# File/Copy.pm. Written in 1994 by Aaron Sherman . This # source code has been placed in the public domain by the author. # Please be kind and preserve the documentation. # # Additions copyright 1996 by Charles Bailey. Permission is granted # to distribute the revised code under the same terms as Perl itself. package File::Copy; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Config; our(@ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, $VERSION, $Too_Big, $Syscopy_is_copy); sub copy; sub syscopy; sub cp; sub mv; # Note that this module implements only *part* of the API defined by # the File/Copy.pm module of the File-Tools-2.0 package. However, that # package has not yet been updated to work with Perl 5.004, and so it # would be a Bad Thing for the CPAN module to grab it and replace this # module. Therefore, we set this module's version higher than 2.0. $VERSION = '2.11'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(copy move); @EXPORT_OK = qw(cp mv); $Too_Big = 1024 * 1024 * 2; sub croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak; } sub carp { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp; } my $macfiles; if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { $macfiles = eval { require Mac::MoreFiles }; warn 'Mac::MoreFiles could not be loaded; using non-native syscopy' if $@ && $^W; } sub _catname { my($from, $to) = @_; if (not defined &basename) { require File::Basename; File::Basename->import('basename'); } if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { # a partial dir name that's valid only in the cwd (e.g. 'tmp') $to = ':' . $to if $to !~ m/:/; } return File::Spec->catfile($to, basename($from)); } # _eq($from, $to) tells whether $from and $to are identical # works for strings and references sub _eq { return @_[0] == @_[1] if ref @_[0] && ref @_[1]; return @_[0] eq @_[1] if !ref @_[0] && !ref @_[1]; return ""; } sub copy { croak("Usage: copy(FROM, TO [, BUFFERSIZE]) ") unless(@_ == 2 || @_ == 3); my $from = shift; my $to = shift; my $from_a_handle = (ref($from) ? (ref($from) eq 'GLOB' || UNIVERSAL::isa($from, 'GLOB') || UNIVERSAL::isa($from, 'IO::Handle')) : (ref(\$from) eq 'GLOB')); my $to_a_handle = (ref($to) ? (ref($to) eq 'GLOB' || UNIVERSAL::isa($to, 'GLOB') || UNIVERSAL::isa($to, 'IO::Handle')) : (ref(\$to) eq 'GLOB')); if (_eq($from, $to)) { # works for references, too carp("'$from' and '$to' are identical (not copied)"); # The "copy" was a success as the source and destination contain # the same data. return 1; } if (((%Config{d_symlink} && %Config{d_readlink}) || %Config{d_link}) && !($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'os2')) { my @fs = stat($from); if (@fs) { my @ts = stat($to); if (@ts && @fs[0] == @ts[0] && @fs[1] == @ts[1]) { carp("'$from' and '$to' are identical (not copied)"); return 0; } } } if (!$from_a_handle && !$to_a_handle && -d $to && ! -d $from) { $to = _catname($from, $to); } if (defined &syscopy && !$Syscopy_is_copy && !$to_a_handle && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'os2' ) # OS/2 cannot handle handles && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'mpeix') # and neither can MPE/iX. && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'MSWin32') && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'MacOS') && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'NetWare') ) { my $copy_to = $to; if ($^O eq 'VMS' && -e $from) { if (! -d $to && ! -d $from) { # VMS has sticky defaults on extensions, which means that # if there is a null extension on the destination file, it # will inherit the extension of the source file # So add a '.' for a null extension. $copy_to = VMS::Filespec::vmsify($to); my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($copy_to); $file = $file . '.' unless ($file =~ m/(?catpath($vol, $dirs, $file); # Get rid of the old versions to be like UNIX 1 while unlink $copy_to; } } return syscopy($from, $copy_to); } my $closefrom = 0; my $closeto = 0; my ($size, $status, $r, $buf); local($\) = ''; my $from_h; if ($from_a_handle) { $from_h = $from; } else { $from = _protect($from) if $from =~ m/^\s/s; $from_h = \do { local *FH }; open($from_h, "<", "$from\0") or goto fail_open1; binmode $from_h or die "($!,$^E)"; $closefrom = 1; } my $to_h; if ($to_a_handle) { $to_h = $to; } else { $to = _protect($to) if $to =~ m/^\s/s; $to_h = \do { local *FH }; open($to_h,">", "$to\0") or goto fail_open2; binmode $to_h or die "($!,$^E)"; $closeto = 1; } if (@_) { $size = shift(@_) + 0; croak("Bad buffer size for copy: $size\n") unless ($size +> 0); } else { $size = tied(*$from_h) ? 