diff --git a/crunch b/crunch
index 1a40a48..629d751 100755
--- a/crunch
+++ b/crunch
@@ -50,34 +50,45 @@ if argparse_available:
parser.add_argument('--clean', dest='clean', action='store_true',
help='Empties the build folder.')
parser.add_argument('--dependencies', dest='dependencies', action='store_true',
- help='Builds all the dependencies, ignored unless used with --single, --new, or --email.')
+ help='Builds all the dependencies, ignored unless used with \
+ --single, --new, or --email.')
parser.add_argument('--email', dest='email', action='store_true',
- help='Reads an email message from STDIN and parses to create a new post. Overrides --all, --posts, --indexes, --home, and --single')
+ help='Reads an email message from STDIN and parses to create a new \
+ post. Overrides --all, --posts, --indexes, --home, and --single')
parser.add_argument('--error', dest='error', action='store_true',
help='Generates static error pages.')
parser.add_argument('--feed', dest='feed', action='store_true',
help='Generates RSS feed.')
+ parser.add_argument('--galleries', dest='galleries', action='store_true',
+ help='Generates galleries.')
parser.add_argument('--home', dest='home', action='store_true',
help='Builds the home page.')
parser.add_argument('--indexes', dest='indexes', action='store_true',
help='Builds the index pages.')
parser.add_argument('--new', dest='new', action='store_true',
- help='Starts an interactive sesson to create a new post. *Not yet implemented*')
+ help='Starts an interactive sesson to create a new post. *Not yet \
+ implemented*')
parser.add_argument('--no-http', dest='http', action='store_false',
- help='Prevents crunch from contacting external sources during the build.')
+ help='Prevents crunch from contacting external sources during the \
+ build.')
parser.add_argument('--posts', dest='posts', action='store_true',
help='Builds all posts.')
parser.add_argument('--serve', dest='serve', action='store_true',
- help='Starts a lightweight HTTP server to serve build folder to localhost.')
+ help='Starts a lightweight HTTP server to serve build folder to \
+ localhost.')
parser.add_argument('--setup', dest='setup', action='store_true',
- help='Creates a basic blog framework to start with. *Not yet implemented.*')
+ help='Creates a basic blog framework to start with. *Not yet \
+ implemented.*')
parser.add_argument('--single', dest='single',
- help='Builds a single post. Takes a filename as an argument or use - to read from STDIN. Overrides --all, --posts, --indexes, --home *Not yet implemented.*')
+ help='Builds a single post. Takes a filename as an argument or use \
+ - to read from STDIN. Overrides --all, --posts, --indexes, --home \
+ *Not yet implemented.*')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help='Enables information display other than errors.')
args = parser.parse_args()
- print 'ERROR: The python module argparse is unavailable. Please install argparse and try again.'
+ print 'ERROR: The python module argparse is unavailable. Please install argparse and \
+ try again.'
@@ -298,7 +309,8 @@ def format_error(code):
Unfortunately, you've found one of those elusive error %(code)s pages.
However you ended up here, I'm going to guess this isn't where you wanted to be.
However you ended up here, I'm going to guess this isn't where you wanted to
+ be.
Perhaps you were looking for the home page?
""" % {'code': code}
@@ -315,8 +327,8 @@ def format_xml(page):
- """ % {'title': page.title, 'description': page.description, 'base_url': page.base_url,
- 'yield': page.body}
+ """ % {'title': page.title, 'description': page.description,
+ 'base_url': page.base_url, 'yield': page.body}
def format_xml_item(post):
return """
@@ -404,7 +416,7 @@ def ensure_build_folder():
shutil.copytree(public_folder, build_folder)
shutil.copytree(images_folder, build_folder + '/' + conf['images_folder'])
- shutil.copytree(galleries_folder, build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'])
+ os.mkdir(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'])
return 2
return 1
@@ -629,7 +641,8 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# Making empty body to put stuff in.
body = ''
- # Walk through the message parts to find any plain/text body elements or image attachments.
+ # Walk through the message parts to find any plain/text body elements or
+ # image attachments.
if args.verbose: print 'Running through the message parts.'
for part in message.walk():
type = part.get_content_type()
@@ -639,7 +652,8 @@ def crunch_email(message):
if type == 'text/plain':
body = part.get_payload()
- # If the content/type starts with 'image' process the image and add it to the top of the body.
+ # If the content/type starts with 'image' process the image and add it to the top
+ # of the body.
elif re.match('image', type, re.I):
if args.verbose: print 'Found an image.'
@@ -717,13 +731,16 @@ def crunch_email(message):
resized.save(build_folder + '/images/posts/' + id + '_z.jpg')
os.chmod(build_folder + '/images/posts/' + id + '_z.jpg', 0644)
- # Generate an image tag string based on whether we had to resize the image or not.
+ # Generate an image tag string based on whether we had to resize the
+ # image or not.
if resized:
img_tag = '
+ '.jpg">
img_tag = '
+ '.jpg">
# Add the image tag to the top of the body.
body = img_tag + body
@@ -735,7 +752,7 @@ def crunch_email(message):
if args.http:
if args.verbose: print 'Getting short url.'
short = urllib2.urlopen('http://amd.im/api-create/' + conf['base_url'] + \
- time.strftime('%Y', email_date) + '/' + time.strftime('%Y', \
+ time.strftime('%Y', email_date) + '/' + time.strftime('%Y',\
email_date) + '/' + slug).read().lstrip('http://amd.im/')
if args.verbose: print 'WARN: HTTP calls disabled, short url unavailable.'
@@ -761,8 +778,9 @@ def crunch_email(message):
return filename
-# crunch_single() generates a new post file from an inputted string and returns the post object.
-# is used for both generating from a post file, from stdin, or from a parsed email.
+# crunch_single() generates a new post file from an inputted string and returns the post
+# object. crunch_single() is used for both generating from a post file, from stdin, or
+# from a parsed email.
def crunch_single(string):
# Create a new Post object for this new post.
post = Post()
@@ -799,7 +817,8 @@ def crunch_single(string):
if args.dependencies:
# Let's rebuild the index pages for this post's year and month.
- if args.verbose: print 'Rebuilding indexes for ' + post.year() + '/' + post.month() + ':'
+ if args.verbose: print 'Rebuilding indexes for ' + post.year() + '/' + \
+ post.month() + ':'
# Make the year folder if it doesn't exist. (First post of a new year.)
year_path = build_folder + '/' + post.year()
@@ -848,7 +867,7 @@ def crunch_single(string):
# Create a new page for the month.
month_page = Page()
- month_page.title = 'Posts from ' + str(post.year()) + '/' + str(post.month()) + ' | ' \
+ month_page.title = 'Posts from ' + str(post.year()) + '/' + str(post.month()) + ' | '\
+ month_page.title
month_body = ""
@@ -1056,7 +1075,8 @@ if args.serve:
if conf['server_redirect_htm']:
if re.match('/\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\w', self.path):
self.path = self.path + '.htm'
+ if args.verbose: print 'redirecting to ' + self.path
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
# Use the handler class and setup a SocketServer instance.