adding more bits that didnt make the last commit due to an issue with a hardlinked file

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Davidson 2012-02-08 18:04:30 -08:00
parent c844d0e65e
commit 7b58d0434b

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import urllib2
import email
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.Utils import formatdate
import argparse
@ -71,6 +72,8 @@ if argparse_available:
parser.add_argument('--no-http', dest='http', action='store_false',
help='Prevents crunch from contacting external sources during the \
parser.add_argument('--pages', dest='pages', action='store_true',
help='Builds all static pages.')
parser.add_argument('--posts', dest='posts', action='store_true',
help='Builds all posts.')
parser.add_argument('--serve', dest='serve', action='store_true',
@ -109,7 +112,8 @@ else:
print 'ERROR: yaml is unavailable, please install and retry.'
# Define some variables for reuse.
build_folder = base_folder + '/' + conf['build_folder']
posts_folder = base_folder + '/' + conf['posts_folder']
public_folder = base_folder + '/' + conf['public_folder']
@ -129,11 +133,11 @@ class Page:
base_url = conf['base_url']
# return a formatted version of the page using the template function format_layout()
# Return a formatted version of the page using the template function format_layout()
def formatted(self):
return format_layout(self)
# return an xml formatted version of the page using the template function format_xml()
# Return an xml formatted version of the page using the template function format_xml()
def xml(self):
return format_xml(self)
@ -163,19 +167,24 @@ class Post:
return time.strftime("posted on %Y-%m-%d", self.time)
return time.strftime("posted on %Y-%m-%d at %I:%M %p", self.time)
# Generate a date in a specific format for the RSS feed.
def date_2822(self):
return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", self.time)
return formatdate(time.mktime(self.time))
# Generate a date in the 8601 format.
def date_8601(self):
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", self.time)
# returns the relative url for the post.
# Returns the relative url for the post.
def url(self):
return '/' + self.year() + '/' + self.month() + '/' + self.slug
# returns the full short url for the post.
# Returns the full short url for the post.
def url_short(self):
return '' + self.short
# parses a string to populate the post object.
# Parses a string to populate the post object.
def parse(self, string):
header, body = string.split('\n\n', 1)
@ -244,9 +253,7 @@ def format_layout(page):
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title=" feed"
href="/index.xml" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
@ -267,21 +274,46 @@ def format_layout(page):
<a href="/">photos</a>, and saves
<a href="">links</a>. You can also see posts
dating <a href="/archives">back to 2005</a>.</p>
<div id="twitter" style="display:none;">
<h6><a href="">Twitter</a></h6>
<p class="small"><span id="tweet"></span></p>
<div id="pinboard" style="display:none;">
<h6><a href="">Pinboard</a></h6>
<p class="small"><a id="pin-link" href="/"><span id="pin-title"></span></a><br/>
<span id="pin-description"></span></p>
<form method="get" id="search" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="kj" value="#181818" />
<input type="hidden" name="kl" value="us-en" />
<input type="hidden" name="kg" value="g" />
<input type="hidden" name="k4" value="-1" />
<input type="hidden" name="k1" value="-1" />
<input type="hidden" name="sites" value=""/>
<input type="text" name="q" maxlength="255" placeholder="Search&hellip;"/>
<input type="submit" value="DuckDuckGo Search" style="visibility: hidden;" />
<!-- placeholder: twitter -->
<!-- placeholder: pinboard -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/scripts/app.js"></script>
<script src="">
<script src="/scripts/jquery.timeago.js"></script>
<script src="/scripts/twitter.js"></script>
<script src="/scripts/pinboard.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Generated by crunch on %(date)s -->
@ -293,13 +325,15 @@ def format_post(post):
return """
