# Lazy alias ..='cd ..' alias lh='ls -d .*' # show hidden files/directories only alias lsd='ls -aFhlG' alias l='ls -al' alias ls='ls -GFh' # Colorize output, add file type indicator, and put sizes in human readable format alias ll='ls -GFhl' # Same as above, but in long listing format # List directories sorted by size alias dus='du -sckx * | sort -nr' # Refresh when settings have been updated alias refresh='source ~/.zshrc' # use nvim alias vim='nvim' alias vi='nvim' # blank-chrome function blank-chrome { if [ "$@" ]; then URL="$@" else URL="https://duckduckgo.com" fi TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/chrome-XXXXX` if [ $IS_MAC ]; then /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --user-data-dir=$TMPDIR --no-first-run --no-make-default-browser "$URL" else google-chrome --user-data-dir=$TMPDIR --no-first-run --no-make-default-browser "$URL" fi rm -rf $TMPDIR }