2014-12-11 21:58:53 -05:00

137 lines
4.6 KiB

BEGIN { require './'; }
BEGIN { plan( tests => 14 ); }
use strict;
use warnings;
use compsub;
# create a user defined functions.
# basic test that is called the correct number of times.
our $foo_called;
# # define 'function' foo, which only executes it first argument.
# # i.e. the opcode tree generated by foo $arg1, $arg2, ... is something like as $arg1, $arg2, ...
# $^H{'compsub'} = {
# foo => sub { $foo_called++; return @_[0] },
# };
# }
BEGIN { compsub::define( foo => sub { $foo_called++; @_[0] or die "no arguments"; return @_[0] } ); }
BEGIN { is $foo_called, undef; }
sub bar { foo(); }
BEGIN { is $foo_called, 1; }
is( (join '*', foo 1, 2), "1*2");
BEGIN { is $foo_called, 2; }
use B ();
use B::OP ();
# fst $arg1, $arg2, ... evaluates only its first argument
# this leaks the OP_LIST, and the remaining items in the listop
BEGIN { compsub::define( fst => sub { my $first = @_[0]->first->sibling;
# remove $first from the list of children of @_[0]
@_[0]->free; undef @_[0];
# free the @_[0] opcode.
return $first;
$b = "oldb";
fst $a="newa", $b="notset";
is("$a-$b", "newa-oldb");
BEGIN { compsub::define( nothing => sub { @_[0] and @_[0]->free; return B::OP->new('null', 0) } ); }
eval "nothing";
ok ! $@, "compsub in run-time eval";
eval "nothing";
like $@->{description}, qr/Bareword "nothing" not allowed/, "compsub lexical scoped.";
## calling a function
our $x;
sub func1 { $x++; return "func1 called. args: @_" };
BEGIN { compsub::define( compfunc1 => sub { my $op = shift;
my $cvop = B::SVOP->new('const', 0, *func1);
$op = B::LISTOP->new('list', 0, ($op ? ($op, $cvop) : ($cvop, undef)));
return B::UNOP->new('entersub', B::OPf_STACKED^|^B::OPf_SPECIAL, $op);
} ); }
is( (compfunc1), "func1 called. args: ");
is( (compfunc1 1, 2, 3), "func1 called. args: 1 2 3");
is( (compfunc1 1, 2, 3), "func1 called. args: 1 2 3");
is( (compfunc1(1, 2, 3)), "func1 called. args: 1 2 3");
is( (compfunc1(1, 2), 3), "func1 called. args: 1 2 3");
## parsing params, and declaring lexical variables.
# assumes argument like: 'foo' => \$foo, 'bar' => \$bar, { @_ }
sub parseparams {
my $values = pop @_;
while (my $name = shift @_) {
@_[0] = $values->{$name};
shift @_;
# assumes argument like C<'foo', 'bar', { @_ }>
# this will be converted like C<parseparams('foo', \(my $foo), 'bar', \(my $bar), { @_ })>
sub compparams {
my $op = shift;
$op or return B::UNOP->new('null', 0);
my $kid = $op->first;
while (ref $kid ne "B::NULL") {
if ($kid->name eq "const") {
# allocate a 'my' variable
my $targ = B::PAD::allocmy( '$' . ${ $kid->sv->object_2svref } );
# introduce the 'my' variable, and insert it into the list of argument.
my $padsv = B::OP->new('padsv', B::OPf_MOD);
$kid = $padsv;
} elsif ($kid->name eq "list" or $kid->name eq "pushmark") {
# ignore
} elsif ($kid->name eq "refgen") {
# ignore, assume it is the last item in the list.
} else {
die "Expected constant opcode but got " . $kid->name;
$kid = $kid->sibling;
my $cvop = B::SVOP->new('const', 0, *parseparams);
$op = B::LISTOP->new('list', 0, ($op ? ($op, $cvop) : ($cvop, undef)));
my $entersubop = B::UNOP->new('entersub', B::OPf_STACKED^|^B::OPf_SPECIAL, $op);
return $entersubop;
compsub::define( params => \&compparams )
sub foobar {
params 'foo', 'bar', \%( @_ );
is $foo, 'foo-value', '$foo declared and initialized';
is $bar, 'bar-value';
foobar( foo => "foo-value", bar => "bar-value" );