 @@ func ExtractMentions(i WithTag) ([]*gtsmodel.Mention, error) {
mentionable, ok := t.(Mentionable)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("mention was not convertable to ap.Mentionable")
mention, err := ExtractMention(mentionable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mentions = append(mentions, mention)
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
// build converters and util
typeConverter := typeutils.NewConverter(c, dbService)
typeConverter := typeutils.NewConverter(c, dbService, log)
timelineManager := timelineprocessing.NewManager(dbService, typeConverter, c, log)
// build backend handlers
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ func (i *instanceDB) CountInstanceUsers(ctx context.Context, domain string) (int
Where("username != ?", domain).
Where("? IS NULL", bun.Ident("suspended_at"))
if domain == i.config.Host {
// if the domain is *this* domain, just count where the domain field is null
q = q.WhereGroup(" AND ", whereEmptyOrNull("domain"))
} else {
q = q.Where("domain = ?", domain)
if domain == i.config.Host {
// if the domain is *this* domain, just count where the domain field is null
q = q.WhereGroup(" AND ", whereEmptyOrNull("domain"))
} else {
q = q.Where("domain = ?", domain)
count, err := q.Count(ctx)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package dereferencing
import (
func (d *deref) GetRemoteAttachment(ctx context.Context, requestingUsername string, remoteAttachmentURI *url.URL, ownerAccountID string, statusID string, expectedContentType string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error) {
l := d.log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"username": requestingUsername,
"remoteAttachmentURI": remoteAttachmentURI,
maybeAttachment := >smodel.MediaAttachment{}
where := []db.Where{
Key: "remote_url",
Value: remoteAttachmentURI.String(),
if err := d.db.GetWhere(ctx, where, maybeAttachment); err == nil {
// we already the attachment in the database
l.Debugf("GetRemoteAttachment: attachment already exists with id %s", maybeAttachment.ID)
return maybeAttachment, nil
a, err := d.RefreshAttachment(ctx, requestingUsername, remoteAttachmentURI, ownerAccountID, expectedContentType)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteAttachment: error refreshing attachment: %s", err)
a.StatusID = statusID
if err := d.db.Put(ctx, a); err != nil {
if err != db.ErrAlreadyExists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteAttachment: error inserting attachment: %s", err)
return a, nil
func (d *deref) RefreshAttachment(ctx context.Context, requestingUsername string, remoteAttachmentURI *url.URL, ownerAccountID string, expectedContentType string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error) {
// it just doesn't exist or we have to refresh
t, err := d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestingUsername)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("RefreshAttachment: error creating transport: %s", err)
attachmentBytes, err := t.DereferenceMedia(ctx, remoteAttachmentURI, expectedContentType)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("RefreshAttachment: error dereferencing media: %s", err)
a, err := d.mediaHandler.ProcessAttachment(ctx, attachmentBytes, ownerAccountID, remoteAttachmentURI.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("RefreshAttachment: error processing attachment: %s", err)
return a, nil
@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ type Dereferencer interface {
GetRemoteInstance(ctx context.Context, username string, remoteInstanceURI *url.URL) (*gtsmodel.Instance, error)
GetRemoteAttachment(ctx context.Context, username string, remoteAttachmentURI *url.URL, ownerAccountID string, statusID string, expectedContentType string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error)
RefreshAttachment(ctx context.Context, requestingUsername string, remoteAttachmentURI *url.URL, ownerAccountID string, expectedContentType string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error)
DereferenceAnnounce(ctx context.Context, announce *gtsmodel.Status, requestingUsername string) error
DereferenceThread(ctx context.Context, username string, statusIRI *url.URL) error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package dereferencing_test
import (
type DereferencerStandardTestSuite struct {
config *config.Config
db db.DB
log *logrus.Logger
testRemoteStatuses map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsNote
testRemoteAccounts map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson
testAccounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account
dereferencer dereferencing.Dereferencer
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
@ -229,8 +229,7 @@ func (d *deref) dereferenceStatusable(ctx context.Context, username string, remo
// 2. Hashtags.
// 3. Emojis.
// 4. Mentions.
// 5. Posting account.
// 6. Replied-to-status.
// 5. Replied-to-status.
