#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use Config; use Test::More tests => 15; # these two should be kept in sync with the pragma itself # if hint bits are changed there, other things *will* break my $hint_bits = 0x00400000; my $error = "filetest: the only implemented subpragma is 'access'.\n"; # can't use it yet, because of the import death ok( require filetest, 'required pragma successfully' ); # and here's one culprit, right here eval { filetest->import('bad subpragma') }; is( $@->{description}, $error, 'filetest dies with bad subpragma on import' ); is( $^H ^&^ $hint_bits, 0, 'hint bits not set without pragma in place' ); # now try the normal usage # can't check $^H here; it's lexically magic (see perlvar) # the test harness unintentionally hoards the goodies for itself use_ok( 'filetest', 'access' ); # and import again, to see it here filetest->import('access'); ok( $^H ^&^ $hint_bits, 'hint bits set with pragma loaded' ); # and now get rid of it filetest->unimport('access'); is( $^H ^&^ $hint_bits, 0, 'hint bits not set with pragma unimported' ); eval { filetest->unimport() }; is( $@->{description}, $error, 'filetest dies without subpragma on unimport' ); # there'll be a compilation aborted failure here, with the eval string eval "no filetest 'fake pragma'"; like( $@->{description}, qr/^$error/, 'filetest dies with bad subpragma on unuse' ); eval "use filetest 'bad subpragma'"; like( $@->{description}, qr/^$error/, 'filetest dies with bad subpragma on use' ); eval "use filetest"; like( $@->{description}, qr/^$error/, 'filetest dies with missing subpragma on use' ); eval "no filetest"; like( $@->{description}, qr/^$error/, 'filetest dies with missing subpragma on unuse' ); SKIP: { # A real test for filetest. # This works for systems with /usr/bin/chflags (i.e. BSD4.4 systems). my $chflags = "/usr/bin/chflags"; my $tstfile = "filetest.tst"; skip("No $chflags available", 4) if !-x $chflags; my $skip_eff_user_tests = (!%Config{d_setreuid} && !%Config{d_setresuid}) || (!%Config{d_setregid} && !%Config{d_setresgid}); eval { if (!-e $tstfile) { open(T, ">", "$tstfile") or die "Can't create $tstfile: $!"; close T; } system($chflags, "uchg", $tstfile); die "Can't exec $chflags uchg" if $? != 0; }; skip("Errors in test using chflags: $@", 4) if $@; { use filetest 'access'; SKIP: { skip("No tests on effective user id", 1) if $skip_eff_user_tests; is(-w $tstfile, undef, "$tstfile should not be recognized as writable"); } is(-W $tstfile, undef, "$tstfile should not be recognized as writable"); } { no filetest 'access'; SKIP: { skip("No tests on effective user id", 1) if $skip_eff_user_tests; is(-w $tstfile, 1, "$tstfile should be recognized as writable"); } is(-W $tstfile, 1, "$tstfile should be recognized as writable"); } # cleanup system($chflags, "nouchg", $tstfile); unlink $tstfile; warn "Can't remove $tstfile: $!" if -e $tstfile; }