221 lines
6.1 KiB
221 lines
6.1 KiB
my $has_perlio;
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require './test.pl';
unless ($has_perlio = PerlIO::Layer->find( 'perlio')) {
print <<EOF;
# Since you don't have perlio you might get failures with UTF-8 locales.
no utf8; # Ironic, no?
# Think carefully before adding tests here. In general this should be
# used only for about three categories of tests:
# (1) tests that absolutely require 'use utf8', and since that in general
# shouldn't be needed as the utf8 is being obsoleted, this should
# have rather few tests. If you want to test Unicode and regexes,
# you probably want to go to op/regexp or op/pat; if you want to test
# split, go to op/split; pack, op/pack; appending or joining,
# op/append or op/join, and so forth
# (2) tests that have to do with Unicode tokenizing (though it's likely
# that all the other Unicode tests sprinkled around the t/**/*.t are
# going to catch that)
# (3) complicated tests that simultaneously stress so many Unicode features
# that deciding into which other test script the tests should go to
# is hard -- maybe consider breaking up the complicated test
plan tests => 36;
# bug id 20000730.004
use utf8;
my $smiley = "\x{263a}";
for my $s ("\x{263a}",
"" . $smiley,
"" . "\x{263a}",
$smiley . "",
"\x{263a}" . "",
) {
my $length_chars = length($s);
my $length_bytes;
{ use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) }
my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g;
my $regex_chars = @regex_chars;
my @split_chars = split m//, $s;
my $split_chars = @split_chars;
ok("$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq
for my $s ("\x{263a}" . "\x{263a}",
$smiley . $smiley,
"\x{263a}" x 2,
$smiley x 2,
) {
my $length_chars = length($s);
my $length_bytes;
{ use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) }
my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g;
my $regex_chars = @regex_chars;
my @split_chars = split m//, $s;
my $split_chars = @split_chars;
ok("$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq
local $TODO = "use utf8; passed to eval";
use utf8;
my $w = 0;
local $^WARN_HOOK = sub { print "#(@_[0])\n"; $w++ };
my $x = eval q/"\\/ . "\x{100}" . q/"/;
ok($w == 0 && $x eq "\x{100}");
# bug fixed by change #17928
# separate perl used because we rely on 'strict' not yet loaded;
# before the patch, the eval died with an error like:
# "my" variable $strict::VERSION can't be in a package
skip("Embedded UTF-8 does not work in EBCDIC", 1) if ord("A") == 193;
ok('' eq runperl(prog => <<'CODE'), "change #17928");
my $code = qq{ my \$\xe3\x83\x95\xe3\x83\xbc = 5; };
use utf8;
eval $code;
print $@ if $@;
use utf8;
$a = <<'END';
0 ....... 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 ....... 4 ....... 5 ....... 6 ....... 7 .......
my (@i, $s);
@i = ();
push @i, $s = index($a, '6'); # 60
push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 60 is 62
push @i, $s = index($a, '5'); # 50
push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 52 is 52
push @i, $s = index($a, '7'); # 70
push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 70 is 72
push @i, $s = index($a, '4'); # 40
push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 40 is 42
is("@i", "60 62 50 52 70 72 40 42", "utf8 heredoc index");
@i = ();
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '6'); # 60
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 60 is 58
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '5'); # 50
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 52 is 48
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '7'); # 70
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 70 is 68
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '4'); # 40
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 40 is 38
is("@i", "60 58 50 48 70 68 40 38", "utf8 heredoc rindex");
@i = ();
push @i, $s = index($a, '6'); # 60
push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 60 is 62
push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 60 is 58
push @i, $s = rindex($a, '5'); # 60
push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 50 is 52
push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 50 is 48
push @i, $s = index($a, '7', $s); # 70
push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 70 is 72
push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 70 is 68
is("@i", "60 62 58 50 52 48 70 72 68", "utf8 heredoc index and rindex");
skip("Embedded UTF-8 does not work in EBCDIC", 1) if ord("A") == 193;
use utf8;
eval qq{is(q \xc3\xbc test \xc3\xbc, qq\xc2\xb7 test \xc2\xb7,
"utf8 quote delimiters [perl #16823]");};
# Test the "internals".
use utf8;
my $a = "A";
my $b = chr(0x0FF);
my $c = chr(0x100);
ok( utf8::valid($a), "utf8::valid basic");
ok( utf8::valid($b), "utf8::valid beyond");
ok( utf8::valid($c), "utf8::valid unicode");
is($a, "A", "basic");
is($b, "\x{FF}", "beyond");
is($c, "\x{100}", "unicode");
# noop
is($a, "A", "basic");
is($b, "\x{FF}", "beyond");
is($c, "\x{100}", "unicode");
# noop
is($a, "A", "basic");
is($b, "\x{FF}", "beyond");
is($c, "\x{100}", "unicode");
use utf8;
eval {utf8::encode("£")};
is($@, '', "utf8::encode is a NO-OP");
fresh_perl_like ('use utf8; utf8::moo()',
qr/Undefined subroutine &utf8::moo/, \%(stderr=>1),
"Check Carp is loaded for AUTOLOADing errors")
# failure of is_utf8_char() without NATIVE_TO_UTF on EBCDIC (0260..027F)
use utf8;
ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x250)), "0x250");
ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x260)), "0x260");
ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x270)), "0x270");
ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x280)), "0x280");