<div class="eleven columns">
<h3><a href=\"%(url)s\" title="%(title)s">%(title)s</a></h3>
<p class="small">%(date)s - <a href=\"%(short_url)s\"></a></p>
<p class="small"><span class="timeago" title="%(isodate)s">%(date)s</span> -
<a href=\"%(short_url)s\"></a></p>
<div class="eleven columns">
""" % {'title':post.title, 'content':post.content, 'url':post.url(),
'date':post.date_pretty(), 'short_url':post.url_short(), 'short':post.short}
'isodate':post.date_8601(), 'date':post.date_pretty(),
'short_url':post.url_short(), 'short':post.short}
# General purpose formatter for error pages. Takes in an error code string.
def format_error(code):
@ -309,9 +343,10 @@ def format_error(code):
<div class="eleven columns">
<p>Unfortunately, you've found one of those elusive error %(code)s pages.</p>
<p>However you ended up here, I'm going to guess this isn't where you wanted to
<p>Perhaps you were looking for the <a href="/">home page</a>?</a>
<p>However you ended up here, I'm going to guess this isn't where you wanted
to be.</p>
<p>Perhaps you were looking for the <a href="/">home page</a>? If not, maybe you
can find what you need in the <a href="/archives.htm">archives</a>.</p>
""" % {'code': code}
@ -341,8 +376,8 @@ def format_xml_item(post):
""" % {'title': post.title, 'url': post.url(), 'date_2822': post.date_2822(),
'body': post.content }
""" % {'title': post.title, 'url': conf['base_url'].rstrip('/') + post.url(), \
'date_2822': post.date_2822(), 'body': post.content }
@ -435,6 +470,10 @@ def crunch_errors():
# Process pages.
def crunch_pages():
if args.verbose: print 'Building the static pages.'
# Processes all posts.
def crunch_posts():
@ -522,12 +561,20 @@ def crunch_home():
def crunch_indexes():
if args.verbose: print 'Building the indexes.'
# Start the body for the archives.htm page.
archives_body = '<div class="eleven-columns"><h3>Post Archives</h3>\n' + \
'<ul id="acc" class="square">\n'
# Grab all the years in the posts folder.
for year in os.listdir(posts_folder):
for year in sorted(os.listdir(posts_folder), reverse=True):
# Ensure that we're working with a year folder.
if re.match('\d\d\d\d', year):
if args.verbose: print 'Building indexes for ' + year + ':'
# Add an entry to archives.htm
archives_body += '<li><a href="/' + year + '">' + year + '</a>\n\t\
<ul class="circle">\n'
# Make a corresponding year folder in the build folder if it doesn't exist.
year_path = build_folder + '/' + year
@ -537,12 +584,16 @@ def crunch_indexes():
year_catch = []
# Grab all the month folders for the current year.
for month in os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year):
for month in sorted(os.listdir(posts_folder + '/' + year), reverse=True):
# Ensure we're working with a year folder.
if re.match('\d\d', month):
if args.verbose: print "\t" + month
# Add an entry to archives.htm.
archives_body += '\t\t<li><a href="/' + year + '/' + month + '">' + month \
+ '</a>\n'
# Make a corresponding month folder in the build folder if it doesn't exist.
month_path = build_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month
if not os.path.exists(month_path): os.makedirs(month_path)
@ -580,12 +631,22 @@ def crunch_indexes():
month_body += post.formatted()
month_page.body = month_body
# Write out the titles to the posts to archives.htm in ascending order.
archives_body += '\t\t\t<ul>\n'
for post in sorted(month_catch, key=lambda post: post.time, reverse=True):
archives_body += '\t\t\t\t<li><a href="' + post.url() + '">' + \
str(post.title) + '</a></li>\n'
archives_body += '\t\t\t</ul></li>\n'
# Write out the month page into the build folder.
m = open(build_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/index.htm', "w")
os.chmod(build_folder + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/index.htm', 0644)
# Close out the list of months in archive.htm
archives_body += '\t</ul></li>\n'
# Once all the posts for the current year have been processed, make a new
# Page object for the year.
year_page = Page()
@ -604,6 +665,19 @@ def crunch_indexes():
os.chmod(build_folder + '/' + year + '/index.htm', 0644)
# Close out the list of years in archive.htm
archives_body += '</ul>\n</div>'
archives_page = Page()
archives_page.title = 'Archives | ' + archives_page.title
archives_page.body = archives_body
a = open(build_folder + '/archives.htm', 'w')
os.chmod(build_folder + '/archives.htm', 0644)
# crunch_clean() deletes the build folder to clear out old ghosts.
# This function is not generally necessary as files will be overwritten
# when they are re-processed.
@ -650,11 +724,11 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# If the content is text/plain, use it for the message body. (This may accidentally
# collect certain types of forwarded messages.)
if type == 'text/plain':
body = part.get_payload()
body = body + part.get_payload()
# If the content/type starts with 'image' process the image and add it to the top
# of the body.
elif re.match('image', type, re.I):
elif'image', type, re.I):
if args.verbose: print 'Found an image.'
