autoload colors; colors # The variables are wrapped in \%\{\%\}. This should be the case for every # variable that does not contain space. for COLOR in RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN BLACK WHITE; do eval PR_$COLOR='%{$fg_no_bold[${(L)COLOR}]%}' eval PR_BOLD_$COLOR='%{$fg_bold[${(L)COLOR}]%}' done eval RESET='$reset_color' export PR_RED PR_GREEN PR_YELLOW PR_BLUE PR_WHITE PR_BLACK export PR_BOLD_RED PR_BOLD_GREEN PR_BOLD_YELLOW PR_BOLD_BLUE export PR_BOLD_WHITE PR_BOLD_BLACK ## Clear LSCOLORS #unset LSCOLORS unset LS_COLORS # ## Main change, you can see directories on a dark background #export LSCOLORS=gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad # #export CLICOLOR=1 #export LS_COLORS=exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad