package dumpvar; # Needed for PrettyPrinter only: # require 5.001; # Well, it coredumps anyway undef DB in 5.000 (not now) # translate control chars to ^X - Randal Schwartz # Modifications to print types by Peter Gordon v1.0 # Ilya Zakharevich -- patches after 5.001 (and some before ;-) # Won't dump symbol tables and contents of debugged files by default $winsize = 80 unless defined $winsize; # Defaults # $globPrint = 1; $printUndef = 1 unless defined $printUndef; $tick = "auto" unless defined $tick; $unctrl = 'quote' unless defined $unctrl; $subdump = 1; $dumpReused = 0 unless defined $dumpReused; $bareStringify = 1 unless defined $bareStringify; sub main::dumpValue { local %address; local $^W=0; (print "undef\n"), return unless defined @_[0]; (print &stringify(@_[0]), "\n"), return unless ref @_[0]; push @_, -1 if @_ == 1; dumpvar::unwrap(@_[0], 0, @_[1]); } # This one is good for variable names: sub unctrl { local($_) = @_; local($v) ; return \$_ if ref \$_ eq "GLOB"; if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC. # EBCDIC has no concept of "\cA" or "A" being related # to each other by a linear/boolean mapping. } else { s/([\001-\037\177])/{'^'.pack('c',ord($1)^^^64)}/g; } $_; } sub uniescape { join("", map { $_ +> 255 ? sprintf("\\x\{\%04X\}", $_) : chr($_) } unpack("U*", @_[0])); } sub stringify { local($_,$noticks) = @_; local($v) ; my $tick = $tick; return 'undef' unless defined $_ or not $printUndef; return '*' . Symbol::glob_name($_) if ref \$_ eq 'GLOB'; $_ = &{*{Symbol::fetch_glob('overload::StrVal')}}($_) if $bareStringify and ref $_ and %{Symbol::stash("overload")} and defined &{*{Symbol::fetch_glob('overload::StrVal')}}; if ($tick eq 'auto') { if (ord('A') == 193) { if (m/[\000-\011]/ or m/[\013-\024\31-\037\177]/) { $tick = '"'; } else { $tick = "'"; } } else { if (m/[\000-\011\013-\037\177]/) { $tick = '"'; } else { $tick = "'"; } } } if ($tick eq "'") { s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g; } elsif ($unctrl eq 'unctrl') { s/([\"\\])/\\$1/g ; s/([\000-\037\177])/{'^'.pack('c',ord($1)^^^64)}/g; # uniescape? s/([\200-\377])/{'\0x'.sprintf('\%2X',ord($1))}/g if $quoteHighBit; } elsif ($unctrl eq 'quote') { s/([\"\\\$\@])/\\$1/g if $tick eq '"'; s/\033/\\e/g; if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC. s/([\000-\037\177])/{'\c'.chr(193)}/g; # Unfinished. } else { s/([\000-\037\177])/{'\c'._escaped_ord($1)}/g; } } $_ = uniescape($_); s/([\200-\377])/{'\\'.sprintf('\%3o',ord($1))}/g if $quoteHighBit; ($noticks || m/^\d+(\.\d*)?\Z/) ? $_ : $tick . $_ . $tick; } # Ensure a resulting \ is escaped to be \\ sub _escaped_ord { my $chr = shift; $chr = chr(ord($chr)^^^64); $chr =~ s{\\}{\\\\}g; return $chr; } sub ShortArray { my $tArrayDepth = @{@_[0]}-1 ; $tArrayDepth = @{@_[0]} +< $arrayDepth ? @{@_[0]}-1 : $arrayDepth-1 unless $arrayDepth eq '' ; my $shortmore = ""; $shortmore = " ..." if $tArrayDepth +< @{@_[0]}-1 ; if (!grep(ref $_, @{@_[0]})) { $short = "0..@{@_[0]}-1 '" . join("' '", @{@_[0]}[[0..$tArrayDepth]]) . "'$shortmore"; return $short if length $short +<= $compactDump; } undef; } sub DumpElem { my $short = &stringify(@_[0], ref @_[0]); if ($veryCompact && ref @_[0] && (ref @_[0] eq 'ARRAY' and !grep(ref $_, @{@_[0]}) )) { my $end = "0..@{$v}-1 '" . join("' '", @{@_[0]}[[0..$tArrayDepth]]) . "'$shortmore"; } elsif ($veryCompact && ref @_[0] && (ref @_[0] eq 'HASH') and !grep(ref $_, values %{@_[0]})) { my $end = 1; $short = $sp . "0..@{$v}-1 '" . join("' '", @{$v}[[0..$tArrayDepth]]) . "'$shortmore"; } else { print "$short\n"; unwrap(@_[0],@_[1],@_[2]) if ref @_[0]; } } sub unwrap { return if $DB::signal; local($v) = shift ; local($s) = shift ; # extra no of spaces local($m) = shift ; # maximum recursion depth return if $m == 0; local(%v,@v,$sp,$value,$key,@sortKeys,$more,$shortmore,$short) ; local($tHashDepth,$tArrayDepth) ; $sp = " " x $s ; $s += 3 ; # Check for reused addresses if (ref $v) { my $val = $v; $val = &{*{Symbol::fetch_glob('overload::StrVal')}}($v) if %{Symbol::stash("overload")} and defined &{*{Symbol::fetch_glob('overload::StrVal')}}; # Match type and address. # Unblessed references will look like TYPE(0x...) # Blessed references will look like Class=TYPE(0x...) ($start_part, $val) = split m/=/,$val; $val = $start_part unless defined $val; ($item_type, $address) = $val =~ m/([^\(]+) # Keep stuff that's # not an open paren \( # Skip open paren (0x[0-9a-f]+) # Save the address \) # Skip close paren $/x; # Should be at end now if (!$dumpReused && defined $address) { %address{$address}++ ; if ( %address{$address} +> 1 ) { print "{$sp}-> REUSED_ADDRESS\n" ; return ; } } } elsif (ref \$v eq 'GLOB') { # This is a raw glob. Special handling for that. $address = "$v" . ""; # To avoid a bug with globs %address{$address}++ ; if ( %address{$address} +> 1 ) { print "{$sp}*DUMPED_GLOB*\n" ; return ; } } if (ref $v eq 'Regexp') { # Reformat the regexp to look the standard way. my $re = "$v"; $re =~ s,/,\\/,g; print "$sp-> qr/$re/\n"; return; } if ( $item_type eq 'HASH' ) { # Hash ref or hash-based object. my @sortKeys = sort keys(%$v) ; undef $more ; $tHashDepth = @sortKeys-1 ; $tHashDepth = @sortKeys-1 +< $hashDepth-1 ? @sortKeys-1 : $hashDepth-1 unless $hashDepth eq '' ; $more = "....\n" if $tHashDepth +< @sortKeys-1 ; $shortmore = ""; $shortmore = ", ..." if $tHashDepth +< @sortKeys-1 ; splice(@sortKeys, $tHashDepth+1); if ($compactDump && !grep(ref $_, values %{$v})) { #$short = $sp . # (join ', ', # Next row core dumps during require from DB on 5.000, even with map {"_"} # map {&stringify($_) . " => " . &stringify($v->{$_})} # @sortKeys) . "'$shortmore"; $short = $sp; my @keys; for (@sortKeys) { push @keys, &stringify($_) . " => " . &stringify($v->{$_}); } $short .= join ', ', @keys; $short .= $shortmore; (print "$short\n"), return if length $short +<= $compactDump; } for $key (@sortKeys) { return if $DB::signal; $value = % {$v}{$key} ; print "$sp", &stringify($key), " => "; DumpElem $value, $s, $m-1; } print "$sp empty hash\n" unless @sortKeys; print "$sp$more" if defined $more ; } elsif ( $item_type eq 'ARRAY' ) { # Array ref or array-based object. Also: undef. # See how big the array is. $tArrayDepth = @$v-1; undef $more ; # Bigger than the max? $tArrayDepth = @$v-1 +< $arrayDepth-1 ? @$v-1 : $arrayDepth-1 if defined $arrayDepth && $arrayDepth ne ''; # Yep. Don't show it all. $more = "....\n" if $tArrayDepth +< @$v-1 ; $shortmore = ""; $shortmore = " ..." if $tArrayDepth +< @$v-1 ; if ($compactDump && !grep(ref $_, @{$v})) { if (@$v) { $short = $sp . "0..@{$v}-1 " . join(" ", map {exists $v->[$_] ? stringify $v->[$_] : "empty"} (0..$tArrayDepth) ) . "$shortmore"; } else { $short = $sp . "empty array"; } (print "$short\n"), return if length $short +<= $compactDump; } #if ($compactDump && $short = ShortArray($v)) { # print "$short\n"; # return; #} for $num (0 .. $tArrayDepth) { return if $DB::signal; print "$sp$num "; if (exists $v->[$num]) { if (defined $v->[$num]) { DumpElem $v->[$num], $s, $m-1; } else { print "undef\n"; } } else { print "empty slot\n"; } } print "$sp empty array\n" unless @$v; print "$sp$more" if defined $more ; } elsif ( $item_type eq 'SCALAR' ) { unless (defined $$v) { print "$sp-> undef\n"; return; } print "$sp-> "; DumpElem $$v, $s, $m-1; } elsif ( $item_type eq 'REF' ) { print "$sp-> {dump::view($$v)}\n"; return unless defined $$v; unwrap($$v, $s+3, $m-1); } elsif ( $item_type eq 'CODE' ) { # Code object or reference. print "$sp-> "; dumpsub (0, $v); } elsif ( $item_type eq 'GLOB' ) { # Glob object or reference. print "$sp-> ",&stringify($$v,1),"\n"; if ($globPrint) { $s += 3; dumpglob($s, "\{$$v\}", $$v, 1, $m-1); } elsif (defined ($fileno = eval {fileno($v)})) { print( (' ' x ($s+3)) . "FileHandle(\{$$v\}) => fileno($fileno)\n" ); } } elsif (ref \$v eq 'GLOB') { # Raw glob (again?) if ($globPrint) { dumpglob($s, "\{$v\}", $v, 1, $m-1) if $globPrint; } elsif (defined ($fileno = eval {fileno(\$v)})) { print( (' ' x $s) . "FileHandle(\{$v\}) => fileno($fileno)\n" ); } } } sub matchlex { (my $var = @_[0]) =~ s/.//; $var eq @_[1] or (@_[1] =~ m/^([!~])(.)([\x[00]-\x[ff]]*)/) and ($1 eq '!') ^^^ (eval { $var =~ m/$2$3/ }); } sub matchvar { @_[0] eq @_[1] or (@_[1] =~ m/^([!~])(.)([\x[00]-\x[ff]]*)/) and ($1 eq '!') ^^^ (eval {(@_[2] . "::" . @_[0]) =~ m/$2$3/}); } sub compactDump { $compactDump = shift if @_; $compactDump = 6*80-1 if $compactDump and $compactDump +< 2; $compactDump; } sub veryCompact { $veryCompact = shift if @_; compactDump(1) if !$compactDump and $veryCompact; $veryCompact; } sub unctrlSet { if (@_) { my $in = shift; if ($in eq 'unctrl' or $in eq 'quote') { $unctrl = $in; } else { print "Unknown value for `unctrl'.\n"; } } $unctrl; } sub quote { if (@_ and @_[0] eq '"') { $tick = '"'; $unctrl = 'quote'; } elsif (@_ and @_[0] eq 'auto') { $tick = 'auto'; $unctrl = 'quote'; } elsif (@_) { # Need to set $tick = "'"; $unctrl = 'unctrl'; } $tick; } sub dumpglob { return if $DB::signal; my ($off,$key, $val, $all, $m) = @_; local(*entry) = $val; my $fileno; if (($key !~ m/^_ fileno($fileno)\n" ); } if ($all) { if (defined &entry) { dumpsub($off, $key); } } } sub dumplex { return if $DB::signal; my ($key, $val, $m, @vars) = @_; return if @vars && !grep( matchlex($key, $_), @vars ); local %address; my $off = 0; # It reads better this way my $fileno; if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'ARRAY')) { print( (' ' x $off) . "$key = (\n" ); unwrap($val,3+$off,$m) ; print( (' ' x $off) . ")\n" ); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'HASH')) { print( (' ' x $off) . "$key = (\n" ); unwrap($val,3+$off,$m) ; print( (' ' x $off) . ")\n" ); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'IO')) { print( (' ' x $off) . "FileHandle($key) => fileno($fileno)\n" ); } # No lexical subroutines yet... # elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'CODE')) { # dumpsub($off, $$val); # } else { print( (' ' x $off) . &unctrl($key), " = " ); DumpElem $$val, 3+$off, $m; } } sub CvGV_name_or_bust { my $in = shift; return if $skipCvGV; # Backdoor to avoid problems if XS broken... $in = \&$in; # Hard reference... eval {require Devel::Peek; 1} or return; my $gv = Devel::Peek::CvGV($in) or return; *$gv{PACKAGE} . '::' . *$gv{NAME}; } sub dumpsub { my ($off,$sub) = @_; my $ini = $sub; my $s; $sub = $1 if (!ref $sub) && ($sub =~ m/^\{\*(.*)\}$/); my $subref = defined $1 ? \&$sub : \&$ini; my $place = (($s = CvGV_name_or_bust($subref)) && %DB::sub{$s}) || ($subdump && ($s = findsubs($subref)) && %DB::sub{$s}); $place = '???' unless defined $place; $s = $sub unless defined $s; print( (' ' x $off) . "&{dump::view($s)} in $place\n" ); } sub findsubs { return undef unless %DB::sub; my ($addr, $name, $loc); while (($name, $loc) = each %DB::sub) { $addr = \&{*{Symbol::fetch_glob($name)}}; %subs{dump::view($addr)} = $name; } $subdump = 0; %subs{ dump::view( shift() ) }; } sub main::dumpvar { my ($package,$m,@vars) = @_; local(%address,$key,$val,$^W); $package .= "::" unless $package =~ m/::$/; *stab = *{Symbol::fetch_glob("main::")}; while ($package =~ m/(\w+?::)/g){ *stab = %stab{$1}; } local $TotalStrings = 0; local $Strings = 0; local $CompleteTotal = 0; while (($key,$val) = each(%stab)) { return if $DB::signal; next if @vars && !grep( matchvar($key, $_), @vars ); if ($usageOnly) { globUsage(\$val, $key) if ($package ne 'dumpvar' or $key ne 'stab') and ref(\$val) eq 'GLOB'; } else { dumpglob(0,$key, $val, 0, $m); } } if ($usageOnly) { print "String space: $TotalStrings bytes in $Strings strings.\n"; $CompleteTotal += $TotalStrings; print "Grand total = $CompleteTotal bytes (1 level deep) + overhead.\n"; } } sub scalarUsage { my $size = length(@_[0]); $TotalStrings += $size; $Strings++; $size; } sub arrayUsage { # array ref, name my $size = 0; map {$size += scalarUsage($_)} @{@_[0]}; my $len = @{@_[0]}; print "\@@_[1] = $len item", ($len +> 1 ? "s" : ""), " (data: $size bytes)\n" if defined @_[1]; $CompleteTotal += $size; $size; } sub hashUsage { # hash ref, name my @keys = keys %{@_[0]}; my @values = values %{@_[0]}; my $keys = arrayUsage \@keys; my $values = arrayUsage \@values; my $len = @keys; my $total = $keys + $values; print "\%@_[1] = $len item", ($len +> 1 ? "s" : ""), " (keys: $keys; values: $values; total: $total bytes)\n" if defined @_[1]; $total; } sub globUsage { # glob ref, name local *name = *{@_[0]}; $total = 0; $total += scalarUsage $name if defined $name; $total += arrayUsage \@name, @_[1] if @name; $total += hashUsage \%name, @_[1] if %name and @_[1] ne "main::" and @_[1] ne "DB::"; #and !($package eq "dumpvar" and $key eq "stab")); $total; } sub packageUsage { my ($package,@vars) = @_; $package .= "::" unless $package =~ m/::$/; local *stab = *{Symbol::fetch_glob("main::")}; while ($package =~ m/(\w+?::)/g){ *stab = %stab{$1}; } local $TotalStrings = 0; local $CompleteTotal = 0; my ($key,$val); while (($key,$val) = each(%stab)) { next if @vars && !grep($key eq $_,@vars); globUsage \$val, $key unless $package eq 'dumpvar' and $key eq 'stab'; } print "String space: $TotalStrings.\n"; $CompleteTotal += $TotalStrings; print "\nGrand total = $CompleteTotal bytes\n"; } 1;