# Dotfiles These are generic dotfiles intended for use across any platform. ## Supported Configurations * bash * conky * emacs * git * i3 * mutt * offlineimap * khard * tmux * vim * zsh ## Installation Following the best practices of the local platform install `git` and `stow`. ``` $ git clone git@git.sr.ht:~amdavidson/dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles $ cd $HOME/.dotfiles $ stow {scripts,bash,git,tmux,vim} ``` ## Local Configuration Locally specific `bash` or `zsh` configurations can be put into `$HOME/.$SHELL_local` and they will be applied as a superset of the main `.$SHELLrc` file. ### mutt Using `mutt` requires that you also `stow` the helper scripts to get access to `pw.sh` and that you include `IMAP_USERNAME` and `IMAP_PASSWORD` in the .env file. ### khard / vdirsyncer Using `khard` and `vdirsyncer` requires that you also `stow` the helper scripts to get access to `pw.sh` and that you include `CARDDAV_USERNAME` and `CARDDAV_PASSWORD` in the .env file.