# Let's make sure that we have the necessary libraries for image processing.
@ -678,17 +752,22 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# Open the image with PIL.
original =
# Check for a rotated image.
# Check for a rotated image.
for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation]=='Orientation' : break
exif = dict(original._getexif().items())
if exif[orientation] == 3:
original = original.rotate(180, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 6:
original = original.rotate(270, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 8:
original = original.rotate(90, expand=True)
if original._getexif():
exif = dict(original._getexif().items())
exif = False
if not exif == False:
if args.verbose: print 'Image is rotated, correcting.'
if exif[orientation] == 3:
original = original.rotate(180, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 6:
original = original.rotate(270, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 8:
original = original.rotate(90, expand=True)
# Create empty resized var.
resized = False
@ -696,22 +775,31 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# If the image extends beyond the image_width x image_height square we
# need to resize the image and save a smaller version.
# This should not upscale any smaller images.
if original.size[0] > conf['image_width'] or original.size[1] > conf['image_height']:
if original.size[0] > conf['image_width'] or original.size[1] > \
if args.verbose: print 'Image is larger than ' + str(conf['image_width']) + \
'x' + str(conf['image_height'])
# Calculate the aspect ratio of the image.
aspect = float(original.size[0])/float(original.size[1])
# If the image is wider than it is tall, calculate the height from image_width.
# If the image is wider than it is tall, calculate the height from
# image_width.
if aspect > 1:
resized = original.resize((conf['image_width'],int(conf['image_width']/aspect)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
resized = original.resize((conf['image_width'],int(conf['image_width'] / \
aspect)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# If the image is taller than it is wider, calculate the width from image_height.
# If the image is taller than it is wider, calculate the width from
# image_height.
elif aspect < 1:
resized = original.resize((int(conf['image_height']*aspect),conf['image_height']), Image.ANTIALIAS)
resized = original.resize((int(conf['image_height']*aspect), \
conf['image_height']), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# If the image is square use image_width to set the size.
resized = original.resize((conf['image_width'], conf['image_width']), Image.ANTIALIAS)
resized = original.resize((conf['image_width'], conf['image_width']), \
if args.verbose: print 'Saving image to ' + images_folder + '/posts'
# Save the original file to the $images/posts folder. + '/posts/' + id + '.jpg')
@ -719,30 +807,39 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# If we created a resized copy, save to the $images/posts folder.
if not resized == False:
if args.verbose: print 'Saving resized image to ' + images_folder + '/posts' + '/posts/' + id + '_z.jpg')
os.chmod(images_folder + '/posts/' + id + '_z.jpg', 0644)
# If the build folder exists save the image(s) to there as well.
if os.path.exists(build_folder):
if args.verbose: print 'Saving image to ' + build_folder + '/images/posts/' + '/images/posts/' + id + '.jpg')
os.chmod(build_folder + '/images/posts/' + id + '.jpg', 0644)
if not resized == False:
if args.verbose: print 'Saving resized image to ' + build_folder + \
'/images/posts/' + '/images/posts/' + id + '_z.jpg')
os.chmod(build_folder + '/images/posts/' + id + '_z.jpg', 0644)
# Generate an image tag string based on whether we had to resize the
# image or not.
# Generate an image tag string based on whether we had to resize the image or
# not.
if resized:
if args.verbose: print 'Generating image tag (resized).'
img_tag = '<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="/images/posts/' + id + \
'.jpg"><img class="scale-with-grid" src="/images/posts/' + id + \
'_z.jpg" /></a></p>\n\n'
if args.verbose: print 'Generating image tag.'
img_tag = '<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="/images/posts/' + id + \
'.jpg"><img class="scale-with-grid" src="/images/posts/' + id + \
'.jpg" /></a></p>\n\n'
print img_tag
# Add the image tag to the top of the body.
if args.verbose: print 'Adding image tag to post.'
body = img_tag + body
if args.verbose: print 'Body:', body
@ -760,7 +857,18 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# Generate the filename for the new post.
filename = posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/%m/", email_date) + slug + \
# Check to make sure the directory exists for the new post.
if not os.path.exists(posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/%m/", email_date)):
if not os.path.exists(posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/", email_date)):
if args.verbose: print 'Making a new month folder.'
os.mkdir(posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/", email_date))
os.chmod(posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/", email_date), 0755)
if args.verbose: print 'Making a new year folder.'