// This function will deference all of the above, insert them in the database as necessary,
@ -243,117 +242,113 @@ func (d *deref) populateStatusFields(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Statu
l.Debug("entering function")
// make sure we have a status URI and that the domain in question isn't blocked
statusURI, err := url.Parse(status.URI)
statusIRI, err := url.Parse(status.URI)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusFields: couldn't parse status URI %s: %s", status.URI, err)
if blocked, err := d.db.IsDomainBlocked(ctx, statusURI.Host); blocked || err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusFields: domain %s is blocked", statusURI.Host)
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: couldn't parse status URI %s: %s", status.URI, err)
// we can continue -- create a new transport here because we'll probably need it
t, err := d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestingUsername)
blocked, err := d.db.IsURIBlocked(ctx, statusIRI)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating transport: %s", err)
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: error checking blocked status of %s: %s", statusIRI, err)
if blocked {
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: domain %s is blocked", statusIRI)
// in case the status doesn't have an id yet (ie., it hasn't entered the database yet), then create one
if status.ID == "" {
newID, err := id.NewULIDFromTime(status.CreatedAt)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: error creating ulid for status: %s", err)
status.ID = newID
// 1. Media attachments.
// At this point we should know:
// * the media type of the file we're looking for (a.File.ContentType)
// * the blurhash (a.Blurhash)
// * the file type (a.Type)
// * the remote URL (a.RemoteURL)
// This should be enough to pass along to the media processor.
attachmentIDs := []string{}
for _, a := range status.Attachments {
l.Tracef("dereferencing attachment: %+v", a)
// it might have been processed elsewhere so check first if it's already in the database or not
maybeAttachment := >smodel.MediaAttachment{}
err := d.db.GetWhere(ctx, []db.Where{{Key: "remote_url", Value: a.RemoteURL}}, maybeAttachment)
if err == nil {
// we already have it in the db, dereferenced, no need to do it again
l.Tracef("attachment already exists with id %s", maybeAttachment.ID)
attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, maybeAttachment.ID)
if err != db.ErrNoEntries {
// we have a real error
return fmt.Errorf("error checking db for existence of attachment with remote url %s: %s", a.RemoteURL, err)
// it just doesn't exist yet so carry on
l.Debug("attachment doesn't exist yet, calling ProcessRemoteAttachment", a)
deferencedAttachment, err := d.mediaHandler.ProcessRemoteAttachment(ctx, t, a, status.AccountID)
if err != nil {
l.Errorf("error dereferencing status attachment: %s", err)
l.Debugf("dereferenced attachment: %+v", deferencedAttachment)
deferencedAttachment.StatusID = status.ID
deferencedAttachment.Description = a.Description
if err := d.db.Put(ctx, deferencedAttachment); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting dereferenced attachment with remote url %s: %s", a.RemoteURL, err)
attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, deferencedAttachment.ID)
if err := d.populateStatusAttachments(ctx, status, requestingUsername); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: error populating status attachments: %s", err)
status.AttachmentIDs = attachmentIDs
// 2. Hashtags
// 3. Emojis
// 4. Mentions
if err := d.populateStatusMentions(ctx, status, requestingUsername); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: error populating status mentions: %s", err)
// 5. Replied-to-status.
if err := d.populateStatusRepliedTo(ctx, status, requestingUsername); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusFields: error populating status repliedTo: %s", err)
return nil
func (d *deref) populateStatusMentions(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Status, requestingUsername string) error {
l := d.log
// At this point, mentions should have the namestring and mentionedAccountURI set on them.
// We should dereference any accounts mentioned here which we don't have in our db yet, by their URI.
// We can use these to find the accounts.
mentionIDs := []string{}
newMentions := []*gtsmodel.Mention{}
for _, m := range status.Mentions {
if m.ID != "" {
// we've already populated this mention, since it has an ID
l.Debug("mention already populated")
l.Debug("populateStatusMentions: mention already populated")
mentionIDs = append(mentionIDs, m.ID)
newMentions = append(newMentions, m)
if m.TargetAccountURI == "" {
// can't do anything with this mention
l.Debug("target URI not set on mention")
l.Debug("populateStatusMentions: target URI not set on mention")
targetAccountURI, err := url.Parse(m.TargetAccountURI)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("error parsing mentioned account uri %s: %s", m.TargetAccountURI, err)
l.Debugf("populateStatusMentions: error parsing mentioned account uri %s: %s", m.TargetAccountURI, err)
var targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account
if a, err := d.db.GetAccountByURL(ctx, targetAccountURI.String()); err == nil {
targetAccount = a