0 : -s $from_h || 0; $size = 1024 if ($size +< 512); $size = $Too_Big if ($size +> $Too_Big); } $! = 0; for (;;) { my ($r, $w, $t); defined($r = sysread($from_h, $buf, $size)) or goto fail_inner; last unless $r; for ($w = 0; $w +< $r; $w += $t) { $t = syswrite($to_h, $buf, $r - $w, $w) or goto fail_inner; } } close($to_h) || goto fail_open2 if $closeto; close($from_h) || goto fail_open1 if $closefrom; # Use this idiom to avoid uninitialized value warning. return 1; # All of these contortions try to preserve error messages... fail_inner: if ($closeto) { $status = $!; $! = 0; close $to_h; $! = $status unless $!; } fail_open2: if ($closefrom) { $status = $!; $! = 0; close $from_h; $! = $status unless $!; } fail_open1: return 0; } sub move { croak("Usage: move(FROM, TO) ") unless @_ == 2; my($from,$to) = @_; my($fromsz,$tosz1,$tomt1,$tosz2,$tomt2,$sts,$ossts); if (-d $to && ! -d $from) { $to = _catname($from, $to); } ($tosz1,$tomt1) = (stat($to))[[7,9]]; $fromsz = -s $from; if ($^O eq 'os2' and defined $tosz1 and defined $fromsz) { # will not rename with overwrite unlink $to; } my $rename_to = $to; if (-$^O eq 'VMS' && -e $from) { if (! -d $to && ! -d $from) { # VMS has sticky defaults on extensions, which means that # if there is a null extension on the destination file, it # will inherit the extension of the source file # So add a '.' for a null extension. $rename_to = VMS::Filespec::vmsify($to); my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($rename_to); $file = $file . '.' unless ($file =~ m/(?catpath($vol, $dirs, $file); # Get rid of the old versions to be like UNIX 1 while unlink $rename_to; } } return 1 if rename $from, $rename_to; # Did rename return an error even though it succeeded, because $to # is on a remote NFS file system, and NFS lost the server's ack? return 1 if defined($fromsz) && !-e $from && # $from disappeared (($tosz2,$tomt2) = (stat($to))[[7,9]]) && # $to's there ((!defined $tosz1) || # not before or ($tosz1 != $tosz2 or $tomt1 != $tomt2)) && # was changed $tosz2 == $fromsz; # it's all there ($tosz1,$tomt1) = (stat($to))[[7,9]]; # just in case rename did something { local $@; eval { copy($from,$to) or die; my($atime, $mtime) = (stat($from))[[8,9]]; utime($atime, $mtime, $to); unlink($from) or die; }; return 1 unless $@; } ($sts,$ossts) = ($! + 0, $^E + 0); ($tosz2,$tomt2) = ((stat($to))[[7,9]],0,0) if defined $tomt1; unlink($to) if !defined($tomt1) or $tomt1 != $tomt2 or $tosz1 != $tosz2; ($!,$^E) = ($sts,$ossts); return 0; } *cp = \© *mv = \&move; if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { *_protect = sub { MacPerl::MakeFSSpec(@_[0]) }; } else { *_protect = sub { "./@_[0]" }; } # &syscopy is an XSUB under OS/2 unless (defined &syscopy) { if ($^O eq 'VMS') { *syscopy = \&rmscopy; } elsif ($^O eq 'mpeix') { *syscopy = sub { return 0 unless @_ == 2; # Use the MPE cp program in order to # preserve MPE file attributes. return system('/bin/cp', '-f', @_[0], @_[1]) == 0; }; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) { # Win32::CopyFile() fill only work if we can load Win32.xs *syscopy = sub { return 0 unless @_ == 2; return Win32::CopyFile(@_, 1); }; } elsif ($macfiles) { *syscopy = sub { my($from, $to) = @_; my($dir, $toname); return 0 unless -e $from; if ($to =~ m/(.*:)([^:]+):?$/) { ($dir, $toname) = ($1, $2); } else { ($dir, $toname) = (":", $to); } unlink($to); Mac::MoreFiles::FSpFileCopy($from, $dir, $toname, 1); }; } else { $Syscopy_is_copy = 1; *syscopy = \© } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME File::Copy - Copy files or filehandles =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Copy; copy("file1","file2") or die "Copy failed: $!"; copy("Copy.pm",\*STDOUT); move("/dev1/fileA","/dev2/fileB"); use File::Copy "cp"; $n = FileHandle->new("/a/file","r"); cp($n,"x"); =head1 DESCRIPTION The File::Copy module provides two basic functions, C and C, which are useful for getting the contents of a file from one place to another. =over 4 =item copy X X The C function takes two parameters: a file to copy from and a file to copy to. Either argument may be a string, a FileHandle reference or a FileHandle glob. Obviously, if the first argument is a filehandle of some sort, it will be read from, and if it is a file I it will be opened for reading. Likewise, the second argument will be written to (and created if need be). Trying to copy a file on top of itself is a fatal error. B Files are opened in binary mode where applicable. To get a consistent behaviour when copying from a filehandle to a file, use C on the filehandle. An optional third parameter can be used to specify the buffer size used for copying. This is the number of bytes from the first file, that will be held in memory at any given time, before being written to the second file. The default buffer size depends upon the file, but will generally be the whole file (up to 2MB), or 1k for