105 lines
2.8 KiB
105 lines
2.8 KiB
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
%ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';
$| = 1;
print "1..27\n";
# catch "used once" warnings
my @warns;
BEGIN { $^WARN_HOOK = sub { push @warns, @_[0]->{description} }; $^W = 1 };
%x = ();
$y = 3;
@z = ();
$X::x = 13;
use vars qw($p @q %r *s &t $X::p);
my $e = !(grep m/^Name "X::x" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 1\n";
$e = !(grep m/^Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 2\n";
$e = !(grep m/^Name "main::y" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 3\n";
$e = !(grep m/^Name "main::z" used only once: possible typo/, @warns) && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 4\n";
($e, @warns) = @warns != 4 && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 5\n";
# this is inside eval() to avoid creation of symbol table entries and
# to avoid "used once" warnings
eval <<'EOE';
$e = ! %main::{p} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 6\n";
$e = ! *q{ARRAY} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 7\n";
$e = ! *r{HASH} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 8\n";
$e = ! %main::{s} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 9\n";
$e = ! *t{CODE} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 10\n";
$e = defined %X::{q} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 11\n";
$e = ! %X::{p} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 12\n";
$e = $@ && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 13\n";
eval q{use vars qw(@X::y !abc); $e = ! *X::y{ARRAY} && 'not '};
print "{$e}ok 14\n";
$e = $@->{description} !~ m/^'!abc' is not a valid variable name/ && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 15\n";
eval 'use vars qw($x[3])';
$e = $@->{description} !~ m/^Can't declare individual elements of hash or array/ && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 16\n";
{ local $^W;
eval 'use vars qw($!)';
($e, @warns) = ($@ || @warns) ? 'not ' : '';
print "{$e}ok 17\n";
# NB the next test only works because vars.pm has already been loaded
eval 'use warnings "vars"; use vars qw($!)';
$e = ($@ || (shift(@warns)||'') !~ m/^No need to declare built-in vars/)
&& 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 18\n";
no strict 'vars';
eval 'use vars qw(@x%%)';
$e = $@ && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 19\n";
$e = ! *{Symbol::fetch_glob('x%%')}{ARRAY} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 20\n";
eval '$u = 3; @v = (); %w = ()';
$e = $@ && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 21\n";
use strict 'vars';
eval 'use vars qw(@y%%)';
$e = $@->{description} !~ m/^'\@y\%\%' is not a valid variable name under strict vars/ && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 22\n";
$e = *{Symbol::fetch_glob('y%%')}{ARRAY} && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 23\n";
eval '$u = 3; @v = (); %w = ()';
my @errs = split m/\n/, $@->message;
$e = @errs != 4 && 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 24\n";
$e = !(grep(m/^Global symbol "\$u" requires explicit package name/, @errs))
&& 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 25\n";
$e = !(grep(m/^Global symbol "\@v" requires explicit package name/, @errs))
&& 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 26\n";
$e = !(grep(m/^Global symbol "\%w" requires explicit package name/, @errs))
&& 'not ';
print "{$e}ok 27\n";