much more work

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Davidson 2012-01-30 20:41:42 -08:00
parent 94b0386a0a
commit 8d1075584e

View file

@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ class Post:
# General purpose formatter for a full page, takes in a Page object.
def format_layout(page):
return """
return """<html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="%(author)s" />
@ -257,14 +256,18 @@ def format_layout(page):
<a href="/">photos</a>, and saves
<a href="">links</a>. You can also see posts
dating <a href="/archives">back to 2005</a>.</p>
<div class="four columns">
<form method="get" id="search" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="sites" value=""/>
<input type="text" name="q" maxlength="255" placeholder="Search&hellip;"/>
<input type="submit" value="DuckDuckGo Search" style="visibility: hidden;" />
<!-- placeholder: twitter -->
<!-- placeholder: pinboard -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/scripts/app.js"></script>
@ -329,6 +332,66 @@ def format_xml_item(post):
""" % {'title': post.title, 'url': post.url(), 'date_2822': post.date_2822(),
'body': post.content }
### Helper Functions
def get_recent(count):
# Create an empty variable to store posts in.
post_list = []
# Get all the years in reverse order.
for year in sorted(os.listdir(posts_folder), reverse = True):
# Make sure we're using a year folder.
if re.match('\d\d\d\d', year):
# Get all the months for the year in reverse order.
for month in sorted(os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year), reverse = True):
# Make sure we're working with a month folder:
if re.match('\d\d', month):
# Make a temporary list.
tmp = []
# Grab all the posts in the folder in no particular order.
for file in os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month):
# Ensure we're only grabbing files with the correct extension.
if file.endswith(conf['extension']):
# Make a new post object
p = Post()
# Open the file.
f = open(posts_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + file)
# Set the filename.
p.filename = file
# Parse the post.
# Add the post to the tmp list
# Process this month's posts and add them to the empty variable in reverse
# chronological order.
for post in sorted(tmp, key=lambda p: p.time, reverse = True):
if len(post_list) >= count: break
if len(post_list) >= count:
if len(post_list) >= count:
return post_list
### Build Functions
@ -416,46 +479,22 @@ def crunch_posts():
# Function to process the home file.
def crunch_home():
if args.verbose: print 'Building the home page.'
if args.verbose: print 'Finding posts to parse.'
# Create a list of all posts to use to identify the most recent ones.
# There is certainly a better way to do this but it works.
# The goal of using this process is to minimize the amount of files that need to be
# opened.
postlist = []
for year in os.listdir(posts_folder):
for month in os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year):
for post in os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month):
if post.endswith(conf['extension']):
if args.verbose: print '\t' + year + '/' + month + '/' + post
postlist.append([year, month, post])
# Process the list above to determine the 30 most recent posts roughly sorted by month
# and year, the "30" number could be reduced by using logic to determine how many posts
# have been posted recently. Ex: If more posts than will be on the home page have been
# posted in the last month, don't process any more than the last month. or maybe work
# backwards from todays date until X posts have been found.
if args.verbose: print 'Parsing recent posts.'
posts = []
for p in sorted(postlist,reverse=True):
if len(posts) >= 30: break
if args.verbose: print '\t' + p[2]
post = Post()
f = open(posts_folder + '/' + p[0] + '/' + p[1] + '/' + p[2], 'r')
post.filename = p[2]
# Grab the recent posts.
if args.verbose: print '\tGet all the required posts.'
postlist = get_recent(conf['home_count'])
# Create the home page.
if args.verbose: print 'Writing the home page.'
if args.verbose: print '\tWriting the home page.'
home = Page()
# Make an empty home variable
home.body = ''
# Sort the posts by their actual timestamps and then assemble the most recent formatted
# posts into the body of the page. The post count is determined by the home_count
# variable in the configuration file.
for p in sorted(posts, key=lambda post: post.time, reverse = True)[:conf['home_count']]:
for p in postlist:
home.body += p.formatted()
# Write out the home page.
@ -881,60 +920,11 @@ def confirmation_email(post):
def crunch_feed():
if args.verbose: print 'Crunch RSS feed.'
# Create an empty variable to store posts in.
post_list = []
# Get recent posts.
if args.verbose: print '\tGet all the required posts.'
post_list = get_recent(conf['feed_count'])
if args.verbose: print 'Get all the required posts.'
# Get all the years in reverse order.
for year in sorted(os.listdir(posts_folder), reverse = True):
# Make sure we're using a year folder.
if re.match('\d\d\d\d', year):
# Get all the months for the year in reverse order.
for month in sorted(os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year), reverse = True):
# Make sure we're working with a month folder:
if re.match('\d\d', month):
# Make a temporary list.
tmp = []
# Grab all the posts in the folder in no particular order.
for file in os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month):
# Ensure we're only grabbing files with the correct extension.
if file.endswith(conf['extension']):
# Make a new post object
p = Post()
# Open the file.
f = open(posts_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + file)
# Set the filename.
p.filename = file
# Parse the post.
# Add the post to the tmp list
# Process this month's posts and add them to the empty variable in reverse
# chronological order.
for post in sorted(tmp, key=lambda p: p.time, reverse = True):
if len(post_list) >= conf['feed_count']: break
if len(post_list) >= conf['feed_count']:
if len(post_list) >= conf['feed_count']:
if args.verbose: print 'Generating the new feed.'
if args.verbose: print '\tGenerating the new feed.'
# Make an empty body variable
body = ''
@ -950,7 +940,7 @@ def crunch_feed():
page.body = body
# Write out the post to the new file.
if args.verbose: print 'Writing out the feed.'
if args.verbose: print '\tWriting out the feed.'
f = open(build_folder + '/index.xml' , 'w')