filehandles that do not reference files (eg. sockets). You may use the syntax C to get at the "cp" alias for this function. The syntax is I the same. =item move X X X The C function also takes two parameters: the current name and the intended name of the file to be moved. If the destination already exists and is a directory, and the source is not a directory, then the source file will be renamed into the directory specified by the destination. If possible, move() will simply rename the file. Otherwise, it copies the file to the new location and deletes the original. If an error occurs during this copy-and-delete process, you may be left with a (possibly partial) copy of the file under the destination name. You may use the "mv" alias for this function in the same way that you may use the "cp" alias for C. =item syscopy X File::Copy also provides the C routine, which copies the file specified in the first parameter to the file specified in the second parameter, preserving OS-specific attributes and file structure. For Unix systems, this is equivalent to the simple C routine, which doesn't preserve OS-specific attributes. For VMS systems, this calls the C routine (see below). For OS/2 systems, this calls the C XSUB directly. For Win32 systems, this calls C. On Mac OS (Classic), C calls C, if available. B is defined (OS/2, VMS and Win32)>: If both arguments to C are not file handles, then C will perform a "system copy" of the input file to a new output file, in order to preserve file attributes, indexed file structure, I The buffer size parameter is ignored. If either argument to C is a handle to an opened file, then data is copied using Perl operators, and no effort is made to preserve file attributes or record structure. The system copy routine may also be called directly under VMS and OS/2 as C (or under VMS as C, which is the routine that does the actual work for syscopy). =item rmscopy($from,$to[,$date_flag]) X The first and second arguments may be strings, typeglobs, typeglob references, or objects inheriting from IO::Handle; they are used in all cases to obtain the I of the input and output files, respectively. The name and type of the input file are used as defaults for the output file, if necessary. A new version of the output file is always created, which inherits the structure and RMS attributes of the input file, except for owner and protections (and possibly timestamps; see below). All data from the input file is copied to the output file; if either of the first two parameters to C is a file handle, its position is unchanged. (Note that this means a file handle pointing to the output file will be associated with an old version of that file after C returns, not the newly created version.) The third parameter is an integer flag, which tells C how to handle timestamps. If it is E 0, none of the input file's timestamps are propagated to the output file. If it is E 0, then it is interpreted as a bitmask: if bit 0 (the LSB) is set, then timestamps other than the revision date are propagated; if bit 1 is set, the revision date is propagated. If the third parameter to C is 0, then it behaves much like the DCL COPY command: if the name or type of the output file was explicitly specified, then no timestamps are propagated, but if they were taken implicitly from the input filespec, then all timestamps other than the revision date are propagated. If this parameter is not supplied, it defaults to 0. Like C, C returns 1 on success. If an error occurs, it sets C<$!>, deletes the output file, and returns 0. =back =head1 RETURN All functions return 1 on success, 0 on failure. $! will be set if an error was encountered. =head1 NOTES =over 4 =item * On Mac OS (Classic), the path separator is ':', not '/', and the current directory is denoted as ':', not '.'. You should be careful about specifying relative pathnames. While a full path always begins with a volume name, a relative pathname should always begin with a ':'. If specifying a volume name only, a trailing ':' is required. E.g. copy("file1", "tmp"); # creates the file 'tmp' in the current directory copy("file1", ":tmp:"); # creates :tmp:file1 copy("file1", ":tmp"); # same as above copy("file1", "tmp"); # same as above, if 'tmp' is a directory (but don't do # that, since it may cause confusion, see example #1) copy("file1", "tmp:file1"); # error, since 'tmp:' is not a volume copy("file1", ":tmp:file1"); # ok, partial path copy("file1", "DataHD:"); # creates DataHD:file1 move("MacintoshHD:fileA", "DataHD:fileB"); # moves (doesn't copy) files from one # volume to another =back =head1 AUTHOR File::Copy was written by Aaron Sherman Iajs@ajs.comE> in 1995, and updated by Charles Bailey Ibailey@newman.upenn.eduE> in 1996. =cut