os.mkdir(posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/%m/", email_date))
os.chmod(posts_folder + time.strftime("/%Y/%m/", email_date), 0755)
# Write out the post to the new file.
if args.verbose: print 'Making a new post in the posts folder.'
f = open(filename, 'w')
@ -779,8 +887,8 @@ def crunch_email(message):
# crunch_single() generates a new post file from an inputted string and returns the post
# object. crunch_single() is used for both generating from a post file, from stdin, or
# from a parsed email.
# object. Is used for both generating from a post file, from stdin, or from a parsed
# email.
def crunch_single(string):
# Create a new Post object for this new post.
post = Post()
@ -805,6 +913,15 @@ def crunch_single(string):
filename = build_folder + '/' + post.year() + '/' + post.month() + '/' + post.slug + \
if args.verbose: print 'Filename:', filename
# Check to make sure the directory exists for the new post.
if not os.path.exists(build_folder + '/' + post.year() + '/' + post.month()):
if not os.path.exists(build_folder + '/' + post.year()):
os.mkdir(build_folder + '/' + post.year())
os.chmod(build_folder + '/' + post.year(), 0755)
os.mkdir(build_folder + '/' + post.year() + '/' + post.month())
os.chmod(build_folder + '/' + post.year() + '/' + post.month(), 0755)
# Write out the page to the new file.
n = open(filename, "w")
@ -817,8 +934,8 @@ def crunch_single(string):
if args.dependencies:
# Let's rebuild the index pages for this post's year and month.
if args.verbose: print 'Rebuilding indexes for ' + post.year() + '/' + \
post.month() + ':'
if args.verbose: print 'Rebuilding indexes for ' + post.year() + '/' + post.month() \
+ ':'
# Make the year folder if it doesn't exist. (First post of a new year.)
year_path = build_folder + '/' + post.year()
@ -965,130 +1082,234 @@ def crunch_feed():
os.chmod(build_folder + '/index.xml', 0644)
# Create a specific gallery matching a string identifier.
def crunch_gallery(name):
if args.verbose: print 'Crunching gallery "' + name + '".'
if not os.path.exists(galleries_folder + '/' + name):
print 'ERROR: Gallery ' + name + ' does not exist.'
return 1
# Define some allowable image extensions.
image_extensions = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png')
# Make a destination gallery.
if not os.path.exists(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name):
os.mkdir(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name)
images = ''
# Run through the files in the directory.
for file in os.listdir(galleries_folder + '/' + name):
# Process the meta data file.
if file == '':
if args.verbose: print '\tProcessing metadata.'
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions = ['meta'])
description = md.convert(open(galleries_folder + '/' + name + '/' + file, \
# Copy all the images.
if filter(file.endswith, image_extensions):
if args.verbose: print '\tCopying image ' + file
shutil.copy(galleries_folder + '/' + name + '/' + file,
build_folder + '/'+ conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name + '/' + file)
if not'_z', file) and not'_thm', file):
i = Gallery_Image()
i.master_image = file
i.gallery_name = name
p = Page()
images += i.formatted_thumb()
p.body = i.formatted_single()
f = open(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name + '/' + \ + '.htm', 'w')
os.chmod(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name + '/' + \ + '.htm', 0644)
gal_page = Page()
leader = '<h3>' + str(md.Meta['title'][0]) + '</h3>\n<p class="small">' + \
time.strftime("posted on %Y-%m-%d at %I:%M %p",
time.localtime(float(md.Meta['date'][0]))) + '</p>'
gal_page.body = leader + description + images
gal_page.title = str(md.Meta['title'][0]) + ' | ' + gal_page.title
f = open(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name + '/index.htm', 'w')
os.chmod(build_folder + '/' + conf['galleries_folder'] + '/' + name + \
'/index.htm', 0644)
# Run crunch_gallery() for all galleries in the conf['galleries_folder'] folder.
def crunch_gallery_all():
if args.verbose: print 'Building all galleries.'
for dir in [x[0] for x in os.walk(galleries_folder)]:
if not['galleries_folder'] + '$', dir):
### Party Time.
# Setup a new blog structure.
if args.setup:
sys.stderr.write('This build case not implemented yet.\nPlease build with --clean.\n')
# Clean out the build folder.
if args.clean:
# Process an email message that is fed in through STDIN.
# Ensure that we have a build folder to use.
# Crunch the email and grab the new filename.
filename = crunch_email(email.message_from_string(
# Crunch the new post file and pass back the post object.
post = crunch_single(open(filename).read())
# Use the post object to send a confirmation email.
def main():
# Setup a new blog structure.
if args.setup:
sys.stderr.write('This build case not implemented yet.\nPlease build with --clean.\n')
# Clean out the build folder.
if args.clean:
# Just process a single post file.
if args.single:
sys.stderr.write('This build case not implemented yet.\n')
# Re-process everything.
if args.all:
if args.verbose: print 'Building it all.'