} else if a, _, err := d.GetRemoteAccount(ctx, requestingUsername, targetAccountURI, false); err == nil {
targetAccount = a
errs := []string{}
// check if account is in the db already
if a, err := d.db.GetAccountByURL(ctx, targetAccountURI.String()); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
} else {
// we can't find the target account so bail
l.Debug("can't retrieve account targeted by mention")
l.Debugf("populateStatusMentions: got target account %s with id %s through GetAccountByURL", targetAccountURI, a.ID)
targetAccount = a
if targetAccount == nil {
// we didn't find the account in our database already
// check if we can get the account remotely (dereference it)
if a, _, err := d.GetRemoteAccount(ctx, requestingUsername, targetAccountURI, false); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
} else {
l.Debugf("populateStatusMentions: got target account %s with id %s through GetRemoteAccount", targetAccountURI, a.ID)
targetAccount = a
if targetAccount == nil {
l.Debugf("populateStatusMentions: couldn't get target account %s: %s", m.TargetAccountURI, strings.Join(errs, " : "))
mID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusMentions: error generating ulid: %s", err)
m = >smodel.Mention{
newMention := >smodel.Mention{
ID: mID,
StatusID: status.ID,
Status: m.Status,
@ -369,32 +364,91 @@ func (d *deref) populateStatusFields(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Statu
TargetAccountURL: targetAccount.URL,
if err := d.db.Put(ctx, m); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating mention: %s", err)
if err := d.db.Put(ctx, newMention); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusMentions: error creating mention: %s", err)
mentionIDs = append(mentionIDs, m.ID)
status.MentionIDs = mentionIDs
// status has replyToURI but we don't have an ID yet for the status it replies to
mentionIDs = append(mentionIDs, newMention.ID)
newMentions = append(newMentions, newMention)
status.MentionIDs = mentionIDs
status.Mentions = newMentions
return nil
func (d *deref) populateStatusAttachments(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Status, requestingUsername string) error {
l := d.log
// At this point we should know:
// * the media type of the file we're looking for (a.File.ContentType)
// * the file type (a.Type)
// * the remote URL (a.RemoteURL)
// This should be enough to dereference the piece of media.
attachmentIDs := []string{}
attachments := []*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment{}
for _, a := range status.Attachments {
aURL, err := url.Parse(a.RemoteURL)
if err != nil {
l.Errorf("populateStatusAttachments: couldn't parse attachment url %s: %s", a.RemoteURL, err)
attachment, err := d.GetRemoteAttachment(ctx, requestingUsername, aURL, status.AccountID, status.ID, a.File.ContentType)
if err != nil {
l.Errorf("populateStatusAttachments: couldn't get remote attachment %s: %s", a.RemoteURL, err)
attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, attachment.ID)
attachments = append(attachments, attachment)
status.AttachmentIDs = attachmentIDs
status.Attachments = attachments
return nil
func (d *deref) populateStatusRepliedTo(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Status, requestingUsername string) error {
if status.InReplyToURI != "" && status.InReplyToID == "" {
statusURI, err := url.Parse(status.InReplyToURI)
if err != nil {
return err
if replyToStatus, err := d.db.GetStatusByURI(ctx, status.InReplyToURI); err == nil {
// we have the status
status.InReplyToID = replyToStatus.ID
status.InReplyTo = replyToStatus
status.InReplyToAccountID = replyToStatus.AccountID
status.InReplyToAccount = replyToStatus.Account
} else if replyToStatus, _, _, err := d.GetRemoteStatus(ctx, requestingUsername, statusURI, false); err == nil {
// we got the status
status.InReplyToID = replyToStatus.ID
status.InReplyTo = replyToStatus
status.InReplyToAccountID = replyToStatus.AccountID
status.InReplyToAccount = replyToStatus.Account
var replyToStatus *gtsmodel.Status
errs := []string{}
// see if we have the status in our db already
if s, err := d.db.GetStatusByURI(ctx, status.InReplyToURI); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
} else {
replyToStatus = s
if replyToStatus == nil {
// didn't find the status in our db, try to get it remotely
if s, _, _, err := d.GetRemoteStatus(ctx, requestingUsername, statusURI, false); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
} else {
replyToStatus = s
if replyToStatus == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("populateStatusRepliedTo: couldn't get reply to status with uri %s: %s", statusURI, strings.Join(errs, " : "))
// we have the status
status.InReplyToID = replyToStatus.ID
status.InReplyTo = replyToStatus
status.InReplyToAccountID = replyToStatus.AccountID
status.InReplyToAccount = replyToStatus.Account
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package dereferencing_test
import (
type StatusTestSuite struct {
// mockTransportController returns basically a miniature muxer, which returns a different
// value based on the request URL. It can be used to return remote statuses, profiles, etc,
// as though they were actually being dereferenced. If the URL doesn't correspond to any person
// or note or attachment that we have stored, then just a 200 code will be returned, with an empty body.
