#!perl -w # use strict fails #Can't use string ("main::glob") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/File/DosGlob.pm line 191. # # Documentation at the __END__ # package File::DosGlob; our $VERSION = '1.01'; use strict; use warnings; sub doglob { my $cond = shift; my @retval = (); #print "doglob: ", join('|', @_), "\n"; OUTER: for my $pat (@_) { my @matched = (); my @globdirs = (); my $head = '.'; my $sepchr = '/'; my $tail; next OUTER unless defined $pat and $pat ne ''; # if arg is within quotes strip em and do no globbing if ($pat =~ m/^"(.*)"\z/s) { $pat = $1; if ($cond eq 'd') { push(@retval, $pat) if -d $pat } else { push(@retval, $pat) if -e $pat } next OUTER; } # wildcards with a drive prefix such as h:*.pm must be changed # to h:./*.pm to expand correctly if ($pat =~ m|^([A-Za-z]:)[^/\\]|s) { substr($pat,0,2, $1 . "./"); } if ($pat =~ m|^(.*)([\\/])([^\\/]*)\z|s) { ($head, $sepchr, $tail) = ($1,$2,$3); #print "div: |$head|$sepchr|$tail|\n"; push (@retval, $pat), next OUTER if $tail eq ''; if ($head =~ m/[*?]/) { @globdirs = doglob('d', $head); push(@retval, doglob($cond, map {"$_$sepchr$tail"} @globdirs)), next OUTER if @globdirs; } $head .= $sepchr if $head eq '' or $head =~ m/^[A-Za-z]:\z/s; $pat = $tail; } # # If file component has no wildcards, we can avoid opendir unless ($pat =~ m/[*?]/) { $head = '' if $head eq '.'; $head .= $sepchr unless $head eq '' or substr($head,-1) eq $sepchr; $head .= $pat; if ($cond eq 'd') { push(@retval,$head) if -d $head } else { push(@retval,$head) if -e $head } next OUTER; } opendir(D, $head) or next OUTER; my @leaves = readdir D; closedir D; $head = '' if $head eq '.'; $head .= $sepchr unless $head eq '' or substr($head,-1) eq $sepchr; # escape regex metachars but not glob chars $pat =~ s:([].+^\-\${}[|]):\\$1:g; # and convert DOS-style wildcards to regex $pat =~ s/\*/.*/g; $pat =~ s/\?/.?/g; #print "regex: '$pat', head: '$head'\n"; my $matchsub = sub { @_[0] =~ m|^$pat\z|is }; INNER: for my $e (@leaves) { next INNER if $e eq '.' or $e eq '..'; next INNER if $cond eq 'd' and ! -d "$head$e"; push(@matched, "$head$e"), next INNER if &$matchsub($e); # # [DOS compatibility special case] # Failed, add a trailing dot and try again, but only # if name does not have a dot in it *and* pattern # has a dot *and* name is shorter than 9 chars. # if (index($e,'.') == -1 and length($e) +< 9 and index($pat,'\.') != -1) { push(@matched, "$head$e"), next INNER if &$matchsub("$e."); } } push @retval, @matched if @matched; } return @retval; } # # Do DOS-like globbing on Mac OS # sub doglob_Mac { my $cond = shift; my @retval = (); #print "doglob_Mac: ", join('|', @_), "\n"; OUTER: for my $arg (@_) { local $_ = $arg; my @matched = (); my @globdirs = (); my $head = ':'; my $not_esc_head = $head; my $sepchr = ':'; next OUTER unless defined $_ and $_ ne ''; # if arg is within quotes strip em and do no globbing if (m/^"(.*)"\z/s) { $_ = $1; # $_ may contain escaped metachars '\*', '\?' and '\' my $not_esc_arg = $_; $not_esc_arg =~ s/\\([*?\\])/$1/g; if ($cond eq 'd') { push(@retval, $not_esc_arg) if -d $not_esc_arg } else { push(@retval, $not_esc_arg) if -e $not_esc_arg } next OUTER; } if (m|^(.*?)(:+)([^:]*)\z|s) { # note: $1 is not greedy my $tail; ($head, $sepchr, $tail) = ($1,$2,$3); #print "div: |$head|$sepchr|$tail|\n"; push (@retval, $_), next OUTER if $tail eq ''; # # $head may contain escaped metachars '\*' and '\?' my $tmp_head = $head; # if a '*' or '?' is preceded by an odd count of '\', temporary delete # it (and its preceding backslashes), i.e. don't treat '\*' and '\?' as # wildcards $tmp_head =~ s/(\\*)([*?])/{$2 x ((length($1) + 1) % 2)}/g; if ($tmp_head =~ m/[*?]/) { # if there are wildcards ... @globdirs = doglob_Mac('d', $head); push(@retval, doglob_Mac($cond, map {"$_$sepchr$tail"} @globdirs)), next OUTER if @globdirs; } $head .= $sepchr; $not_esc_head = $head; # unescape $head for file operations $not_esc_head =~ s/\\([*?\\])/$1/g; $_ = $tail; } # # If file component has no wildcards, we can avoid opendir my $tmp_tail = $_; # if a '*' or '?' is preceded by an odd count of '\', temporary delete # it (and its preceding backslashes), i.e. don't treat '\*' and '\?' as # wildcards $tmp_tail =~ s/(\\*)([*?])/{$2 x ((length($1) + 1) % 2)}/g; unless ($tmp_tail =~ m/[*?]