# Make sure we have a build folder to use.
# Rebuild the error pages
# Rebuild all posts.
# Rebuild all the indexes.
# Rebuild the home page.
# Rebuild the feed.
# Process an email message that is fed in through STDIN.
# Ensure that we have a build folder to use.
# Crunch the email and grab the new filename.
filename = crunch_email(email.message_from_string(
# Crunch the new post file and pass back the post object.
post = crunch_single(open(filename).read())
# Use the post object to send a confirmation email.
# We're going to do a partial rebuild.
elif args.posts or args.home or args.indexes or args.feed:
if args.verbose: print 'Selectively building.'
# Build error pages if the --error flag is set
if args.error:
# Build posts if the --posts flag is set.
if args.posts:
# Build home if the --home flag is set.
if args.home:
# Build indexes if the --indexes flag is set.
if args.indexes:
# Just process a single post file.
if args.single:
sys.stderr.write('This build case not implemented yet.\n')
# Re-process everything.
if args.all:
if args.verbose: print 'Building it all.'
# Make sure we have a build folder to use.
# Build the feed if the --feed flag is set.
if args.feed:
# Rebuild the error pages
# Rebuild all the static pages.
# Rebuild all posts.
# Rebuild all the indexes.
# Rebuild the home page.
# Rebuild the feed.
# Start up a uber-simple webserver to test the build on localhost.
if args.serve:
# Pull in the modules we need.
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
print 'Please ensure that the SimpleHTTPServer and SocketServer modules are \
installed to enable the built in webserver.'
# Make sure there's a build folder to serve.
if args.verbose: print 'Starting server.'
# Create a simple handler for HTTP GET requests.
class myHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
if args.verbose: print self.path
# For permalink compatibility, create a redirect so that '.htm'
# isn't necessary for post pages. Enable with server_redirect_htm in
# the configuration file.
if conf['server_redirect_htm']:
if re.match('/\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\w', self.path):
self.path = self.path + '.htm'
if args.verbose: print 'redirecting to ' + self.path
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
# Build the galleries.
# We're going to do a partial rebuild.
elif args.posts or args.home or args.indexes or args.feed or args.galleries or \
if args.verbose: print 'Selectively building.'
# Build error pages if the --error flag is set
if args.error:
# Build static pages if the --pages flag is set
if args.pages:
# Build posts if the --posts flag is set.
if args.posts:
# Build home if the --home flag is set.
if args.home:
# Use the handler class and setup a SocketServer instance.
handler = myHandler
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", conf['server_port']), handler)
# Build indexes if the --indexes flag is set.
if args.indexes:
# Build the feed if the --feed flag is set.
if args.feed:
# Build the galleries if the --galleries flag is set.
if args.galleries:
# Change to the build folder.
# Start up the server.
if args.verbose: print 'Server going live on port', conf['server_port']
# Start up a uber-simple webserver to test the build on localhost.
if args.serve:
# Pull in the modules we need.
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
print 'Please ensure that the SimpleHTTPServer and SocketServer modules are \
installed to enable the built in webserver.'
# Make sure there's a build folder to serve.
if args.verbose: print 'Starting server.'
# Create a simple handler for HTTP GET requests.
class myHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
if args.verbose: print self.path
# For permalink compatibility, create a redirect so that '.htm'
# isn't necessary for post pages. Enable with server_redirect_htm in
# the configuration file.
if conf['server_redirect_htm']:
if re.match('/\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\w', self.path):
self.path = self.path + '.htm'
if args.verbose: print 'redirecting to ' + self.path
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
# Use the handler class and setup a SocketServer instance.
handler = myHandler
server = False
while server == False:
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", conf['server_port']), handler)
print "Port occupied... Retrying."
# Change to the build folder.
# Start up the server.
if args.verbose: print 'Server going live on port', conf['server_port']
if __name__ == "__main__":
### End Program Stuff ###