func (suite *StatusTestSuite) mockTransportController() transport.Controller {
do := func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
suite.log.Debugf("received request for %s", req.URL)
responseBytes := []byte{}
note, ok := suite.testRemoteStatuses[req.URL.String()]
if ok {
// the request is for a note that we have stored
noteI, err := streams.Serialize(note)
if err != nil {
noteJson, err := json.Marshal(noteI)
if err != nil {
responseBytes = noteJson
person, ok := suite.testRemoteAccounts[req.URL.String()]
if ok {
// the request is for a person that we have stored
personI, err := streams.Serialize(person)
if err != nil {
personJson, err := json.Marshal(personI)
if err != nil {
responseBytes = personJson
if len(responseBytes) != 0 {
// we found something, so print what we're going to return
suite.log.Debugf("returning response %s", string(responseBytes))
reader := bytes.NewReader(responseBytes)
readCloser := io.NopCloser(reader)
response := &http.Response{
StatusCode: 200,
Body: readCloser,
return response, nil
mockClient := testrig.NewMockHTTPClient(do)
return testrig.NewTestTransportController(mockClient, suite.db)
func (suite *StatusTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
suite.testAccounts = testrig.NewTestAccounts()
suite.testRemoteStatuses = testrig.NewTestFediStatuses()
suite.testRemoteAccounts = testrig.NewTestFediPeople()
func (suite *StatusTestSuite) SetupTest() {
suite.config = testrig.NewTestConfig()
suite.db = testrig.NewTestDB()
suite.log = testrig.NewTestLog()
suite.dereferencer = dereferencing.NewDereferencer(suite.config,
testrig.NewTestMediaHandler(suite.db, testrig.NewTestStorage()),
testrig.StandardDBSetup(suite.db, nil)
func (suite *StatusTestSuite) TestDereferenceSimpleStatus() {
fetchingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"]
statusURL := testrig.URLMustParse("")
status, statusable, new, err := suite.dereferencer.GetRemoteStatus(context.Background(), fetchingAccount.Username, statusURL, false)
// status values should be set
suite.Equal("", status.URI)
suite.Equal("", status.URL)
suite.Equal("Hello world!", status.Content)
suite.Equal("", status.AccountURI)
suite.Equal(gtsmodel.VisibilityPublic, status.Visibility)
suite.Equal(gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsNote, status.ActivityStreamsType)
// status should be in the database
dbStatus, err := suite.db.GetStatusByURI(context.Background(), status.URI)
suite.Equal(status.ID, dbStatus.ID)
// account should be in the database now too
account, err := suite.db.GetAccountByURI(context.Background(), status.AccountURI)
suite.Equal("", account.URI)
suite.Equal("hey I'm a new person, your instance hasn't seen me yet uwu", account.Note)
suite.Equal("Geoff Brando New Personson", account.DisplayName)
suite.Equal("brand_new_person", account.Username)
func (suite *StatusTestSuite) TestDereferenceStatusWithMention() {
fetchingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"]
statusURL := testrig.URLMustParse("")
status, statusable, new, err := suite.dereferencer.GetRemoteStatus(context.Background(), fetchingAccount.Username, statusURL, false)
// status values should be set
suite.Equal("", status.URI)
suite.Equal("", status.URL)
suite.Equal("Hey @the_mighty_zork@localhost:8080 how's it going?", status.Content)
suite.Equal("", status.AccountURI)
suite.Equal(gtsmodel.VisibilityPublic, status.Visibility)
suite.Equal(gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsNote, status.ActivityStreamsType)
// status should be in the database
dbStatus, err := suite.db.GetStatusByURI(context.Background(), status.URI)
suite.Equal(status.ID, dbStatus.ID)
// account should be in the database now too
account, err := suite.db.GetAccountByURI(context.Background(), status.AccountURI)
suite.Equal("", account.URI)
suite.Equal("hey I'm a new person, your instance hasn't seen me yet uwu", account.Note)
suite.Equal("Geoff Brando New Personson", account.DisplayName)
suite.Equal("brand_new_person", account.Username)
// we should have a mention in the database
m := >smodel.Mention{}
err = suite.db.GetWhere(context.Background(), []db.Where{{Key: "status_id", Value: status.ID}}, m)
suite.Equal(status.ID, m.StatusID)
suite.Equal(account.ID, m.OriginAccountID)
suite.Equal(fetchingAccount.ID, m.TargetAccountID)
suite.Equal(account.URI, m.OriginAccountURI)
suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), m.CreatedAt, 5*time.Minute)
suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), m.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Minute)
func (suite *StatusTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
func TestStatusTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(StatusTestSuite))
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func New(db db.DB, config *config.Config, log *logrus.Logger) DB {
db: db,
config: config,
log: log,
typeConverter: typeutils.NewConverter(config, db),
typeConverter: typeutils.NewConverter(config, db, log),
go fdb.cleanupLocks()
return &fdb
@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ type Mention struct {
// ID of this mention in the database
ID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,notnull,unique"`
// ID of the status this mention originates from
StatusID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull"`
StatusID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"`
Status *Status `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// When was this mention created?
