var sqlite = require('sqlite3').verbose(); var async = require('async'); var config = require('./config.js').config; var db = new sqlite.Database(config.dbPath); // Function to get a count of current galleries // Returns count of galleries exports.countGalleries = function(cb) { db.get('SELECT count(id) as count FROM galleries;', function(err, count) { cb(count.count); }); } // Function to get a count of current photos // Returns count of tags exports.countPhotos = function(cb) { db.get('SELECT count(id) as count FROM photos;', function(err, count) { cb(count.count); }); } // Function to tag a photo with a list of tag names // Inputs: Photo ID, List of Tag names // Does not return. exports.tagPhoto = function (photoId, tags) { console.log('Deleting old tags');'DELETE FROM photoTags WHERE photoId = '+photoId+';', function(err) { console.log('Old tags deleted'); for (var i = 0, size = tags.length; i < size; i++) { getOrCreateTag(tags[i], function(row) {'INSERT INTO photoTags (photoId, tagId) \ VALUES ('+photoId+', '');', function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('Photo '+photoId+' tagged as '; } }); }); } }); } // Function to get tag ids associated with a particular photo id // Inputs: Photo ID // Returns: Records associated with tags of that photo id var getPhotoTags = function (photoId, cb) { db.all('SELECT tagId FROM photoTags WHERE photoId = '+photoId+';', function(err, rows) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var tagList = []; for (row in rows) { tagList.push(rows[row].tagId); } tagList = tagList.join(', '); console.log('Tag ids for photo '+photoId+': '+tagList); db.all('SELECT * FROM tags WHERE id IN ('+tagList+');', function(err, rows) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { cb(rows); } }) } }) } exports.getPhotoTags = getPhotoTags; // Function that returns all the photo tags as a space separated string. // Inputs: Photo ID, callback function. // Returns: callback of string with all tags separated by spaces. var getPhotoTagsAsString = function(photoId, cb) { getPhotoTags(photoId, function(tags) { var str = false; for (tag in tags) { if (!str) { str = tags[tag].name; } else { str = str + ' ' + tags[tag].name; } } console.log("Tags for photo "+photoId+": "+str); cb(str); }) } exports.getPhotoTagsAsString = getPhotoTagsAsString; // Function to get a photo record by the id of the photo // Returns the photo record exports.getPhotoById = function(id, cb) { db.get('SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id = ?', id, function(err, row) { if (err) console.log(err); cb(row); }); } // Function to create a new photo // Returns the photo id exports.createPhoto = function(title, slug, markdown, extension, mimetype, photoDate, updatedDate, createDate, path, cb) { console.log('Creating new photo: '+slug);'INSERT INTO photos (\ title, \ slug, \ description, \ path, \ extension, \ mimetype, \ photoDate, \ createDate, \ updatedDate, \ lastGenerateDate, \ lastUpload) \ VALUES (\ "'+title+'", \ "'+slug+'", \ "'+markdown+'", \ "'+path+'", \ "'+extension+'", \ "'+mimetype+'", \ "'+photoDate+'", \ "'+createDate+'", \ "'+updatedDate+'", \ (strftime("%s","1900-01-01 00:00")*1000), \ (strftime("%s","1900-01-01 00:00")*1000));', function(err, row) { if (!err) { console.log('Photo '+slug+' created.'); } else { console.log('Error: '+err); } db.get('SELECT * FROM photos WHERE title = "'+title+'" AND createDate = '+createDate+';', function(err, row){ if (err) console.log(err); cb(err, row); }) }); } // Function to update an existing post record // Returns the post object exports.updatePhoto = function(id, title, slug, markdown, photoDate, cb) { console.log("updatePost called.");'UPDATE photos SET \ title = "'+title+'", \ slug = "'+slug+'", \ description = "'+markdown+'", \ photoDate = '+helper.dateToEpoch(photoDate)+', \ updatedDate = '+helper.dateToEpoch(new Date())+' \ WHERE id = '+id+';', function(err) { console.log('updatePhoto UPDATE result: '+err); db.get('SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id = '+id+';', function(err, row) { console.log('updatePhoto SELECT result: ' + err); cb(row); }); }); }