189 lines
5.3 KiB
189 lines
5.3 KiB
#!./perl -w
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require "./test.pl";
plan ('no_plan');
use strict;
# Some (safe?) bets.
ok(keys %Config +> 500, "Config has more than 500 entries");
my ($first) = Config::config_sh() =~ m/^(\S+)=/m;
die "Can't find first entry in Config::config_sh()" unless defined $first;
print "# First entry is '$first'\n";
# It happens that the we know what the first key should be. This is somewhat
# cheating, but there was briefly a bug where the key got a bonus newline.
my ($first_each) = each %Config;
is($first_each, $first, "First key from each is correct");
ok(exists(%Config{$first_each}), "First key exists");
"Check that first key with prepended newline isn't falsely existing");
is(%Config{PERL_REVISION}, undef, "No PERL_REVISION");
ok( exists %Config{cc}, "has cc");
ok( exists %Config{ccflags}, "has ccflags");
ok(!exists %Config{python}, "has no python");
ok( exists %Config{d_fork}, "has d_fork");
ok(!exists %Config{d_bork}, "has no d_bork");
like(%Config{ivsize}, qr/^(4|8)$/, "ivsize is 4 or 8 (it is %Config{ivsize})");
# byteorder is virtual, but it has rules.
like(%Config{byteorder}, qr/^(1234|4321|12345678|87654321)$/,
"byteorder is 1234 or 4321 or 12345678 or 87654321 "
. "(it is %Config{byteorder})");
is(length %Config{byteorder}, %Config{ivsize},
"byteorder is as long as ivsize (which is %Config{ivsize})");
# ccflags_nolargefiles is virtual, too.
ok(exists %Config{ccflags_nolargefiles}, "has ccflags_nolargefiles");
# Utility functions.
# make sure we can export what we say we can export.
package Foo;
my @exports = qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
foreach my $func (@exports) {
::ok( __PACKAGE__->can($func), "$func exported" );
like(Config::myconfig(), qr/osname=\Q%Config{osname}\E/, "myconfig");
like(Config::config_sh(), qr/osname='\Q%Config{osname}\E'/, "config_sh");
like(Config::config_sh(), qr/byteorder='[1-8]+'/,
"config_sh has a valid byteorder");
foreach my $line (Config::config_re('c.*')) {
like($line, qr/^c.*?=.*$/, 'config_re' );
my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'FakeOut';
Config::config_vars('cc'); # non-regex test of essential cfg-var
my $out1 = $$out;
Config::config_vars('d_bork'); # non-regex, non-existent cfg-var
my $out2 = $$out;
undef $out;
untie *STDOUT;
like($out1, qr/^cc='\Q%Config{cc}\E';/, "found config_var cc");
like($out2, qr/^d_bork='UNKNOWN';/, "config_var d_bork is UNKNOWN");
# Read-only.
undef $@;
eval { %Config{d_bork} = 'borkbork' };
like($@->{description}, qr/Config is read-only/, "no STORE");
ok(!exists %Config{d_bork}, "still no d_bork");
undef $@;
eval { delete %Config{d_fork} };
like($@->{description}, qr/Config is read-only/, "no DELETE");
ok( exists %Config{d_fork}, "still d_fork");
undef $@;
eval { %Config = () };
like($@->{description}, qr/Config is read-only/, "no CLEAR");
ok( exists %Config{d_fork}, "still d_fork");
package FakeOut;
bless(\(my $text), @_[0]);
sub clear {
${ @_[0] } = '';
sub PRINT {
my $self = shift;
$$self .= join('', @_);
# Signal-related variables
# (this is actually a regression test for Configure.)
is(%Config{sig_num_init} =~ tr/,/,/, %Config{sig_size}, "sig_num_init size");
is(%Config{sig_name_init} =~ tr/,/,/, %Config{sig_size}, "sig_name_init size");
# Test the troublesome virtual stuff
my @virtual = qw(byteorder ccflags_nolargefiles ldflags_nolargefiles
libs_nolargefiles libswanted_nolargefiles);
# Also test that the first entry in config.sh is found correctly. There was
# special casing code for this
foreach my $pain ($first, @virtual) {
# No config var is named with anything that is a regexp metachar
ok(exists %Config{$pain}, "\$config('$pain') exists");
my @result = %Config{$pain};
is (scalar @result, 1, "single result for \$config('$pain')");
@result = Config::config_re($pain);
is (scalar @result, 1, "single result for config_re('$pain')");
like (@result[0], qr/^$pain=(['"])\Q%Config{$pain}\E\1$/, # grr '
"which is the expected result for $pain");
# Check that config entries appear correctly in @INC
# TestInit.pm has probably already messed with our @INC
# This little bit of evil is to avoid a @ in the program, in case it confuses
# shell 1 liners. Perl 1 rules.
my ($path, $ver, @orig_inc)
= split m/\n/,
runperl (nolib=>1,
prog=>'print qq{$^X\n$^V\n}; print qq{$_\n} while $_ = shift @INC');
die "This perl is $^V at $^X; other perl is $ver (at $path) "
. '- failed to find this perl' unless $^V eq $ver;
my %orig_inc;
%orig_inc{[@orig_inc]} = ();
my $failed;
# This is the order that directories are pushed onto @INC in perl.c:
foreach my $lib (qw(applibexp archlibexp privlibexp sitearchexp sitelibexp
vendorarchexp vendorlibexp vendorlib_stem)) {
my $dir = %Config{$lib};
skip "lib $lib not in \@INC on Win32" if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
skip "lib $lib not defined" unless defined $dir;
skip "lib $lib not set" unless length $dir;
# So we expect to find it in @INC
ok (exists %orig_inc{$dir}, "Expect $lib '$dir' to be in \@INC")
or $failed++;
_diag ('@INC is:', @orig_inc) if $failed;