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
// When was this mention last updated?
UpdatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
// What's the internal account ID of the originator of the mention?
OriginAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull"`
OriginAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"`
OriginAccount *Account `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// What's the AP URI of the originator of the mention?
OriginAccountURI string `bun:",notnull"`
// What's the internal account ID of the mention target?
TargetAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull"`
TargetAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"`
TargetAccount *Account `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// Prevent this mention from generating a notification?
Silent bool
@ -80,13 +80,6 @@ type Handler interface {
// in the database.
ProcessLocalEmoji(ctx context.Context, emojiBytes []byte, shortcode string) (*gtsmodel.Emoji, error)
// ProcessRemoteAttachment takes a transport, a bare-bones current attachment, and an accountID that the attachment belongs to.
// It then dereferences the attachment (ie., fetches the attachment bytes from the remote server), ensuring that the bytes are
// the correct content type. It stores the attachment in whatever storage backend the Handler has been initalized with, and returns
// information to the caller about the new attachment. It's the caller's responsibility to put the returned struct
// in the database.
ProcessRemoteAttachment(ctx context.Context, t transport.Transport, currentAttachment *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error)
ProcessRemoteHeaderOrAvatar(ctx context.Context, t transport.Transport, currentAttachment *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error)
@ -296,30 +289,6 @@ func (mh *mediaHandler) ProcessLocalEmoji(ctx context.Context, emojiBytes []byte
return e, nil
func (mh *mediaHandler) ProcessRemoteAttachment(ctx context.Context, t transport.Transport, currentAttachment *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error) {
if currentAttachment.RemoteURL == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no remote URL on media attachment to dereference")
remoteIRI, err := url.Parse(currentAttachment.RemoteURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing attachment url %s: %s", currentAttachment.RemoteURL, err)
// for content type, we assume we don't know what to expect...
expectedContentType := "*/*"
if currentAttachment.File.ContentType != "" {
// ... and then narrow it down if we do
expectedContentType = currentAttachment.File.ContentType
attachmentBytes, err := t.DereferenceMedia(context.Background(), remoteIRI, expectedContentType)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dereferencing remote media with url %s: %s", remoteIRI.String(), err)
return mh.ProcessAttachment(ctx, attachmentBytes, accountID, currentAttachment.RemoteURL)
func (mh *mediaHandler) ProcessRemoteHeaderOrAvatar(ctx context.Context, t transport.Transport, currentAttachment *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, accountID string) (*gtsmodel.MediaAttachment, error) {
if !currentAttachment.Header && !currentAttachment.Avatar {
@ -181,44 +181,62 @@ func (c *converter) ASStatusToStatus(ctx context.Context, statusable ap.Statusab
status.URI = uriProp.GetIRI().String()
l := c.log.WithField("statusURI", status.URI)
// web url for viewing this status
if statusURL, err := ap.ExtractURL(statusable); err == nil {
if statusURL, err := ap.ExtractURL(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status URL: %s", err)
} else {
status.URL = statusURL.String()
// the html-formatted content of this status
if content, err := ap.ExtractContent(statusable); err == nil {
if content, err := ap.ExtractContent(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status content: %s", err)
} else {
status.Content = content
// attachments to dereference and fetch later on (we don't do that here)
if attachments, err := ap.ExtractAttachments(statusable); err == nil {
if attachments, err := ap.ExtractAttachments(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status attachments: %s", err)
} else {
status.Attachments = attachments
// hashtags to dereference later on
if hashtags, err := ap.ExtractHashtags(statusable); err == nil {
if hashtags, err := ap.ExtractHashtags(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status hashtags: %s", err)
} else {
status.Tags = hashtags
// emojis to dereference and fetch later on
if emojis, err := ap.ExtractEmojis(statusable); err == nil {
if emojis, err := ap.ExtractEmojis(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status emojis: %s", err)
} else {
status.Emojis = emojis
// mentions to dereference later on
if mentions, err := ap.ExtractMentions(statusable); err == nil {
if mentions, err := ap.ExtractMentions(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status mentions: %s", err)
} else {
status.Mentions = mentions
// cw string for this status
if cw, err := ap.ExtractSummary(statusable); err == nil {
if cw, err := ap.ExtractSummary(statusable); err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status summary: %s", err)
} else {
status.ContentWarning = cw
// when was this status created?
published, err := ap.ExtractPublished(statusable)
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
l.Infof("ASStatusToStatus: error extracting status published: %s", err)
} else {
status.CreatedAt = published
status.UpdatedAt = published
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ func (suite *ASToInternalTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
suite.log = testrig.NewTestLog()
suite.accounts = testrig.NewTestAccounts()
suite.people = testrig.NewTestFediPeople()
suite.typeconverter = typeutils.NewConverter(suite.config, suite.db)
suite.typeconverter = typeutils.NewConverter(suite.config, suite.db, suite.log)
func (suite *ASToInternalTestSuite) SetupTest() {
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ func (suite *ASToInternalTestSuite) SetupTest() {
func (suite *ASToInternalTestSuite) TestParsePerson() {
testPerson := suite.people["new_person_1"]
testPerson := suite.people[""]
acct, err := suite.typeconverter.ASRepresentationToAccount(context.Background(), testPerson, false)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
@ -363,8 +363,6 @@ func (suite *ASToInternalTestSuite) TestParsePerson() {
suite.Equal("", acct.URL)
suite.Equal("", acct.PublicKeyURI)
suite.Equal("", acct.AvatarRemoteURL)
suite.Equal("", acct.HeaderRemoteURL)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@ -179,15 +180,17 @@ type TypeConverter interface {
type converter struct {
config *config.Config
db db.DB
log *logrus.Logger
frontendCache cache.Cache
asCache cache.Cache
// NewConverter returns a new Converter
func NewConverter(config *config.Config, db db.DB) TypeConverter {
func NewConverter(config *config.Config, db db.DB, log *logrus.Logger) TypeConverter {
return &converter{
config: config,
db: db,
log: log,
frontendCache: cache.New(),
asCache: cache.New(),
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
package typeutils_test
import (
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type ConverterStandardTestSuite struct {
db db.DB
log *logrus.Logger
accounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account
people map[string]ap.Accountable
people map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson
typeconverter typeutils.TypeConverter
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
@ -600,12 +599,12 @@ func (c *converter) FollowToAS(ctx context.Context, f *gtsmodel.Follow, originAc
func (c *converter) MentionToAS(ctx context.Context, m *gtsmodel.Mention) (vocab.ActivityStreamsMention, error) {
if m.OriginAccount == nil {
a := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetWhere(ctx, []db.Where{{Key: "target_account_id", Value: m.TargetAccountID}}, a); err != nil {
if m.TargetAccount == nil {
a, err := c.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, m.TargetAccountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("MentionToAS: error getting target account from db: %s", err)
m.OriginAccount = a
m.TargetAccount = a
// create the mention
@ -613,21 +612,21 @@ func (c *converter) MentionToAS(ctx context.Context, m *gtsmodel.Mention) (vocab
// href -- this should be the URI of the mentioned user
hrefProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsHrefProperty()
hrefURI, err := url.Parse(m.OriginAccount.URI)
hrefURI, err := url.Parse(m.TargetAccount.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("MentionToAS: error parsing uri %s: %s", m.OriginAccount.URI, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("MentionToAS: error parsing uri %s: %s", m.TargetAccount.URI, err)
// name -- this should be the namestring of the mentioned user, something like
var domain string
if m.OriginAccount.Domain == "" {
if m.TargetAccount.Domain == "" {
domain = c.config.AccountDomain
} else {
domain = m.OriginAccount.Domain
domain = m.TargetAccount.Domain
username := m.OriginAccount.Username
username := m.TargetAccount.Username
nameString := fmt.Sprintf("@%s@%s", username, domain)
nameProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsNameProperty()
@ -684,8 +683,8 @@ func (c *converter) AttachmentToAS(ctx context.Context, a *gtsmodel.MediaAttachm
func (c *converter) FaveToAS(ctx context.Context, f *gtsmodel.StatusFave) (vocab.ActivityStreamsLike, error) {
// check if targetStatus is already pinned to this fave, and fetch it if not
if f.Status == nil {
s := >smodel.Status{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, f.StatusID, s); err != nil {
s, err := c.db.GetStatusByID(ctx, f.StatusID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("FaveToAS: error fetching target status from database: %s", err)
f.Status = s
@ -693,8 +692,8 @@ func (c *converter) FaveToAS(ctx context.Context, f *gtsmodel.StatusFave) (vocab
// check if the targetAccount is already pinned to this fave, and fetch it if not
if f.TargetAccount == nil {
a := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, f.TargetAccountID, a); err != nil {
a, err := c.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, f.TargetAccountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("FaveToAS: error fetching target account from database: %s", err)
f.TargetAccount = a
@ -702,8 +701,8 @@ func (c *converter) FaveToAS(ctx context.Context, f *gtsmodel.StatusFave) (vocab
// check if the faving account is already pinned to this fave, and fetch it if not
if f.Account == nil {
a := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, f.AccountID, a); err != nil {
a, err := c.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, f.AccountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("FaveToAS: error fetching faving account from database: %s", err)
f.Account = a
@ -754,8 +753,8 @@ func (c *converter) FaveToAS(ctx context.Context, f *gtsmodel.StatusFave) (vocab
func (c *converter) BoostToAS(ctx context.Context, boostWrapperStatus *gtsmodel.Status, boostingAccount *gtsmodel.Account, boostedAccount *gtsmodel.Account) (vocab.ActivityStreamsAnnounce, error) {
// the boosted status is probably pinned to the boostWrapperStatus but double check to make sure
if boostWrapperStatus.BoostOf == nil {
b := >smodel.Status{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, boostWrapperStatus.BoostOfID, b); err != nil {
b, err := c.db.GetStatusByID(ctx, boostWrapperStatus.BoostOfID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BoostToAS: error getting status with ID %s from the db: %s", boostWrapperStatus.BoostOfID, err)
boostWrapperStatus.BoostOf = b
@ -837,16 +836,16 @@ func (c *converter) BoostToAS(ctx context.Context, boostWrapperStatus *gtsmodel.