/) { # if there are wildcards ... $not_esc_head = $head = '' if $head eq ':'; my $not_esc_tail = $_; # unescape $head and $tail for file operations $not_esc_tail =~ s/\\([*?\\])/$1/g; $head .= $_; $not_esc_head .= $not_esc_tail; if ($cond eq 'd') { push(@retval,$head) if -d $not_esc_head } else { push(@retval,$head) if -e $not_esc_head } next OUTER; } #print "opendir($not_esc_head)\n"; opendir(D, $not_esc_head) or next OUTER; my @leaves = readdir D; closedir D; # escape regex metachars but not '\' and glob chars '*', '?' $_ =~ s:([].+^\-\${}[|]):\\$1:g; # and convert DOS-style wildcards to regex, # but only if they are not escaped $_ =~ s/(\\*)([*?])/{$1 . ('.' x ((length($1) + 1) % 2)) . $2}/g; #print "regex: '$_', head: '$head', unescaped head: '$not_esc_head'\n"; my $matchsub = eval 'sub { $_[0] =~ m|^' . $_ . '\z|ios }'; warn($@), next OUTER if $@; INNER: for my $e (@leaves) { next INNER if $e eq '.' or $e eq '..'; next INNER if $cond eq 'd' and ! -d "$not_esc_head$e"; if (&$matchsub($e)) { my $leave = (($not_esc_head eq ':') && (-f "$not_esc_head$e")) ? "$e" : "$not_esc_head$e"; # # On Mac OS, the two glob metachars '*' and '?' and the escape # char '\' are valid characters for file and directory names. # We have to escape and treat them specially. $leave =~ s|([*?\\])|\\$1|g; push(@matched, $leave); next INNER; } } push @retval, @matched if @matched; } return @retval; } # # _expand_volume() will only be used on Mac OS (Classic): # Takes an array of original patterns as argument and returns an array of # possibly modified patterns. Each original pattern is processed like # that: # + If there's a volume name in the pattern, we push a separate pattern # for each mounted volume that matches (with '*', '?' and '\' escaped). # + If there's no volume name in the original pattern, it is pushed # unchanged. # Note that the returned array of patterns may be empty. # sub _expand_volume { require MacPerl; # to be verbose my @pat = @_; my @new_pat = (); my @FSSpec_Vols = MacPerl::Volumes(); my @mounted_volumes = (); foreach my $spec_vol (@FSSpec_Vols) { # push all mounted volumes into array push @mounted_volumes, MacPerl::MakePath($spec_vol); } #print "mounted volumes: |@mounted_volumes|\n"; while (@pat) { my $pat = shift @pat; if ($pat =~ m/^([^:]+:)(.*)\z/) { # match a volume name? my $vol_pat = $1; my $tail = $2; # # escape regex metachars but not '\' and glob chars '*', '?' $vol_pat =~ s:([].+^\-\${}[|]):\\$1:g; # and convert DOS-style wildcards to regex, # but only if they are not escaped $vol_pat =~ s/(\\*)([*?])/{$1 . ('.' x ((length($1) + 1) % 2)) . $2}/g; #print "volume regex: '$vol_pat' \n"; foreach my $volume (@mounted_volumes) { if ($volume =~ m|^$vol_pat\z|ios) { # # On Mac OS, the two glob metachars '*' and '?' and the # escape char '\' are valid characters for volume names. # We have to escape and treat them specially. $volume =~ s|([*?\\])|\\$1|g; push @new_pat, $volume . $tail; } } } else { # no volume name in pattern, push original pattern push @new_pat, $pat; } } return @new_pat; } # # _preprocess_pattern() will only be used on Mac OS (Classic): # Resolves any updirs in the pattern. Removes a single trailing colon # from the pattern, unless it's a volume name pattern like "*HD:" # sub _preprocess_pattern { my @pat = @_; foreach my $p (@pat) { my $proceed; # resolve any updirs, e.g. "*HD:t?p::a*" -> "*HD:a*" do { $proceed = ($p =~ s/^(.*):[^:]+::(.*?)\z/$1:$2/); } while ($proceed); # remove a single trailing colon, e.g. ":*:" -> ":*" $p =~ s/:([^:]+):\z/:$1/; } return @pat; } # # _un_escape() will only be used on Mac OS (Classic): # Unescapes a list of arguments which may contain escaped # metachars '*', '?' and '\'. # sub _un_escape { foreach (@_) { s/\\([*?\\])/$1/g; } return @_; } # # this can be used to override CORE::glob in a specific # package by saying C in that # namespace. # # context (keyed by second cxix arg provided by core) my %iter; my %entries; sub glob { my($pat,$cxix) = @_; my @pat; # glob without args defaults to $_ $pat = $_ unless defined $pat; # extract patterns if ($pat =~ m/\s/) { require Text::ParseWords; @pat = Text::ParseWords::parse_line('\s+',0,$pat); } else { push @pat, $pat; } # Mike Mestnik: made to do abc{1,2,3} == abc1 abc2 abc3. # abc3 will be the original {3} (and drop the {}). # abc1 abc2 will be put in @appendpat. # This was just the esiest way, not nearly the best. REHASH: { my @appendpat = (); for (@pat) { # There must be a "," I.E. abc{efg} is not what we want. while ( m/^(.