func (c *converter) BlockToAS(ctx context.Context, b *gtsmodel.Block) (vocab.ActivityStreamsBlock, error) {
if b.Account == nil {
a := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, b.AccountID, a); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BlockToAS: error getting block account from database: %s", err)
a, err := c.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, b.AccountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BlockToAS: error getting block owner account from database: %s", err)
b.Account = a
if b.TargetAccount == nil {
a := >smodel.Account{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, b.TargetAccountID, a); err != nil {
a, err := c.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, b.TargetAccountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BlockToAS: error getting block target account from database: %s", err)
b.TargetAccount = a
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
suite.log = testrig.NewTestLog()
suite.accounts = testrig.NewTestAccounts()
suite.people = testrig.NewTestFediPeople()
suite.typeconverter = typeutils.NewConverter(suite.config, suite.db)
suite.typeconverter = typeutils.NewConverter(suite.config, suite.db, suite.log)
func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) SetupTest() {
@ -316,6 +316,8 @@ func (c *converter) TagToMasto(ctx context.Context, t *gtsmodel.Tag) (model.Tag,
func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, requestingAccount *gtsmodel.Account) (*model.Status, error) {
l := c.log
repliesCount, err := c.db.CountStatusReplies(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error counting replies: %s", err)
@ -392,7 +394,8 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, gtsAttachment := range s.Attachments {
mastoAttachment, err := c.AttachmentToMasto(ctx, gtsAttachment)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting attachment with id %s: %s", gtsAttachment.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting attachment with id %s: %s", gtsAttachment.ID, err)
mastoAttachments = append(mastoAttachments, mastoAttachment)
@ -402,11 +405,13 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, aID := range s.AttachmentIDs {
gtsAttachment, err := c.db.GetAttachmentByID(ctx, aID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting attachment with id %s: %s", aID, err)
l.Errorf("error getting attachment with id %s: %s", aID, err)
mastoAttachment, err := c.AttachmentToMasto(ctx, gtsAttachment)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting attachment with id %s: %s", aID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting attachment with id %s: %s", aID, err)
mastoAttachments = append(mastoAttachments, mastoAttachment)
@ -419,7 +424,8 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, gtsMention := range s.Mentions {
mastoMention, err := c.MentionToMasto(ctx, gtsMention)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting mention with id %s: %s", gtsMention.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting mention with id %s: %s", gtsMention.ID, err)
mastoMentions = append(mastoMentions, mastoMention)
@ -429,11 +435,13 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, mID := range s.MentionIDs {
gtsMention, err := c.db.GetMention(ctx, mID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting mention with id %s: %s", mID, err)
l.Errorf("error getting mention with id %s: %s", mID, err)
mastoMention, err := c.MentionToMasto(ctx, gtsMention)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting mention with id %s: %s", gtsMention.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting mention with id %s: %s", gtsMention.ID, err)
mastoMentions = append(mastoMentions, mastoMention)
@ -446,7 +454,8 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, gtsTag := range s.Tags {
mastoTag, err := c.TagToMasto(ctx, gtsTag)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting tag with id %s: %s", gtsTag.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting tag with id %s: %s", gtsTag.ID, err)
mastoTags = append(mastoTags, mastoTag)
@ -456,11 +465,13 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, t := range s.TagIDs {
gtsTag := >smodel.Tag{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, t, gtsTag); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting tag with id %s: %s", t, err)
l.Errorf("error getting tag with id %s: %s", t, err)
mastoTag, err := c.TagToMasto(ctx, gtsTag)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting tag with id %s: %s", gtsTag.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting tag with id %s: %s", gtsTag.ID, err)
mastoTags = append(mastoTags, mastoTag)
@ -473,7 +484,8 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, gtsEmoji := range s.Emojis {
mastoEmoji, err := c.EmojiToMasto(ctx, gtsEmoji)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting emoji with id %s: %s", gtsEmoji.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting emoji with id %s: %s", gtsEmoji.ID, err)
mastoEmojis = append(mastoEmojis, mastoEmoji)
@ -483,11 +495,13 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToMasto(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, reque
for _, e := range s.EmojiIDs {
gtsEmoji := >smodel.Emoji{}
if err := c.db.GetByID(ctx, e, gtsEmoji); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting emoji with id %s: %s", e, err)
l.Errorf("error getting emoji with id %s: %s", e, err)
mastoEmoji, err := c.EmojiToMasto(ctx, gtsEmoji)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting emoji with id %s: %s", gtsEmoji.ID, err)
l.Errorf("error converting emoji with id %s: %s", gtsEmoji.ID, err)
mastoEmojis = append(mastoEmojis, mastoEmoji)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
var (
mentionNameRegexString = `^@(\w+)(?:@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)?)$`
mentionNameRegexString = `^@(\w+)(?:@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.:]+)?)$`
// mention name regex captures the username and domain part from a mention string
// such as, returning whatever_user and (without the @ symbols)
mentionNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(mentionNameRegexString)
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
@ -1224,12 +1223,14 @@ func NewTestActivities(accounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account) map[string]Activit
dmForZork := newNote(
"hey zork here's a new private note for you",
"new note for zork",
createDmForZork := wrapNoteInCreate(
@ -1248,15 +1249,15 @@ func NewTestActivities(accounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account) map[string]Activit
// NewTestFediPeople returns a bunch of activity pub Person representations for testing converters and so on.
func NewTestFediPeople() map[string]ap.Accountable {
func NewTestFediPeople() map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson {
newPerson1Priv, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
newPerson1Pub := &newPerson1Priv.PublicKey
return map[string]ap.Accountable{
"new_person_1": newPerson(
return map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson{
"": newPerson(
@ -1270,15 +1271,53 @@ func NewTestFediPeople() map[string]ap.Accountable {
func NewTestFediStatuses() map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsNote {
return map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsNote{
"": newNote(
"Hello world!",
"": newNote(
"Hey @the_mighty_zork@localhost:8080 how's it going?",
// NewTestDereferenceRequests returns a map of incoming dereference requests, with their signatures.
func NewTestDereferenceRequests(accounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account) map[string]ActivityWithSignature {
var sig, digest, date string
@ -1418,7 +1457,7 @@ func newPerson(
avatarContentType string,
headerURL *url.URL,
headerContentType string,
manuallyApprovesFollowers bool) ap.Accountable {
manuallyApprovesFollowers bool) vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson {
person := streams.NewActivityStreamsPerson()
// id should be the activitypub URI of this user
@ -1583,16 +1622,32 @@ func newPerson(
return person
func newMention(uri *url.URL, namestring string) vocab.ActivityStreamsMention {
mention := streams.NewActivityStreamsMention()
hrefProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsHrefProperty()
nameProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsNameProperty()
return mention
// newNote returns a new activity streams note for the given parameters
func newNote(
noteID *url.URL,
noteURL *url.URL,
noteCreatedAt time.Time,
noteContent string,
noteSummary string,
noteAttributedTo *url.URL,
noteTo []*url.URL,
noteCC []*url.URL,
noteSensitive bool) vocab.ActivityStreamsNote {
noteSensitive bool,
noteMentions []vocab.ActivityStreamsMention) vocab.ActivityStreamsNote {
// create the note itself
note := streams.NewActivityStreamsNote()
@ -1611,6 +1666,13 @@ func newNote(
if noteCreatedAt.IsZero() {
noteCreatedAt = time.Now()
published := streams.NewActivityStreamsPublishedProperty()
// set noteContent
if noteContent != "" {
content := streams.NewActivityStreamsContentProperty()
@ -1632,6 +1694,34 @@ func newNote(
// set noteTO
if noteTo != nil {
to := streams.NewActivityStreamsToProperty()
for _, r := range noteTo {
// set noteCC
if noteCC != nil {
cc := streams.NewActivityStreamsCcProperty()
for _, r := range noteCC {
// set note tags
tag := streams.NewActivityStreamsTagProperty()
// mentions
for _, m := range noteMentions {
return note
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
// NewTestTypeConverter returned a type converter with the given db and the default test config
func NewTestTypeConverter(db db.DB) typeutils.TypeConverter {
return typeutils.NewConverter(NewTestConfig(), db)
return typeutils.NewConverter(NewTestConfig(), db, NewTestLog())
Reference in a new issue