*)(?; # from the command line (overrides only in main::) > perl -MFile::DosGlob=glob -e "print <../pe*/*p?>" =head1 DESCRIPTION A module that implements DOS-like globbing with a few enhancements. It is largely compatible with perlglob.exe (the M$ setargv.obj version) in all but one respect--it understands wildcards in directory components. For example, C<<..\\l*b\\file/*glob.p?>> will work as expected (in that it will find something like '..\lib\File/DosGlob.pm' alright). Note that all path components are case-insensitive, and that backslashes and forward slashes are both accepted, and preserved. You may have to double the backslashes if you are putting them in literally, due to double-quotish parsing of the pattern by perl. Spaces in the argument delimit distinct patterns, so C globs all filenames that end in C<.exe> or C<.dll>. If you want to put in literal spaces in the glob pattern, you can escape them with either double quotes, or backslashes. e.g. C, or C. The argument is tokenized using C, so see L for details of the quoting rules used. Extending it to csh patterns is left as an exercise to the reader. =head1 NOTES =over 4 =item * Mac OS (Classic) users should note a few differences. The specification of pathnames in glob patterns adheres to the usual Mac OS conventions: The path separator is a colon ':', not a slash '/' or backslash '\'. A full path always begins with a volume name. A relative pathname on Mac OS must always begin with a ':', except when specifying a file or directory name in the current working directory, where the leading colon is optional. If specifying a volume name only, a trailing ':' is required. Due to these rules, a glob like E*:E will find all mounted volumes, while a glob like E*E or E:*E will find all files and directories in the current directory. Note that updirs in the glob pattern are resolved before the matching begins, i.e. a pattern like "*HD:t?p::a*" will be matched as "*HD:a*". Note also, that a single trailing ':' in the pattern is ignored (unless it's a volume name pattern like "*HD:"), i.e. a glob like <:*:> will find both directories I files (and not, as one might expect, only directories). The metachars '*', '?' and the escape char '\' are valid characters in volume, directory and file names on Mac OS. Hence, if you want to match a '*', '?' or '\' literally, you have to escape these characters. Due to perl's quoting rules, things may get a bit complicated, when you want to match a string like '\*' literally, or when you want to match '\' literally, but treat the immediately following character '*' as metachar. So, here's a rule of thumb (applies to both single- and double-quoted strings): escape each '*' or '?' or '\' with a backslash, if you want to treat them literally, and then double each backslash and your are done. E.g. - Match '\*' literally escape both '\' and '*' : '\\\*' double the backslashes : '\\\\\\*' (Internally, the glob routine sees a '\\\*', which means that both '\' and '*' are escaped.) - Match '\' literally, treat '*' as metachar escape '\' but not '*' : '\\*' double the backslashes : '\\\\*' (Internally, the glob routine sees a '\\*', which means that '\' is escaped and '*' is not.) Note that you also have to quote literal spaces in the glob pattern, as described above. =back =head1 EXPORTS (by request only) glob() =head1 BUGS Should probably be built into the core, and needs to stop pandering to DOS habits. Needs a dose of optimizium too. =head1 AUTHOR Gurusamy Sarathy =head1 HISTORY =over 4 =item * Support for globally overriding glob() (GSAR 3-JUN-98) =item * Scalar context, independent iterator context fixes (GSAR 15-SEP-97) =item * A few dir-vs-file optimizations result in glob importation being 10 times faster than using perlglob.exe, and using perlglob.bat is only twice as slow as perlglob.exe (GSAR 28-MAY-97) =item * Several cleanups prompted by lack of compatible perlglob.exe under Borland (GSAR 27-MAY-97) =item * Initial version (GSAR 20-FEB-97) =back =head1 SEE ALSO perl perlglob.bat Text::ParseWords =cut